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Re: [IWF] Imperia Wrestling Federation Introductio

suicidalbynaturePosted on 07/24/06 at 07:59:29

just curious but is your jimmy dragon THE jimmy dragon of the old tnm7 forum fame? i remember on the old site there was somebody who would post about how they had an export of a wrestler named jimmy dragon who could not lose and other people would send their exports to the poster in an attempt to beat him. if it is you then it's a small world.
JDragonPosted on 07/26/06 at 00:32:37

This is so f*ing incredible  ;D

@suicidalbynature, back then I started a topic because I had created Jimmy Dragon in TNM and he was somehow unable to lose...Brandon then recruited me and I started E-Wrestling using Jimmy Dragon as a character...well that was SEVEN YEARS AGO and you remember it  :o

This is incredible  :D

BTW, of course, the push I had used was 100 (in TNM 6), but still he beat any other wrestler (I had put the others' push at 100 as well) and then he had a record of 54-0 or something...well then I posted here and the rest is history.

Of course, if I had wanted him to lose, I should've reduced the push...but forget about that, Jimmy Dragon has gone far beyond being a TNM export. I used him in e-wrestling from 1999 till 2002/03 (which is when I more or less quit due to time restrictions).
rey619Posted on 07/26/06 at 10:46:33

Maybe you should get Snabbit to set you up with your own sub-forum? You produce quite a lot more cards than everyone else.
JDragonPosted on 07/26/06 at 12:00:42

Some comments upon reading the cards:

  • Gold Rush Invitational was an impressive card the way I see it, and the main event was incredible. Wow! Do you keep track of attendance figures and the like?

  • September Slam, on the other hand, was a little bit of a letdown compared to the preceding show. Sabu vs RVD ending in a small package win after a low blow by Sabu is ridiculous! Still, I think you managed it alright by inserting the interview, there's a feud coming up I guess. Why did Dawson Polaris interfere in the main event against Erik Watts? Would've hoped for some kind of explanation (like Dawson wants Dragon to keep the belt till he gets the chance to take it from him).

  • Tatsumi Fujinami seems to be a loser although he might have potential, considering all matches he loses in are highly rated. --- Wait: After "Shadows of Destiny" that might not be valid any more!!

  • It should be noted that Jimmy Dragon is only half Japanese.

  • I don't expect "Team Japan" to last very long, as Dragon doesn't need the rest and it's hard to keep up a dominating team in a "unipolar" federation without turning the members heel very quick in the viewer's eye. The team of Anselmo, Hart, Taz, Vampiro and the Undertaker is only a war games faction as I understand it?!