Help with an FCA Match

currentlyeddiePosted on 12/05/05 at 01:34:15

Okay, here's the match concept:

Two wrestlers start at the top of a three stacked cages. There is one ladder in the top cage; other than that, no objects. The goal is get to the bottom cage, score a pin or submission on your foe, and get back out. Only the last pin or submission counts-- if Wrestler A pins wrestler B, and wrestler B then makes wrestler A submit, only Wrestler B's submission counts.

Can FCA do it? :)
americamamushiPosted on 12/05/05 at 03:54:48

You could, but you'd have to have to turn off pins/submissions and then write in the pins/submissions as match ending spots in the program.  So it won't be the same as just TNM running a match, it'd be a lot more limited, but you technically could do it.