Disabling Visualizer

JoeDesertratPosted on 11/28/05 at 04:40:33

I may have missed something obvious but I have been unable to figure out how to disable the Visualizer. I've seen mention of disabling it but have not found where in the game to do so. I don't use it and don't at this point have plans to use it. There were apparently shutdown issues with it on my PC, at least in the beta builds and I figure I'm better off without something unnecessary running.
MattQ2607Posted on 11/28/05 at 05:46:43

On the first TNM screen click on options.  Visualizer is right below talent limitations.
JoeDesertratPosted on 11/28/05 at 06:21:00

It is and has been unchecked. The Visualizer still runs even though I have no pictures entered.
ZedjaPosted on 11/28/05 at 11:25:57

Did you restart the program first??