
RavynPosted on 04/12/06 at 13:38:42

Hi Guys,

Anyone know of anywhere that I can find sound clips of interviews, promos, ramblings, etc?


UnrightPosted on 04/12/06 at 23:46:20

Hmm. depends.

Are you looking for a specific person? Are you looking for in character promos, or just wrestler interviews?

What's the general purpose?
RavynPosted on 04/13/06 at 00:08:54

In character promos, to get speech patterns and speaking style right
RavynPosted on 04/20/06 at 14:06:49

Anyone know where I can download sound bites from promos from WWF, WCW, etc?
Rick GarrardPosted on 04/21/06 at 04:51:28

since WWE owns all of said sound bites requested, you, just like "Above Average" Mike Sanders was in WCW, are S-O-L... and you all know what that means.

You're best bet is to check out whatever free clips they might be showing on this month.
UnrightPosted on 04/21/06 at 06:34:54

Try some searches on

The WWE is currently suing them to remove all the WWE copyrighted videos, but there still is a lot of stuff there. It's worth a shot.
MatteusPosted on 05/01/06 at 20:15:31

A tad late, but one of the biggest favors I've recently done for myself is going to and checking out the video rosters they have near the bottom right of the page. It gives you a decent, although not outstanding, feel of the wrestlers' styles in terms of wrestling and interviews. Also the other video recaps help occassionally too. Cheers!
