Tornado Tag-Team Question

kurropt_antagonistPosted on 08/01/06 at 20:49:07

I'm planning on starting a new (online) circuit within the next month or so and I've decided not to have a tag-team division, but rather a tornado tag-team division.  However, I don't like the sound of tornado tag-team, especially when it comes to naming the championships.

Is there another term for tornado tag-team?  If not, would you have a suggestion for a name?
SykoholicPosted on 08/02/06 at 03:43:18

I could be mistaken but isn't "Tornado Tag Team Match" what the rest of the world calls Lucha Libre tag team rules?
PulsarPosted on 08/03/06 at 00:43:47

Tornado Tag merely means no-one stands on the ring apron. Both wrestlers from each team are involved the entire match. Lucha Libre is if you're thrown out of the ring, then your partner can come in without a tag. I could be wrong though
kurropt_antagonistPosted on 08/03/06 at 01:41:21

Meh, I think I'll just go with "Tornado Division" and "Tornado Champions".
Fighter_HayabusaPosted on 08/03/06 at 15:54:14

I used Texas Tornado rules for my X Division tag title and called it the "Team X Championship."

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/04/06 at 06:44:32

the tornado rules were created for the Von Erich/Freebirds feuds when Bronco Lubich couldn't keep control of either team and would never dq them, hence why it is Texas Tornado rules and also why Kerry went on to become the "Texas Tornado" in the then WWF.