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TNA Wrestling

WWFLives313Posted on 12/24/05 at 20:03:21

    NWA-TNA. What comes to your mind when you hear that? To me, Harley Race comes to mind. Ric Flair. Barry Whindam. Sting. Basically, Wrastling. I want to change that, and what better way to do it then to proclaim NWA-TNA, as Total Nonstop Action (TNA). NWA is dead, and has been for the past few years, maybe even a decade. I am giving TNA a whole new look and prospective, heres what's been happening.
    Jerry Jarret sold the promotion to an unknown man who proclaims that will change TNA forever. He will give TNA the look it needs, the style it needs, and the mind it needs to be bigger than WWE. That means, Jeff Jarret will not be the biggest part of the show every single TV Taping or PPV. It means that there will be no more Sting, or Kevin Nash, or Scott Hall. Just straight forward, Wrestling. The way it was meant to be seen.
    Every single taping we have seen for (The real life) NWA-TNA, we have seen wrestlers pushed aside as if they were just a toy, when they really are great mid-card wrestlers. I am giving those men a platform to be big, as I introduce a new title to (my league) TNA. The Television title will give the wrestlers a platform to show what they got.
    Tell me what you think, and the things you would like to see.
Ghost Mask IIIPosted on 12/24/05 at 22:57:16

Good luck and have fun with your circuit.