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Shaun SindelmanPosted on 04/07/05 at 06:17:30

DATE: MARCH 25 2006

Tonight should be an interesting night.

We will see both titles defended on the same night as the Head of the Class champion, Juventud Guerrera faces the winner of the battle royal 2 weeks ago, "Heavy D" Don Harris.

The Heavy Hitters titles will be on the line as well when The SAT defends them against a team that wishes to remain a surprise. The SAT commented on this and said "We have been champions since August of last year and after tonight, we will STILL be champions, regardless of who these `challengers' are."

But in even bigger news, Hard Knox has been asked to participate in a "Battle of Long Island" with rival promotion, LIW. They are obviously very upset with the presence of Alex Wright in the ranks of Hard Knox and think this "battle" will help them to regain some dignity. Some of the initial matches have been signed and we will get to those later in the card.

Starting off tonight's event was a Four Corners matchup as Spikyjim was set to face off with 3 brand new faces to Hard Knox.

With Spiky already in the ring, we awaited the arrival of the other 3 participants.

Arabic chanting began to play over the PA system as Shawn Daivari made his way down the aisle. We then heard some unknown generic music as Chris Kanyon made his way to the ring.

THEN we heard "Back in Black" by AC/DC as we witnessed the arrival of "No Gimmick Needed" Chris Candido to Hard Knox Wrestling. Candido made his way into the ring and we had ourselves a match.

Spikyjim whips Kanyon into the ropes.
Spikyjim catches Kanyon totally by surprise with The Living End.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Spikyjim.
Spikyjim goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, Chris Candido makes the save.
Kanyon hits Spikyjim with the Flatliner.
Kanyon goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, Chris Candido doesn't bother making the save this time... three.

Spikyjim has been eliminated.
Chris Candido nails Shawn Daivari with a piledriver.
Chris Candido covers Shawn Daivari.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Candido complains about a slow count.
Chris Candido uses a kick to the midsection on Shawn Daivari.
Chris Candido goes for a waistlock suplex, but Shawn Daivari counters it with a go-behind.
In turn, Chris Candido counters it with a backward kick.
Chris Candido gives the sign for the Blonde Bombshell.
Chris Candido places Shawn Daivari on the turnbuckle.
Chris Candido executes the Blonde Bombshell on Shawn Daivari.
Chris Candido goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.

Shawn Daivari has been eliminated.
Chris Candido hits a clothesline on Kanyon.
Chris Candido is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Candido complains about a slow count.
Chris Candido throws Danny Davis out of the ring.
Danny Davis is out cold.
Chris Candido throws Kanyon out of the ring.
Chris Candido goes for a tope, but Kanyon moves out of the way.
Chris Candido is out cold.
There are lots of chants for Kanyon.
Kanyon takes Chris Candido down with a DDT.
Chris Candido is busted wide open.
Kanyon shoves Chris Candido into the guardrail.
Kanyon yells, "Who betta than Kanyon?!".
The crowd is really behind Kanyon.
Kanyon executes a fireman's carry into a flapjack on Chris Candido.
Kanyon throws Chris Candido into the ringsteps.
Kanyon shoves Chris Candido into the guardrail.
Kanyon uses a vertical facebuster on Chris Candido.
Kanyon nails Chris Candido with a flying shoulderblock.
Kanyon throws Chris Candido into the guardrail.
Kanyon nails Chris Candido with a kick to the head.
Kanyon throws Chris Candido back into the ring.
Kanyon executes the Flatliner on Chris Candido.
The crowd is really behind Kanyon.
Kanyon goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Kanyon gets back up.
Kanyon takes Chris Candido down with a kick to the midsection.
Kanyon throws Chris Candido out of the ring again.
Kanyon rolls out under the bottom rope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Kanyon hits Chris Candido with a snap suplex.
Kanyon uses a bodyslam on Chris Candido.
Kanyon yells, "Who betta than Kanyon?!".
The crowd is really behind Kanyon.
Kanyon executes a thrust kick to the head on Chris Candido.
Kanyon takes Chris Candido down with a vertical facebuster.
Kanyon uses a fallaway slam on Chris Candido.
Kanyon takes Chris Candido down with a roundhouse right.
Kanyon takes Chris Candido down with a snap suplex.
Kanyon executes a Samoan Drop on Chris Candido.
Kanyon runs Chris Candido into the ringpost.
Kanyon yells, "Who betta than Kanyon?!".
Kanyon shoves Chris Candido into the guardrail.
Kanyon throws Chris Candido back into the ring.
Danny Davis crawls back into the ring.
Danny Davis gets up.
Kanyon executes the Flatliner on Chris Candido.
The crowd is really behind Kanyon.
Kanyon goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.
Chris Candido complains about a fast count.
Danny Davis lets the match continue.
Kanyon takes Chris Candido down with a chop.
Kanyon hits a kick to the midsection on Chris Candido.
Kanyon hits a snap suplex on Chris Candido.
Kanyon whips Chris Candido into the ropes.
Chris Candido executes a swinging neckbreaker on Kanyon.
Chris Candido is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, shoulder up.
Chris Candido complains about a slow count.
The crowd is cheering on Chris Candido.
Chris Candido executes a vertical suplex on Kanyon.
Chris Candido executes a dropkick on Kanyon.
Chris Candido sets up Kanyon on the turnbuckle.
Chris Candido executes the Blonde Bombshell on Kanyon.
Chris Candido goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.

Kanyon has been eliminated.
The crowd is really behind Chris Candido.
Four Corners Match:
Chris Candido defeated Shawn Daivari, Spikyjim and Kanyon:
        x Kanyon beat Spikyjim via the Flatliner in 0:21:17
        x Candido beat Daivari via the Blonde Bombshell in 0:31:16
        x Candido beat Kanyon via the Blonde Bombshell in 0:44:39
Rating: ** 1/2

Candido made an amazing debut tonight as did Kanyon but Candido definitely got over more with the fans as he was the favorite going into the match. We thought the match was over but the ref restarted the match due to Candido's complaint of a fast count. Candido then complained of a slow count when he made the cover for a one count and shortly thereafter, he was able to put Kanyon away with the Blonde Bombshell for the win.

As Candido was heading up the aisle to the backstage area, he crossed paths with Shane Douglas who made his way down to ringside. For a brief moment, these former friends from ECW's Triple Threat gave each other a nod of acknowledgement and then went on with their business.

Once at ringside, Shane grabbed the microphone and began to speak.

Shane Douglas interview

Shane came out to talk about how D'Lo Brown was making a steady and quick recovery and should be back in action by next month.

He also commented on how Chuck Palumbo was going to tear apart LIW's hometown poster boy - Cactus Jack when the two of them meet at Battle of Long Island.

He went on to say that he had more important business to tend to...namely a Stable War match that never happened between his guys and Raven's Flock.

He put forth a challenge for later in the night between Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Ace, and their temporary 3rd member of The Triple Threat for one night -  Johnny Stamboli as they face Abyss, Tommy Dreamer & CM Punk.

Tommy Dreamer came out just to say that The Flock is up for the challenge and we will see that match later in the evening.

Amazing Red pinned Kevin J. Ridge after a sunset flip power bomb in 0:03:03.
Rating: ** 3/4

Next up - A new Top Contender for the Head of the Class will be crowned as BJ Whitmer & Raven face off in a 2 out of 3 Falls contest.

Fall 1
Raven sets up BJ Whitmer on the announcers' table.
Raven executes a piledriver through the table.
The table didn't break.
Raven executes a bulldog off the table on BJ Whitmer.
Raven shoves BJ Whitmer into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
BJ Whitmer throws Raven into the guardrail.
BJ Whitmer gets back into the ring.
Raven rolls back in under the bottom rope.
BJ Whitmer executes the Pumphandle Fisherman Buster on Raven.
The crowd is going crazy.
BJ Whitmer goes for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving BJ Whitmer a standing ovation.
Fall 2
Raven goes for the Raven Effect, but BJ Whitmer blocks it.
Raven runs into the ropes.
Raven hits BJ Whitmer with a clothesline.
Raven exits the ring.
He brings a chair into the ring.
Raven hits Whitmer with the chair.
The crowd is giving Raven a standing ovation.
Raven hits BJ Whitmer again with the chair.
Raven executes the Raven Effect on BJ Whitmer.
The crowd erupts.
Raven goes for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, three.
Fall 3
The chants for BJ Whitmer are deafening.
Raven kicks BJ Whitmer.
Raven chops BJ Whitmer.
Raven hits him with the chair.
Raven throws BJ Whitmer out of the ring.
Raven goes through the ropes.
Raven throws BJ Whitmer into the ringpost.
Raven runs BJ Whitmer into the ringpost.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Raven sets up BJ Whitmer on the announcers' table.
Raven executes a piledriver through the table.
The table didn't break.
Raven goes for an eye gouge, but BJ Whitmer blocks it.
BJ Whitmer throws Raven into the guardrail.
BJ Whitmer uses an elbowsmash on Raven.
BJ Whitmer executes a kneelift on Raven.
BJ Whitmer shoves Raven into the guardrail.
BJ Whitmer hits a lariat on Raven.
BJ Whitmer hits a piledriver on Raven on the outside.
BJ Whitmer throws Raven into the guardrail.
BJ Whitmer goes for a power bomb, but Raven counters it with a backdrop.
Raven whips BJ Whitmer into the guardrail.
Raven executes a stomp on BJ Whitmer.
Raven throws BJ Whitmer back into the ring.
Raven brings a table into the ring.
Raven sets up the table.
Raven gives the sign for the Raven Effect.
Raven executes the Raven Effect on BJ Whitmer through the table.
The crowd erupts.
Raven goes for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, three.
[Top Contender match for the Head of the Class]
Number-One-Contenders-Two-out-of-three-Falls Match:
Raven beat BJ Whitmer 2 falls to 1:
        x Whitmer beat Raven via the Pumphandle Fisherman Buster in 0:14:19
        x Raven beat Whitmer via the Raven Effect in 0:20:05
        x Raven beat Whitmer via the Raven Effect in 0:23:21
Rating: *** 3/4

Raven tried twice to put Whitmer through a table with a piledriver and both attempts failed. It ended up being a Raven Effect through a table that secured Raven a title shot against Juventud Guerrera or Don Harris in the near future.

The referee is out cold on the outside.
Both men are brawling at ringside.
Zach Gowen goes for a clothesline, but Xavier counters it with a crucifix.
Xavier executes the Kiss Your X Goodbye on Zach Gowen on the concrete floor.
Xavier whips Zach Gowen into the guardrail.
Xavier goes for a high knee, but Zach Gowen side-steps and Xavier only hits air.
Zach Gowen takes Xavier down with a leg lariat.
Zach Gowen runs Xavier into the ringsteps.
Zach Gowen uses a dropkick on Xavier.
Zach Gowen whips Xavier into the guardrail.
Zach Gowen throws Xavier back into the ring.
Zach Gowen uses a forearm smash on Xavier.
Zach Gowen runs into the ropes.
Xavier uses a high knee on Zach Gowen.
Xavier runs into the ropes.
Zach Gowen hits a flying cross body press on Xavier.
There is no referee to count.
James Beard crawls back into the ring.
James Beard slowly gets up.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Zach Gowen gives the sign for the One Legged Moonsault.
Zach Gowen executes the One Legged Moonsault on Xavier.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind Zach Gowen all the way.
Zach Gowen pinned Xavier with the One Legged Moonsault in 0:11:11.
Rating: ** 1/2

Zach Gowen with the incredible win as he heads into the Battle of Long Island to face LIW's `British Sensation' Johnny Storm.

Next up - Chris Benoit faces "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniel. Benoit has a big match at "Battle of Long Island" against LIW's New York State Heavyweight champion, `The Enforcer' Arn Anderson. Can he get past Daniels and stay focused on Anderson and possibly stealing the LIW title away or will a loss tonight throw off his game plan?

Christopher Daniels nails Chris Benoit with an STO.
Christopher Daniels whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels takes Chris Benoit down with an inverted Russian legsweep cradle.
Christopher Daniels executes a moonsault on Chris Benoit.
Christopher Daniels goes for a forearm to the back, but Chris Benoit side-steps and Christopher Daniels only hits air.
** Tommy Dreamer ambushes Chris Benoit from behind.
Charles Robinson ejects Tommy Dreamer from ringside.
Christopher Daniels knocks Chris Benoit into the ringpost.
Christopher Daniels throws Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels uses a sidewalk slam on Chris Benoit.
Christopher Daniels goes for an inverted Russian legsweep cradle, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit throws Christopher Daniels back into the ring.
Chris Benoit uses an elbowsmash on Christopher Daniels.
Chris Benoit sends Christopher Daniels into the turnbuckle.
Chris Benoit runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Christopher Daniels moves out of the way.
Christopher Daniels executes the Last Rites on Chris Benoit.
There is no referee to count.
Charles Robinson is back on the job.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Christopher Daniels are deafening.
Christopher Daniels pinned Chris Benoit with the Last Rites in 0:10:12.
Rating: *** 3/4
[Tommy Dreamer interfered against Chris Benoit.]

Benoit was close to securing a win but Tommy Dreamer's attack put Benoit out for the count and subject to a strong offense by Christopher Daniels.

Iron Man Match:
AJ Styles beat Mohammed Yone 4 falls to 0:
        x Styles beat M. Yone via a moonsault in 0:12:30
        x Styles beat M. Yone via the Styles Clash in 0:20:23
        x Styles beat M. Yone via the Styles Clash in 0:24:02
        x Styles beat M. Yone via the Styles Clash in 0:27:33
        x time limit expired (Styles and M. Yone) in 0:30:00
Rating: *** 1/4

The fans were impressed the first time this two men met in the ring but this match blew that one out of the water. Yone had some very close calls but he was just not on his best tonight and Styles was able to get the better of him.

After the match, Yone seemed to be very upset with his performance in the match. The last time we saw this from a member of the Hard Knox roster, they jumped ship for LIW. Has Yone be driven so far down that he would accept a deal with a `lesser' promotion? For his own sake, we hope that's NOT the case.

Coming up - Shane Douglas leads his men into battle as we have the make up match from our Stable War a few events back.

Johnny Stamboli stabs Dreamer with a broken beer bottle.
Johnny Stamboli takes Tommy Dreamer down with a DDT.
Johnny Stamboli has the crowd going wild.
Johnny Stamboli is going for the cover.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, kickout.
Johnny Stamboli takes Tommy Dreamer down with a Hotshot.
Johnny Stamboli is going for the cover.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, kickout.
Johnny Stamboli takes Tommy Dreamer down with a bodyslam.
Johnny Stamboli hits him with another beer bottle.
Tommy Dreamer has been cut open.
Johnny Stamboli executes the Fuhgetaboutit on Tommy Dreamer.
Johnny Stamboli goes for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, Abyss is caught up by Johnny Ace and doesn't make it in time... three.
Tommy Dreamer has been eliminated.
[Stable War Redux]: Two-out-of-three-Falls Match With Captain's Rules:
Triple Threat (Chuck Palumbo and Johnny Ace) and Johnny Stamboli beat The Flock (Abyss, CM Punk and Tommy Dreamer) 2 falls to 0:
        x Stamboli beat Dreamer via the Fuhgetaboutit in 0:17:32
Rating: *** 3/4

The match was held under Captain's Rules and The Triple Threat were gunning for The Flock's captain, Tommy Dreamer for the entire match. It was Johnny Stamboli who proved himself tonight as he pulled off quite the win for The Triple Threat with this victory over Raven's Flock.

Mafia & Despair lock up.
Despair goes for a kneebreaker, but Mafia counters it with an elbowsmash.
Mafia attempts to place Despair on the turnbuckle, but Despair blocks it.
Mafia whips Despair into the ropes, but Despair reverses it.
Despair nails Mafia with a back heel kick.
Despair runs into the ropes.
Mafia executes a jawbreaker on Despair.
Mafia nails Despair with an exploder suplex.
Mafia works the crowd.
There are lots of chants for Mafia.
Mafia uses a backdrop driver on Despair.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
Mafia has the crowd going wild.
Mafia pinned Despair after a backdrop driver in 0:00:59.
Rating: **

Mafia with the QUICK win. He is obviously trying to quickly jump back into the main event and get another chance at the gold.

Coming up - The SAT will find out who their challengers are for their Heavy Hitters' title defense.

The SAT entered the ring and awaited the arrival of their challengers. We then heard "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple over the PA system and the crowd assumed it would be Triple Threat members Johnny Ace & Chuck Palumbo pulling double duty tonight.

INSTEAD...we witnessed Shane Douglas come out from behind the backstage curtain with CHRIS CANDIDO right behind him. Both men flashed that infamous 3 finger hand gesture associated with The Triple Threat as they walk down the aisle and entered the ring.

Jose Maximo throws Chris Candido into the ringpost.
Jose Maximo uses a Russian legsweep on Chris Candido.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jose Maximo throws Chris Candido back into the ring.
Jose Maximo hits an Asai moonsault on Chris Candido.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jose Maximo uses a dropkick on Chris Candido.
Jose Maximo executes the Maximizer on Chris Candido.
There are lots of chants for Jose Maximo.
Jose Maximo goes for the pin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, Shane Douglas doesn't make it in time... three.
There are lots of chants for Jose Maximo.
[Heavy Hitters title defense]:
The Spanish Announce Team (Joel Maximo and Jose Maximo) defeated Chris Candido and Shane Douglas when Jose pinned Candido with the Maximizer in 0:22:06.
Rating: *** 1/2
(The Spanish Announce Team retained the HEAVY HITTERS.)

With Chris Candido in Hard Knox, Shane Douglas obviously felt like reliving some old glory by tagging with his former Triple Threat stablemate for a chance to grab the tag team gold.

Unfortunately, Candido had a match already in the evening and Shane hasn't been in a ring in a few months so their attempt was foiled by The SAT and the Maximizer finisher from Jose Maximo.

Our main event is up next as Juventud Guerrera faces Don Harris for the Head of the Class title.

Don Harris throws Juventud Guerrera into the turnbuckle.
Don Harris charges into the corner.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Don Harris hits a bodyslam on Juventud Guerrera.
Don Harris executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Juventud Guerrera.
Don Harris runs into the ropes.
Don Harris hits Juventud Guerrera with a shoulderblock.
Don Harris goes for a forearm smash, but Juventud Guerrera blocks it.
Juventud Guerrera nails Don Harris with a dropkick.
Juventud Guerrera sends Don Harris into the turnbuckle, but Don Harris reverses it.
Don Harris charges into the corner, but Juventud Guerrera moves out of the way.
Juventud Guerrera executes the Juvi Driver on Don Harris.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three.
[Head of the Class title defense]: No-Time-Limit-Match:
Juventud Guerrera pinned Don Harris with the Juvi Driver in 0:29:00.
Rating: ***
(Juventud Guerrera retained the HEAD OF THE CLASS.)

Juvy with another win and he holds on to the gold for a little bit longer.

After the match, Alex Wright came down and attacked both men. Juvy fought back long enough to give himself an opening to head to the back. With just Wright and Don Harris in the ring, the two men continued to brawl until Ron Harris came down to help his brother out. Hard Knox officials rushed the ring to seperate Wright and the Harris Brothers - most likely to prevent Wright from being killed his first month in Hard Knox.

Card rating: ***

Our next Hard Knox event will be in a few weeks but before that, be sure to check out the superstars of Hard Knox Wrestling as they kick Long Island Wrestling's a** at the "Battle of Long Island" on April 1st.

As mentioned already, the first four matches have been announced as:

* Zach Gowen vs Johnny Storm

* Arn Anderson (NYS Champion) vs Chris Benoit


* Cactus Jack vs Chuck Palumbo

More matches to come soon.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 04/07/05 at 06:38:31

Hard Knox Wrestling Update for March 28 2006

A few more matches have been signed for "Battle of Long Island" on April 1st.

* LIW's Don Juan vs our own Amazing Red

Red has been on quite the rise as of late coming off a win against Xavier only a few short days ago. He will be up for quite the fight against LIW's Don Juan but we have confidence that he will secure yet another win and crumble the hopes and dreams of LIW.

* Spikyjim vs El Mephisto

Spikyjim has not been on such a great run since Chris Sabin brought Zach Gowen into Hard Knox Wrestling and it has definitely done a number on his mental state.

So yes it IS true...As reported on LIW's Newsline, Spiky visited the LIW offices and ended up securing himself a match at "Battle of Long Island" against El Mephisto. We hope that Spiky can gain his composure and secure a win. With a win here and a win from Zach Gowen, LIW's `New Europe' stable will certainly suffer quite a blow.

* Dangan vs The SAT

A battle of two tag team champions as Hard Knox's Heavy Hitters champions, The SAT faces Dangan who recently lost their titles only to gain them back.

I don't know about you but I prefer to bet on a tag team that has held their titles since August 2005 over a team that let their titles slide through their fingers and then get lucky enough to win them back.

* Randy Orton vs Terry Funk

Hard Knox would like to announce that this will be Terry Funk's last match under the Hard Knox umbrella. We hope that he will do us the honor of going out with a bang by defeating LIW's so-called `Legend Killer'

* Alex Wright vs Ron Harris

In an interesting turn of events, Hard Knox has discovered that LIW has signed a match that would certainly sell out a crowd at ANY Hard Knox event alone. Alex Wright will defend the honor of his new employers, Hard Knox Wrestling against Ron Harris who somehow has chosen to BETRAY Hard Knox and represent Long Island Wrestling in this match instead.

Hard Knox would like to say at this time that if he goes forward with competing in this match, then after April 1st, Ron Harris contract with us will be NULL and VOID.

Hard Knox has chosen to highlight some of it's talent by putting on two matches between it's own superstars.

* BJ Whitmer/Rhyno vs Van Wild/Scott Starring

The first match will be great tag team action as we have a Top Contenders match for the Heavy Hitters titles between the ever rising teams of Whitmer & Rhyno as well as Van Wild & Scott Starring.

* CM Punk vs Christopher Daniels

We then showcase the great high flying and X Division action as CM Punk faces "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Daniels is coming off a great win a few days ago with the help of Tommy Dreamer. It should be interesting to see how this match unfolds.

There's only a few days left before "Battle of Long Island" and selects seats are still available.
rey619Posted on 04/07/05 at 11:41:56

Chris Candido resurfaces in Hard Knox! He will definetely fit in better in this somewhat ECWesque fed than in IWA:NE. Nice subtelty with Douglas, and a nice surprise that they were the challengers. Candido just went a 40 minute match.. dunno if the SAT had been able to stop Candido and Douglas without that one.

"Generic rock music - lol...

Still looking forward to the Long Island war... it's funny how many wrestler appear over and over in the NE feds on the boards... Both you and I have SAT, Daniels, Styles... you and LIW have the Harris Brothers... since Critic's rulesheet, feds on the boards almost act like the real NE indy scenes, just with other names.

Keep up the good work.. you are way ahead of me in timeline now :( .. guess it was necessary to do the crossover with LIW.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 04/07/05 at 14:25:31

All I can say is thank you and if you want to do a cross over with me when you get to that point in the rules, feel free to let me know.

On 04/07/05 at 11:41:56, rey619 wrote:Chris Candido resurfaces in Hard Knox! He will definetely fit in better in this somewhat ECWesque fed than in IWA:NE. Nice subtelty with Douglas, and a nice surprise that they were the challengers. Candido just went a 40 minute match.. dunno if the SAT had been able to stop Candido and Douglas without that one.

"Generic rock music - lol...

Still looking forward to the Long Island war... it's funny how many wrestler appear over and over in the NE feds on the boards... Both you and I have SAT, Daniels, Styles... you and LIW have the Harris Brothers... since Critic's rulesheet, feds on the boards almost act like the real NE indy scenes, just with other names.

Keep up the good work.. you are way ahead of me in timeline now :( .. guess it was necessary to do the crossover with LIW.
VertigoPosted on 04/08/05 at 05:04:39

I like me some Chris Candido and Kanyon. I was pushing for one of those two to win, Candido more so than Kanyon... so I was happy with the outcome. Two Blonde Bombshells in one match is BRUTAL! And acknowledging The Franchise... hmmm...

Red pins Ridge... that's good for Red going into the match against LIW's Don Juan.

I don't know what's worse... Raven piledriving Whitmer on a table that WOULDN'T break... or the Raven Effect THROUGH the table... either way, they're both gross and no one would be able to fight back from such brutality.

Zach Gowen pinned Xavier... don't like either of them, but again, that's good for Zach Gowen as he gains momentum going into the interpromotional show.

Uh oh... Benoit loses to Daniels just before he faces LIW's Champion, Arn Anderson. You can blame Dreamer, but either way, how will this effect Benoit's chances against Double A?

Damn AJ Styles and his Styles Clash! I wanted Yone to topple Styles... oh well... maybe another day.

Good god! Stamboli stabbed Dreamer with a broken beer bottle!! I would have submitted!! But Dreamer's hardcore and tried to hang in there. A big win for the Triple Threat.

A nice look at some old ECW days as Douglas and Candido reunite, but it did not last long. Is Douglas interested in bringing Candido into the Triple Threat or was this just for nostalgia?

Juvy retains like I knew he would, but Alex Wright really needs to be careful. The Harris Brothers would have killed him! He may have beaten Ron Harris in LIW once before, but he can't beat BOTH of them at the same time. The rematch between Wright & Violent R at LIW vs. SHK is going to be great!
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 04/08/05 at 05:22:49

Glad ya liked Candido making his debut - you'll definitely see more of him in the weeks to come.

I won't ruin what happened at the Battle of Long Island but I WILL say go and read it ASAP because it is INTENSE.

Heh - yea I was pretty surprised by the numerous attempts from Raven to put Whitmer away on the never breaking table of doom. =)

Yea I think we may see a Dreamer/Benoit match eventually.

Yone hasnt had the BEST of luck as of late so i'm not surprised by Styles getting WAY over on him.

Oh yea - that stabbing with the beer bottle spot was definitely an interesting one to see come up.

Not going to say anything bout Douglas & Candido except read, read and read some more.

Wright is definitely insane for trying to tangle with TWO Harris Brothers at once but it does show how balls to the wall he is willing to go in Hard Knox - maybe even more than when he was with LIW.