Match Results

cbf88Posted on 08/02/06 at 06:26:32

What do you do to get the match result in the html?  I only get the results sometimes.
91Posted on 08/02/06 at 23:49:31

Do you mean this...

T.L. Hopper punches Ken Patera
The crowd is going crazy
Ken Patera punches T.L. Hopper
The crowd is vociferously booing Ken Patera
T.L. Hopper clothesline Ken Patera
T.L. Hopper does the Hopper Bop
Ken Patera executes a roll up
Buster Douglas counts: One, two, three
The crowd is vociferously irked

And so forth... if so, when you get to the play-by-play you want to save, instead of hitting enter (or whatever you usually press), hit 'H'.

If that's not what you were talking about at all, I'll be off.
cbf88Posted on 08/03/06 at 04:50:35

thank you.