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New ECW Fed?

The Bizz 2.0Posted on 07/22/06 at 19:22:51

- think I'm just gonna make another ECW Fed, and dis-continue mine. I think I made a mistake going in the direction where the real ECW went (suspending RVD), right now I'm stuck in a ditch with my story lines and I have no idea where to go. The ideas I came up with are lame and predictable, so I think I'm either gonna nix it or just rewind time and act like the suspension never happend.

-IF I decide to nix it, the new ECW fed ima do is basically whats happening right now. Current roster, current champions, current storylines--- all that jazz.

-If you guys can, jus tell me what you guys would like to see happen.

-Biz  8)
HugeRockStar760Posted on 07/22/06 at 19:32:14

I don't see how not having RVD around for 30 days is a detriment. The real ECW seems to be getting around that just fine, for now.

I say stick with what you're doing now. Starting and stopping circuits can be really frustrating.
Rick GarrardPosted on 07/23/06 at 06:45:24

lame and predictable can be good things for a longer running circuit.  ;)

Because eventually, something crazy will happen that wasn't predictable and it will get a bigger reaction, than if you are trying to do a "shock value" circuit, where each week tops the prior week.
VertigoPosted on 07/23/06 at 17:16:10

I like to go in the obvious directions with storylines because it's easier on my brain and the writeups.

I'll let TNM throw a wrench into the works rather than me try to come up with some elaborate swerve. TNM can give you whole new ideas from it's finishes, random runins, occassional injuries, and worker who quits effective immediatly.
Snabbit888Posted on 07/23/06 at 21:07:00

Exactly... just because something is logical or predictable doesn't necessarily mean it's bad and boring.  The DX reunion was highly predictable, but it has still been a lot of fun.  And every circuit goes through those lulls where it doesn't seem to be the most exciting thing on the planet.  It just makes it so when the big thing does happen, it seems that much more important.
Psymin1Posted on 07/24/06 at 05:56:47

*Rope is tied to the beam above me and the noose is around the neck.  I'm standing on the chair...starting to rock it over*

I think you get the point.  Please, don't stop this fed.

Rick GarrardPosted on 07/24/06 at 06:09:27

*walks up to chair, pulls out a knife, procedes to sharpen knife on legs of chair...*

*watches Psymin try to kick chair from under himself in futility*

*Laughs the evil laugh*

*pulls out gun, and shoots*

*hush falls over the room*

*suddenly a huge thud, as the rope begins falling from the ceiling and entangling the hapless Psymin who has crashed through the chair upon impact*


Creative writing 101, just when the audience thinks they know where you are going based on where you have taken them already, change the path of the where you are heading.  :)