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What if...

JustinPosted on 07/16/06 at 18:31:14

I've decided to take up the challenge of the latest "What if...". So after winning the lottery & opening my very own promotion (called Revolution Pro Wrestling) I have gone out & hired a 20 man roster (starting heat ratings will be in parenthesis)

D'Lo Brown (4)
Kanyon (4)
Mikey Whipwreck (4)
Steve Corino (4)
Jay & Mark Bridcoe (1 each)
Savio Vega (4)
Johnny Swinger (4)
Glen Gilberti (4)
Ken Shamrock (4)
Brock Lesnar (6)
Lance Storm (4)
Tom Carter (1)
Shawn Stasiak (4)
Nigel McGuinness (1)
Mike Awesome (4)
Honky Tonk Man (5)
Diamond Dallas Page (6)
Billy Kidman (4)
Randy Savage (7)

This circuit will be run following Rick's Old School Rules, and the first show should be posted soon. I'll still be working on 3CW as well so Iwill posting slower so I can write them both.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 07/17/06 at 05:48:01

Looks like an interesting roster.  A couple quick comments:

Nigel McGuinness is 220 lbs according to TNM, so he would start with a 2 Heat rating.

Jay Briscoe is 230 according to TNM, so he would also start with 2 Heat.

According to the scenario, Lance Storm is in retirement and will only come out of retirement to join you if your champion has a workrate of 90.

Finally, while I don't think I mentioned anything in the scenario, Brock Lesnar is under a WWE No-Compete clause until 2010.  While it has been successfully contested so that he can compete in Japan or in MMA, I believe that he is still unable to compete in American pro-wrestling.  Thus, while using him doesn't violate the rules as written, it does go against the spirit of the scenario.  It's up to you whether you replace him.

Since Rick's rules rely heavily on bringing in wrestlers with the M key, you may want to consider pre-generating a random list of elligable talent to ensure you stay true to the restrictions.

Finally, I'd be interested to see a list of how over your wrestlers were every few cards.  Just so it'd be easier to track the rise and fall of new stars.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
JustinPosted on 07/17/06 at 13:07:38

To keep in spirit I will replace Lance & Brock. To be safe with Rick's rules & the "M" key; I have set up a second TNM on my computer with only US talent that would be elligable, plus foreign talent for short term programs.

Muhammed Hassan (4)

Lance Storm
Afa Jr. (2)
JustinPosted on 07/18/06 at 04:08:16

As I said in my post for RPW Thunder... I had a TNM problem & had to start this "What If" So I got a new roster & will be starting all over from scratch.

New Roster (heat in parenthesis):

Jay Briscoe (1)
Mark Briscoe (2)
Marty Jannetty (4)
Apolo (3)
Afa Jr. (2)
DDP (6)
Maven (4)
Dustin Rhodes (4)
Tajiri (4)
Chris Cage [former OVW] (2)

Sean O'Haire (4)
Chris Divine (1)
Quiet Storm (1)
Kaos (2)
Gangrel (4)
Muhammed Hassan (4)
Supreme (2)
Steve Corino (4)
Mike Sanders (3)
Rodney Mack (3)

Still gonna use Rick's Old School.
Rick GarrardPosted on 07/18/06 at 06:17:26

The rules, baby, the rules!!  :)  I need to pull down a copy of the RUFF roster from the net and put together a card or two for it when I have the chance, as I have come up with a couple of potential characters for it, the last couple of days while watching old interviews from the legends.  

The Daddy family... featuring the likes of Daddy Daddy, Baby Daddy, Brother Daddy, Pally Daddy, Sonny Daddy, and the Granddaddy of them all, Daddy Daddy Daddy!