Elimination Chamber bugs

Snabbit888Posted on 05/12/06 at 23:16:07

Ran into a couple of problems with the Elimination Chamber.  The first one was sorta my fault, but still I don't think should have happened.  I as trying to get the match to end with two specific wrestlers, one whom I had Booked earlier to be the only man eligible to win.  Well I couldn't get the second guy to be the final man and thus was hitting 'r' to restart it a few dozen times.  Eventually, it froze up mid match and I had to restart the entire card.

The second is when I got back to the EC the second card runthrough, when I hit 'c' to get a different finish for the final fall, it worked during the match, but when the match results popped up, it hadn't registered the change.
CrplsPosted on 05/12/06 at 23:32:09

The latter happens on battle royals too. I just use circuit editor to fix it.
Snabbit888Posted on 05/13/06 at 00:03:01

That's what I did, but I wasn't sure if it had been officially reported yet.