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Re: [TEW] The Harwell Dynasty... IWF

Murphy42782Posted on 03/09/06 at 03:31:15

the keldon warlord is a character in Magic: The gathering
Psymin1Posted on 03/09/06 at 04:53:44

Great stuff here, Brandon.  Really, I am surprised that the final segment only got a B grade.  I thought that that was the best part of the night.  It's great to see Dreamer back, and a fued with Goldberg is a great idea.

I didn't really understand why you had Savage deliver two interviews in one night, but, I guess that's your perogative.  And I am VERY interested to see how in the hell you're going to book a Warrior/Savage vs. Daniels/Williams fued.  When I read it, I thought that it was ridiculous, and I still do a bit, but I also think it could be the start of something very interesting.

So, overall, good show.  Kind of a dissapointing Card Rating, but I'm sure things will improve as time goes on and you get more of the workers you want.

rey619Posted on 03/10/06 at 14:00:18

Your promotion is brand new, it probably has to do with your overness. Post about it on the message boards, not every wrestling game has a service-minded creator such as TNM.

I do feel your frustration though, I had 12 people come see my Shimmer Debut. And how can I possibly make an income when the owner Dave Prazak pulls out 8000 bucks a month and still tells me to make a profit?

rebelins313Posted on 03/12/06 at 06:41:42

Good stuff so far but it pains me to see B-Boy as a glorified jobber but to each their own!  I'm enjoying reading and keep it up, you post more cards than anyone else on the forums so that's cool.

rey619Posted on 03/12/06 at 23:54:41

I have some problems viewing Jimmy Rave as nothing but a whiny, arrogant, spoiled brat, so him not being intimidated by Goldberg... weird. I'm really not sure how I feel about all the old-timers mixing it up with the young talent here, but I guess you're doing it to get them over faster.

How were you able to pull in such talent as Goldberg, Piper, Tenay and Styles by the way? I'm not sure how it works in TEW when you form your own promotion.. do you start with a certain amount of prestige and money based on how you did in RoH?
Psymin1Posted on 03/17/06 at 19:13:19

That was awesome!  I am pretty far behind, so I'll say that I was quite pissed when Dreamer couldn't get the job done against Goldberg.  But, having Jimmy Dragon beat Goldberg was excellent.  You had a great write up for the match, too.  

Also, I will admit that I am sad to see the Ultimate Maniacs go, as that was a damn good fued.  But, that's the way it goes.  And it was great to see Styles, Low-Ki, Aries, and...Liddell?  Well, I guess you do run some PRIDE rules matches sometimes, so that makes sense, I guess.  And you gotta love Balls Mahoney; maybe he'll be moving up the card a bit in the future?  I guess time will tell.

And color me jealous because Alex Shelley got a good rating for you!  I cannot get that guy over for the life of me in TEW!  Also, as a new owner/player of TEW, I have to request that I think it would be very interesting if you could post the match grade aswell as the TNM equavilent rating.  I'm also curious if you use the storyline part of TEW, or if you just do it on your own w/o the actual advancing storyline points.

Anyway, it was a great card(s).  I look forward to seeing where things go from here, as It seems a few fueds have come to an end.

rey619Posted on 03/20/06 at 12:34:23

I think having Danielson defeat Goldberg for the title was a great idea, he is probably the only one who can be a credible contender for Goldberg. The new name though... not a big fan...

I once had a heel Danielson in a circuit under the moniker American Psycho Bryan Danielson.. that was pretty funny.

Anyway, keep it up.
UnrightPosted on 03/22/06 at 12:17:19

Lucha fed AAA is the most over in the US??  :o

I agree with Rey on the Danielson name change. I know you're matching up with names from a fantasty fed, but it's just mighty peculiar for someone to up and declare themselves a new name.