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Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/15/05 at 05:05:40


Hard Knox is closing out 2005 with an amazing event at a brand new venue in Bethpage, Long Island. Tonight we'll see the first Hard Knox meeting of Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles as well as Christopher Daniels going after the Head of the Class title against Juventud Guerrera. In our main event, we'll see Shane Douglas return to the ring to team with D'Lo Brown to face The Harris Brothers.

But first, we have a tag team match between the reunited Christopher St. Connection going up against Van Wild & Scott Starring.Some of the matches ton

Buff-E throws Chris Harris into the guardrail.
Buff-E runs Chris Harris into the ringsteps.
Buff-E uses a chop on Chris Harris.
Buff-E whips Chris Harris into the guardrail.
Buff-E throws Chris Harris back into the ring.
Buff-E executes the Lick Chop on Chris Harris.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Buff-E.
Buff-E goes for the pin.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Van Wild tags himself in by tapping Buff-E on the shoulder.
Van Wild hits a spinebuster slam on Chris Harris.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, three.
Van Wild has the crowd going wild.
Triangle Match:
Scott Starring and Van Wild defeated The Christopher Street Connection (Buff-E and Mase) and America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) when Van Wild pinned Harris after a spinebuster slam in 0:25:10.
Rating: *** 1/4

CSC was set to face Van Wild & Starring when AMW came down and complained about being left out these last few months. They asked to be let into the match and both teams agreed that it would make it all the more competitive - well that's what Wild & Starring thought. CSC just wanted to be in the ring with 4 men at the same time. *GRIN*

CSC is probably kicking themself for that because they lost the match and didn't even get pinned as Van Wild tagged himself into the action and with a huge spinebuster slam, he got the win for his team.

Next - Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles meet! Being that Daniels has a huge title match later in the night, the Hard Knox officials chose to put this contest early in the evening.

They lock up.
Christopher Daniels punches AJ Styles.
AJ Styles kicks Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels punches AJ Styles.
The chants for Christopher Daniels are deafening.
Christopher Daniels hits a screwdriver on AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
AJ Styles springs to his feet.
AJ Styles nails Christopher Daniels with a back suplex.
AJ Styles whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Christopher Daneils ducks under the clothesline by AJ Styles.
AJ Styles hits Christopher Daniels with a spin kick.
AJ Styles is going for the pin.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, shoulder up.
AJ Styles whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes, but Christopher Daniels reverses it.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with a kick.
Christopher Daniels whips AJ Styles into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits a spinning leg lariat on AJ Styles.
The chants for Christopher Daniels are deafening.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
Christopher Daniels hits a double underhook piledriver on AJ Styles.
The chants for Christopher Daniels are deafening.
Christopher Daniels covers AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels goes for a back suplex, but AJ Styles counters it with a go-behind.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
AJ Styles uses a German suplex on Christopher Daniels.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
AJ Styles goes for the STF, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels goes for a chokehold, but AJ Styles counters it with a facerake.
AJ Styles executes a forearm to the back on Christopher Daniels.
AJ Styles hits a waistlock takedown on Christopher Daniels.
AJ Styles goes for a forearm to the back, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels throws AJ Styles into the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels executes a chop on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels executes a flying dropkick on AJ Styles.
The chants for Christopher Daniels are deafening.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
AJ Styles hits Christopher Daniels with a backdrop.
AJ Styles is going for the cover.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
AJ Styles complains about a slow count.
AJ Styles takes Christopher Daniels down with a brain buster.
AJ Styles takes Christopher Daniels down with an enzuigiri.
AJ Styles runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels uses a powerslam on AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels nails AJ Styles with a spinning leg lariat.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with a slap.
Christopher Daniels takes AJ Styles down with a spinebuster.
Christopher Daniels goes for an STO, but AJ Styles counters it with a low blow.
AJ Styles hits a vertical suplex into a reverse neckbreaker on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd erupts.
AJ Styles whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with a shoulderblock.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
AJ Styles executes a clothesline on Christopher Daniels.
AJ Styles is going for the cover.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
AJ Styles hits a brain buster on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd breaks into a "AJ, AJ" chant.
AJ Styles holds his arms out like a cross.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
AJ Styles sends Christopher Daniels into the turnbuckle.
AJ Styles charges into the corner, but Christopher Daniels moves out of the way.
Christopher Daniels nails AJ Styles with a gutwrench suplex.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels goes for a springboard moonsault, but AJ Styles rolls out of the way.
AJ Styles gets a double reverse chinlock on Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels is struggling to reach the ropes.
Christopher Daniels gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 7 seconds.
AJ Styles hits Christopher Daniels with a spin kick.
AJ Styles punches Christopher Daniels.
The crowd erupts.
AJ Styles chops Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
AJ Styles hits Christopher Daniels.
AJ Styles nails Christopher Daniels with a kick to the midsection.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
AJ Styles goes for a German suplex, but Christopher Daniels counters it with a go-behind.
AJ Styles re-reverses it.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
AJ Styles hits a superkick on Christopher Daniels.
AJ Styles takes Christopher Daniels down with a rana.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
AJ Styles goes for a headbutt, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels hits an eye gouge on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels whips AJ Styles into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with a backdrop.
Christopher Daniels catches AJ Styles in an abdominal stretch.
AJ Styles is valiantly trying to break the hold.
AJ Styles is inching his way towards the ropes.
AJ Styles inches his way towards the ropes after 22 seconds.
Christopher Daniels goes for a DDT, but AJ Styles counters it with a small package.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
AJ Styles runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with a clothesline.
Christopher Daniels sets up AJ Styles on the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels executes a top-rope inverted DDT on AJ Styles.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels uses a reverse Russian legsweep on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels goes for a power bomb, but AJ Styles counters it with a rana.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
AJ Styles executes a spiral tap on Christopher Daniels.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
AJ Styles takes Christopher Daniels down with a slingshot splash.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
AJ Styles goes for a kip-up Frankensteiner, but Christopher Daniels throws him off.
Christopher Daniels whips AJ Styles into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for a sidewalk slam, but AJ Styles counters it with a DDT.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
AJ Styles throws Christopher Daniels into the turnbuckle.
AJ Styles kicks Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
AJ Styles kicks Christopher Daniels.
The crowd erupts.
AJ Styles hits Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for a DDT, but Christopher Daniels counters it with a low blow.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with a double underhook faceslam.
The crowd erupts.
Christopher Daniels uses a kick to the midsection on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels puts AJ Styles in an abdominal stretch.
AJ Styles grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Christopher Daniels executes a bodyslam on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels executes a rana on AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Christopher Daniels puts AJ Styles in a headscissors submission.
AJ Styles inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
Christopher Daniels takes AJ Styles down with a powerslam.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels puts AJ Styles in a chokehold.
AJ Styles reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds.
Christopher Daniels hits a flying dropkick on AJ Styles.
AJ Styles collides with Jimmy Korderas.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels whips AJ Styles into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels uses a bodyslam on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
The crowd erupts.
Christopher Daniels executes the Last Rites on AJ Styles.
There is no referee to count.
Christopher Daniels gets back up.
Christopher Daniels hits a flying axhandle on AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas slowly regains conciousness.
Christopher Daniels attempts to place AJ Styles on the turnbuckle, but AJ Styles blocks it.
Christopher Daniels hits a rana on AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Christopher Daniels locks AJ Styles in an abdominal stretch.
AJ Styles is struggling to reach the ropes.
AJ Styles grabs the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Christopher Daniels uses a spinning leg lariat on AJ Styles.
Christopher Daniels hits AJ Styles with an enzuigiri.
Christopher Daniels goes for a torture rack into a DDT, but AJ Styles blocks it.
AJ Styles executes a bulldog on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for a clothesline, but Christopher Daniels ducks out of the way.
Christopher Daniels places AJ Styles on the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels hits a top-rope inverted DDT on AJ Styles.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Christopher Daniels covers AJ Styles.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Christopher Daniels pinned AJ Styles after a top-rope inverted DDT in 0:13:16.
Rating: **** 1/4

The Long Island fans were in for a treat as they would get to witness AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels meet for the first time in a Hard Knox ring.

Daniels got the victory and is on a roll as he heads into his title shot later in the evening.

Coming up - the first of two Top Contender Qualifying matches. The winner of both matches will meet later in the evening to determine who will get the next title shot after Christopher Daniels for the Head of the Class.

Mitch Hanson runs into the ropes.
Mitch Hanson goes for a clothesline, but Chuck Palumbo counters it with a Gorilla Press.
There are lots of chants for Chuck Palumbo.
Chuck Palumbo runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Mitch Hanson with an elbow.
Chuck Palumbo whips Mitch Hanson into the ropes.
Mitch Hanson hits Chuck Palumbo with an elbow.
Mitch Hanson puts Chuck Palumbo in a chokehold.
Chuck Palumbo tries to escape the hold.
Chuck Palumbo reaches the ropes after 14 seconds.
Mitch Hanson runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Mitch Hanson with a backdrop.
Chuck Palumbo is going for the cover.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, kickout.
Chuck Palumbo works the crowd.
Chuck Palumbo has the crowd going wild.
Chuck Palumbo whips Mitch Hanson into the ropes.
Mitch Hanson goes for a clothesline, but Chuck Palumbo ducks out of the way.
Chuck Palumbo nails Mitch Hanson with a running powerslam.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, three.
[Top Contender Qualifier #1]:
Chuck Palumbo pinned Mitch Hanson after a running powerslam in 0:07:27.
Rating: *** 1/4

Chuck Palumbo was waiting for his opponent in this Top Contender contest and it turned out to be local Long Island indy talent Mitch Hanson.

In the end, Palumbo was the favorite and he kept himself in consideration as Top Contender when he defeated Hanson.

Next - Chris Benoit will face HIS challenger in the second Top Contender qualifier.

Chris Benoit goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Xavier blocks it.
Xavier hits Chris Benoit with a Northern Lights suplex.
Jack Doan counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Xavier throws Jack Doan over the top rope.
Jack Doan is out cold.
Xavier whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits Xavier with an elbow.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Xavier hits Chris Benoit with a backdrop over the top rope to the outside.
Xavier goes through the ropes.
Xavier executes the Kiss Your X Goodbye on Chris Benoit on the concrete floor.
You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Xavier.
Chris Benoit is out cold.
Xavier whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Xavier hits Chris Benoit with a high knee.
Chris Benoit is busted wide open.
Xavier shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Xavier executes a chop on Chris Benoit.
Xavier runs Chris Benoit into the ringpost.
You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Xavier.
Xavier takes Chris Benoit down with a bodyslam.
Xavier throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Xavier whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Xavier executes the Kiss Your X Goodbye on Chris Benoit on the concrete floor.
A few fans are cheering on Xavier.
Chris Benoit is out cold again.
Xavier uses a hiptoss on Chris Benoit.
Xavier shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Xavier hits a Running Forearm Smash on Chris Benoit.
Xavier runs Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Xavier knocks Chris Benoit into the ringpost.
Xavier throws Chris Benoit back into the ring.
Xavier hits a forearm to the back on Chris Benoit.
Xavier is going for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Jack Doan crawls back into the ring.
Jack Doan slowly gets up.
Jack Doan counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Xavier gives the sign for the Kiss Your X Goodbye.
Xavier executes the Kiss Your X Goodbye on Chris Benoit.
Xavier goes for the pin.
Jack Doan counts: One, two, three.
You can hear a few scattered fans cheering for Xavier.
[Top Contender Qualifier #2]:
Xavier pinned Chris Benoit with the Kiss Your X Goodbye in 0:26:15.
Rating: ***

In a SURPRISE entrance, "All Around Best" Xavier was Chris Benoit's opponent.

Xavier pulled an upset victory and will move on to face Chuck Palumbo later in the evening to determine a new Top Contender.

Will Xavier be able to upset Palumbo who has been on quite a run as of late or will Palumbo hold on to his spot as one of the premier guys in Hard Knox? These questions WILL be answered tonight.

But first, we need to determine new tag team top contenders in a four way encounter with the top 4 teams in Hard Knox currently.

Despair leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Despair sets up the chair.
Despair hits a dragon suplex onto the chair on Rhyno.
The crowd is giving Despair a standing ovation.
Despair executes the Despair Driver on Rhyno.
The crowd is giving Despair another standing ovation.
Despair sets the ladder back up.
Despair tries to climb the ladder.
Despair is on his way up.
Despair is half-way up.
Despair is almost on top of the ladder.
Despair is in grabbing distance.
Rhyno knocks over the ladder with a spear.
Rhyno takes Despair down with a back suplex.
Rhyno uses a forearm to the back on Despair.
Rhyno hits Despair with a clothesline.
Mohammed Yone enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Mohammed Yone goes for a roundhouse kick, but Despair counters it with a legsweep.
Mohammed Yone leaves the ring.
Despair tags out to Tommy Dreamer.
Tommy Dreamer hits Rhyno with a Russian legsweep.
Tommy Dreamer gives the sign for the Dreamer DDT.
Tommy Dreamer executes the Dreamer DDT on Rhyno.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Tommy Dreamer sets the ladder back up.
Tommy Dreamer tries to climb the ladder.
Tommy Dreamer is on his way up.
Tommy Dreamer is half-way up.
Tommy Dreamer is almost on top of the ladder.
Tommy Dreamer is in grabbing distance.
Tommy Dreamer has retrieved the tag title contract.
[To Determine Interim Top Contenders for Tag titles]: Number-One-Contenders-Four Corners Ladder Match:
The Flock (Raven and Tommy Dreamer) defeated Chris Sabin and Zach Gowen, The Suicide Kings (Despair and Spikyjim) and Rhyno and Mohammed Yone in 0:50:01.
Rating: *** 3/4

In our Semi Main Event that lasted 50 minutes long, four of the top teams in Hard Knox were all trying to get to the top of the mountain to become the next contenders for The SAT's Heavy Hitters titles.

The new challengers (until Johnny Ace returns from action) are...


The SAT will meet The Flock next month.

With the new contender for the the tag titles decided, we now go to ringside to determine a new top contender for our singles title as Chuck Palumbo faces "All Around Best" Xavier.

Chuck Palumbo goes for a kick to the head, but Xavier ducks out of the way.
Xavier whips Chuck Palumbo into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo hits Xavier with an elbow.
Chuck Palumbo is going for the cover.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a snap mare, but Xavier blocks it.
Xavier takes Chuck Palumbo down with a hiptoss.
Xavier runs into the ropes.
Xavier goes for a high knee, but Chuck Palumbo ducks out of the way.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Xavier.
Chuck Palumbo chops Xavier.
Chuck Palumbo hits a Hotshot on Xavier.
The chants for Chuck Palumbo are deafening.
Chuck Palumbo nails Xavier with a vertical suplex.
Chuck Palumbo kicks Xavier.
Xavier hits Chuck Palumbo.
Xavier places Chuck Palumbo on the turnbuckle.
Xavier executes a superplex on Chuck Palumbo.
Xavier gives the sign for the Kiss Your X Goodbye.
Xavier executes the Kiss Your X Goodbye on Chuck Palumbo.
Xavier goes for the pin.
Brian Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Chuck Palumbo complains about a fast count.
[Winner is new Top Contender for Singles title]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Xavier pinned Chuck Palumbo with the Kiss Your X Goodbye in 0:05:57.
Rating: ** 1/2

OMG!!! Xavier has waltzed right into Hard Knox Wrestling and has become the next contender for the Head of the Class title.

Either Juventud Guerrera or Christopher Daniels will face Xavier NEXT MONTH.

We will find out who coming up next.

Christopher Daniels throws Juventud Guerrera into the turnbuckle, but Juventud Guerrera reverses it.
Juventud Guerrera charges in with a charging axhandle bodyblock, but Christopher Daniels lifts his leg.
Christopher Daniels whips Juventud Guerrera into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera hits Christopher Daniels with a clothesline.
Juventud Guerrera is going for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a Soviet suplex, but Christopher Daniels counters it with an elbowsmash.
Christopher Daniels kicks Juventud Guerrera.
Christopher Daniels punches Juventud Guerrera.
Christopher Daniels hits a torture rack into a DDT on Juventud Guerrera.
The crowd is giving Christopher Daniels a standing ovation.
Christopher Daniels nails Juventud Guerrera with a sidewalk slam.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Christopher Daniels goes for an Asai moonsault, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a Tombstone.
Juventud Guerrera hits Christopher Daniels with a springboard somersault dropkick.
The chants for Juventud Guerrera are deafening.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
Juventud Guerrera takes Christopher Daniels down with a legdrop.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a DDT, but Christopher Daniels counters it with a small package.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels goes for a DDT, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a backdrop.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
Juventud Guerrera nails Christopher Daniels with a hiptoss.
Juventud Guerrera hits a flying dropkick on Christopher Daniels.
Juventud Guerrera hits a German suplex on Christopher Daniels.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up by both men.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for an inverted DDT, but Juventud Guerrera blocks it.
Juventud Guerrera executes a slap on Christopher Daniels.
Juventud Guerrera executes a bodyslam on Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a DDT, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels hits a chop on Juventud Guerrera.
Christopher Daniels goes for a screwdriver, but Juventud Guerrera counters it with a vertical suplex.
Juventud Guerrera executes a springboard dropkick on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Juventud Guerrera nails Christopher Daniels with an inverted DDT.
Juventud Guerrera uses a flying legdrop on Christopher Daniels.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Juventud Guerrera whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Juventud Guerrera ducks out of the way.
Juventud Guerrera uses a flying cross body press on Christopher Daniels.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The crowd erupts.
Juventud Guerrera takes Christopher Daniels down with a hiptoss.
Juventud Guerrera goes for a flying legdrop, but Christopher Daniels rolls out of the way.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels takes Juventud Guerrera down with an Asai moonsault.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels takes Juventud Guerrera down with a back suplex.
Christopher Daniels uses a forearm to the back on Juventud Guerrera.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera hits Christopher Daniels with a backdrop.
Christopher Daniels begs off.
Juventud Guerrera runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels uses a dropkick on Juventud Guerrera.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Juventud Guerrera ducks out of the way.
Juventud Guerrera signals for the Juvy Driver.
Juventud Guerrera executes the Juvy Driver on Christopher Daniels.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
[Head of the Class title defense]:
Juventud Guerrera pinned Christopher Daniels with the Juvy Driver in 0:05:16.
Rating: ****
(Juventud Guerrera retained the HEAD OF THE CLASS.)

In an impressive 4-star encounter for the Head of the Class title, Juventud Guerrera was able to retain the belt. He will now move on to next month's event and  face his next challenger - Xavier.

Our main event is up next as Shane Douglas, with the help of Triple Threat member, D'Lo Brown looks for some revenge against The Harris Brothers.

Don Harris gets a chokehold on D'Lo Brown.
D'Lo Brown tries to escape the hold.
D'Lo Brown is struggling to reach the ropes.
D'Lo Brown reaches the ropes after 12 seconds.
Don Harris goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but D'Lo Brown blocks it.
D'Lo Brown tags out to Shane Douglas.
Shane Douglas and D'Lo Brown whip Don Harris into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Don Harris with a double fist to the midsection, but he counters it with a double clothesline.
D'Lo Brown leaves the ring.
Don Harris runs into the ropes.
Don Harris and Shane Douglas get hit with a double clothesline.
Don Harris nails Shane Douglas with a bodyslam.
Don Harris nails Shane Douglas with a facerake.
Ron Harris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
D'Lo Brown enters the ring and lays out Ron Harris.
Shane Douglas and D'Lo Brown hit Don Harris with a double elbowdrop.
D'Lo Brown leaves the ring.
Shane Douglas throws Don Harris into the turnbuckle.
Shane Douglas charges into the corner, but Don Harris moves out of the way.
Don Harris executes a fallaway slam on Shane Douglas.
Don Harris goes for a facerake, but Shane Douglas blocks it.
Shane Douglas executes the Franchiser on Don Harris.
Shane Douglas goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, Ron Harris doesn't make it in time... three.
D'Lo Brown and Shane Douglas defeated
The Harris Brothers (Ron Harris and Don Harris) when Douglas pinned Heavy D with the Franchiser in 0:13:28.
Rating: *** 1/4
[Johnny Ace interfered against Ron Harris.]

Shane Douglas made a return to in ring action to get some revenge on Ron & Don Harris who put Johnny Ace on the shelf last month.

We all knew Douglas would havesome tricks up his sleeve, namely the presence of Chuck Palumbo at ringside. But it was JOHNNY ACE who despite wearing a back brace was able to distract Ron Harris long enough for Shane to hit `Heavy D' Don Harris with The Franchiser and get the 3 count.

Card rating: ** 3/4

Next Month:

We return to Bethpage, Long Island with an exciting set of matches. Signed thus far is:

* A Head of the Class title defense as Juventud Guerrera faces "All Around Best' Xavier

* The Heavy Hitters titles will be on the line as The SAT faces Raven & Tommy Dreamer (The Flock).

* A rematch between Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles

* Chris Sabin will face a new signee to Hard Knox

* A 3 way dance to determine the next top contender for the Head of the Class - Mohammed Yone vs Despair vs ABYSS!!

* Tag team action as Johnny Stamboli and Lance William team up to face The Christopher St. Connection

* Another tag team match as D'Lo Brown recruits Kevin Ridge to face The Harris Brothers.

* As a New Years present to our fans, we are giving them the chance to book part of our card.
SO if there is a match you want to see featuring someone who is not already booked on the card, let us know and you may just see that person in the ring come January.

See ya next month!
VertigoPosted on 03/15/05 at 23:48:17

Damn, I was pushing for either Palumbo or Benoit. I'm not a fan of Xavier, so seeing him go all the way kind of busted my balls. However, Juvy is the man right now and I don't think Xavier can overcome him for the championship.

I do think Daniels could have beat Juvy... but on another day. It's not a very smart idea to go at it with AJ Styles and then attempt to overthrow Juvy less than 2 hours away... and Daniels got lucky because the 4 Corners Match went 50 minutes!

I'm glad Raven and Dreamer won. I like The Flock in this circuit. I also like the Triple Threat, though, and seeing them go down to the Harris Brothers kind of sucked.

As for match requests, I would like to see either Shane Douglas against Chris Benoit to see if Douglas can get back into the title hunt... or Palumbo and Benoit just so I could see who would have won if they had advanced to face each other in top contendorship tournament... and maybe Palumbo/Benoit's match could have a gimmick - but I don't know what yet.
americamamushiPosted on 03/16/05 at 00:49:15

Last show of the year.  Hopefully Hard Knox will go out on a high note.

Will CsC win??  Of course not! :)  At least they weren't involved in the fall.  Van Wild interjects himself to take care of Harris.  Way to steal the spot light.  No one is gonna be happy about that

Daniels with a high impact win over Styles, but how much did that 13 minutes take out of Daniels before his title shot later... I have a baaaaaaad feeling... :)

Palumbo with a nice win.  One step closer to the title shot.

Whoa, big upset!  Sad to see Benoit doesn't advance.  I'm crossing my fingers that Palumbo beats Xavier for the title shot though.  And...

... he doesn't.  :P

Daniels puts up a good fight, but the match with Styles earlier was too much I think.

Brave Johnny Ace coming down and helps his stablemates despite the injury.  Good things the Harris' brothers didn't get their mits on him or he might be out for even longer.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/16/05 at 01:45:03

On 03/15/05 at 23:48:17, Vertigo wrote:Damn, I was pushing for either Palumbo or Benoit. I'm not a fan of Xavier, so seeing him go all the way kind of busted my balls. However, Juvy is the man right now and I don't think Xavier can overcome him for the championship.
Well you'll just have to wait til January to find out, wontcha =)

I do think Daniels could have beat Juvy... but on another day.
It's not a very smart idea to go at it with AJ Styles and then attempt to overthrow Juvy less than 2 hours away... and Daniels got lucky because the 4 Corners Match went 50 minutes!
Oh yes - lucky lucky 50 minutes to rest =)

I'm glad Raven and Dreamer won. I like The Flock in this circuit. I also like the Triple Threat, though, and seeing them go down to the Harris Brothers kind of sucked.
WAIT! The Triple Threat beat The Harris Brothers this time around.

As for match requests, I would like to see either Shane Douglas against Chris Benoit to see if Douglas can get back into the title hunt... or Palumbo and Benoit just so I could see who would have won if they had advanced to face each other in top contendorship tournament... and maybe Palumbo/Benoit's match could have a gimmick - but I don't know what yet.
Douglas isn't doing much in ring work these days (he got the job done over Harris Brothers so he's back to being the managerial leader of The Triple Threat again). As for Palumbo/Benoit - that could be an interesting match.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/16/05 at 01:47:30

On 03/16/05 at 00:49:15, americamamushi wrote:

Will CsC win??  Of course not! :)  At least they weren't involved in the fall.  Van Wild interjects himself to take care of Harris.  Way to steal the spot light.  No one is gonna be happy about that
Something tells me Buff-E and Mase will not be resigning with Hard Knox once their deals are up. Kinda funny being that they were tag champs in an indy here in NY yet they cant catch a break in my circuit.

Brave Johnny Ace coming down and helps his stablemates despite the injury.  Good things the Harris' brothers didn't get their mits on him or he might be out for even longer.
Good point.

Any matches you want to see on our New Years card?
americamamushiPosted on 03/16/05 at 01:53:17

Any matches you want to see on our New Years card?
The Styles/Daniels match to be 2-out-of-three falls.  Dunno why, just cause.  And Abyss vs. Benoit since Abyss never tapped out before.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/16/05 at 20:10:52

Styles/Daniels - 2 out of 3 falls - U GOT IT!

As for Abyss vs Benoit, Abyss has his chance to become Top Contender. I don't think he cares about Benoit at the moment Besides, I think Benoit vs Palumbo (as requested by Vertigo) could be more interesante.