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3CW Long Cold Winter 12-9-06

JustinPosted on 01/13/07 at 03:04:46

A video package opens the show. The video is set to Bodyjar's cover of "Hazy Shade Of Winter". After the video, the cameras go straight to the ring for the first match.

Jay Lethal vs Christian Cage

Finish of the match:
Christian Cage whips Jay Lethal into the ropes.
Christian Cage uses a Hotshot on Jay Lethal.
Christian Cage hits Jay Lethal with a snap mare.
Christian Cage sends Jay Lethal into the turnbuckle.
Christian Cage hits a punch on Jay Lethal.
Christian Cage takes Jay Lethal down with a kick to the midsection.
Christian Cage nails Jay Lethal with a series of punches.
Christian Cage whips Jay Lethal into the ropes.
Christian Cage misses with a kick.
Christian Cage misses with an elbow.
Christian Cage goes for a Hotshot, but Jay Lethal counters it with a Thesz press.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Jay Lethal executes a reverse neckbreaker onto the knee on Christian Cage.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Jay Lethal whips Christian Cage into the ropes.
Christian Cage takes Jay Lethal down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Christian Cage executes the Unprettier on Jay Lethal.
Christian Cage further incites the crowd.
Christian Cage goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Christian Cage is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

The winner is Christian Cage. Time of match: 0:05:03

Christian Cage pinned Jay Lethal with the Unprettier in 0:05:03.
Rating: ***

After the match, Christian gets on the microphone.
CC: Tonight, Samoa Joe is going to face Kurt Angle for the 3CW Title. As far as I can tell, this match shouldn't even be taking place. Joe doesn't deserve a rematch. The reason why is simple. I won last week & not only that, but, I dominated in my match. Just like I did tonight. I should be #1 contender. But since the Board of Directors saw fit to make this match, I have no choice but go out & make everyone take notice of a real superstar. I've beaten Kurt Angle before & I know I can beat Joe. No way either of them will stop me on my way to the top. Because that's how I roll.

The Hurricane & Christopher Daniels vs The Forsaken (Air Paris & D'Lo Brown)

Finish of the match:
D'Lo Brown takes The Hurricane down with a legdrop.
D'Lo Brown goes for a stomp, but The Hurricane rolls out of the way.
The Hurricane executes the Eye Of The Hurricane on D'Lo Brown.
The Hurricane goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, ** Lita puts D'Lo Brown's foot on the rope.
The Hurricane nails D'Lo Brown with a kick to the midsection.
The Hurricane executes a running neckbreaker drop on D'Lo Brown.
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.
The Hurricane goes for a flying dropkick, but D'Lo Brown ducks out of the way.
D'Lo Brown uses a reverse neckbreaker on The Hurricane.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
D'Lo Brown works the crowd.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
D'Lo Brown executes the Lo' Down on The Hurricane.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

The winners are The Forsaken. Time of match: 0:15:23

The Forsaken (Air Paris and D'Lo Brown) defeated The Hurricane and Christopher Daniels when D'Lo pinned Hurricane with the Lo' Down in 0:15:23.
Rating: ****
[Lita interfered against The Hurricane.]

Instead of celebrating, Paris & Brown continue their assault on Hurricane & Daniels. As the crowd chants for Edge to come out, the ring is rushed by Siaki & Skipper of The Forsaken, who join in on the beating, After officials clear the ring, Siaki & Skipper remain behind for our next match.

14-Man Tag Team Battle Royal:
Elix Skipper and Sonny Siaki won a 7-team Battle Royal:
x TJ threw out R. Strong (partner: Austin Aries) in 0:01:59
x Harry threw out J. Kashmere (partner: Matt Bentley) in 0:06:10
x Prime Time threw out Carter (partner: Steven Richards) in 0:13:31
x Maven threw out Crazy (partner: Shocker) in 0:15:08
x Prime Time threw out Harry (partner: TJ Wilson) after a flying spinning leg lariat in 0:15:33
x Siaki threw out Kazarian (partner: Maven) in 0:22:14
Rating: *** 1/2
[Raven interfered against Steven Richards.]
[Veronica Caine interfered against Super Crazy.]
[Raven interfered against Maven.]
[Veronica Caine interfered against Elix Skipper.]

Footage is shown from last week of the match between Ken Kennedy & Lance Cade. After the footage, Ken Kennedy is with Melissa Martinez.
MM: Mr. Kennedy, last week.....
KK: Last week, was the fault of a momentary lapse of concentration. When I allowed myself to be distracted by Veronica Caine & gave Lance Cade the upper hand he needed to pull off the upset of the year. Well that all changes tonight. Tonight, I go to that ring with the sole purpose of beating Cade within an inch of his miserable life. That, and I will show the so-called Enterprise just who the real flagship of this company is: (inhales deeply as he takes the mic from Martinez) MISTERRRR KENNNNNEDYYYYY (pauses then looks straight into the camera) Kennedy.

Ken Kennedy vs Lance Cade

Finish of the match:
Ken Kennedy nails Lance Cade with a Hotshot.
Ken Kennedy works the crowd.
The crowd is behind Ken Kennedy all the way.
Ken Kennedy hits a forearm to the back on Lance Cade.
Ken Kennedy hits Lance Cade with a splash.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ken Kennedy nails Lance Cade with a somersault senton.
Ken Kennedy executes a kick to the midsection on Lance Cade.
Ken Kennedy executes a belly-to-back suplex on Lance Cade.
Ken Kennedy covers Lance Cade.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Ken Kennedy nails Lance Cade with a DDT.
Ken Kennedy puts Lance Cade in an abdominal stretch.
Lance Cade tries to escape the hold.
Ken Kennedy lets go after 13 seconds.
Ken Kennedy catches Lance Cade in an abdominal stretch.
Lance Cade gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 8 seconds.
Ken Kennedy attempts to place Lance Cade on the turnbuckle, but Lance Cade blocks it.
** Veronica Caine enters the ring and hits Ken Kennedy with a chair.
Lance Cade is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Mike Sparks disqualifies Lance Cade.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ken Kennedy.

The winner is Ken Kennedy. Time of match: 0:14:25

Ken Kennedy defeated Lance Cade by disqualification in 0:14:25.
Rating: * 3/4
[Veronica Caine interfered against Ken Kennedy.]

Samoa Joe is backstage with Melissa Martinez.
MM: Samoa Joe, earlier tonight Christian Cage said he felt that you shouldn't even be facing off tonight since you lost the title 3 weeks ago.
SJ: Well, Christian should keep his feelings to himself. But, maybe he's right, maybe I shouldn't be going for the title tonight. What should have happened is that I should have been granted an automatic rematch against Kurt Angle. But since Bryan Danielson challenged me last week, I did what I had to do. What I've been doing for years: proving that I'm the best. I'll give Christian credit. He is one hell of a great athlete. He can probably beat most of this entire roster if he set his mind to it. But his small stature makes it hard to carry an entire promotion on his back. My shoulders are broad enough to get the job done. And if he gets in the ring with me, his will only be good enough for getting pinned to the mat. Make no mistake about it Melissa, I am Samoa Joe, and I will get back that title by any means necessary. So Kurt Angle, you better be ready. I'm coming for you.

AJ Styles & Rey Mysterio vs The NYC

Finish of the match:
Johnny Swinger tags out to Glenn Gilberti.
AJ Styles enters the ring and throws Johnny Swinger out of the ring.
The crowd erupts.
Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles whip Glenn Gilberti into the ropes.
Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles hit Glenn Gilberti with a double dropkick.
AJ Styles leaves the ring.
Rey Mysterio executes a series of jabs on Glenn Gilberti.
The crowd erupts.
Glenn Gilberti begs off.
Rey Mysterio tags out to AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for an armbar submission, but Glenn Gilberti blocks it.
Glenn Gilberti hits AJ Styles with a clothesline.
Glenn Gilberti hits an inverted atomic drop on AJ Styles.
Glenn Gilberti hits a vertical suplex on AJ Styles.
Glenn Gilberti goes for a chokehold, but AJ Styles blocks it.
AJ Styles hits a power bomb onto the knee on Glenn Gilberti.
AJ Styles hits Glenn Gilberti with a clothesline.
AJ Styles locks Glenn Gilberti in the Muta lock.
Glenn Gilberti breaks the hold with a punch after 8 seconds.
Glenn Gilberti hits an elbowsmash on AJ Styles.
Glenn Gilberti tags out to Johnny Swinger.
Rey Mysterio enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Glenn Gilberti goes for a clothesline, but AJ Styles ducks out of the way.
Glenn Gilberti leaves the ring.
AJ Styles hits the Pele kick on Johnny Swinger.
AJ Styles executes the Styles Clash on Johnny Swinger.
AJ Styles goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winners are AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio. Time of match: 0:15:11

AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio defeated The NYC (Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger) when Styles pinned Swinger with the Styles Clash in 0:15:11.
Rating: *** ½

A video is shown of Edge's remarks from last week about going through anyone to get another shot at the 3CW TV Title. After the video, Bobby Roode & Scott D'Amore are in the ring & Roode is about to speak.
BR: There it is for the world to see. Straight out of his own mouth, Edge said he'd face anyone to get another chance to fight for the TV Title. Well Edge, I'm right here. Why don't you try & go through me.
"YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME" Edge's music plays as the "Rated R Superstar" steps onto the runway.
E: Bobby, I think the beating you took a few weeks ago from Joe, Danielson, & Angle is still affecting your brain. Now, let me get this straight; since you couldn't hang in the Heavyweight Title division, you're going to back peddle & try your hand for lesser gold. Unfortunately for you Bobby-boy, you want to step into not only into a Warzone, but, the middle of a proverbial mine field. You see, this war between Raven & myself isn't just about a title. It's about my revenge against a man that not only took my woman, but, tried to take my pride & dignity by bloodying me over, and over, and over again. The only reason I want another shot at the gold he carries around, is because it will make that much sweeter when I beat him, to take his precious title & strip him of his "destiny". But, you're right. I did say I would face anyone to get that shot again. So, if you're that cock-sure of your abilities, I'm more than happy to oblige you & show Raven the ass kicking he has in store for him.

Edge vs Bobby Roode

Finish of the match:
Edge executes a vertical suplex on Bobby Roode.
Edge whips Bobby Roode into the turnbuckle.
Edge runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Edge nails Bobby Roode with a chop.
Edge hits a forearm to the back on Bobby Roode.
Edge attempts to place Bobby Roode on the turnbuckle, but Bobby Roode blocks it.
Edge executes a bodyslam on Bobby Roode.
Edge hits Bobby Roode with a kick to the midsection.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Edge hits a clothesline on Bobby Roode.
Edge hits an inverted atomic drop on Bobby Roode.
Edge whips Bobby Roode into the ropes.
Edge misses with an elbow.
Bobby Roode executes the Northern Lariat on Edge.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Bobby Roode goes for the pin.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Bobby Roode whips Edge into the ropes.
Edge executes the Spear on Bobby Roode.
Edge goes for the pin.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, **D'Lo Brown enters the ring and hits Edge with a steel chair.
Jimmy Korderas disqualifies Bobby Roode.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is Edge. Time of match: 0:11:55

Edge pinned Bobby Roode by disqualification in 0:11:55.
Rating: *** 1/2
[Scott D'Amore and D'Lo Brown interfered against Edge.]

Footage is shown of the past encounters between Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle. After the video, Kurt Angle's music plays as the 3CW Champion comes to the ring for the main event

For the 3CW Title:
Kurt Angle (c ) vs Samoa Joe

Finish of the match:
Kurt Angle whips Samoa Joe into the ropes.
Samoa Joe executes a Yakuza kick on Kurt Angle.
Samoa Joe goes for a Texas Cloverleaf, but Kurt Angle blocks it.
Kurt Angle punches Samoa Joe.
Kurt Angle punches Samoa Joe.
Kurt Angle is being booed out of the building.
Samoa Joe kicks Kurt Angle.
Kurt Angle punches Samoa Joe.
The crowd is vociferously booing Kurt Angle.
Kurt Angle chops Samoa Joe.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Kurt Angle sends Samoa Joe into the turnbuckle.
Kurt Angle runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Kurt Angle runs into the ropes.
Kurt Angle uses a clothesline on Samoa Joe.
Kurt Angle executes a forearm to the back on Samoa Joe.
Kurt Angle hits a hiptoss on Samoa Joe.
Kurt Angle uses a European uppercut on Samoa Joe.
Kurt Angle throws Samoa Joe out of the ring.
Nick Patrick counts: one, ** Kurt Angle distracts Nick Patrick.
** Christian Cage hits Samoa Joe with the Unprettier on the concrete floor.
Samoa Joe is out cold.
Nick Patrick is back on the job: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Ringside is quickly filling up with debris.

The winner is Kurt Angle. Time of match: 0:08:10

Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe by countout in 0:08:10.
Rating: ***
(Kurt Angle retained the Third Coast Wrestling Title.)
[Christian Cage interfered against Samoa Joe.]

After the match:
Christian grabs the 3CW Title belt from the time keeper's table & gets in the ring to celebrate with Kurt Angle. As Angle turns to work the crowd, Christian stares at the belt in his hands. Just as Angle turns back to face him, Christian levels the champion with his own title. Christian then lifts Angle up & delivers the Unprettier onto the title, busting Angle open. As the show goes off the air, the camera closes in on Christian posing with the bloody title.

Card rating: ***
JustinPosted on 02/01/07 at 04:18:56

Just taking a brief hiatus... 3CW will be back soon... just have a creative block right now. After I get my head straight, it'll be back & better than ever.