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Global Wrestling Empire, Week 3, 6/15/05

MattHarmsPosted on 06/02/05 at 04:17:54

Semifinal Round Match in the GWE Tag Team Tournament:
MNM(Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro)(w/Melina) vs American Dragon and Sonjay Dutt

They lock up.
Sonjay Dutt takes Joey Mercury down with a hiptoss.
Sonjay Dutt is going for the pin.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
American Dragon enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
American Dragon executes a backdrop driver on Joey Mercury.
Sonjay Dutt nails Joey Mercury with a shooting star press.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Sonjay Dutt and American Dragon whip Joey Mercury into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Joey Mercury with a double clothesline, but he counters
it with a duck-down move.
Joey Mercury hits them with a double clothesline.
Joey Mercury is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
American Dragon leaves the ring.
Joey Mercury goes for an abdominal stretch, but Sonjay Dutt reverses it.
Joey Mercury is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Joey Mercury inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 14 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Johnny Nitro goes for a vertical suplex, but Sonjay Dutt blocks it.
Sonjay Dutt whips Johnny Nitro into the ropes, but Johnny Nitro reverses it.
Sonjay Dutt uses a rana on Johnny Nitro.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Sonjay Dutt locks Johnny Nitro in an armbar submission.
Johnny Nitro manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 7 seconds.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a flying back elbow, but Johnny Nitro side-steps and
Sonjay Dutt only hits air.
Johnny Nitro locks Sonjay Dutt in a chokehold.
Andrew Thomas warns Johnny Nitro to let go.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three, four.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three, four.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three, four.
Johnny Nitro nails Sonjay Dutt with an elbowdrop.
Johnny Nitro whips Sonjay Dutt into the ropes.
Melina trips Sonjay Dutt.
Andrew Thomas threatens MNM with disqualification.
Andrew Thomas warns Melina.
Johnny Nitro hits a low blow on Sonjay Dutt.
Andrew Thomas is back on the job.
Johnny Nitro hits a clothesline on Sonjay Dutt.
Johnny Nitro uses a backbreaker on Sonjay Dutt.
Johnny Nitro whips Sonjay Dutt into the ropes.
Johnny Nitro hits Sonjay Dutt with a shoulderblock.
Johnny Nitro executes a reverse neckbreaker on Sonjay Dutt.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Johnny Nitro nails Sonjay Dutt with a low blow.
Johnny Nitro chops Sonjay Dutt.
Johnny Nitro chops Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt kicks Johnny Nitro.
The crowd is starting to get behind Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt hits Johnny Nitro.
A small "Sonjay Dutt" chant is being started.
Johnny Nitro chops Sonjay Dutt.
Johnny Nitro hits Sonjay Dutt.
[ portion of match removed ]
Sonjay Dutt uses a Yakuza kick on Johnny Nitro.
The crowd is cheering on Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt is going for the cover.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Sonjay Dutt tags out to American Dragon.
Joey Mercury enters the ring and lays out Sonjay Dutt.
Joey Mercury leaves the ring.
Johnny Nitro hits a forearm to the back on American Dragon.
Johnny Nitro punches American Dragon.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
American Dragon hits Johnny Nitro.
American Dragon is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
American Dragon chops Johnny Nitro.
The crowd is cheering on American Dragon.
American Dragon punches Johnny Nitro.
American Dragon is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
American Dragon nails Johnny Nitro with a dropkick.
[ portion of match removed ]
American Dragon hits Joey Mercury with a kick.
American Dragon executes a tiger suplex on Joey Mercury.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
American Dragon complains about a slow count.
American Dragon goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Joey Mercury blocks it.
Joey Mercury whips American Dragon into the ropes, but American Dragon
reverses it.
Joey Mercury hits American Dragon with a clothesline.
American Dragon falls out of the ring.
Andrew Thomas counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, American Dragon
reenters the ring.
Joey Mercury uses an elbowsmash on American Dragon.
Joey Mercury gives him a facerake, but American Dragon doesn't budge.
Joey Mercury hits a Northern Lights suplex on American Dragon.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Joey Mercury goes for a kneelift, but American Dragon counters it with
a legsweep.
[ portion of match removed ]
Johnny Nitro leaves the ring.
Joey Mercury goes for a chokehold, but American Dragon blocks it.
Sonjay Dutt enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Johnny Nitro enters the ring, but gets cut off.
American Dragon and Sonjay Dutt whip Joey Mercury into the ropes.
They hit Joey Mercury with a double kick to the midsection.
American Dragon and Sonjay Dutt hit Joey Mercury with a double forearm smash.
Sonjay Dutt leaves the ring.
American Dragon goes for a DDT, but Joey Mercury counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, American Dragon counters it with a sunset flip.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
American Dragon takes Joey Mercury down with a DDT.
The crowd is cheering on American Dragon.
American Dragon nails Joey Mercury with a dragon suplex.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
American Dragon complains about a slow count.
American Dragon throws Joey Mercury out of the ring.
American Dragon goes outside.
[ portion of match removed ]
Sonjay Dutt takes Johnny Nitro down with a clothesline.
Sonjay Dutt takes Johnny Nitro down with a slap.
Sonjay Dutt executes a forearm smash on Johnny Nitro.
Sonjay Dutt hits a roundhouse right on Johnny Nitro.
Sonjay Dutt uses the Air Raid Crash on Johnny Nitro.
The crowd is cheering on Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt covers Johnny Nitro.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Sonjay Dutt takes Johnny Nitro down with a slap.
Sonjay Dutt hits Johnny Nitro with a roundhouse right.
Sonjay Dutt whips Johnny Nitro into the ropes.
Sonjay Dutt hits a clothesline on Johnny Nitro.
Sonjay Dutt nails Johnny Nitro with a springboard rana.
A small "Sonjay Dutt" chant is being started.
Sonjay Dutt gets an armbar submission on Johnny Nitro.
Johnny Nitro is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Johnny Nitro inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
American Dragon enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Sonjay Dutt and American Dragon hit Joey Mercury with a double forearm smash.
American Dragon leaves the ring.
Sonjay Dutt nails Joey Mercury with a forearm to the back.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a reverse Frankensteiner, but Joey Mercury blocks it.
Joey Mercury executes a thumb to the eye on Sonjay Dutt.
Joey Mercury whips Sonjay Dutt into the ropes.
Joey Mercury misses with an elbow.
Sonjay Dutt hits a spinning heel kick on Joey Mercury.
The crowd is starting to get behind Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt uses a roundhouse right on Joey Mercury.
Sonjay Dutt hits a hiptoss on Joey Mercury.
Sonjay Dutt tags out to American Dragon.
American Dragon and Sonjay Dutt whip Joey Mercury into the ropes.
They hit Joey Mercury with a double clothesline.
Sonjay Dutt leaves the ring.
American Dragon hits a DDT on Joey Mercury.
American Dragon tags out to Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt and American Dragon whip Joey Mercury into the ropes.
They hit Joey Mercury with a double clothesline.
American Dragon leaves the ring.
Sonjay Dutt locks Joey Mercury in an armbar submission.
Joey Mercury manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
Sonjay Dutt hits Joey Mercury with a spinning elbowdrop.
Sonjay Dutt executes a clothesline on Joey Mercury.
Sonjay Dutt is going for the cover.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Sonjay Dutt catches Joey Mercury in an armbar submission.
Joey Mercury is struggling to reach the ropes.
Joey Mercury manages to grab the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds.
Sonjay Dutt gives the sign for the Hindu Press.
Sonjay Dutt executes the Hindu Press on Joey Mercury.
The crowd is going crazy.
Sonjay Dutt goes for the pin.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
Sonjay Dutt has the crowd going wild.

Sonjay Dutt and American Dragon defeated MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro)
when S. Dutt pinned Mercury with the Hindu Press in 0:21:48.
Rating: ***
[Melina interfered against Sonjay Dutt.]

Sonjay and Am Dragon advance forward in a good match against MNM.

Billy Gunn and Rob Van Dam have a few words backstage about teaming up together tonight and vow to take down Cabana and Haas tonight. Billy Gunn takes exception to RVD saying that no one's a bigger star than Rob Van Dam. Billy Gunn says he is going to make an impact tonight by scoring the pin in the tag team match but RVD reminds us that he is the whole F'N Show.

Akio is in the ring and he is about ready to face a special dangerous opponent. And his opponent is former ECW World Champion Jerry Lynn.

Akio vs Jerry Lynn

They lock up.
Akio takes Jerry Lynn down with a DDT.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Akio uses a spin kick on Jerry Lynn.
Akio runs into the ropes.
Jerry Lynn goes for an armdrag takedown, but Akio reverses it.
In turn, Jerry Lynn counters it with a lariat.
Jerry Lynn executes a Northern Lights suplex on Akio.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jerry Lynn takes Akio down with a punch.
Jerry Lynn runs into the ropes.
Akio misses with a kick.
Akio hits Jerry Lynn with a clothesline.
Akio runs into the ropes.
Akio nails Jerry Lynn with a clothesline.
Akio hits Jerry Lynn with a leg lariat.
Akio goes for a back suplex, but Jerry Lynn counters it with a go-behind.
[ portion of match removed ]
Jerry Lynn chops Akio.
Jerry Lynn is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Akio punches Jerry Lynn.
Akio hits Jerry Lynn.
Akio punches Jerry Lynn.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Akio whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes.
Akio uses a clothesline on Jerry Lynn.
Akio goes for a standing wristlock, but Jerry Lynn blocks it.
Jerry Lynn hits a bodyslam on Akio.
Jerry Lynn nails Akio with a punch.
Jerry Lynn hits an atomic drop on Akio.
Jerry Lynn goes for a slap, but Akio blocks it.
Akio whips Jerry Lynn into the turnbuckle.
Jerry Lynn comes back, but is met with an elbow.
Akio goes for a spinwheel kick, but Jerry Lynn ducks out of the way.
Jerry Lynn hits Akio with spinning headscissors.
The crowd breaks into a "Jerry, Jerry" chant.
Jerry Lynn executes an armdrag takedown on Akio.
Jerry Lynn whips Akio into the ropes, but Akio reverses it.
Jerry Lynn hits Akio with a kick.
Jerry Lynn nails Akio with a spinning leg lariat.
Jerry Lynn sets up Akio on the turnbuckle.
Jerry Lynn uses a top-rope DDT on Akio.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Jerry Lynn goes for a slap, but Akio blocks it.
Akio goes for a leg lariat, but Jerry Lynn ducks out of the way.
Jerry Lynn whips Akio into the ropes, but Akio reverses it.
Akio hits Jerry Lynn with an elbow.
Akio whips Jerry Lynn into the ropes, but Jerry Lynn reverses it.
Akio hits Jerry Lynn with a kick.
Akio locks Jerry Lynn in a rope hung figure-four necklock.
Andrew Thomas warns Akio to let go.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three, four.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
Akio goes for a Russian legsweep, but Jerry Lynn counters it with an elbowsmash.
Jerry Lynn goes for a slap, but Akio blocks it.
Akio hits a reverse neckbreaker on Jerry Lynn.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Akio nails Jerry Lynn with a vertical facebuster.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Akio hits Jerry Lynn with a tilt-a-whirl side slam.
Akio runs into the ropes.
Jerry Lynn hits an armdrag takedown on Akio.
Jerry Lynn kicks Akio.
Jerry Lynn is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Jerry Lynn punches Akio.
The crowd is cheering on Jerry Lynn.
Jerry Lynn runs into the ropes.
Jerry Lynn hits Akio with a clothesline.
Akio falls out of the ring.
Jerry Lynn goes through the ropes.
Andrew Thomas counts:  1.
Andrew Thomas counts:  2.
Jerry Lynn gets back into the ring.
Akio follows him back in.
Jerry Lynn uses a waistlock suplex on Akio.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Jerry Lynn hits a waistlock suplex on Akio.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Jerry Lynn uses an armdrag takedown on Akio.
Jerry Lynn locks Akio in a standing wristlock.
Akio gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Jerry Lynn nails Akio with an elbowsmash.
Jerry Lynn goes for a vertical suplex, but Akio blocks it.
Akio goes for a stomachbreaker, but Jerry Lynn blocks it.
Jerry Lynn runs into the ropes.
Jerry Lynn misses with a clothesline.
Jerry Lynn hits Akio with an elbow.
[ portion of match removed ]
Akio inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 6 seconds.
Jerry Lynn catches Akio in a standing wristlock.
Akio is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Akio manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
Jerry Lynn places Akio on the turnbuckle.
Jerry Lynn hits a top-rope Frankensteiner on Akio.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Jerry Lynn a standing ovation.

Jerry Lynn pinned Akio after a top-rope Frankensteiner in 0:14:21.
Rating: ** 3/4

Jerry Lynn gets on the microphone after the match and declares that it doesn't matter whether it is Samoa Joe or Hardcore Holly after tonight, he is going after the Global World Title and Akio was the first step in getting there.

Colt Cabana acts like a goof but Charlie Haas just tells Colt that he is there to wrestle and to hold up his end in the tag team match against Van Dam and Billy Gunn tonight.

Semifinals in the Global Tag Team Title Tournament:
Gene Snitsky and Rodney Mack vs the Havana Pitbulls(Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes)

Ricky Reyes punches Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes punches Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes chops Gene Snitsky.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Ricky Reyes.
Gene Snitsky chops Ricky Reyes.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes chops Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes catches Gene Snitsky in a chokehold.
Rudy Charles warns Ricky Reyes to let go.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three, four.
Ricky Reyes uses a kick to the thigh on Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes tags out to Rocky Romero.
Rodney Mack enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes whip Gene Snitsky into the ropes.
They hit Gene Snitsky with a double clothesline.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Rocky Romero hits Gene Snitsky with a dropkick.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rodney Mack executes a sidewalk slam on Rocky Romero.
Rodney Mack runs into the ropes.
Rodney Mack hits Rocky Romero with an elbow.
Rodney Mack hits a flying clothesline on Rocky Romero.
Rodney Mack acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Rodney Mack uses a powerslam on Rocky Romero.
Rudy Charles counts: One, kickout.
Rodney Mack runs into the ropes.
Rocky Romero nails Rodney Mack with a kick to the head.
Rocky Romero tags out to Ricky Reyes.
Rocky Romero uses an armbar takedown on Rodney Mack.
Ricky Reyes takes Rodney Mack down with a spinning DDT.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Ricky Reyes.
Rocky Romero leaves the ring.
Ricky Reyes takes Rodney Mack down with a dropkick.
Ricky Reyes sends Rodney Mack into the turnbuckle.
Rodney Mack comes back and rocks Ricky Reyes with an elbow.
Rodney Mack uses a bulldog on Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack goes for a flying shoulderblock, but Ricky Reyes
ducks out of the way.
Ricky Reyes goes for a back suplex, but Rodney Mack blocks it.
Rodney Mack takes Ricky Reyes down with a chop.
Rodney Mack hits a clothesline on Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack hits a fist to the midsection on Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack goes for an elbowdrop, but Ricky Reyes rolls out of the way.
Ricky Reyes hits Rodney Mack with a back suplex.
Ricky Reyes acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Ricky Reyes hits Rodney Mack with a kick to the head.
Ricky Reyes takes Rodney Mack down with a snap mare.
Ricky Reyes runs into the ropes.
Rodney Mack hits Ricky Reyes with a shoulderblock.
Gene Snitsky enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rodney Mack and Gene Snitsky hit Ricky Reyes with a double sidewalk slam.
Rodney Mack and Gene Snitsky whip Ricky Reyes into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Reyes rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Gene Snitsky runs into the ropes.
Gene Snitsky misses with a clothesline.
Ricky Reyes nails Gene Snitsky with a kick to the midsection.
Ricky Reyes goes for a snap mare, but Gene Snitsky blocks it.
Gene Snitsky uses a clothesline on Ricky Reyes.
Gene Snitsky uses a forearm smash on Ricky Reyes.
Gene Snitsky uses a back elbow on Ricky Reyes.
Gene Snitsky goes for a kneelift, but Ricky Reyes side-steps and Gene Snitsky
only hits air.
Ricky Reyes gets a double reverse chinlock on Gene Snitsky.
Rudy Charles asks Gene Snitsky if he should stop the fight.
Gene Snitsky shakes his head.
Ricky Reyes lets go after 19 seconds.
Ricky Reyes hits a forearm smash on Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes runs into the ropes.
Gene Snitsky goes for a roundhouse right, but Ricky Reyes blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rodney Mack comes back and rocks Rocky Romero with a clothesline.
Rodney Mack throws Rocky Romero into the turnbuckle, but Rocky Romero
reverses it.
Rocky Romero charges into the corner.
Rocky Romero punches Rodney Mack.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Rocky Romero.
Rocky Romero chops Rodney Mack.
Rodney Mack hits Rocky Romero.
A portion of the crowd is booing Rodney Mack.
Rocky Romero kicks Rodney Mack.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Rocky Romero.
Rodney Mack hits Rocky Romero.
Rodney Mack goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Rocky Romero
counters it with a punch.
Rocky Romero punches Rodney Mack.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Rocky Romero.
Rocky Romero chops Rodney Mack.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rocky Romero covers Rodney Mack.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Rocky Romero hits Rodney Mack with a flying axhandle.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Rocky Romero.
Rocky Romero uses a dropkick on Rodney Mack.
Rocky Romero runs into the ropes.
Rodney Mack nails Rocky Romero with a clothesline.
Rodney Mack runs into the ropes.
Rocky Romero misses with a clothesline.
Rodney Mack hits Rocky Romero with a clothesline.
Rodney Mack throws Rocky Romero into the turnbuckle.
Rodney Mack runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Gene Snitsky enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Gene Snitsky takes Rocky Romero down with a clothesline.
Rodney Mack goes for a back suplex, but Rocky Romero counters it with a facerake
Gene Snitsky leaves the ring.
Rocky Romero nails Rodney Mack with an armbar takedown.
Rocky Romero takes Rodney Mack down with a dropkick.
Rocky Romero covers Rodney Mack.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Rocky Romero runs into the ropes.
Rodney Mack misses with a kick.
Rodney Mack nails Rocky Romero with a hiptoss.
Rodney Mack runs into the ropes.
Rocky Romero hits Rodney Mack with a kick.
Rocky Romero whips Rodney Mack into the ropes, but Rodney Mack reverses it.
Rocky Romero uses a rana on Rodney Mack.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Rocky Romero tags out to Ricky Reyes.
Ricky Reyes nails Rodney Mack with a kneedrop.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Ricky Reyes.
Ricky Reyes whips Rodney Mack into the ropes, but Rodney Mack reverses it.
Ricky Reyes hits Rodney Mack with a spinning heel kick.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Reyes enters the ring and throws Rodney Mack out of the ring.
Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes whip Gene Snitsky into the ropes.
They hit Gene Snitsky with a double elbowsmash.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Rocky Romero goes for a kick to the head, but Gene Snitsky ducks out of the way.
Gene Snitsky runs into the ropes.
Gene Snitsky misses with an elbow.
Gene Snitsky hits Rocky Romero with a clothesline.
Gene Snitsky hits an inverted DDT on Rocky Romero.
A portion of the crowd is booing Gene Snitsky.
Gene Snitsky puts Rocky Romero in a chokehold.
Rudy Charles warns Gene Snitsky to let go.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three, four.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three, four.
Rudy Charles threatens Gene Snitsky with disqualification.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Reyes kicks Gene Snitsky.
The cheers for Ricky Reyes are drowning out the boos.
Gene Snitsky chops Ricky Reyes.
A portion of the crowd is booing Gene Snitsky.
Gene Snitsky chops Ricky Reyes.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Gene Snitsky.
Gene Snitsky goes for a chokehold, but Ricky Reyes counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Ricky Reyes hits Gene Snitsky with a kick to the thigh.
Ricky Reyes tags Rocky Romero.
Rocky Romero lifts Gene Snitsky up.
Ricky Reyes nails Gene Snitsky with the Cuban Missile Crisis and goes for
the pin.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Rocky Romero whips Gene Snitsky into the ropes.
Rocky Romero hits Gene Snitsky with a kick.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Reyes nails Gene Snitsky with a spinning leg lariat.
Ricky Reyes whips Gene Snitsky into the ropes.
Gene Snitsky misses with a shoulderblock.
Ricky Reyes uses a kick to the midsection on Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes takes Gene Snitsky down with a bulldog.
The cheers for Ricky Reyes are drowning out the boos.
Ricky Reyes hits Gene Snitsky with a dropkick.
Ricky Reyes hits a clothesline on Gene Snitsky.
Rocky Romero enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero whip Gene Snitsky into the ropes.
They hit Gene Snitsky with a double fist to the midsection.
Rocky Romero leaves the ring.
Ricky Reyes whips Gene Snitsky into the ropes, but Gene Snitsky reverses it.
Gene Snitsky hits Ricky Reyes with an elbow.
Gene Snitsky hits a sidewalk slam on Ricky Reyes.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Gene Snitsky.
Gene Snitsky gets a chokehold on Ricky Reyes.
Rudy Charles warns Gene Snitsky to let go.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three, four.
Gene Snitsky nails Ricky Reyes with a forearm to the back.
Gene Snitsky whips Ricky Reyes into the ropes.
Gene Snitsky hits Ricky Reyes with a shoulderblock.
Gene Snitsky tags out to Rodney Mack.
Rodney Mack nails Ricky Reyes with a splash.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Rodney Mack whips Ricky Reyes into the ropes, but Ricky Reyes reverses it.
Rodney Mack hits Ricky Reyes with a kick.
Rodney Mack hits an elbowdrop on Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack goes for a kick to the midsection, but Ricky Reyes counters it with
a legsweep.
Ricky Reyes hits Rodney Mack with a clothesline.
Ricky Reyes puts Rodney Mack in an ankle lock.
Rodney Mack tries to escape the hold.
Rodney Mack manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 10 seconds.
Ricky Reyes goes for the Avalanche Brain Buster, but he can't do it.
Rodney Mack counters it with a slidedown.
Rodney Mack hits a back suplex on Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack takes Ricky Reyes down with a chop.
Rodney Mack whips Ricky Reyes into the turnbuckle.
Rodney Mack charges in with a clothesline, but Ricky Reyes moves out of the way.
Ricky Reyes uses an elbowsmash on Rodney Mack.
Ricky Reyes whips Rodney Mack into the ropes.
Rodney Mack hits Ricky Reyes with a clothesline.
Ricky Reyes falls out of the ring.
Rudy Charles counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Ricky Reyes
reenters the ring.
Rodney Mack whips Ricky Reyes into the ropes.
Rodney Mack takes Ricky Reyes down with a bodyslam.
Rodney Mack hits a bodyslam on Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack hits a sidewalk slam on Ricky Reyes.
A portion of the crowd is booing Rodney Mack.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rodney Mack kicks Ricky Reyes.
Rodney Mack throws Ricky Reyes out of the ring.
Rodney Mack goes through the ropes.
Rodney Mack goes for a kick to the midsection, but Ricky Reyes blocks it.
Ricky Reyes hits Rodney Mack with a kick to the back.
Rudy Charles counts:  1.
Ricky Reyes climbs back into the ring.
Rodney Mack follows him back in.
Ricky Reyes tags out to Rocky Romero.
Ricky Reyes goes for a dropkick, but Rodney Mack side-steps and Ricky Reyes
only hits air.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Rodney Mack sends Rocky Romero into the turnbuckle.
Rodney Mack charges in with a clothesline, but Rocky Romero
moves out of the way.
Rocky Romero goes for a headbutt, but Rodney Mack blocks it.
Rodney Mack executes a full nelson slam on Rocky Romero.
Gene Snitsky enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Gene Snitsky hits Rocky Romero with an inverted DDT.
Rodney Mack uses a flying shoulderblock on Rocky Romero.
Gene Snitsky leaves the ring.
Rodney Mack hits Rocky Romero with a headbutt.
Rodney Mack tags out to Gene Snitsky.
Gene Snitsky and Rodney Mack whip Rocky Romero into the ropes.
They hit Rocky Romero with a double fist to the midsection.
Rodney Mack leaves the ring.
Gene Snitsky sends Rocky Romero into the turnbuckle.
Gene Snitsky executes the Pumphandle Powerslam on Rocky Romero.
Gene Snitsky is met with a mixture of cheers and boos.
Gene Snitsky goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Gene Snitsky goes for a clothesline, but Rocky Romero counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
Rocky Romero goes for the Romero Special #2, but he can't do it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rocky Romero is going for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Rudy Charles is back on the job.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, Rodney Mack makes the save.
Rocky Romero goes for the Romero Special #2, but he can't do it.
Gene Snitsky counters it with a power bomb.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Gene Snitsky executes the Pumphandle Powerslam on Rocky Romero.
The audience doesn't quite know how to react to Gene Snitsky.
Gene Snitsky goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, Ricky Reyes makes the save.
Ricky Reyes enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes whip Gene Snitsky into the ropes.
They hit Gene Snitsky with a double clothesline.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Rocky Romero takes Gene Snitsky down with a high knee.
Rocky Romero takes Gene Snitsky down with a chop.
Rocky Romero goes for a kick to the midsection, but Gene Snitsky blocks it.
Gene Snitsky catches Rocky Romero in a chokehold.
Rudy Charles warns Gene Snitsky to let go.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three, four.
Gene Snitsky goes for a bearhug, but Rocky Romero counters it with a punch.
Rocky Romero uses a slap on Gene Snitsky.
Rocky Romero executes a slap on Gene Snitsky.
Rocky Romero hits a forearm smash on Gene Snitsky.
Rocky Romero takes Gene Snitsky down with a dropkick.
Rocky Romero uses a kick to the midsection on Gene Snitsky.
Ricky Reyes enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ricky Reyes nails Gene Snitsky with a clothesline.
Rocky Romero takes Gene Snitsky down with a flying axhandle.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Rocky Romero goes for a kick to the head, but Gene Snitsky blocks it.
Gene Snitsky tags out to Rodney Mack.
Gene Snitsky executes a kick to the head on Rocky Romero.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rocky Romero goes for a high knee, but Gene Snitsky side-steps and Rocky Romero
only hits air.
Gene Snitsky covers Rocky Romero.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, Ricky Reyes makes the save.
Ricky Reyes enters the ring.
Rocky Romero lifts Gene Snitsky up.
Ricky Reyes nails Gene Snitsky with the Cuban Missile Crisis and goes for
the pin.
Ricky Reyes acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, Rodney Mack doesn't make it in time... three.
Ricky Reyes is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.

[Tag Team Title Tournament Semifinals]:
The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero) defeated
Gene Snitsky and Rodney Mack when R. Reyes pinned G. Snitsky after the
Cuban Missile Crisis in 0:40:09.
Rating: *** 1/4

Snitsky is not too pleased after the match. He points to a sign that says "Snitsky>Babies" and asks if that is all he is going to be to the fans. Someone who killed someone's unborn style. Snitsky says this is not his fault and he quits GWE.

Hardcore Holly says that he will win his first World Title tonight when he puts Samoa Joe down and wins the Global World Title.

Before the next match, the announcers state that whomever comes out with the title after tonight will defend against the British Number One Contender to the Global World Title, Doug Williams, next week.

Global World Title Match:
Hardcore Holly vs Samoa Joe(c)

Samoa Joe gets a Boston crab on Hardcore Holly.
Hardcore Holly is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Hardcore Holly is struggling to reach the ropes.
Hardcore Holly is inching his way towards the ropes.
Hardcore Holly makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 13 seconds.
Samoa Joe hits a Samoan Drop on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe executes a running bootscrape on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Samoa Joe nails Hardcore Holly with a Samoan Drop.
The crowd breaks into a "Joe! Joe! Joe!" chant.
Samoa Joe nails Hardcore Holly with a slap.
Samoa Joe goes for a slap, but Hardcore Holly reverses it.
Samoa Joe re-reverses it.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe kicks Hardcore Holly.
The crowd is going crazy.
Samoa Joe uses a slap on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe uses a brain buster on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe puts Hardcore Holly in a camel clutch.
Hardcore Holly gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Samoa Joe goes for a snap mare, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly gives him a vertical suplex, but Samoa Joe doesn't even care.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe with a gutwrench suplex.
Rudy Charles counts: One, kickout.
Hardcore Holly whips Samoa Joe into the ropes, but Samoa Joe reverses it.
Samoa Joe executes the C.C.S Kick on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe goes for a triangle choke, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly places Samoa Joe on the turnbuckle.
Hardcore Holly nails Samoa Joe with a superplex.
Hardcore Holly goes for a power bomb, but Samoa Joe blocks it.
Samoa Joe hits a hiptoss on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe runs into the ropes.
Samoa Joe takes Hardcore Holly down with a lariat.
Samoa Joe covers Hardcore Holly.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Samoa Joe catches Hardcore Holly in a bow-and-arrow submission.
Hardcore Holly reaches the ropes after holding out for 12 seconds.
Samoa Joe executes an armdrag takedown on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe goes for a dragon suplex, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly throws Samoa Joe out of the ring.
Hardcore Holly goes outside.
Hardcore Holly throws Samoa Joe into the ringpost.
Hardcore Holly nails Samoa Joe with a dragon suplex.
Hardcore Holly nails Samoa Joe with a DDT.
Rudy Charles counts:  1.
Hardcore Holly reenters the ring.
Samoa Joe climbs back into the ring.
Hardcore Holly gives him a kneelift, but Samoa Joe doesn't budge.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe with a vertical suplex.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe with a snap mare.
Hardcore Holly goes for an armdrag takedown, but Samoa Joe blocks it.
Samoa Joe goes for an armdrag takedown, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly goes for a DDT, but Samoa Joe counters it with a kneebar.
Hardcore Holly inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Samoa Joe whips Hardcore Holly into the ropes.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a clothesline.
Samoa Joe executes the C.C.S Kick on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe locks Hardcore Holly in a short arm scissors.
Hardcore Holly reaches the ropes after 11 seconds.
Samoa Joe takes Hardcore Holly down with a kneelift.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a backbreaker.
Samoa Joe runs into the ropes.
Samoa Joe nails Hardcore Holly with a lariat.
Samoa Joe goes for a kick to the head, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly takes Samoa Joe down with the Best Dropkick in the Business.
Hardcore Holly goes for a vertical suplex, but Samoa Joe blocks it.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a series of kicks to the head.
Samoa Joe whips Hardcore Holly into the ropes.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe with a shoulderblock.
Hardcore Holly executes a backbreaker on Samoa Joe.
Hardcore Holly executes a punch on Samoa Joe.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe.
The crowd is really behind Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe punches Hardcore Holly.
The chants for Samoa Joe are deafening.
Hardcore Holly punches Samoa Joe.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe.
The crowd is really behind Hardcore Holly.
Hardcore Holly goes for an atomic drop, but Samoa Joe counters it with a bulldog
In turn, Hardcore Holly counters it with a back suplex.
Hardcore Holly nails Samoa Joe with the Best Dropkick in the Business.
Hardcore Holly covers Samoa Joe.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Hardcore Holly attempts to place Samoa Joe on the turnbuckle, but Samoa Joe
blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Samoa Joe whips Hardcore Holly into the ropes, but Hardcore Holly reverses it.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a kick.
Samoa Joe goes for a running bootscrape, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly whips Samoa Joe into the ropes, but Samoa Joe reverses it.
Hardcore Holly hits Samoa Joe with a kick.
Hardcore Holly throws Samoa Joe out of the ring.
Hardcore Holly goes through the ropes.
Hardcore Holly throws Samoa Joe into the guardrail.
Hardcore Holly executes an atomic drop on Samoa Joe.
Hardcore Holly executes the Alabama Slam on Samoa Joe on the concrete floor.
There are lots of chants for Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe is out cold.
The crowd is really behind Hardcore Holly.
Hardcore Holly nails Samoa Joe with a flying cross body press.
Rudy Charles counts:  1.
Rudy Charles counts:  2.
Hardcore Holly gets back into the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Hardcore Holly runs into the ropes.
Samoa Joe executes the C.C.S Kick on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe covers Hardcore Holly.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Samoa Joe goes for a bow-and-arrow submission, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly kicks Samoa Joe.
The crowd is cheering on Hardcore Holly.
Hardcore Holly kicks Samoa Joe.
Hardcore Holly goes for a power bomb, but Samoa Joe blocks it.
Samoa Joe uses a dragon suplex on Hardcore Holly.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Samoa Joe takes Hardcore Holly down with a Samoan Drop.
Samoa Joe whips Hardcore Holly into the ropes.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a shoulderblock.
Samoa Joe takes Hardcore Holly down with a monkey flip.
Samoa Joe is going for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Samoa Joe uses an armdrag takedown on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe hits a slap on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe hits a knifehand chop on Hardcore Holly.
Samoa Joe whips Hardcore Holly into the ropes.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a backdrop.
Hardcore Holly falls out of the ring.
Rudy Charles counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Hardcore Holly
reenters the ring.
Samoa Joe hits Hardcore Holly with a kick to the head.
Samoa Joe goes for a Boston crab, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly takes Samoa Joe down with an atomic drop.
Hardcore Holly takes Samoa Joe down with a vertical suplex.
Hardcore Holly sends Samoa Joe into the turnbuckle.
Hardcore Holly nails Samoa Joe with a series of punches.
Hardcore Holly takes Samoa Joe down with series of chops.
Hardcore Holly executes the Alabama Slam on Samoa Joe.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Hardcore Holly goes for a bodyslam, but Samoa Joe counters it with
a front facelock.
Hardcore Holly is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Hardcore Holly manages to grab the ropes after 6 seconds.
Samoa Joe goes for a brain buster, but Hardcore Holly blocks it.
Hardcore Holly hits an electric chair drop on Samoa Joe.
The crowd is starting to get behind Hardcore Holly.
Hardcore Holly runs into the ropes.
Samoa Joe takes Hardcore Holly down with a lariat.
The crowd is behind Samoa Joe all the way.
Samoa Joe executes the Island Driver on Hardcore Holly.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind Samoa Joe all the way.

Samoa Joe pinned Hardcore Holly with the Island Driver in 0:15:39.
Rating: ** 1/2
(Samoa Joe retained the Global World Title.)

Joe survived two vicious Alabama Slams(one of the concrete floor) but in the end, one Island Driver put the Hardcore One down. Joe remains Global World Champion and will have his second defense against Doug Williams next week.

X-Division Title Match:
Jay Briscoe vs Paul London(c)

They lock up.
Paul London kicks Jay Briscoe.
The crowd is cheering on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London.
Jay Briscoe kicks Paul London.
A small "Jay Briscoe" chant is being started.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe.
The crowd is cheering on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe punches Paul London.
Jay Briscoe kicks Paul London.
A small "Jay Briscoe" chant is being started.
Jay Briscoe nails Paul London with a Death Valley Driver.
The crowd is starting to get behind Jay Briscoe.
Jay Briscoe nails Paul London with a German suplex.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jay Briscoe goes for a kick to the head, but Paul London blocks it.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a clothesline.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes, but Jay Briscoe reverses it.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a backdrop.
Jay Briscoe runs into the ropes.
Paul London misses with a clothesline.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a kick.
Jay Briscoe places Paul London on the turnbuckle.
Jay Briscoe nails Paul London with a superplex.
The crowd is starting to get behind Jay Briscoe.
Jay Briscoe runs into the ropes.
Paul London misses with an elbow.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a kick.
Paul London is going for the pin.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Paul London executes a superkick on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London executes a DDT on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Paul London hits a backbreaker on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London goes for a shooting star press, but Jay Briscoe blocks it.
Jay Briscoe punches Paul London.
A small "Jay Briscoe" chant is being started.
Jay Briscoe chops Paul London.
A small "Jay Briscoe" chant is being started.
Paul London kicks Jay Briscoe.
The crowd is cheering on Paul London.
Paul London punches Jay Briscoe.
The crowd is cheering on Paul London.
Paul London chops Jay Briscoe.
Paul London uses a springboard enzuigiri on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London nails Jay Briscoe with a bodyslam.
Paul London runs into the ropes.
Jay Briscoe misses with a kick.
Jay Briscoe executes a spinning leg lariat on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Paul London counters it with
a rana.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Paul London complains about a slow count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with a DDT.
Paul London works the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Paul London.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with an elbow.
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with a Japanese armdrag takedown.
Paul London kicks Jay Briscoe.
Paul London punches Jay Briscoe.
The crowd is really behind Paul London.
Paul London kicks Jay Briscoe.
There are lots of chants for Paul London.
Paul London goes for a power bomb, but Jay Briscoe blocks it.
Jay Briscoe goes for a dragon suplex, but Paul London counters it with
a reverse cradle.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes, but Jay Briscoe reverses it.
Jay Briscoe hits a spinning leg lariat on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a punch.
Jay Briscoe uses a dropkick on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe uses a clothesline on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a German suplex.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Jay Briscoe takes Paul London down with a chop.
Jay Briscoe goes for a Soviet suplex, but Paul London blocks it.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a kick to the midsection.
Paul London goes for a spinning neckbreaker, but Jay Briscoe blocks it.
Jay Briscoe goes for a Yakuza kick, but Paul London ducks out of the way.
Paul London uses a dropsault on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a stomp.
Paul London catches Jay Briscoe in a dragon sleeper.
Jay Briscoe gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Paul London works the crowd.
There are lots of chants for Paul London.
Paul London nails Jay Briscoe with a flying senton.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul London uses a springboard headscissors on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with an enzuigiri.
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with spinning headscissors.
Paul London is going for the pin.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes.
Jay Briscoe hits a clothesline on Paul London.
Jay Briscoe goes for a vertical suplex, but Paul London counters it with
a small package.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, kickout.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a kick to the midsection.
Paul London throws Jay Briscoe out of the ring.
Andrew Thomas counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
Jay Briscoe reenters the ring.
Paul London goes for a kick to the head, but Jay Briscoe ducks out of the way.
Jay Briscoe chops Paul London.
Jay Briscoe is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe.
The crowd is behind Paul London all the way.
Paul London throws Jay Briscoe into the turnbuckle.
Paul London charges in with the Running Forearm Smash.
Paul London sends Jay Briscoe into the turnbuckle, but Jay Briscoe reverses it.
Jay Briscoe charges into the corner.
Jay Briscoe runs into the ropes.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with an elbow.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes.
Paul London goes for a kick to the head, but Jay Briscoe blocks it.
Jay Briscoe goes for a dragon suplex, but Paul London blocks it.
Paul London whips Jay Briscoe into the ropes.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a clothesline.
Jay Briscoe uses a brain buster on Paul London.
The crowd is cheering on Jay Briscoe.
Jay Briscoe takes Paul London down with the Crucible.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Jay Briscoe runs into the ropes.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a superkick.
Paul London runs into the ropes.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a kick.
Jay Briscoe throws Paul London into the turnbuckle.
Jay Briscoe charges into the corner, but Paul London moves out of the way.
Paul London uses a kick to the midsection on Jay Briscoe.
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with the Running Forearm Smash.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Paul London runs into the ropes.
Jay Briscoe hits Paul London with a shoulderblock.
Jay Briscoe runs into the ropes.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a backdrop.
Jay Briscoe falls out of the ring.
Paul London goes for a tope con hilo, but Jay Briscoe moves out of the way.
Paul London is out cold.
The crowd is cheering on Jay Briscoe.
[ portion of match removed ]
Jay Briscoe goes for a kick to the head, but Paul London ducks out of the way.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with a leg lariat.
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with the Running Forearm Smash.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Paul London takes Jay Briscoe down with an enzuigiri.
Paul London hits Jay Briscoe with the Running Forearm Smash.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Paul London are deafening.

Paul London pinned Jay Briscoe after the Running Forearm Smash in 0:17:35.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Paul London retained the Global X-Division Title.)

Paul London pulls himself up after that grueling title defense and extended his hand to Jay Briscoe who shook it.

We are to start the next tag team match but we go to the backstage area with American Dragon laid out in the back and two figures stomping away at Sonjay Dutt who are slumped against the wall. The camera man cannot see whom they are and they push the camera man down so they can get away. The Havana Pitbulls are out and they declare that Paul Heyman should give them the titles if there opponents are unable to compete. Heyman marches out and he accuses the Havana Pitbulls of doing that and declares that we will have a title match tonight and Paul Heyman likes to shake things up so he calls out the X-Division Champion Paul London. Paul Heyman then calls out Spanky and declares that Paul London and Spanky will team up to face the Havana Pitbulls for the Vacant Tag Team Titles as of right now.

Match for the Vacant Global Tag Team Titles:
Paul London and Spanky vs the Havana Pitbulls(Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero)

They lock up.
Paul London hits a legsweep faceslam on Ricky Reyes.
Paul London hits Ricky Reyes with a bodyslam.
Paul London goes for a double-leg takedown, but Ricky Reyes counters it with
a thumb to the eye.
Ricky Reyes nails Paul London with a spinning leg lariat.
Ricky Reyes runs into the ropes.
Ricky Reyes hits Paul London with a shoulderblock.
Ricky Reyes goes for a spinning heel kick, but Paul London ducks out of the way.
Paul London hits a bodyslam on Ricky Reyes.
Paul London works the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Paul London.
Paul London executes a kneelift on Ricky Reyes.
Spanky enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Spanky takes Ricky Reyes down with a springboard leaping swinging DDT.
Spanky is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Paul London climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Ricky Reyes throws him to the mat.
Spanky leaves the ring.
Ricky Reyes executes a chop on Paul London.
Ricky Reyes goes for a fisherman buster, but Paul London counters it with
a small package.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Paul London tags out to Spanky.
Paul London goes for a leg lariat, but Ricky Reyes ducks out of the way.
Paul London leaves the ring.
Ricky Reyes hits a flying huracanrana on Spanky.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Ricky Reyes hits a German suplex on Spanky.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Ricky Reyes goes for a backdrop driver, but Spanky counters it with
a backward kick.
Spanky executes a flying cross body press on Ricky Reyes.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, in the ropes...
[ portion of match removed ]
Spanky whips Rocky Romero into the ropes.
Rocky Romero hits Spanky with a clothesline.
Rocky Romero executes a single arm DDT on Spanky.
Rocky Romero goes for a rana, but Spanky counters it with a tiger driver.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Spanky.

Match for the vacant Global Tag Team Titles:
Paul London and Spanky defeated
The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero) when Spanky pinned R. Romero
after a tiger driver in 0:04:03.
Rating: ** 3/4
(Paul London and Spanky won the Global Tag Team Titles.)

Paul London is exhausted but Spanky parades around with both belts like a goof. Nevertheless, Paul London holds the Global X-Division Title and one half of the Global Tag Team Titles along with Spanky. Spanky gets on the microphone and says that while him and London are partners, Spanky still wants that Global X-Division Title of London's. London tells Spanky to talk to Heyman about getting a title shot but anytime, any place.

Charlie Haas and Colt Cabana vs Billy Gunn and Rob Van Dam(w/Bill Alfonso)

Billy Gunn hits Colt Cabana with the Jackhammer.
Mike Sparks counts: One, shoulder up.
Billy Gunn works the crowd.
Billy Gunn is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
Billy Gunn runs into the ropes.
Billy Gunn uses a clothesline on Colt Cabana.
Billy Gunn uses a kneelift on Colt Cabana.
Billy Gunn tags out to Rob Van Dam.
Rob Van Dam executes a single-leg takedown on Colt Cabana.
Rob Van Dam throws Colt Cabana out of the ring.
Rob Van Dam goes outside.
Rob Van Dam nails Colt Cabana with a superkick.
Colt Cabana is busted wide open.
Bill Alfonso comes from behind and distracts Colt Cabana.
Mike Sparks counts:  1.
Rob Van Dam hits a Hotshot on Colt Cabana.
Mike Sparks counts:  2.
Rob Van Dam reenters the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Gunn enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rob Van Dam and Billy Gunn whip Colt Cabana into the ropes.
They hit Colt Cabana with a double clothesline.
Billy Gunn hits the Gunnslinger on Colt Cabana.
Billy Gunn is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
Rob Van Dam climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Colt Cabana nails him
in the stomach.
Rob Van Dam falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Billy Gunn leaves the ring.
Colt Cabana uses a top-rope Frankensteiner on Rob Van Dam.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Colt Cabana works the crowd.
A small "Colt Cabana" chant is being started.
Colt Cabana executes a Japanese armdrag takedown on Rob Van Dam.
Colt Cabana nails Rob Van Dam with a kick to the midsection.
Colt Cabana uses a vertical suplex on Rob Van Dam.
Colt Cabana whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Gunn hits a clothesline on Charlie Haas.
Billy Gunn goes for a kick to the midsection, but Charlie Haas counters it with
a legsweep.
Charlie Haas goes for the Haas Of Pain, but Billy Gunn blocks it.
Charlie Haas hits a back elbow on Billy Gunn.
The crowd is cheering on Charlie Haas.
Charlie Haas whips Billy Gunn into the ropes.
Charlie Haas hits Billy Gunn with a shoulderblock.
Charlie Haas executes a double-axhandle to the back on Billy Gunn.
Charlie Haas uses a bulldog on Billy Gunn.
The crowd is cheering on Charlie Haas.
Charlie Haas goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Billy Gunn
blocks it.
Billy Gunn goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Charlie Haas
reverses it.
Charlie Haas hits Billy Gunn with a bodyslam.
Charlie Haas goes for a T-Bone Suplex, but Billy Gunn counters it with
a small package.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Charlie Haas takes Billy Gunn down with a German suplex.
Mike Sparks counts: One, kickout.
Charlie Haas takes Billy Gunn down with a powerslam.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Charlie Haas executes a clothesline on Billy Gunn.
Charlie Haas goes for neck-scissors, but Billy Gunn ducks out of the way.
Billy Gunn goes for the Gunnslinger, but Charlie Haas counters it with
a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is starting to get behind Charlie Haas.
Charlie Haas executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Billy Gunn.
Charlie Haas hits Billy Gunn with a German suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Charlie Haas takes Billy Gunn down with a Russian legsweep.
Charlie Haas goes for a chokehold, but Billy Gunn counters it with
a kick to the midsection.
Billy Gunn goes for the Fame-Ass-Er, but Charlie Haas counters it with
a side step.
Charlie Haas hits Billy Gunn.
A small "Charlie Haas" chant is being started.
Charlie Haas chops Billy Gunn.
The crowd is starting to get behind Charlie Haas.
Charlie Haas chops Billy Gunn.
Charlie Haas is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Charlie Haas nails Billy Gunn with a vertical suplex.
Charlie Haas whips Billy Gunn into the turnbuckle.
Charlie Haas runs into the ropes.
Charlie Haas misses with an elbow.
Charlie Haas misses with an elbow.
Billy Gunn misses with an elbow.
Billy Gunn nails Charlie Haas with the Gunnslinger.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Billy Gunn tags out to Rob Van Dam.
Colt Cabana enters the ring and throws Billy Gunn out of the ring.
Charlie Haas and Colt Cabana whip Rob Van Dam into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rob Van Dam misses with a clothesline.
Rob Van Dam misses with an elbow.
Charlie Haas hits Rob Van Dam with a kick.
Charlie Haas executes a legsweep on Rob Van Dam.
Charlie Haas goes for the Haas Of Pain, but Rob Van Dam blocks it.
Charlie Haas hits a German suplex on Rob Van Dam.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Charlie Haas sends Rob Van Dam into the turnbuckle.
Charlie Haas runs into the ropes.
Charlie Haas goes for a clothesline, but Rob Van Dam counters it with a crucifix
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, kickout.
Rob Van Dam goes for a DDT, but Charlie Haas blocks it.
Colt Cabana enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Colt Cabana goes for a lariat, but Rob Van Dam blocks it.
Billy Gunn goes for an inside cradle, but Colt Cabana blocks it.
Colt Cabana and Charlie Haas whip Billy Gunn into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Gunn tags out to Rob Van Dam.
Rob Van Dam hits Colt Cabana with the Van Terminator.
Rob Van Dam nails Colt Cabana with a kick to the midsection.
Rob Van Dam hits an elbowsmash on Colt Cabana.
Billy Gunn enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Billy Gunn goes for a clothesline, but Colt Cabana ducks out of the way.
Billy Gunn leaves the ring.
Colt Cabana uses an armdrag takedown on Rob Van Dam.
Colt Cabana tags out to Charlie Haas.
Charlie Haas and Colt Cabana whip Rob Van Dam into the ropes.
They hit Rob Van Dam with a double elbowsmash.
Colt Cabana leaves the ring.
Charlie Haas executes a Russian legsweep on Rob Van Dam.
The crowd is cheering on Charlie Haas.
Charlie Haas whips Rob Van Dam into the ropes, but Rob Van Dam reverses it.
Rob Van Dam executes a bodyslam on Charlie Haas.
Rob Van Dam executes the Five Star Frog Splash on Charlie Haas.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, Colt Cabana doesn't make it in time... three.
Rob Van Dam is being booed like there is no tomorrow.

Rob Van Dam and Billy Gunn defeated Colt Cabana and Charlie Haas when RVD
pinned C. Haas with the Five Star Frog Splash in 0:14:46.
Rating: ** 3/4
[Bill Alfonso interfered against Colt Cabana.]

Billy Gunn gets up and shoves Rob Van Dam away for being a glory hog and stealing his chance at making an impact. Rob Van Dam just brushes it off in his usual manner. We fade to black with Billy Gunn looking pissed at Rob Van Dam in the ring.
MattHarmsPosted on 06/02/05 at 15:20:41

Global Wrestling Empire Preview for 6/22/05

The stars of the Global Wrestling Empire return to Pay Per View with two big title matches.

The first match will feature Spanky and Paul London defending their newly won Global Tag Team Titles against the team of Colt Cabana and CM Punk, The Second City Saints. It should be interesting to see how long Spanky and London coexist, when Spanky has his sights set on the Global X-Division Title held by London.

In the Second Title Match, The Global World Champion Samoa Joe will defend his title against Great Britain's Doug Williams. All stars from around the world are eligible for a shot at the Global World Title should they be good enough and this is a perfect example of it.

Billy Gunn has requested some time in which he is going to try and make an impact. We at GWE will grant him that time.

We will see a brand new number one contender for the Global X-Division Title when there is a six way elimination match. Involved in that match will be Petey Williams, Johnny Jeter, Jay Briscoe, Johnny Nitro, Jimmy Jacobs, and Spanky. The winner of that match will get a shot at the Global X-Division Title on 6/29/05.

Also, Generation Next returns to GWE Pay Per View, as Jack Evans and Roderick Strong face the Havana Pitbulls. Austin Aries decided to take the night off and just sit back and watch his too teammates take care of the Havana Pitbulls. We understand that Strong and Evans are not too happy about this but we will see how this pans out this Wednesday night.

We will see you at Ringside.

americamamushiPosted on 06/03/05 at 00:18:52

Dutt & AmDrag seem to make a good team in GWE

Uh-oh.  RVD & Gunn don't seem like they will however. :)

Ha, maybe Colt & Haas won't make that great a team either. :)

That sign is the best sign ever.  Snitsky's just all huffy puffy because he didn't eat his daily baby sandwich.

I had a feeling Joe would retain.  Seems like it was a brutal match though.  I 'spect Hardcore will be back though.

Yay!  London retains.

Wow, didn't expect London & Spanky to win since London had JUST wrestled.  Of course, the Pitbulls had wrestled earlier too, but they had more down time.  GWE's first dual champion! *tear* they grow up so fast.

I smell Gunn vs. RVD in the future.  Gunn doesn't seem like the kind guy that would let something like this slide in GWE.  He must have the glory... perhaps more than Snitsky needs baby meat... no... he couldn't need it that much... ;D