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Shaun SindelmanPosted on 04/01/05 at 05:24:42


It's been 3 weeks since the last Hard Knox event and the fans came out in droves to see the 2nd dose of action this month.

We started off the evening with a huge match between Monsta Mack and Chuck Palumbo. This stems from Monsta Mack being in the main at our last event and could have posibly won if not for Palumbo's cowardice. He challenged Palumbo but did not seem too fond of his match opening up the card

Chuck Palumbo executes the Jungle Kick on Monsta Mack.
Chuck Palumbo goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chuck Palumbo throws Rudy Charles to the outside.
Rudy Charles is out cold.
Chuck Palumbo locks Monsta Mack in a wristlock.
There is no referee there to ask Monsta Mack.
Monsta Mack tries to escape the hold.
Monsta Mack is inching his way towards the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo lets go after 24 seconds.
Rudy Charles is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
Chuck Palumbo executes a back suplex on Monsta Mack.
Chuck Palumbo covers Monsta Mack.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
Chuck Palumbo pinned Monsta Mack after a back suplex in 0:17:44.
Rating: *** 1/4

Palumbo had a moment of frustration that could have cost him the match but it only prolonged the victory he received after defeating Monsta Mack.

Mack was quite embarassed by the loss and stormed off to the back after the match.

Next up - Mohammed Yone meets Xavier

They lock up.
Xavier goes for a kneelift, but Mohammed Yone side-steps and Xavier only hits air.
Mohammed Yone gets a kneebar on Xavier.
Xavier is struggling to reach the ropes.
Xavier is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Xavier tries to escape the hold.
Xavier makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 15 seconds.
Mohammed Yone executes a flying legdrop on Xavier.
James Beard counts: One, kickout.
Mohammed Yone sends Xavier into the turnbuckle, but Xavier reverses it.
Xavier runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Mohammed Yone lifts his knee.
Mohammed Yone punches Xavier.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Mohammed Yone chops Xavier.
Mohammed Yone gets a front facelock on Xavier.
Xavier inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
Mohammed Yone uses a series of forearm smashes on Xavier.
The crowd is giving Mohammed Yone a standing ovation.
Xavier begs off.
Mohammed Yone nails Xavier with a slap.
Mohammed Yone chops Xavier.
The crowd is behind Mohammed Yone all the way.
Mohammed Yone chops Xavier.
The chants for Mohammed Yone are deafening.
Xavier punches Mohammed Yone.
The crowd is really behind Xavier.
Xavier punches Mohammed Yone.
The crowd is going crazy.
Xavier chops Mohammed Yone.
The crowd is going crazy.
Xavier uses a chop on Mohammed Yone.
Xavier nails Mohammed Yone with the Running Forearm Smash.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Xavier makes an X with his arms.
The crowd is going crazy.
Xavier hits Mohammed Yone with a high knee.
Xavier goes for a chinlock deathlock submission, but Mohammed Yone counters it with a facerake.
Mohammed Yone goes for a high knee, but Xavier ducks out of the way.
Xavier executes a single-leg takedown on Mohammed Yone.
Xavier takes Mohammed Yone down with a Northern Lights suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Xavier sets up Mohammed Yone on the turnbuckle.
Xavier takes Mohammed Yone down with a superplex.
Xavier has the crowd going wild.
Xavier goes for the Running Forearm Smash, but Mohammed Yone counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
Xavier reaches the ropes after 5 seconds.
Mohammed Yone takes Xavier down with a bodyslam.
Mohammed Yone catches Xavier in a cross armbreaker.
Xavier makes it to the ropes after 10 seconds.
Xavier begs off.
Mohammed Yone goes for a lariat, but Xavier counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
Mohammed Yone is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mohammed Yone is writhing in pain.
James Beard asks Mohammed Yone if he's still there.
Mohammed Yone doesn't respond.
James Beard stops the fight after 26 seconds.
The crowd erupts.
Xavier defeated Mohammed Yone when Mohammed Yone passed out in a Fujiwara armbar in 0:03:42.
Rating: ***

Xavier caught Yone out of nowhere and locked him in a Fujiwara armbar that put Yone out for the count. This win surprised alot of people who didn't think Xavier could pull it off.

Next - Two of the top teams in Hard Knox do battle as The Harris Twins meet BJ Whitmer & Rhyno. One team will move up the rankings while the other will remain where they're at.

Ron Harris goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Rhyno counters it with a facerake.
Rhyno takes Ron Harris down with a double-axhandle to the back.
Rhyno hits Ron Harris with a power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Rhyno whips Ron Harris into the ropes.
Rhyno hits Ron Harris with a backdrop.
Rhyno runs into the ropes.
Ron Harris executes a flying clothesline on Rhyno.
You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Ron Harris.
Ron Harris goes for a bodyslam, but Rhyno counters it with an elbowsmash.
Rhyno tags out to BJ Whitmer.
Rhyno nails Ron Harris with a powerslam.
The crowd breaks into a "Rhyno! Rhyno!" chant.
BJ Whitmer executes a flying cross body press on Ron Harris.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is really behind BJ Whitmer.
Rhyno and BJ Whitmer defeated The Harris Brothers (Ron Harris and Don Harris) when Whitmer pinned R. Harris after a flying cross body press in 0:17:25.
Rating: *** 1/4

Rhyno & Whitmer showed they had the tag team finesse to win the match after they executed their powerslam/body press finishing combo.

I can definitely see Rhyno & Whitmer getting a title shot in the very near future.

Our next match is sure to be a classic one as Zach Gowen continues to fight off the wrath of The Suicide Kings - this time, he goes up against their silent member, Mr Cowboy Hat himself, "The Outlaw" Travis LaGrange.

Zach Gowen attacks Travis LaGrange before the bell.
Zach Gowen executes an elbowsmash on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen chops Travis LaGrange.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange punches Zach Gowen.
Zach Gowen punches Travis LaGrange.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Zach Gowen chops Travis LaGrange.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange hits Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange goes for a DDT, but Zach Gowen counters it with a small package.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Zach Gowen goes for a forearm smash, but Travis LaGrange blocks it.
Travis LaGrange runs into the ropes.
Travis LaGrange takes Zach Gowen down with a backspin DDT.
The chants for Travis LaGrange are deafening.
Travis LaGrange whips Zach Gowen into the turnbuckle.
Zach Gowen comes back and rocks Travis LaGrange with a kick to the midsection.
Zach Gowen hits a swinging neckbreaker on Travis LaGrange.
The crowd erupts.
Zach Gowen goes for the One Legged Moonsault, but Travis LaGrange counters it with a roll away.
Travis LaGrange takes Zach Gowen down with a backbreaker.
The crowd is behind Travis LaGrange all the way.
Travis LaGrange whips Zach Gowen into the ropes.
Travis LaGrange executes a jumping DDT on Zach Gowen.
The chants for Travis LaGrange are deafening.
Travis LaGrange nails Zach Gowen with a powerslam.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Travis LaGrange goes for a backbreaker, but Zach Gowen counters it with a facerake.
Zach Gowen goes for a forearm smash, but Travis LaGrange blocks it.
Travis LaGrange hits a bulldog on Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange hits Zach Gowen.
The crowd is going crazy.
Travis LaGrange hits Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange has the crowd going wild.
Zach Gowen chops Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen punches Travis LaGrange.
The crowd is giving Zach Gowen a standing ovation.
Zach Gowen uses a forearm smash on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen runs into the ropes.
Zach Gowen hits Travis LaGrange with an elbow.
Zach Gowen runs into the ropes.
Zach Gowen nails Travis LaGrange with a swinging neckbreaker.
Zach Gowen goes again for the One Legged Moonsault, but Travis LaGrange counters it with another roll away.
The chants for Travis LaGrange are deafening.
Travis LaGrange goes for a cobra clutch, but Zach Gowen counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Zach Gowen uses an Asai leg lariat on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen nails Travis LaGrange with a chop.
Zach Gowen whips Travis LaGrange into the ropes, but Travis LaGrange reverses it.
Travis LaGrange hits Zach Gowen with a kick.
Travis LaGrange throws Zach Gowen out of the ring.
Travis LaGrange goes through the ropes.
Travis LaGrange runs Zach Gowen into the ringpost.
Travis LaGrange uses a single arm DDT on Zach Gowen.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Zach Gowen shoves Travis LaGrange into the guardrail.
Travis LaGrange has been cut open.
Zach Gowen hits a leg lariat on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen nails Travis LaGrange with a dropkick.
Zach Gowen throws Travis LaGrange back into the ring.
Zach Gowen takes Travis LaGrange down with a series of forearm smashes.
Zach Gowen hits Travis LaGrange with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd erupts.
Zach Gowen goes for the One Legged Moonsault, but Travis LaGrange counters it with a roll away.
Travis LaGrange punches Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange kicks Zach Gowen.
The crowd is going crazy.
Travis LaGrange punches Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange whips Zach Gowen into the ropes.
Travis LaGrange executes a high knee on Zach Gowen.
Travis LaGrange nails Zach Gowen with a backspin DDT.
Travis LaGrange has the crowd going wild.
Travis LaGrange whips Zach Gowen into the ropes, but Zach Gowen reverses it.
Travis LaGrange and Zach Gowen get hit with a double clothesline.
Travis LaGrange goes for an inverted DDT, but Zach Gowen blocks it.
Zach Gowen hits a leg lariat on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen nails Travis LaGrange with a dropkick.
The crowd erupts.
Zach Gowen nails Travis LaGrange with a chop.
Zach Gowen puts Travis LaGrange in a side headlock.
Travis LaGrange tries to escape the hold.
Travis LaGrange tries to fight the pain.
Travis LaGrange manages to grab the ropes after being trapped for 29 seconds.
Zach Gowen runs into the ropes.
Travis LaGrange hits Zach Gowen with a clothesline.
Zach Gowen falls out of the ring.
Travis LaGrange rolls out under the bottom rope.
Travis LaGrange throws Zach Gowen into the ringsteps.
Travis LaGrange throws Zach Gowen into the guardrail.
Travis LaGrange hits Zach Gowen with a backspin DDT.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Travis LaGrange goes for a vertical suplex, but Zach Gowen blocks it.
Zach Gowen shoves Travis LaGrange into the guardrail.
Zach Gowen runs Travis LaGrange into the ringsteps.
Zach Gowen throws Travis LaGrange into the guardrail.
Zach Gowen takes Travis LaGrange down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Zach Gowen executes a forearm smash on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen whips Travis LaGrange into the guardrail.
Travis LaGrange is bleeding profusely.
Zach Gowen throws Travis LaGrange back into the ring.
Zach Gowen hits Travis LaGrange with an elbowsmash.
Zach Gowen executes a flying cross body press on Travis LaGrange.
Brian Hebner counts: One, shoulder up.
Zach Gowen goes for a slingshot somersault splash, but Travis LaGrange rolls out of the way.
Travis LaGrange nails Zach Gowen with a high knee.
Travis LaGrange uses a jack-knife power bomb on Zach Gowen.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Travis LaGrange takes Zach Gowen down with a second jack-knife power bomb.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Travis LaGrange throws Zach Gowen into the turnbuckle.
Travis LaGrange charges into the corner, but Zach Gowen moves out of the way.
Zach Gowen executes a chop on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen executes a flying cross body press on Travis LaGrange.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Zach Gowen executes a clothesline on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen hits Travis LaGrange with a frog splash.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Zach Gowen executes a dropkick on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen sends Travis LaGrange into the turnbuckle.
Zach Gowen uses a clothesline on Travis LaGrange.
Zach Gowen takes Travis LaGrange down with an elbowdrop.
Zach Gowen executes the One Legged Moonsault on Travis LaGrange.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Zach Gowen.
Zach Gowen pinned Travis LaGrange with the One Legged Moonsault in 0:11:10.
Rating: *** 1/4

Gowen continues the fury that he and Sabin had over The Suicide Kings and remains a thorn in their side with this win over "The Outlaw" Travis LaGrange.

Next - 3 way action between Amazing Red, Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles

Christopher Daniels sends Amazing Red into the turnbuckle.
Amazing Red comes back and rocks Christopher Daniels with an elbow.
Amazing Red runs into the ropes.
Amazing Red executes a rana on Christopher Daniels.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Amazing Red hits Christopher Daniels with a sunset flip power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Amazing Red goes for another sunset flip power bomb, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
AJ Styles tags himself in by tapping Daniels on the shoulder.
AJ Styles takes Amazing Red down with a headbutt.
AJ Styles executes the Styles Clash on Amazing Red.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, Christopher Daniels doesn't make it in time...three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Triangle Match:
AJ Styles defeated Amazing Red and Christopher Daniels when Styles pinned Red with the Styles Clash in 0:20:59.
Rating: **** 1/2

AJ Styles steals a win from Christopher Daniels to even up the score in their on-going feud to 2 wins a piece. He also moves up in the ranks in the process.

Scott Starring and Van Wild defeated Johnny Stamboli and Kevin J. Ridge when Van Wild pinned Stamboli with the Wild Ride in 0:17:08.
Rating: ***

VW & Starring showed they too deserve  a tag title shot in the near future with this win over Ridge & Stamboli

Terry Funk pulls a pair of brass knuckles from his trunks.
Terry Funk hits Spikyjim with the brass knuckles.
The crowd is giving Terry Funk a standing ovation.
Terry Funk takes another swing at Spikyjim with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way.
Spikyjim snatches the knuckles from him.
Spikyjim hits him with the knuckles.
The crowd erupts.
Spikyjim whips Terry Funk into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Spikyjim with a kick to the midsection.
Spikyjim drops the brass knuckles.
Terry Funk picks up the brass knuckles and hits Spikyjim with them.
Terry Funk covers Spikyjim.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, three.
Terry Funk defeated Spikyjim via pinfall in 0:18:58.
Rating: ****

These two hardcore fanatics went at it for close to 19 minutes before The Funker came out the victor, with the help of some brass knuckles.


On May 28 2005, Chris Benoit & Abyss met for the first time in Hard Knox Wrestling. That night, Benoit made Abyss submit to the Crossface.

They then met in September and Abyss lost again but this time, he simply refused to submit and chose to pass out from the Crossface instead.

It's the third match between these two. Will the decision be different or will Benoit come out on top once again?

Chris Benoit hits Abyss with a clothesline.
Abyss falls out of the ring.
Chris Benoit goes through the ropes.
Chris Benoit takes Abyss down with an armbar takedown.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Abyss hits Chris Benoit with a back elbow.
Abyss shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Abyss executes a backbreaker on Chris Benoit.
Abyss goes for a back suplex, but Chris Benoit flips over.
The bell rings.
The 20 minute time limit has expired but the referee has let the match continue.
Chris Benoit whips Abyss into the guardrail.
Chris Benoit hits a clothesline on Abyss.
Chris Benoit climbs back into the ring.
Abyss rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface on Abyss.
Abyss is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Abyss tries to fight the pain.
Abyss submits after 12 seconds.
The crowd is giving Chris Benoit a standing ovation.
Chris Benoit made Abyss submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:20:41.
Rating: **** 1/2

These two men went the full 20 minutes and the referee could see that the fans wanted to see a winner so he let the match continue. About a minute later, Chris Benoit made Abyss tap out for the second time.

Raven surely can not be happy with his so-called `hired assassin".

Next - Despair, Johnny Ace & Mafia will all try to be the new top guy and win the Top Contender spot for the Head of the Class title.

Johnny Ace & Mafia start off.
Johnny Ace takes Mafia down with a flying clothesline.
Johnny Ace has the crowd going wild.
Johnny Ace executes an elbowdrop on Mafia.
Johnny Ace hits a cobra clutch suplex on Mafia.
Johnny Ace goes for a kick to the head, but Mafia blocks it.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a spinebuster.
Mafia runs into the ropes.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a shoulderblock.
Mafia attempts to place Johnny Ace on the turnbuckle, but Johnny Ace blocks it.
Mafia uses a headbutt on Johnny Ace.
Mafia nails Johnny Ace with a side suplex.
There are lots of chants for Mafia.
Mafia goes for a kick to the groin, but Johnny Ace counters it with a legsweep.
Johnny Ace tags out to Despair.
Despair runs into the ropes.
Mafia nails Despair with a powerslam.
Danny Davis counts: One, kickout.
Mafia works the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Mafia.
Mafia executes a side suplex on Despair.
There are lots of chants for Mafia.
Mafia nails Despair with a senton.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Mafia goes for a short lariat, but Despair counters it with a crucifix.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Despair sends Mafia into the turnbuckle.
Despair runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Despair misses with an elbow.
Mafia hits Despair with a clothesline.
Despair falls out of the ring.
Mafia goes for a plancha, but Despair moves out of the way.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Despair runs Mafia into the ringsteps.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Despair.
Despair uses a kick to the midsection on Mafia.
Despair whips Mafia into the guardrail.
Despair goes for a vertical suplex, but Mafia reverses it.
Mafia shoves Despair into the guardrail.
Mafia nails Despair with a short lariat.
Mafia works the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
Mafia goes for a bodyslam, but Despair counters it with an elbowsmash.
Despair whips Mafia into the guardrail.
Despair reenters the ring.
Mafia climbs back into the ring.
Despair tags out to Johnny Ace.
Johnny Ace catches Mafia in an abdominal stretch.
Mafia reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Johnny Ace whips Mafia into the ropes.
Mafia and Johnny Ace get hit with a double clothesline.
Mafia goes for a gutbuster, but Johnny Ace counters it with
a front-layout suplex.
Johnny Ace goes for an abdominal stretch, but Mafia counters it with a facerake.
Mafia throws Johnny Ace out of the ring.
Mafia goes outside.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a backdrop driver.
Mafia goes for an inverted power bomb, but Johnny Ace blocks it.
Johnny Ace knocks Mafia into the ringsteps.
Johnny Ace shoves Mafia into the guardrail.
Johnny Ace hits Mafia with a brain buster.
Johnny Ace climbs back into the ring.
Mafia follows him back in.
Johnny Ace goes for an abdominal stretch, but Mafia counters it with a facerake.
Mafia goes for an inverted power bomb, but Johnny Ace blocks it.
Johnny Ace nails Mafia with a Hotshot.
Johnny Ace runs into the ropes.
Mafia takes Johnny Ace down with a powerslam.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a jawbreaker.
Mafia tags out to Despair.
Despair hits Johnny Ace with an elbowsmash to the neck.
Despair covers Johnny Ace.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Despair whips Johnny Ace into the ropes.
Johnny Ace uses a flying clothesline on Despair.
The crowd erupts.
Johnny Ace executes a back suplex on Despair.
Johnny Ace runs into the ropes.
Johnny Ace misses with a kick.
Johnny Ace nails Despair with a flying clothesline.
Johnny Ace goes for the Ace Crusher, but Despair blocks it.
Despair goes for a kick to the chest, but Johnny Ace counters it with a dragon screw.
Johnny Ace whips Despair into the ropes, but Despair reverses it.
Johnny Ace takes Despair down with a flying clothesline.
The crowd is giving Johnny Ace a standing ovation.
Johnny Ace goes for a bodyslam, but Despair counters it with a facerake.
Despair whips Johnny Ace into the ropes.
Despair hits Johnny Ace with a kick.
Despair takes Johnny Ace down with an elbowsmash to the neck.
Despair goes for a kneebreaker, but Johnny Ace blocks it.
Johnny Ace goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Despair counters it with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Despair goes for a backdrop driver, but Johnny Ace flips over.
Johnny Ace executes a cobra clutch suplex on Despair.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Johnny Ace.
Johnny Ace is going for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Johnny Ace nails Despair with an elbowdrop.
Johnny Ace hits Despair with the Ace Crusher.
The crowd erupts.
Johnny Ace hits Despair with a slap.
Johnny Ace whips Despair into the ropes.
Johnny Ace catches Despair in a Fujiwara armbar.
Despair is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Despair makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 10 seconds.
Johnny Ace hits a gutwrench suplex on Despair.
Danny Davis counts: One, shoulder up.
Johnny Ace goes for a slap, but Despair blocks it.
Despair tags out to Mafia.
Mafia takes Johnny Ace down with a spinebuster.
Mafia whips Johnny Ace into the ropes.
Johnny Ace hits Mafia with a shoulderblock.
Johnny Ace goes for the Rocker Dropper, but Mafia blocks it.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a headbutt.
Mafia runs into the ropes.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a kick.
Mafia hits a senton on Johnny Ace.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Mafia goes for an inverted DDT, but Johnny Ace blocks it.
Johnny Ace goes for a brain buster, but Mafia counters it with a vertical suplex.
Mafia takes Johnny Ace down with a fallaway slam.
Mafia goes for a powerslam, but Johnny Ace counters it with a lariat.In turn, Mafia counters it with a duck-down move.
The crowd is behind Johnny Ace all the way.
Mafia throws Johnny Ace out of the ring.
Mafia rolls out under the bottom rope.
Mafia grabs the ring bell.
Mafia hits him with the ring bell.
Mafia has the crowd going wild.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a bodyslam.
Mafia takes Johnny Ace down with a senton.
Mafia goes for the Burning Hammer, but Johnny Ace blocks it.
Mafia rams him into the ring bell.
Mafia throws Johnny Ace back into the ring.
Mafia brings the table into the ring.
Mafia sets up Johnny Ace on the table.
Mafia executes a senton through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Mafia is going for the cover.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mafia hits Johnny Ace with a side suplex.
Mafia covers Johnny Ace.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Mafia executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Johnny Ace.
Mafia is going for the cover.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Mafia hits a fallaway slam on Johnny Ace.
Mafia has the crowd going wild.
Mafia goes for an avalanche, but Johnny Ace counters it with a kick to the head.
The crowd is behind Johnny Ace all the way.
Johnny Ace throws Mafia out of the ring.
Johnny Ace goes outside.
Johnny Ace goes for a fisherman suplex, but Mafia blocks it.
Mafia executes an inverted DDT on Johnny Ace.
Mafia is handed broken glass.
Mafia takes a swing at Johnny Ace with the glass, but he gets out of the way.
Johnny Ace snatches the glass from him.
Johnny Ace hits him with the glass.
Johnny Ace throws Mafia into the guardrail.
Johnny Ace throws Mafia back into the ring.
Johnny Ace tags out to Despair.
Despair nails Mafia with a backdrop driver.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Despair goes for a Frankensteiner, but Mafia counters it with a tiger driver.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Mafia suddenly rolls out under the bottom rope.
He grabs a table and slides back in the ring.
Mafia takes a swing at Despair with the table, but he gets out of the way.
Despair snatches the table from him.
Despair hits him with the table.
Mafia is busted wide open.
Despair goes for a German suplex, but Mafia counters it with a facerake.
The chants for Mafia are deafening.
Mafia punches Despair.
The crowd is behind Mafia all the way.
Mafia hits him with the table.
Mafia uses an eye gouge on Despair.
Mafia throws him through a table.
Mafia runs into the ropes.
Despair hits Mafia with a kick to the knee.
Despair hits a kick to the groin on Mafia.
Despair leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Despair sets up the chair.
Despair nails Mafia with a dragon suplex onto the chair.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Despair puts Mafia in an armbar submission.
Mafia tries to escape the hold.
Johnny Ace makes the save.
Mafia goes for a DDT, but Despair counters it with a low blow.
Despair goes for a vertical suplex, but Mafia blocks it.
Mafia sends Despair into the turnbuckle.
Mafia goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Despair blocks it.
Despair runs into the ropes.
Mafia hits Despair with a short lariat.
The chants for Mafia are deafening.
Mafia hits Despair with a senton.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mafia executes the Burning Hammer on Despair.
The crowd is behind Mafia all the way.
Mafia goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, Johnny Ace doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd is behind Mafia all the way.
No-Time-Limit-Number-One-Contenders-Triangle Match:
Mafia defeated Despair and Johnny Ace when Mafia pinned Despair with the Burning Hammer in 0:13:56.
Rating: **** 1/4

This must be the month of Mafia as this is his 2nd match in Hard Knox thus far and he is already shooting straight to the top towards a title shot.

The champ, Juventud Guerrera came down to the ring and congratulated Mafia on his win. He then became very cocky and said "Since you seem to be on SUCH a streak, how about I grant you a shot at the title RIGHT NOW?". Guerrera slid into the ring and we had ourselves an impromptu title match.

Juventud Guerrera executes the Juvi Driver on Mafia.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Juventud Guerrera gives him a chop, but Mafia doesn't budge.
Mafia nails Juventud Guerrera with a kick to the groin.
Mafia hits a backdrop driver on Juventud Guerrera.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mafia shoves Tim White.
Mafia throws Tim White out of the ring.
Tim White is out cold.
Mafia executes the Burning Hammer on Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is behind Mafia all the way.
Mafia goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Mafia gets back up.
Mafia hits a senton on Juventud Guerrera.
There is no referee to count.
Mafia gets back up.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Mafia runs into the ropes.
Mafia misses with a clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera nails Mafia with a Soviet suplex.
Juventud Guerrera grabs the HEAD OF THE CLASS belt and waits for Mafia to get up.
Juventud Guerrera measures up Mafia.
Juventud Guerrera tries to hit Mafia with the HEAD OF THE CLASS belt but Mafia stops Juventud Guerrera with a low blow.
Juventud Guerrera drops the HEAD OF THE CLASS belt.
Mafia takes the belt.
Mafia tries to hit Juventud Guerrera with the HEAD OF THE CLASS belt but Juventud Guerrera ducks out of the way.
Mafia drops the HEAD OF THE CLASS belt.
Juventud Guerrera picks up the belt.
Juventud Guerrera almost takes Mafia's head off with the belt.
There is no referee to count.
Tim White crawls back into the ring.
Tim White shakes off the pain.
Tim White counts: One, two, SHOULDER UP!!!
Juventud Guerrera hits Mafia with a springboard dropkick.
Tim White counts: One, two, SHOULDER UP!!!
Juventud Guerrera hits a bodyslam on Mafia.
Juventud Guerrera gives him a bulldog, but Mafia doesn't even care.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Mafia uses a backbreaker on Juventud Guerrera.
Mafia uses a German suplex on Juventud Guerrera.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Mafia executes a headbutt on Juventud Guerrera.
Mafia goes for an enzuilariato, but Juventud Guerrera ducks out of the way.
Juventud Guerrera executes a dropkick on Mafia.
Juventud Guerrera whips Mafia into the turnbuckle.
Juventud Guerrera charges in with a charging axhandle bodyblock, but Mafia moves out of the way.
Mafia uses a Samoan Drop on Juventud Guerrera.
Mafia runs into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera hits Mafia with a shoulderblock.
Juventud Guerrera executes the Juvi Driver on Mafia.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
[For the Head of the Class title]: No-Time-Limit-Match:
Juventud Guerrera pinned Mafia with the Juvi Driver in 0:17:29.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Juventud Guerrera retained the HEAD OF THE CLASS.)

Mafia could've had the title won if he had not manhandled the referee and gave Juvy an opening to get back the advantage and the win.

After the match, Juvy walked away from the ring backwards not letting Mafia out of his sight. Something tells me Juvy is a bit scared as he may have seen his first  real challenger in Mafia.

[20 min Intermission]

The fans got a chance to see 3 of the top stables going at it in a Stable War. The heads of each faction drew numbers one by one to determine the order that the matches would occur. Shane Douglas chose for The Triple Threat, Juventud Guerrera chose for The Spanish Armada, and Raven chose for The Flock.

Juvy chose #2, Raven #3 and Shane #1. So our first match will be The Spanish Armada vs The Triple Threat.

Johnny Ace started off against Juventud Guerrera.
Johnny Ace runs into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera hits Johnny Ace with a kick.
Juventud Guerrera hits a flying dropkick on Johnny Ace.
The crowd is behind Juventud Guerrera all the way.
Juventud Guerrera is going for the cover.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Johnny Ace hits Juventud Guerrera with a backdrop.
Juventud Guerrera falls out of the ring.
Johnny Ace rolls out under the bottom rope.
Johnny Ace whips Juventud Guerrera into the guardrail.
Johnny Ace hits a brain buster on Juventud Guerrera.
Johnny Ace goes for a bodyslam, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with an elbowsmash.
Joel Maximo comes over to make it two-on-one.
Joel Maximo hits a kick to the head on Johnny Ace.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a dragon suplex, but Johnny Ace counters it with a go-behind.
Johnny Ace whips Juventud Guerrera into the guardrail.
Johnny Ace nails Juventud Guerrera with a kick to the head.
Johnny Ace uses a diving shoulderblock on Juventud Guerrera.
Johnny Ace takes Juventud Guerrera down with a fisherman suplex.
D'Lo Brown comes over to make it two-on-one.
Joel Maximo comes over and drops D'Lo Brown backwards across the guardrail.
Joel Maximo hits Johnny Ace with a back suplex.
Juventud Guerrera takes Johnny Ace down with a flying dropkick.
Juventud Guerrera uses spinning headscissors on Johnny Ace.
Joel Maximo comes over to make it two-on-one.
Joel Maximo goes for a back suplex, but Johnny Ace
turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Johnny Ace hits a DDT on Juventud Guerrera.
Johnny Ace uses a rolling reverse cradle on Juventud Guerrera.
Johnny Ace hits a vertical suplex on Juventud Guerrera.
Johnny Ace gets back into the ring.
Juventud Guerrera rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Chuck Palumbo enters the ring.
Chuck Palumbo and Johnny Ace hit Juventud Guerrera with the Kiss Of Death.
Johnny Ace goes for the pin.
The chants for Johnny Ace are deafening.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, Chris Benoit doesn't make it in time... three.
The Triple Threat (Chuck Palumbo, D'Lo Brown and Johnny Ace) and Shane Douglas defeated The Spanish Armada (Joel Maximo, Jose Maximo and Juventud Guerrera) and Chris Benoit when Ace pinned J. Guerrera after the Kiss Of Death in 0:02:50.
D'Lo Brown suffered a neck injury. He will be out for approximately 3 months.
Rating: ** 3/4

D'Lo got crippled during the match by Joel Maximo and the finish of the match was rushed so he could be checked out.

We wish him a safe recovery over the next 3 months or so.

The Flock (Raven/Tommy Dreamer), CM Punk and Abyss won over Triple Threat (Chuck Palumbo/Johnny Ace), D'Lo Brown and Shane Douglas via default.

The Flock were all set to face The Triple Threat but the Hard Knox officials declared it a no contest due to The Triple Threat having to tend to D'Lo Brown's injury.

Card rating: *** 1/2

Contract Update

Monsta Mack has left Hard Knox and does not plan to return. He obviously was none too pleased with going from taking part in the main event one time and opening the card the next time.

His regular tag partner, Mafia is making quite the name for himself and has been offered a 1 year deal.

D'Lo Brown has been given a 6 month deal even though he will be spending the first 3 months of it on the DL list.

In a few short weeks, we'll be holding another Hard Knox event in Bethpage and the card is shaping up as follows:

* Xavier & The Amazing Red will have a rematch from their encounter earlier this month.

* Kevin Ridge will play welcoming committee to a new signee with Hard Knox.

* Rumors have been swirling about a certain rival promotion's top star jumping ship to Hard Knox. Well those rumors ARE TRUE and that top guy will be in the building next month.

* Hard Knox officials have decided to hold a Four Way Dance to determine who will face The SAT for the Heavy Hitters titles in the main event. The four tag teams involved will be:
Van Wild & Starring
Johnny Ace & Chuck Palumbo
Despair & Spikyjim
BJ Whitmer & Rhyno

* A Royal Rumble style battle royal will go down with all the stars of Hard Knox with a shot at the Head of the Class as the prize.

* And our main event, as stated before, will be The SAT defending their Heavy Hitters titles against the winner of the Four Way Dance.
rey619Posted on 04/05/05 at 08:53:48

Yone is having a bad period as of late, his luck ran out when he defeated Steve Austin and sent him packing.

Zach Gowen is the man, LeGrange must now face the ridicule expected when you lose to a one-legged teenager.

Your tag-team division is heating up. Both Rhyno/Whitmer and Starring/Van Wild is in line for a title shot now.

Your main event Round Robin was a little ruined by the injury.. too bad TNM doesn't allow for you to pick a replacement or run it as a handicap match, as I don't think it would have been cancelled if this occurred in real life.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 04/05/05 at 14:48:49

On 04/05/05 at 08:53:48, rey619 wrote:Yone is having a bad period as of late, his luck ran out when he defeated Steve Austin and sent him packing.
Pretty much - guess when its his time to resign, he may not be sent packing as well.

Zach Gowen is the man, LeGrange must now face the ridicule expected when you lose to a one-legged teenager.
Or just not be booked =)

Your tag-team division is heating up. Both Rhyno/Whitmer and Starring/Van Wild is in line for a title shot now.
Yep - i'd say give Starring/VW a chance or two and they will be the next Heavy Hitters.

Your main event Round Robin was a little ruined by the injury.. too bad TNM doesn't allow for you to pick a replacement or run it as a handicap match, as I don't think it would have been cancelled if this occurred in real life.
I know! But hey - it makes for an interesting storyline down the road.