Re: This comes up right after the ring intros

dabirdmanPosted on 06/29/06 at 20:35:33


I had the same thing happen to me a few months ag, I sent an email to the address on the screen but it vame back as undeliverable. I searched the help thread and found out this happends because of 1 of 3 things

1) to many wrestlers Imported
2) To Many Plug ins added
3) all of the above

I tried to clean out the wrestlers and delete the plug ins but still had the same issue. I reinstalled TNM and just added the minumum wrestlers I would need and just a few plug ins and I have not had a problem since. Of course I lost my circuit and had to start over but It was still early in it's creation. If a reinstall is not an option for you I would email Oliver at his other email address
ViolentJerichoPosted on 06/30/06 at 09:37:56

Thanks a lot, I reinstalled and it's working fine now :)