Problem using the 'winner' option

BenZenPosted on 01/18/06 at 08:06:33

Hi, i have a problem putting winners of previous matches in a later scheduled match ... Every time I try to, the following message is shown:

"The mystery/random wrestlers you have selected have produced a lockup. Please scrap the match and redo it."

Of course, redoing it doesn't solve my problem. Anyone know what could be wrong?  ???
rey619Posted on 01/18/06 at 10:55:01

I have also encountered similar problems when using that option in connection with winners of battle royals, tournaments and random wrestlers.. dunno what's causing it.
BenZenPosted on 01/18/06 at 13:02:51

Hm, I seemed to have an early version of the Build 4 Release. I've just downloaded an updated my TNM with the newest beta version and that error doesn't occur again ...  :)