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Re: [IWF] September Slam (09/12/1999)

CarlzillaPosted on 07/25/06 at 10:38:24

Can do, as I'm only 17 at this point in history, I think I'll stay out of the ring...just to keep the timeline in order, Petey Anselmo should just consider himself lucky  ;-P

As far as my team, I'll PM you that way it'll be a suprise for anyone else reading.

Snabbit888Posted on 07/25/06 at 23:50:28

I think the main problem I'm having with this circuit isn't necessarily that you're using fantasy wrestlers.  I've seen circuits mix the two and it would quite well (i.e. Matt Harms' NAWA).  My biggest beef is that your fantasy guys are on this whole other level from the real guys.  Like in these cards I've read, I haven't once thought that the real wrestlers have any chance at all against your fantasy guys.  It looks like this circuit, at this point anyway, is a displayed for your cool characters instead of your booking skills.  Does that make any sense without sounding like I'm just being a dick?
HugeRockStar760Posted on 07/25/06 at 23:53:52

I don't know if I missed the post about the fantasy characters, but whenever fantasy wrestlers are used, they should always be explained thoroughly. Otherwise, you know what they're all about, but the reader is left clueless.

I don't really get the point of including a TNM User in the results of a card either. I know you're trying to make this interactive but it comes off silly. Why would any wrestling promotion book a WarGames card with a then 17 year old picking his team?
CarlzillaPosted on 07/26/06 at 04:54:53

The fact that he is using me in an angle isn't that big of a deal, just imagine me as a plant. I mean the WWE worked the IWC with the Matt Hardy/Lita/Edge deal, although in a different way. If you can suspend disbelief for a lot of other things in wrestling, then you certainly can for this. Besides, if this was on a WWE program it would probably be one of the more believable storylines.
HugeRockStar760Posted on 07/26/06 at 06:47:09

On 07/26/06 at 04:47:59, Anubis wrote:

I get what you're saying.  Just gimme more three cards to get things going. :P

In my "introduction" post, I gave links to the detailed bios for all the fantasy wrestlers.

It's fun!  Is any other reason needed?
I stand corrected. Thanks for the bio information.