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OCPW Cancelled...

ROH, Indy, and Puro Mark69Posted on 12/23/08 at 02:56:49

Due to me accidentily deleting the wrong circuit (even us dark haired guys have blonde moments) I won't be continuing the circuit, but I will start my new one soon. My new one will be based on TNA (minus the Russo style booking)
ROH, Indy, and Puro Mark69Posted on 12/23/08 at 04:02:11

By the way: about the Dawn Marie's Stalker angle, there was no stalker. It was a setup to turn Christian Cage face when the "stalker" would have been revealed as Dawn Marie's lover, Santino Marella
megatron_85Posted on 12/24/08 at 17:09:32

come on
you must restart the circuit