Move List Help

beatnikjonPosted on 03/26/06 at 00:03:38

Can someone please help me out? I'm trying to find a complete movelist of all the moves in TNM7.  Any current please. Not the one on Josh Liller's TNM 3:16 web site. Thanks!
phudjiePosted on 03/26/06 at 00:34:41

.....there is no way to do this really, one person's move database may be completely different than someone elses, moves have diferent spellings, damages, etc. I'm pretty sure that my database is much different than most - there isn't an official move database, and also anybody can create exports and moves of/for anyone or anything they want, I'm pretty sure that if everybody here were to post their move lists , each one would be different.....
John ProulxPosted on 03/26/06 at 03:20:49

Well, if you're talking about only "official" moves, there's one way to do it, assuming you have a lot of time on your hands. You could download and import every wrestler file from the main page (making sure to delete them periodically) and, when you're done, you'll have the full list. Of course, most of us have move databases that also include moves used by wrestlers downloaded from TNM UK or other sources, or from wrestlers we've created ourselves, so you'll have to do the work yourself, unfortunately.
beatnikjonPosted on 03/26/06 at 06:20:21

im talking about the standard one that comes with TNM7
CrplsPosted on 03/26/06 at 22:10:51

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