Help with TweakCirc

rebelins313Posted on 01/04/06 at 22:32:13

Hey guys, I just purchased TweakCirc and got my codes in, registered it and everything but I'm having problems running it.  When I go tot he "plugins" screen under the Circuit menu it doesn't do anything and when I go the NEWPLUGS subfolder and click on it, it says I need an updated version of TNM.  I have TNM7, I purchased it a while back but it's up to date as far as I know.  Any suggestions?

UnrightPosted on 01/04/06 at 22:48:47

Might seem like a stupid question, but did you try downloading the newest build of TNM7SE?
rebelins313Posted on 01/04/06 at 23:22:08

I don't know if I have the latest version or not, I got this version earlier in 2005.  Will it mess up my TNM registration if I d/l the new version because I don't have my codes anymore.  :/

UnrightPosted on 01/05/06 at 01:01:23

The red strip at the bottom of your TNM screen should indicate your current version.
rebelins313Posted on 01/05/06 at 08:00:34

So it turned out I had Build 3 instead of Build 4, I installed Build 4 and everything is working okay but TweakCirc still won't run for me.  Any ideas on what I could do to alleviate the problem?

UnrightPosted on 01/05/06 at 21:55:55

Hmm.. I was hoping that would work.

Did TNM already install TweakCirc and it won't run, or is it not installing (you mentioned it still being in the NEWPLUGS folder)?

Also, have you tried e-mail Oliver directly?
rebelins313Posted on 01/06/06 at 01:21:31

As far as I know I've got it installed correctly, I did it the same way I've done other plugins I've used.  *shrugs*  I guess I'll e-mail Oliver, if anyone out there has any tips though feel free to post.  Appreciate the help though Unright, you rule.

rebelins313Posted on 01/06/06 at 01:34:28

Well guys, I'm a total dipshit.  After looking around a little bit and deciding I'd just have to bore down and figure it out I found the problem, some of the files for TweakCirc were split up in the TNM folders for some odd reason so I just deleted everything, dl'ed it and re-installed then voila!  It's here.  

Thanks once again to Unright.  :D
UnrightPosted on 01/06/06 at 01:51:50

It's cool.. Glad you got it all figured out.