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Global Wrestling Empire Week 47 5/17/06

MattHarmsPosted on 09/05/05 at 17:00:28

Matt Striker, Jerelle Clark, and Cassidy Riley vs Jay Lethal, Kid Kash, and Jason Cross

They lock up.
Jerelle Clark nails Kid Kash with a kick to the head.
Jerelle Clark throws Kid Kash out of the ring.
Jerelle Clark goes outside.
Jerelle Clark shoves Kid Kash into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Rudy Charles counts:  1.
Kid Kash throws Jerelle Clark into the ringsteps.
Kid Kash is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
Rudy Charles counts:  2.
Jason Cross comes over to make it two-on-one.
Cassidy Riley comes over and lays out Jason Cross.
Jerelle Clark and Cassidy Riley hit Kid Kash with a double dropkick.
Jerelle Clark whips Kid Kash into the guardrail.
Rudy Charles counts:  3.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Kid Kash throws Jerelle Clark into the guardrail.
Kid Kash nails Jerelle Clark with a bulldog.
[ portion of match removed ]
Cassidy Riley takes Kid Kash down with a chop.
Cassidy Riley knocks Kid Kash into the ringsteps.
The crowd is starting to get behind Cassidy Riley.
Cassidy Riley uses a spinebuster on Kid Kash.
Cassidy Riley climbs back into the ring.
Kid Kash follows him back in.
Cassidy Riley hits a dropkick on Kid Kash.
Cassidy Riley whips Kid Kash into the ropes.
Cassidy Riley misses with a shoulderblock.
Kid Kash hits Cassidy Riley with a shoulderblock.
Kid Kash runs into the ropes.
Cassidy Riley uses a chop on Kid Kash.
Cassidy Riley catches Kid Kash in a side headlock.
There is no referee there to ask Kid Kash.
Rudy Charles crawls over to the ropes and uses them to get up.
Kid Kash breaks the hold after 9 seconds.
Kid Kash nails Cassidy Riley with spinning headscissors.
[ portion of match removed ]
Matt Striker goes for a brain buster, but Kid Kash slides down his back.
Kid Kash takes Matt Striker down with a rolling reverse cradle.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Kid Kash kicks Matt Striker.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Kid Kash kicks Matt Striker.
The crowd is booing Kid Kash.
Kid Kash goes for a spinning DDT, but Matt Striker counters it with a backdrop.
Matt Striker gets pumped up.
The crowd is starting to get behind Matt Striker.
Matt Striker hits Kid Kash with spinning headscissors.
Matt Striker goes for the Ace Crusher, but Kid Kash blocks it.
Kid Kash tags out to Jay Lethal.
Jay Lethal goes for a dragon suplex, but Matt Striker blocks it.
Matt Striker uses a dropkick on Jay Lethal.
Jerelle Clark enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Matt Striker and Jerelle Clark hit Jay Lethal with a double dropkick.
[ portion of match removed ]
Jay Lethal executes a bodyslam on Matt Striker.
Jay Lethal uses a chop on Matt Striker.
Jay Lethal goes for a vertical suplex, but Matt Striker blocks it.
Matt Striker nails Jay Lethal with a low blow.
Matt Striker executes a forearm smash on Jay Lethal.
Matt Striker executes the Running Forearm Smash on Jay Lethal.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Matt Striker hits spinning headscissors on Jay Lethal.
Matt Striker hits Jay Lethal with a low blow.
Matt Striker uses an inverted power bomb on Jay Lethal.
The crowd is starting to get behind Matt Striker.
Matt Striker executes the Running Forearm Smash on Jay Lethal.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Matt Striker executes a dropkick on Jay Lethal.
Matt Striker runs into the ropes.
Matt Striker nails Jay Lethal with the Running Forearm Smash.
Rudy Charles counts: One, shoulder up.
Matt Striker executes a kick to the head on Jay Lethal.
Matt Striker uses a series of stomps on Jay Lethal.
Jerelle Clark enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Matt Striker and Jerelle Clark hit Jay Lethal with a double dropkick.
Jerelle Clark leaves the ring.
Matt Striker takes Jay Lethal down with a dropkick.
Jerelle Clark enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Matt Striker and Jerelle Clark whip Jay Lethal into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Jay Lethal with a double fist to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
The crowd is booing Jay Lethal.
Jerelle Clark leaves the ring.
Jay Lethal hits a side suplex on Matt Striker.
Jay Lethal tags out to Kid Kash.
Kid Kash nails Matt Striker with a spinning heel kick.
A fan at ringside badmouths Kid Kash.
Kid Kash takes Matt Striker down with a Frankensteiner from the top rope.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, in the ropes...
[ portion of match removed ]
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jason Cross executes a reverse neckbreaker on Matt Striker.
Jason Cross throws Matt Striker into the guardrail.
Rudy Charles counts:  4.
Jason Cross strikes an arrogant pose.
A fan at ringside badmouths Jason Cross.
Jason Cross uses a frog splash on Matt Striker.
Jason Cross climbs back into the ring.
Matt Striker rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Jason Cross executes the Crossfire on Matt Striker.
Jason Cross goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

Kid Kash, Jay Lethal and Jason Cross defeated
Matt Striker, Jerelle Clark and Cassidy Riley when J. Cross pinned Striker
with the Crossfire in 0:16:05.
Rating: *** 1/4

High flying, high risk action, as only the folks in the X-Division can prodroce. Cross scored the pin on Matt Striker with the Crossfire. Jason Cross could be a challenger for the Global X-Division Title in the future, as he showed that he had the skills tonight.

Chavo Guerrero Jr is backstage, pacing. It seems that Paul Heyman has put him in a match against the Second City Saints tonight but has neglected to assign him a partner. Chavo says that he needs a partner and anyone would do. Out of nowhere La Parka walks up to Chavo, dancing and strutting. Chavo sighs and says that Parka will have to do.

Sonjay Dutt vs Christopher Daniels

They lock up.
Christopher Daniels hits Sonjay Dutt with a vertical facebuster.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Sonjay Dutt hits Christopher Daniels with a shoulderblock.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a DDT, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels executes a rana on Sonjay Dutt.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for a rana, but Sonjay Dutt counters it with
a power bomb.
Mark Johnson counts: One, shoulder up.
Sonjay Dutt executes a DDT on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is really behind Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a forearm smash, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits Sonjay Dutt with an elbow.
Christopher Daniels is going for the cover.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels goes for a DDT, but Sonjay Dutt blocks it.
Sonjay Dutt takes Christopher Daniels down with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Sonjay Dutt hits Christopher Daniels.
There are lots of chants for Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt hits Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is going crazy.
Sonjay Dutt hits Christopher Daniels with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a hiptoss, but Christopher Daniels reverses it.
In turn, Sonjay Dutt counters it with a lariat.
Sonjay Dutt nails Christopher Daniels with an enzuigiri.
Sonjay Dutt has the crowd going wild.
Sonjay Dutt goes for the Air Raid Crash, but Christopher Daniels
counters it with a sunset flip.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, three.
A fan at ringside badmouths Christopher Daniels.

Christopher Daniels pinned Sonjay Dutt after a sunset flip in 0:02:16.
Rating: ***

Daniels scores the pin with a quick sunset flip. Daniels pounds away at Dutt after the match, taking him down with the Angel's Wings before standing over his body, smirking.

Colt Cabana and CM Punk are backstage. They have to pull it together tonight, as they are facing off against an inexperienced tag team in La Parka and Chavo. They need to stay on the same page. Cabana tells Punk not to worry, they will break out of their losing streak tonight.

Colt Cabana and CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero Jr and La Parka

They attempt to hit CM Punk with a double elbowsmash, but he counters it with a
duck-down move.
CM Punk hits them with a double clothesline.
The chants for CM Punk are deafening.
La Parka leaves the ring.
CM Punk uses a back suplex on Chavo Guerrero Jr..
CM Punk works the crowd.
The crowd is behind CM Punk all the way.
Colt Cabana enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
La Parka enters the ring and throws Colt Cabana out of the ring.
La Parka hits a spinning leg lariat on CM Punk.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. goes for an inside cradle, but CM Punk blocks it.
La Parka leaves the ring.
CM Punk throws Chavo Guerrero Jr. out of the ring.
CM Punk jumps onto him with a pescado.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
CM Punk throws Chavo Guerrero Jr. into the ringsteps.
[ portion of match removed ]
Colt Cabana rolls out of the ring.
La Parka nails CM Punk with a single-leg takedown.
La Parka uses an armdrag takedown on CM Punk.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
La Parka and Chavo Guerrero Jr. hit CM Punk with a double flying dropkick.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. goes for a bodyslam, but CM Punk counters it with
a small package.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. rolls out of the ring.
CM Punk goes for a back elbow, but La Parka ducks out of the way.
La Parka runs into the ropes.
La Parka misses with a kick.
La Parka hits CM Punk with a shoulderblock.
La Parka nails CM Punk with a lariat.
La Parka locks CM Punk in a medio cangrejo.
CM Punk tries to fight the pain.
CM Punk breaks the hold after 16 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Colt Cabana and CM Punk hit La Parka with a double back elbow.
CM Punk leaves the ring.
Colt Cabana takes La Parka down with a vertical suplex.
Colt Cabana goes for a wristlock, but La Parka counters it with a go-behind.
Colt Cabana re-reverses it.
Colt Cabana nails La Parka with a lariat.
The crowd is cheering on Colt Cabana.
Colt Cabana nails La Parka with a DDT.
There are lots of chants for Colt Cabana.
CM Punk enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
CM Punk uses a bodyslam on La Parka.
Colt Cabana executes a flying legdrop on La Parka.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
CM Punk nails La Parka with a clothesline.
Colt Cabana executes an inside cradle on La Parka.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
CM Punk leaves the ring.
La Parka hits Colt Cabana with a chop.
[ portion of match removed ]
CM Punk leaves the ring.
Colt Cabana puts La Parka in a boot choke.
Rudy Charles warns Colt Cabana to let go.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
Colt Cabana takes La Parka down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Colt Cabana takes La Parka down with a Japanese armdrag takedown.
Colt Cabana whips La Parka into the ropes, but La Parka reverses it.
La Parka misses with an elbow.
Colt Cabana executes a rana on La Parka.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Colt Cabana runs into the ropes.
Colt Cabana takes La Parka down with a lariat.
Colt Cabana executes an elbowdrop on La Parka.
Colt Cabana hits a DDT on La Parka.
Colt Cabana has the crowd going wild.
[ portion of match removed ]
Chavo Guerrero Jr. and La Parka hit Colt Cabana with a double flying dropkick.
La Parka hits Colt Cabana with a bodyslam.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. executes a flying dropkick on Colt Cabana.
There are lots of chants for Chavo Guerrero Jr..
Chavo Guerrero Jr. and La Parka hit Colt Cabana with a double flying dropkick.
La Parka leaves the ring.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. takes Colt Cabana down with a back suplex.
La Parka enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. and La Parka hit Colt Cabana with a double bodyslam.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. and La Parka whip Colt Cabana into the ropes.
They hit Colt Cabana with a double kick to the midsection.
La Parka leaves the ring.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. whips Colt Cabana into the ropes, but Colt Cabana
reverses it.
Colt Cabana misses with a shoulderblock.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. hits Colt Cabana with an elbow.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. executes a tornado DDT on Colt Cabana.
The crowd is really behind Chavo Guerrero Jr..
Chavo Guerrero Jr. covers Colt Cabana.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. executes the Gory Bomb on Colt Cabana.
There are lots of chants for Chavo Guerrero Jr..
Chavo Guerrero Jr. goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Chavo Guerrero Jr..

La Parka and Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated CM Punk and Colt Cabana when Chavo Jr.
pinned Colt with the Gory Bomb in 0:18:47.
Rating: *** 1/2

Upset win tonight as the team of La Parka and Chavo Guerrero Jr has beaten the Second City Saints. Carlito Carribean Cool comes out from the back and raises the hands of La Parka and Chavo. Could this be a sign of a future alliance? Tune into future weeks of the Global Wrestling Empire to find out.

Nick Dinsmore and Austin Aries are backstage when they see Jerry Lawler backstage. They try and get at him about the status of the King's Court but Lawler brushes them off. Aries wonders what's up and that's when MNM walks up to him. Nitro tells Aries that their time in the sun is done and they must face facts. Lawler no longer has any time to manager the likes of you. Lawler is only going to manage the best. Dinsmore asks Nitro how he knows and Nitro says that Lawler is disappointed that not one member of the King's Court saved him from that beating from Paul London, so he is firing them all from the Court. Plus Aries and Dinsmore are not good enough to hang from a King. This causes Aries and Dinsmore to attack MNM, fist a cups flying. Security quickly breaks up this little scuffle, but Mercury declares this isn't over. Aries has a match with Rob Van Dam, so he has to leave.

Austin Aries vs Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam is going for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Rob Van Dam whips Austin Aries into the ropes, but Austin Aries reverses it.
Rob Van Dam hits Austin Aries with a clothesline.
Austin Aries falls out of the ring.
Rob Van Dam goes for a flying cross body press, but Austin Aries
moves out of the way.
Austin Aries whips Rob Van Dam into the guardrail.
Rudy Charles counts:  1.
Rudy Charles counts:  2.
Austin Aries goes for a back suplex, but Rob Van Dam blocks it.
Rudy Charles counts:  3.
Rob Van Dam runs Austin Aries into the ringsteps.
There are lots of chants for Rob Van Dam.
Rob Van Dam goes for a kick to the head, but Austin Aries blocks it.
Rudy Charles counts:  4.
Austin Aries throws Rob Van Dam into the guardrail.
Austin Aries nails Rob Van Dam with a snap mare.
Austin Aries throws Rob Van Dam into the ringsteps.
Austin Aries is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Austin Aries hits a chop on Rob Van Dam.
Rudy Charles counts:  5.
Austin Aries runs Rob Van Dam into the ringsteps.
Austin Aries takes Rob Van Dam down with a brain buster.
Rudy Charles counts:  6.
Austin Aries whips Rob Van Dam into the guardrail.
Austin Aries hits a kneelift on Rob Van Dam.
Rudy Charles counts:  7.
Austin Aries climbs back into the ring.
Rob Van Dam rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Austin Aries runs into the ropes.
Rob Van Dam hits Austin Aries with a bodyslam.
Rob Van Dam executes the Five Star Frog Splash on Austin Aries.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going crazy.

Rob Van Dam pinned Austin Aries with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:02:42.
Rating: ** 3/4

Rob Van Dam avenges his loss of about a month ago with a quick three minute win over Austin Aries. Van Dam looks at the camera and does the belt motion around his waist. It is obvious that Van Dam has his sights set up regaining the Global World Title.

CM Punk is backstage when the House of Huss walk up to him. Jimmy Jacobs remarks that: "well if it isn't one half of the worst tag team in wrestling today." All three members of the House of Huss say that Punk and Cabana have been losing every match they have been in as of late, they should just split up and not embarass themselves. Punk tells the House of Huss that the Second City Saints are not splitting up, they are just going through a rough period. Jacobs makes a challenge, next week, to CM Punk. If Punk can beat a member of the House of Huss in singles action, then the Second City Saints will receive a shot at the Global Tag Team Titles. Punk accepts that challenge and the House of Huss respond by beating down CM Punk. No Colt Cabana to make the save, which is very perplexing to say the least. Jacobs remarks, as they finish the beatdown,  that their might be a fourth member of the House of Huss in the wings and they call him C. Cabana, no wait that's too obvious. Colt C. The announcers speculate if Jacobs was telling the truth, has Cabana sold out the Second City Saints to join the House of Huss or is Jimmy Jacobs trying to stir up more trouble wihtin the Saints?

Winner Receives a Global World Title Shot Next Week:
Paul London vs Chris Sabin

They lock up.
Austin Aries comes to ringside.
Chris Sabin goes for a backdrop driver, but Paul London counters it with
a backward kick.
Paul London punches Chris Sabin.
Paul London punches Chris Sabin.
A small "Paul London" chant is being started.
Paul London hits spinning headscissors on Chris Sabin.
Paul London is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Paul London runs into the ropes.
Paul London hits Chris Sabin with a kick.
Paul London is going for the cover.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Paul London uses a vertical facebuster on Chris Sabin.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Paul London goes for a swinging Soviet suplex into a backbreaker, but
Chris Sabin blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Chris Sabin goes for a backbreaker, but Paul London counters it with a facerake.
Paul London goes for a forearm smash, but Chris Sabin blocks it.
Chris Sabin nails Paul London with a backbreaker.
Chris Sabin hits a fisherman buster on Paul London.
Chris Sabin is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.
Paul London hits a drop toe hold on Chris Sabin.
Paul London works the crowd.
Paul London is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Paul London takes Chris Sabin down with a shooting star press.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Paul London takes Chris Sabin down with a moonsault.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Paul London goes for a dropsault, but Chris Sabin side-steps and Paul London
only hits air.
Chris Sabin executes a fist to the midsection on Paul London.
[ portion of match removed ]
Chris Sabin executes the Cradle Shock on Paul London.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is cheering on Chris Sabin.

[Winner Receives a Global World Title Shot]:
Chris Sabin pinned Paul London with the Cradle Shock in 0:04:45.
Rating: *** 1/4

Sabin has scored the win. This match was pretty good for the little time it had been occuring. Had it lasted longer, it would have been just great. Sabin offers his hand to Paul London to shake and London considers him, before leaping over the top rope and to the floor, running to the back. London has refused to shake the hand of Chris Sabin! Sabin looks shocked but celebrates his win as he goes onto face either Awesome or Spanky next week.

Best of Three Series-Match One, Streetfight:
Homicide and Low Ki vs Tazz and Charlie Haas

Homicide goes for a kick to the head, but Charlie Haas blocks it.
Charlie Haas tags out to Tazz.
Tazz takes Homicide down with a takeover suplex.
Charlie Haas enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Tazz and Charlie Haas whip Homicide into the ropes.
They hit Homicide with a double fist to the midsection.
Tazz and Charlie Haas whip Homicide into the ropes.
They hit Homicide with a double clothesline.
Charlie Haas leaves the ring.
Tazz goes for a hiptoss, but Homicide counters it with a lariat.
Homicide tags out to Low Ki.
Low Ki and Homicide hit Tazz with a double chop.
Homicide leaves the ring.
Low Ki gives him a kick to the chest, but Tazz doesn't budge.
Tazz hits a Northern Lights suplex on Low Ki.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Tazz nails Low Ki with a short clothesline.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tazz leaves the ring.
Charlie Haas executes a bodyslam on Low Ki.
Charlie Haas hits Low Ki with a bulldog.
Charlie Haas covers Low Ki.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Charlie Haas hits a back elbow on Low Ki.
Charlie Haas hits a German suplex on Low Ki.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Mark Johnson counts: One, Charlie Haas lifts a shoulder, shoulder up.
Charlie Haas hits a kick to the midsection on Low Ki.
Charlie Haas hits Low Ki with a power bomb.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Charlie Haas hits Low Ki with a legsweep.
Charlie Haas executes the Haas Of Pain on Low Ki.
Low Ki is struggling to reach the ropes.
Low Ki is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Low Ki isn't moving anymore.
Mark Johnson asks Low Ki if he's still there.
Low Ki nods.
Mark Johnson checks Low Ki's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Low Ki fights his way out of the hold after 39 seconds.
Low Ki nails Charlie Haas with a rana.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Low Ki tags out to Homicide.
Tazz enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Low Ki uses a dropkick on Charlie Haas.
Homicide uses a dragon suplex on Charlie Haas.
Mark Johnson counts: One, shoulder up.
Low Ki leaves the ring.
Homicide takes Charlie Haas down with a Shining Wizard.
Homicide runs into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tazz puts Homicide in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Homicide is struggling to reach the ropes.
Homicide is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Homicide reaches the ropes after being trapped for 29 seconds.
Tazz nails Homicide with a kick to the midsection.
Tazz puts Homicide in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Homicide inches his way towards the ropes after 8 seconds.
Tazz executes a tiger suplex on Homicide.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Tazz takes Homicide down with a slap.
Tazz locks Homicide in an armlock hammerlock submission.
Mark Johnson checks Homicide's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Homicide fights his way out of the hold after 18 seconds.
Homicide whips Tazz into the ropes.
Homicide hits Tazz with a clothesline.
Homicide executes a dragon suplex on Tazz.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Low Ki goes for a lariat, but Charlie Haas blocks it.
Charlie Haas and Tazz whip Low Ki into the ropes.
Charlie Haas and Tazz hit Low Ki with a double Fujiwara armbar.
Charlie Haas leaves the ring.
Charlie Haas hits a forearm smash on Low Ki.
Charlie Haas tags out to Tazz.
Tazz and Charlie Haas whip Low Ki into the ropes.
They hit Low Ki with a double fist to the midsection.
Charlie Haas leaves the ring.
Tazz whips Low Ki into the ropes.
Low Ki takes Tazz down with a leg lariat.
Low Ki whips Tazz into the ropes.
Tazz hits Low Ki with a clothesline.
Tazz executes the Tazzmission on Low Ki.
Low Ki breaks the hold after 8 seconds.
Low Ki nails Tazz with a koppo kick.
Low Ki executes the Ki Krusher on Tazz.
Numerous fans are using Low Ki for target practice.
Low Ki goes for the pin.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Low Ki throws Mark Johnson into the ringpost.
Mark Johnson falls out of the ring.
Mark Johnson is out cold.
Low Ki hits a chop on Tazz.
Low Ki tags out to Homicide.
Low Ki takes Tazz down with a kick to the head.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Homicide goes for a dragon suplex, but Tazz counters it with a go-behind.
Low Ki leaves the ring.
Tazz executes a short clothesline on Homicide.
Tazz hits a bodyslam on Homicide.
Mike Sparks comes running down to the ring.
Tazz whips Homicide into the ropes.
Homicide misses with a clothesline.
Homicide executes a Yakuza kick on Tazz.
[ portion of match removed ]
Charlie Haas enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Low Ki executes a thrust kick to the head on Tazz.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Homicide goes for a flying cross body press, but Tazz ducks out of the way.
Low Ki leaves the ring.
Tazz hits a bodyslam on Homicide.
Tazz catches Homicide in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Mike Sparks checks Homicide's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Homicide fights his way out of the hold after 16 seconds.
Homicide goes for a brain buster, but Tazz blocks it.
Tazz throws Homicide out of the ring.
Tazz goes outside.
Charlie Haas comes over to make it two-on-one.
Tazz and Charlie Haas hit Homicide with a double bodyslam.
Homicide is starting to bleed.
Charlie Haas comes over to make it two-on-one.
Charlie Haas takes Homicide down with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
Tazz hits a belly-to-back suplex on Homicide.
Charlie Haas uses an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Homicide.
Tazz nails Homicide with a bridging back suplex.
Charlie Haas executes a clothesline on Homicide.
Tazz goes for a bridging back suplex, but Homicide counters it with a facerake.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tazz goes for an armdrag takedown, but Homicide counters it with a lariat.
Homicide hits a shoulderbreaker on Tazz.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Charlie Haas comes over to make it two-on-one.
Low Ki comes over, but gets cut off.
Charlie Haas takes Homicide down with a clothesline.
Tazz goes for a bridging back suplex, but Homicide blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tazz executes a short clothesline on Low Ki.
Charlie Haas hits Low Ki with a German suplex.
Charlie Haas shoves Low Ki into the guardrail.
Charlie Haas uses a bodyslam on Low Ki.
Charlie Haas climbs back into the ring.
Low Ki follows him back in.
Charlie Haas executes the Haas Of Pain on Low Ki.
Mark Johnson crawls back into the ring.
Mark Johnson slowly gets up.
Low Ki is writhing in pain.
Low Ki submits after 14 seconds.
The crowd is going crazy.

[Best of Three Series-Match One]: No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
Charlie Haas and Tazz defeated Homicide and Low Ki when C. Haas made Ki
submit to the Haas Of Pain in 0:20:09.
Rating: ****

A brutal, hard hitting match tonight. Haas wrapped up Low Ki in the Haas of Pain for the Submission, bringing this series 1-0, in favor of Haas and Tazz. Next week will be a Tables Match.

A video package detailing the history between Spanky and Mike Awesome.

Global World Title Match:
Spanky vs Mike Awesome(c)

They lock up.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome.
Mike Awesome chops Spanky.
Spanky kicks Mike Awesome.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Mike Awesome punches Spanky.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky punches Mike Awesome.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky kicks Mike Awesome.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky uses an enzuigiri on Mike Awesome.
Spanky is going for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Spanky works the crowd.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome with a jumping front kick.
Spanky punches Mike Awesome.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky chops Mike Awesome.
Mike Awesome chops Spanky.
Mike Awesome punches Spanky.
Mike Awesome runs into the ropes.
Mike Awesome goes for a short lariat, but Spanky blocks it.
Spanky kicks Mike Awesome.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky kicks Mike Awesome.
The crowd erupts.
Spanky runs into the ropes.
Mike Awesome goes for a kick to the head, but Spanky ducks out of the way.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome with a flying forearm.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Spanky hits an elbowsmash on Mike Awesome.
[ portion of match removed ]
Spanky goes for a slap, but Mike Awesome blocks it.
Mike Awesome goes for a forearm smash, but Spanky blocks it.
Spanky uses an inverted facelock to knee DDT on Mike Awesome.
Spanky hits a slap on Mike Awesome.
Spanky chops Mike Awesome.
Spanky has the crowd going wild.
Mike Awesome chops Spanky.
Numerous fans are using Mike Awesome for target practice.
Spanky punches Mike Awesome.
Spanky punches Mike Awesome.
Spanky has the crowd going wild.
Mike Awesome punches Spanky.
Mike Awesome punches Spanky.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Mike Awesome runs into the ropes.
Mike Awesome hits Spanky with a shoulderblock.
Mike Awesome whips Spanky into the ropes, but Spanky reverses it.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome with a kick.
Spanky executes an elbowsmash on Mike Awesome.
Spanky goes for a backdrop, but Mike Awesome counters it with a sunset flip.
Rudy Charles counts: One, kickout.
Mike Awesome goes for a flying back elbowsmash, but Spanky side-steps and
Mike Awesome only hits air.
The chants for Spanky are deafening.
Spanky uses a kick to the midsection on Mike Awesome.
Spanky hits a back elbow on Mike Awesome.
Spanky covers Mike Awesome.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Spanky nails Mike Awesome with a chop.
Spanky hits a jumping front kick on Mike Awesome.
The crowd is behind Spanky all the way.
Spanky uses a kick to the midsection on Mike Awesome.
Spanky goes for an enzuigiri, but Mike Awesome ducks out of the way.
Mike Awesome executes a back suplex on Spanky.
Mike Awesome is going for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mike Awesome goes for a slingshot splash, but Spanky rolls out of the way.
Spanky works the crowd.
The crowd is behind Spanky all the way.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome with a moonsault bodyblock.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Spanky sends Mike Awesome into the turnbuckle.
Mike Awesome comes back, but is met with a devestating move.
Spanky executes the Sliced Bread #2 on Mike Awesome.
The crowd is behind Spanky all the way.
Spanky goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Spanky hits Mike Awesome with a dropkick.
Spanky hits a back elbow on Mike Awesome.
Spanky throws Mike Awesome out of the ring.
Spanky goes for a flying cross body press, but Mike Awesome
moves out of the way.
Spanky is out cold.
Mike Awesome knocks Spanky into the ringsteps.
Numerous fans are using Mike Awesome for target practice.
Mike Awesome nails Spanky with a short lariat.
Mike Awesome whips Spanky into the guardrail.
Mike Awesome hits Spanky with a backbreaker.
Rudy Charles counts:  1.
Mike Awesome throws Spanky into the guardrail.
Rudy Charles counts:  2.
Mike Awesome sets up a table.
Rudy Charles counts:  3.
Mike Awesome climbs back into the ring.
Rudy Charles counts:  4
Rudy Charles counts:  5
Rudy Charles counts:  6
Rudy Charles counts:  7
Rudy Charles counts:  8
Rudy Charles counts:  9
Rudy Charles counts: 10
Spanky is counted out.
Numerous fans are using Mike Awesome for target practice.

Mike Awesome defeated Spanky by countout in 0:06:05.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Mike Awesome retained the Global World Title.)

Spanky was unable to enter the ring and thus received the countout. A cheap win for what was shaping up to be a good title match. Awesome has that table set up on the floor and it seems like he is going to make sure that Spanky is going to go out on a Stretcher. Awesome pounds away at Spanky before hoisting him to the top rope. Not a Super Awesome Bomb off the top rope and all the way to the arena floor. Chris Sabin runs out to the ring and grabs the ankles of Awesome pulling him off the top rope. Sabin punches away at Awesome and knocks him down with a clothesline but Awesome reverses a whip and lariats Sabin down. Paul London is from the back and London leaps off the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick to Spanky. Was he aiming for Awesome or was he aiming for Spanky? Spanky falls through the table and to the arena floor, as he was still hunched over the Second Rope. Sabin uses the distraction to go after Awesome but Awesome ducks and Sabin collides with London sending him to the arena floor. Awesome kicks Sabin and goes for the Awesome Bomb but Rob Van Dam rushes out to the ring. Van Dam catches Awesome with a spin kick knocking him down. Sabin is back up and he manages to muscle up Awesome. Cradle Shock, showing some power from Sabin. Rob Van Dam leaps to the top rope and Five Star Frog Splash down to Awesome. It took the combined forces of Sabin and Van Dam to wipe out the champion. We are out of time, see you next week.


The Global World Title will be on the line but with a last minute addition. Mike Awesome will not only defend the title against Chris Sabin but also against "The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam.

As a result of the events at the end of the show, Spanky has requested a match with Paul London, do to the tabling that London gave Spanky. London maintains that he was aiming for Awesome but has agreed for a match with Spanky, out of competitive spirit. In the latest chapter of their GWE wars, Spanky collides with Paul London.

The Best of Three Series continues in a table match when Homicide and Low Ki collide with Tazz and Charlie Haas.

CM Punk faces off against a member of the House of Huss and if Punk wins, the Second City Saints receive a Global Tag Team Title Shot.

Teddy Hart defends his Global X-Division Title against an opponent to be named.

teddy1221Posted on 09/07/05 at 00:44:46

Sweet show.  Loved the ending...It's a perfect setup for next week, and some great matches.  That Title match should be off the charts.  What an awesome match between Low Ki/Homicide and Tazz/Haas, but would you expect anything less from them 4.