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Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/18/05 at 05:34:42


We started off our evening in this new year for Hard Knox with the unfortunate news that Xavier was attacked in the parking lot prior to the event by an unknown assailant.

Hard Knox officials will be working throughout the evening to determine a proper opponent for Juventud Guerrera as he defends his Head of the Class title later tonight.

Also tonight, we will see The SAT defend the Heavy Hitters titles against The Flock's top guys - Raven & Tommy Dreammer.

But first, the fans wanted to see AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels go at it for not one but TWO out of three falls. Let's go to ringside.

AJ Styles whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes, but Christopher Daniels reverses it.
Christopher Daniels nails AJ Styles with an enzuigiri.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
AJ Styles nails Christopher Daniels with a back suplex.
AJ Styles gives the sign for the Styles Clash.
AJ Styles executes the Styles Clash on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for the pin.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, three.
Christopher Daniels complains about a fast count.
J Styles whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
AJ Styles takes Christopher Daniels down with a hiptoss.
AJ Styles whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
AJ Styles goes for a sleeperhold, but Christopher Daniels counters it with a go-behind.
Christopher Daniels takes AJ Styles down with an inverted Russian legsweep cradle.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
AJ Styles locks Christopher Daniels in a sleeperhold.
Christopher Daniels inches his way towards the ropes after being locked up for 13 seconds.
AJ Styles gives the sign for the Styles Clash.
AJ Styles executes the Styles Clash on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for the pin.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, three.
Two-out-of-three-Falls Match:
AJ Styles beat Christopher Daniels 2 falls to 0:
        x Styles beat C. Daniels via the Styles Clash in 0:06:38
        x Styles beat C. Daniels via the Styles Clash in 0:11:19
Rating: ****

The fans wanted to see this match go 2 out of 3 falls and Hard Knox granted them their wish.

AJ Styles was able to walk away with two impressive falls that left Christopher Daniels feeling a bit slighted.

Next up - Chris Sabin plays welcoming committee to a debuting superstar.

"Miseria Cantare" by AFI played over the PA system and out came CM Punk.

CM Punk throws Chris Sabin out of the ring.
CM Punk rolls out under the bottom rope.
CM Punk hits a kick to the midsection on Chris Sabin.
CM Punk whips Chris Sabin into the guardrail.
CM Punk climbs back into the ring.
Chris Sabin follows him back in.
CM Punk nails Chris Sabin with a piledriver.
CM Punk hits an inverted atomic drop on Chris Sabin.
CM Punk takes Chris Sabin down with an armdrag takedown.
CM Punk hits a double underhook backbreaker on Chris Sabin.
CM Punk has the crowd going wild.
CM Punk whips Chris Sabin into the ropes.
CM Punk hits a backbreaker on Chris Sabin.
CM Punk nails Chris Sabin with a jawbreaker.
The crowd is going crazy.
CM Punk catches Chris Sabin in a double reverse chinlock.
Chris Sabin makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
CM Punk locks Chris Sabin in a choke against the ropes.
Chris Sabin manages to grab the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
CM Punk goes for a vertical suplex, but Chris Sabin counters it with a small package.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Chris Sabin pinned CM Punk after a small package in 0:11:20.
Rating: *** 1/2

Chris Sabin has been on quite a roll as of late and this match was no different as he was able to steal a victory over the debuting superstar, CM Punk.

It turns out CM Punk has been signed to a 6 month contract. When asked for comments, Punk had this to say:

"I've been in many promotions as of late and Hard Knox is just the latest in that series. Tonight's loss is a minor setback and I assure you that it will be the last time you see CM Punk flat on his back for a 3 count."

Next - Juventud Guerrera will defend his title against...

Juventud Guerrera came out to the ring and awaited the arrival of his opponent, whoever it would be. A Hard Knox official came out from the backstage area and announced that a suitable opponent has been found to replace Xavier.

"Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple played and out came Chuck Palumbo who stared a hole in Juvy the entire time he walked down the aisle and entered the ring.

They lock up.
Chuck Palumbo uses a roundhouse right on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a spinebuster slam, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a small package.
Rudy Charles counts: One, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera whips Chuck Palumbo into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a kick.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a hiptoss, but Juventud Guerrera reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera and Chuck Palumbo hit each other with a double clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera gets to his feet first and executes a bulldog on Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd erupts.
Juventud Guerrera uses a springboard somersault dropkick on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera nails Chuck Palumbo with a dragon suplex.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera complains about a slow count.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a legdrop, but Chuck Palumbo rolls out of the way.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a Hotshot, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a Thesz press.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera hits a springboard dropkick on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera is going for the cover.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Juventud Guerrera sends Chuck Palumbo into the turnbuckle, but Chuck Palumbo reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera comes back, but is met with a clothesline by Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo back.
The crowd erupts.
Juventud Guerrera kicks Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo chops Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera chops Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo chops Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera kicks Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo chops Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo catches Juventud Guerrera in a chokehold.
Juventud Guerrera tries to escape the hold.
Juventud Guerrera reaches the ropes after 12 seconds.
Chuck Palumbo hits a running powerslam on Juventud Guerrera.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chuck Palumbo works the crowd.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Chuck Palumbo executes a stomp on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo works the crowd.
The crowd is behind Chuck Palumbo all the way.
Chuck Palumbo executes a kick to the head on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a springboard dropkick.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a clothesline.
Chuck Palumbo hits a running elbowdrop on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo hits a kick to the head on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo executes a back elbow on Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is behind Chuck Palumbo all the way.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a backbreaker.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Chuck Palumbo works the crowd.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Chuck Palumbo throws Juventud Guerrera out of the ring.
Chuck Palumbo goes through the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a flying cross body press, but Chuck Palumbo counters it with a running powerslam.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a Hotshot, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a lariat.
Juventud Guerrera throws Chuck Palumbo into the guardrail.
Chuck Palumbo goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Juventud Guerrera blocks it.
Juventud Guerrera throws Chuck Palumbo into the guardrail.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a side suplex, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with spinning headscissors.
Chuck Palumbo runs Juventud Guerrera into the ringsteps.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo executes the Jungle Kick on Juventud Guerrera on the concrete floor.
Juventud Guerrera is out cold.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a bodyslam, but Chuck Palumbo blocks it.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a snap suplex, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a small package.
Chuck Palumbo uses a kick to the midsection on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a back elbow.
Chuck Palumbo works the crowd.
Chuck Palumbo executes a forearm to the back on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo executes the Jungle Kick on Juventud Guerrera on the concrete floor.
Juventud Guerrera is out cold.
Chuck Palumbo climbs back into the ring.
Juventud Guerrera rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Chuck Palumbo executes a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo throws Juventud Guerrera out of the ring.
Chuck Palumbo goes through the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo nails Juventud Guerrera with a shoulderbreaker.
Chuck Palumbo shoves Juventud Guerrera into the guardrail.
Chuck Palumbo executes a kick to the head on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a forearm to the back.
Chuck Palumbo climbs back into the ring.
Juventud Guerrera climbs back into the ring.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Chuck Palumbo takes Juventud Guerrera down with a back elbow.
Chuck Palumbo takes Juventud Guerrera down with a forearm to the back.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Juventud Guerrera blocks it.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo and Juventud Guerrera get hit with a double clothesline.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a kick to the midsection, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a legsweep.
Juventud Guerrera hits a flying spinning leg lariat on Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd erupts.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a slap, but Chuck Palumbo reverses it.
Chuck Palumbo nails Juventud Guerrera with a bodyslam.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Chuck Palumbo executes a spinebuster slam on Juventud Guerrera.
Rudy Charles counts: One, kickout.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a kneelift, but Juventud Guerrera side-steps and Chuck Palumbo only hits air.
Juventud Guerrera is going for the cover.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera knocks down Rudy Charles.
Rudy Charles is out cold.
Juventud Guerrera hits a legdrop on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a Soviet suplex, but Chuck Palumbo blocks it.
Chuck Palumbo hits a hiptoss on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo executes a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Chuck Palumbo executes a roundhouse right on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo uses a bodyslam on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo executes the Jungle Kick on Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is giving Chuck Palumbo a standing ovation.
Chuck Palumbo goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Rudy Charles crawls over to the ropes and uses them to get up.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Chuck Palumbo nails Juventud Guerrera with a forearm smash.
Chuck Palumbo runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with an elbow.
Chuck Palumbo takes Juventud Guerrera down with a kneelift.
Chuck Palumbo puts Juventud Guerrera in a wristlock.
Juventud Guerrera gets ahold of the ropes after 7 seconds.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a backdrop.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a shoulderbreaker, but Juventud Guerrera slides down his back.
Juventud Guerrera hits a dropkick on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a springboard dropkick, but Chuck Palumbo side-steps and Juventud Guerrera only hits air.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a vertical suplex, but Juventud Guerrera slides down his back.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a dragon suplex, but Chuck Palumbo counters it with a headbutt.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Juventud Guerrera again.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Juventud Guerrera punches Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera chops Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera kicks Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a clothesline.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a hiptoss, but Juventud Guerrera reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera throws Chuck Palumbo into the turnbuckle.
Juventud Guerrera charges in with a charging axhandle bodyblock, but Chuck Palumbo lifts his leg.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes, but Juventud Guerrera reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with an elbow.
Juventud Guerrera uses a snap suplex on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with a clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera is going for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera throws Rudy Charles over the top rope.
Rudy Charles is out cold.
Juventud Guerrera takes Chuck Palumbo down with a 450 splash.
There is no referee to count.
Juventud Guerrera uses a dropkick on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera is going for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Juventud Guerrera gets back up.
Juventud Guerrera uses a 450 splash on Chuck Palumbo.
There is no referee to count.
Juventud Guerrera gets back up.
Juventud Guerrera sets up Chuck Palumbo on the turnbuckle.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with a top-rope Frankensteiner.
There is no referee to count.
Juventud Guerrera whips Chuck Palumbo into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera executes a kick to the midsection on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a running power bomb, but Chuck Palumbo blocks it.
Chuck Palumbo chops Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera punches Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd is giving Juventud Guerrera a standing ovation.
Juventud Guerrera chops Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a forearm smash, but Chuck Palumbo blocks it.
Chuck Palumbo chops Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chuck Palumbo whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo executes the Jungle Kick on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Chuck Palumbo gets back up.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo misses with a clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with a clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a kick to the midsection, but Chuck Palumbo blocks it.
Chuck Palumbo runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera with a kick.
Chuck Palumbo takes Juventud Guerrera down with a side suplex.
Chuck Palumbo hits a kneelift on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo hits Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera chops Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera uses a dropkick on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera hits a kick to the midsection on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo misses with an elbow.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with a kick.
Juventud Guerrera takes Chuck Palumbo down with a kick to the midsection.
Rudy Charles crawls back into the ring.
Rudy Charles shakes off the pain.
Juventud Guerrera nails Chuck Palumbo with a snap suplex.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera takes Chuck Palumbo down with a springboard dropkick.
Juventud Guerrera takes Chuck Palumbo down with a slingshot legdrop.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera uses a DDT on Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd erupts.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a dropkick, but Chuck Palumbo side-steps and Juventud Guerrera only hits air.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo uses a roundhouse right on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo nails Juventud Guerrera with a short clothesline.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Chuck Palumbo gets a chokehold on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo lets go after 11 seconds.
Chuck Palumbo executes a kick to the head on Juventud Guerrera.
Chuck Palumbo executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera begs off.
Chuck Palumbo locks Juventud Guerrera in a neck crank.
Juventud Guerrera inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Chuck Palumbo works the crowd.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Chuck Palumbo sends Juventud Guerrera into the turnbuckle, but Juventud Guerrera reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Juventud Guerrera whips Chuck Palumbo into the ropes, but Chuck Palumbo reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with a clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera covers Chuck Palumbo.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera executes a slap on Chuck Palumbo.
Juventud Guerrera hits Chuck Palumbo with a springboard dropkick.
Juventud Guerrera executes a springboard dropkick on Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a slap, but Chuck Palumbo blocks it.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a snap mare, but Juventud Guerrera blocks it.
Juventud Guerrera nails Chuck Palumbo with a DDT.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Juventud Guerrera.
Juventud Guerrera executes the Juvi Driver on Chuck Palumbo.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
[Head of the Class title defense]: No-Time-Limit-Match:
Juventud Guerrera pinned Chuck Palumbo with the Juvi Driver in 0:21:28.
Rating: ***
(Juventud Guerrera retained the HEAD OF THE CLASS.)

In a long winded match, Juventud Guerrera was able to retain his title despite having his opponent changed at the last minute to Chuck Palumbo.

Coming up - The Harris Brothers have to contend with D'Lo Brown and Kevin J. Ridge

D'Lo Brown and Kevin J. Ridge defeated The Harris Brothers (Ron Harris and Don Harris) when D'Lo pinned R. Harris with the Lo' Down in 0:19:32.
Rating: **

The Triple Threat got another bit of revenge over The Harris Brothers with a successful win - this time with the help of Kevin Ridge.

Coming up next - Spikyjim does battle against Scott Starring.

Spikyjim blows the Blue Mist into the face of Scott Starring.
Spikyjim places Scott Starring on the turnbuckle.
Spikyjim goes for the The Living End, but Scott Starring blocks it and gets off the turnbuckle.
Scott Starring throws Spikyjim into the turnbuckle.
Scott Starring runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Scott Starring nails Spikyjim with a springboard dropkick.
The crowd is really behind Scott Starring.
Scott Starring uses a superkick on Spikyjim.
Scott Starring runs into the ropes.
Spikyjim nails Scott Starring with a bulldog.
Spikyjim hits a Thunder Fire Power Bomb on Scott Starring.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, kickout.
Spikyjim goes for a facebite, but Scott Starring blocks it.
Scott Starring executes the Rookie Mistake on Spikyjim.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Scott Starring.
Scott Starring pinned Spikyjim with the Rookie Mistake in 0:11:36.
Rating: **** 1/4

Scott Starring made quite the comeback from getting the Blue Mist blown in his face to walk away with the win.

Next - Johnny Stamboli & Lance Williams face The *unlucky* Christopher St. Connection

Lance Williams catches Buff-E in a full nelson.
Buff-E manages to grab the ropes after 16 seconds.
Mase enters the ring and throws Johnny Stamboli out of the ring.
Buff-E and Mase whip Lance Williams into the ropes.
They hit Lance Williams with a double backdrop.
Mase leaves the ring.
Buff-E hits Lance Williams with a groin grab.
Buff-E gives him a sidewalk slam, but Lance Williams doesn't budge.
Lance Williams goes for a fallaway slam, but Buff-E counters it with a forearm smash.
Buff-E chops Lance Williams.
Buff-E punches Lance Williams.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Buff-E whips Lance Williams into the ropes, but Lance Williams reverses it.
Buff-E uses a clothesline on Lance Williams.
** Marty Lyons enters the ring and hits Buff-E with his cane.
Buff-E is out cold.
Lance Williams executes the Pain NY Style on Buff-E.
Chad Patton sees that Buff-E is out cold and stops the match after 17 seconds.
The crowd erupts.
Johnny Stamboli and Lance Williams defeated
The Christopher Street Connection (Buff-E and Mase) when Williams defeated Buff-E when Buff-E passed out in the Pain NY Style in 0:28:14.
Rating: *** 1/4
[Marty Lyons interfered against Mase.]

Marty Lyons was up to his usual trickery and was able to secure his man a victory over the consistenly losing CsC.

Next - Heavy Hitters title defense.

Jose Maximo tags out to Joel Maximo.
Jose Maximo takes Tommy Dreamer down with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is going crazy.
Joel Maximo hits Tommy Dreamer with a flying elbowdrop.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
Jose Maximo leaves the ring.
Joel Maximo takes Tommy Dreamer down with a kick to the head.
Tommy Dreamer takes the Singapore cane and uses it on Joel Maximo.
The crowd is going crazy.
He goes for the pin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, shoulder up.
Tommy Dreamer whips Nick Patrick into the ropes.
Tommy Dreamer hits Nick Patrick with a Hotshot.
Nick Patrick is out cold.
**Juventud Guerrera comes in the ring with a chair in hand
**Juventud Guerrera hits Tommy Dreamer with the chair
Nick Patrick shakes off the pain and gets to his feet.
Joel Maximo executes the Maximo Explosion on Tommy Dreamer.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going crazy.
[Heavy Hitters title defense]: No-Time-Limit-Match:
The Spanish Announce Team (Joel Maximo and Jose Maximo) defeated The Flock (Raven and Tommy Dreamer) when Joel pinned Dreamer with the Maximo Explosion in 0:15:12.
Rating: *** 3/4
(The Spanish Announce Team retained the HEAVY HITTERS.)
[Juventud Guerrera interfered against Tommy Dreamer.]

In a surprising move, Juventud Guerrera showed up at ringside and he helped NOT Raven & Dreamer BUT The SAT instead.

After the match was over, Raven confronted Juvy who pushed Raven back and they came to blows. The SAT helped Juvy combat against Raven and Tommy Dreamer.

It looks like Juventud Guerrera has flown the coop of The Flock and headed over to his spanish brethren, The SAT.

Next - A fan requested matchup as Shane Douglas meets Chris Benoit.

Shane Douglas throws Earl Hebner over the top rope.
Earl Hebner is out cold.
Shane Douglas nails Chris Benoit with an elbowsmash.
Shane Douglas goes for a monkey flip, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit goes for a dropkick, but Shane Douglas side-steps and Chris Benoit only hits air.
Shane Douglas goes for an atomic drop, but Chris Benoit flips over.
Chris Benoit hits a kick to the knee on Shane Douglas.
Chris Benoit hits Shane Douglas.
Shane Douglas punches Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit chops Shane Douglas.
Chris Benoit hits a Northern Lights suplex on Shane Douglas.
Earl Hebner crawls back into the ring to count the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Chris Benoit nails Shane Douglas with a hammerlock.
Chris Benoit executes the Crippler Crossface on Shane Douglas.
Shane Douglas breaks the hold after 12 seconds.
Shane Douglas goes for a Hotshot, but Chris Benoit counters it with a Thesz press.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The chants for Chris Benoit are deafening.
Chris Benoit pinned Shane Douglas after a Thesz press in 0:09:54.
Rating: *** 1/4

In another fan requested match, they wanted Shane Douglas to get in the ring one more time and face Chris Benoit.

In the end, Benoit walked away with the victory and a notch up on the rankings.

Next up - it's main event time as three of the top guys in Hard Knox represent themselves as well as their factions in this Top Contender deciding match.

Mohammed Yone throws Despair out of the ring.
Mohammed Yone goes through the ropes.
Mohammed Yone throws Despair into the ringpost.
Mohammed Yone hits a running clothesline on Despair.
Mohammed Yone goes for a high knee, but Despair side-steps and Mohammed Yone only hits air.
Despair shoves Mohammed Yone into the guardrail.
Despair hits a back elbow on Mohammed Yone.
Despair throws Mohammed Yone into the guardrail.
Despair knocks Mohammed Yone into the ringsteps.
Despair uses a corkscrew moonsault on Mohammed Yone.
Despair goes for a kneebreaker, but Mohammed Yone blocks it.
Mohammed Yone goes for a lariat, but Despair blocks it.
Despair throws Mohammed Yone back into the ring.
Despair executes a Tombstone on Mohammed Yone.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Despair.
Despair executes the Michinoku Driver II on Mohammed Yone.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Despair puts Mohammed Yone in a Boston crab.
Mohammed Yone gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds.
Despair executes the Despair Driver on Mohammed Yone.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
Mohammed Yone has been eliminated.
Abyss puts Despair in a side headlock.
Despair is struggling to reach the ropes.
Despair is inching his way towards the ropes.
Despair tries to fight the pain.
Despair is writhing in pain.
James Beard checks Despair's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Despair fights his way out of the hold after 29 seconds.
Despair throws Abyss out of the ring.
Despair jumps onto him with a corkscrew plancha.
Despair is handed the ring bell.
Despair hits him with the ring bell.
The crowd erupts.
Despair sets up Abyss on the announcers' table.
Despair executes a 450 splash through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Despair is handed a television monitor.
Despair hits him with the television monitor.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Despair.
Despair grabs a chair.
Despair takes the chair.
Despair hits a corkscrew moonsault with the chair on Abyss.
Despair clears the announcers' table.
Despair uses a kick to the back on Abyss.
Despair sets up Abyss on the announcers' table.
Despair tries to drive Abyss through the table with a corkscrew moonsault, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
Abyss shoves Despair into the guardrail.
Abyss hits him with the ring bell.
Despair has been cut open.
Abyss hits him with the ring bell again.
Abyss shoves Despair into the guardrail.
Abyss goes for a kneelift, but Despair side-steps and Abyss only hits air.
Despair throws Abyss into the guardrail.
Despair goes for a dragon suplex, but Abyss counters it with a backward kick.
Abyss executes a choke slam on Despair.
Abyss hits an elbowdrop on Despair.
Abyss executes a kick to the head on Despair.
Abyss shoves Despair into the guardrail.
Abyss goes for a power bomb, but Despair blocks it.
Despair goes for a kick to the back, but Abyss side-steps and Despair only hits air.
Abyss goes for a power bomb, but Despair blocks it.
Despair clears the announcers' table.
Despair sets up Abyss on the announcers' table.
Despair executes an Asai moonsault through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Despair.
Despair is handed a baseball bat.
Despair hits him with the baseball bat.
Despair uses a kick to the back on Abyss.
Despair whips Abyss into the guardrail.
Despair climbs back into the ring.
Abyss rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Despair hits Abyss with a small package with a grab of the tights.
Despair is going for the cover.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
Abyss has been eliminated.
[Top Contender for Head of the Class]: No-Time-Limit-Number-One-Contenders-Triangle Match:
Despair defeated Abyss and Mohammed Yone:
        x Despair beat M. Yone via the Despair Driver in 0:21:10
        x Despair beat Abyss via a small package in 0:25:54
Rating: *** 1/2

Despair definitely deserves to be the new Top Contender after single handedly putting Mohammed Yone AND the big Abyss out of the match to walk away with the win.

Card rating: *** 1/2

*Contract Negotiation Time*

It's time for some deals to be made or broken with the members of the Hard Knox roster.

- Buff-E has finally decided that Hard Knox is not the place for him and has chosen to have next month be his FINAL event with us. Mase has offered his resignation after next month as well.

- Chris Harris was offered a 6 month contract but when his partner, James Storm chose not to renew his deal, Harris had turned his down as well. We wish America's Most Wanted the best of luck.

- Chris Sabin has surprised us all and QUIT. Hard Knox has informed him that if he does not show up to the building next month to compete, he will be in breach of contract.
His regular tag partner, Zach Gowen HAS re-signed though with Hard Knox for another 6 months.

- Mohammed Yone has been signed to a 12 month deal.

- Johnny Stamboli has been given a 6 month renewal.

- Lance Williams and Steve Rizonno have both chosen to leave Hard Knox after next month. Rizonno will continue to work the independent scene out in Southern California while Williams heads to the WILD promotion to join his tag partner, James Robinson in reforming Real Xtreme.

- Shane Douglas' wrestling contract has expired and will not be renewed as we already know, he is switching over to being a full time manager and leader for The Triple Threat.

With that said, our lineup for next month looks like this:

* AMW vs CSC in a farewell to arms match.

* Lance Williams & Steve Rizonno vs The Harris Brothers

* In their last clash, Despair & Spikyjim will face Zach Gowen & Chris Sabin in a match where the fans get to choose the stipulations.

* Xavier will face a new debuting wrestler that is coming up the ranks from our tryout league.

* AJ Styles will face Mohammed Yone.

* The SAT & Juventud Guerrera vs The Flock (Raven, Dreamer and newest member, CM Punk)

* BJ Whitmer and Johnny Ace return to action as Whitmer tags with Rhyno to face D'Lo Brown & Johnny Ace as well as the tag team of Van Wild & Scott Starring.

* Chuck Palumbo and Christopher Daniels will be in a Triangle match with another debuting superstar.

See ya there!

*NOTE* I'm looking for ideas on how to settle the Sabin vs Suicide Kings situation once and for all since Sabin has QUIT like a punk. Any interesting match ideas?
VertigoPosted on 03/19/05 at 08:07:27

Kinda sucks about Xavier since he earned his spot... but it's kinda good because I don't really like the guy. Wonder who the opponent will be...

AJ Styles practically embarrases Daniels 2-0. I was pushing for Daniels, but what can I do? AJ Styles was the better man.

Sabin gives CM Punk a proper welcome to Hard Knox. We'll see if CM can live up to his comments and not get beaten again.

I was pumped to see that Palumbo was Juvy's opponent The referee is taking a beating in this match! Damn... Palumbo was close on a few occassions, but once again, Juvy comes out on top. Oh well... at least Palumbo proved himself that he can hang with the champion.

There was no doubt that Stamboli and Williams would be the CST, but taking them 28 minutes is no good. They could have finished them off sooner... the CST can't be that hard to beat, right?

Oh no! Not just a big loss for Raven & Dreamer in the ring, but they no longer have the Head of the Class title in their stable!! Juvy joins the SATs... and they have ALL the gold!! That's nearly complete domination!

I was hoping for Yone to come out on top in that triangle match, but Despair is good enough I suppose. At least Yone was signed to a 12 month contract - he's a good worker and given the right amount of time to showcase, he could easily be a top star.

Choosing the stipulation for next week's tag match - ummm... I'm not sure what's suitable for them... I'll have to think about it.