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Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/12/05 at 04:22:11


Last month, we saw the collision of The Flock and the union of BJ Whitmer & Rhyno with former Head of the Class, Chris Benoit. We also saw the debuts of The Harris Brothers and the big man, ABYSS (who joined Raven's Flock) as well as the departure of Steve Austin.

This month, we will witness a running of the gauntlet as several Hard Knox stars try to come out the other end with the status of Top Contender for the Head of the Class title.

Speaking of the Head of the Class, Juventud Guerrera will defend it against Kevin Ridge and the Heavy Hitters tag titles will be on the line as The SAT team with BJ Whitmer to take on The Flock (Raven, Dreamer & Abyss).

But first, we go to ringside for our opening bout - former tag partners collide as Johnny Stamboli faces The Triple Threat's Chuck Palumbo.

Johnny Stamboli goes for a bodyslam, but Chuck Palumbo counters it with an elbowsmash.
Chuck Palumbo whips Johnny Stamboli into the ropes, but Johnny Stamboli reverses it.
Johnny Stamboli hits Chuck Palumbo with a chop.
Johnny Stamboli runs into the ropes.
Chuck Palumbo executes a spinebuster slam on Johnny Stamboli.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Chuck Palumbo goes for a forearm smash, but Johnny Stamboli blocks it.
Johnny Stamboli nails Chuck Palumbo with a chop.
Johnny Stamboli executes a Hotshot on Chuck Palumbo.
There are lots of chants for Johnny Stamboli.
Johnny Stamboli executes a flying bulldog on Chuck Palumbo.
Johnny Stamboli goes for a chokehold, but Chuck Palumbo counters it with a kick to the midsection.
Chuck Palumbo executes the Jungle Kick on Johnny Stamboli.
A small "Chuck Palumbo" chant is being started.
Chuck Palumbo goes for the pin.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
Chuck Palumbo pinned Johnny Stamboli with the Jungle Kick in 0:12:19.
Rating: ** 3/4

Chuck Palumbo was the favorite going into this and he walked out with the win. Palumbo was confident enough that he would win that he didn't even come to the ring with his fellow Triple Threat members.

Next up - The Suicide Kings, Chris Sabin & Zach Gowen, Scott Starring & Van Wild and The Harris Brothers all do battle in Four Corners Tag Team action WITH elimination rules.

Chris Sabin throws Spikyjim out of the ring.
Chris Sabin jumps onto Spikyjim with a somersault bodyblock off the apron.
The crowd is giving Chris Sabin a standing ovation.
Zach Gowen comes over to make it two-on-one.
Zach Gowen executes a single leg lariat on Spikyjim.
Chris Sabin hits an inside cradle on Spikyjim.
Zach Gowen goes for a dropkick, but Spikyjim side-steps and Zach Gowen hits Sabin.
Despair comes over to make it two-on-one.
Despair executes an Asai moonsault on Chris Sabin.
Spikyjim sets up Chris Sabin on the table.
Spikyjim executes a cradle piledriver through the table on Sabin.
The table didn't break.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Spikyjim.
Spikyjim whips Chris Sabin into the guardrail.
Despair executes a back heel kick on Chris Sabin.
Spikyjim nails Chris Sabin with a German suplex.
Zach Gowen comes over and lays out Despair.
Zach Gowen goes for a leg lariat, but Spikyjim ducks out of the way.
Zach Gowen hits Chris Sabin.
Spikyjim uses a sunset flip power bomb on Zach Gowen.
Spikyjim hits Chris Sabin with a falling headbutt.
Spikyjim whips Chris Sabin into the guardrail.
Spikyjim sets up a table.
Spikyjim sets up Chris Sabin on the table.
Spikyjim executes the The Living End through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Spikyjim reenters the ring.
Chris Sabin crawls back into the ring.
Spikyjim covers Chris Sabin.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Spikyjim gives the sign for the The Living End.
Spikyjim sets up Chris Sabin on the turnbuckle.
Spikyjim executes the The Living End on Chris Sabin.
Spikyjim goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, Don Harris makes the save.
Chris Sabin takes Spikyjim down with a tiger suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

Spikyjim has been eliminated.
The crowd is giving Chris Sabin a standing ovation.
Zach Gowen throws Van Wild into the turnbuckle.
Zach Gowen runs into the ropes.
Van Wild nails Zach Gowen with a powerslam.
The crowd is giving Van Wild a standing ovation.
Van Wild gives the sign for the Wild Ride.
Van Wild executes the Wild Ride on Zach Gowen.
The crowd erupts.
Van Wild goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

Zach Gowen has been eliminated.
Van Wild takes Ron Harris down with a powerslam.
Van Wild goes for the Wild Ride, but Ron Harris blocks it.
Van Wild whips Ron Harris into the ropes, but Ron Harris reverses it.
Ron Harris hits Van Wild with a kick.
Ron Harris hits a snap mare on Van Wild.
Ron Harris goes for a backbreaker, but Van Wild blocks it.
Van Wild whips Ron Harris into the ropes.
Ron Harris takes Van Wild down with a flying clothesline.
Don Harris enters the ring.
Ron Harris and Don Harris hit Van Wild with the H_Bomb.
Ron Harris goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.

Van Wild has been eliminated.
The crowd is really behind Ron Harris.
Four Corners Match:
The Harris Brothers (Ron Harris and Don Harris) defeated
Scott Starring and Van Wild, The Suicide Kings (Despair and Spikyjim) and Chris Sabin and Zach Gowen:
        x Sabin beat Spikyjim via a tiger suplex in 0:16:15
        x Van Wild beat Gowen via the Wild Ride in 0:27:04
        x Ron Harris beat Van Wild after the H_Bomb in 0:39:49
Rating: *** 1/2

Sabin got under the skin of The Suicide Kings again by eliminating them out of the match after being saved by Don Harris.

Van Wild then took Zach Gowen out with the Wild Ride to eliminate him and Chris Sabin.

In the end, it came down to two top teams and The Harris Brothers made another impression on the officials in the back as they walked out the victors. These two big wins could mean a title shot for Ron & Don REAL soon.

Coming up - AJ Styles starts off the Running of the Gauntlet.

AJ Styles goes for a superkick, but Chuck Palumbo ducks out of the way.
Chuck Palumbo goes for a bodyslam, but AJ Styles blocks it.
AJ Styles nails Chuck Palumbo with the Splash Mountain.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, kickout.
AJ Styles executes a kneelift on Chuck Palumbo.
AJ Styles executes the Discus Punch on Chuck Palumbo.
AJ Styles executes the Styles Clash on Chuck Palumbo.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for AJ Styles.
AJ Styles goes for the pin.
Jimmy Korderas counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
[Gauntlet #1]:
AJ Styles pinned Chuck Palumbo with the Styles Clash in 0:05:31.
Rating: ** 1/2

We knew AJ Styles was a participant in this gauntlet but we also learned that Chuck Palumbo would be involved as well.

Palumbo was hurting a bit from wrestling earlier in the evening and it may have cost him the win.

Styles moved on and awaited his next opponent...


Rhyno hits AJ Styles with a clothesline.
AJ Styles falls out of the ring.
Rhyno goes outside.
Rhyno throws AJ Styles into the ringsteps.
AJ Styles has been cut open.
Rhyno clears the announcers' table.
Rhyno runs AJ Styles into the ringsteps.
The crowd is going crazy.
Rhyno whips AJ Styles into the guardrail.
Rhyno throws AJ Styles into the ringsteps.
Rhyno uses a powerslam on AJ Styles.
Rhyno shoves AJ Styles into the guardrail.
Rhyno knocks AJ Styles into the ringsteps.
Rhyno sets up AJ Styles next to the announcers' table.
Rhyno executes the Gore through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Rhyno uses a power bomb on AJ Styles.
Rhyno knocks AJ Styles into the ringpost.
Rhyno throws AJ Styles into the guardrail.
Rhyno throws AJ Styles back into the ring.
Rhyno covers AJ Styles.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Rhyno works the crowd.
There are lots of chants for Rhyno.
AJ Styles springs to his feet.
AJ Styles uses a forearm to the back on Rhyno.
AJ Styles hits Rhyno with a slap.
AJ Styles takes Rhyno down with a bulldog.
AJ Styles goes for a spiral tap, but Rhyno rolls out of the way.
Rhyno executes the Gore on AJ Styles.
There are lots of chants for Rhyno.
Rhyno goes for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Rhyno.
[Gauntlet #2]:
Rhyno pinned AJ Styles with the Gore in 0:09:00.
Rating: ** 3/4

AJ Styles had been in the ring for a total of 14 and a half minutes before Rhyno took him out.

Rhyno moved on to face...


Daniels obviously hoped for Styles to make it past this match but instead he had to contend with Rhyno.

Christopher Daniels hits a double underhook piledriver on Rhyno.
The crowd is going crazy.
Christopher Daniels is going for the pin.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Christopher Daniels throws Rhyno out of the ring.
Christopher Daniels jumps onto him with a slingshot somersault plancha.
Christopher Daniels uses a spinning leg lariat on Rhyno.
Christopher Daniels throws Rhyno into the ringsteps.
Christopher Daniels throws Rhyno into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
Christopher Daniels has the crowd going wild.
Christopher Daniels nails Rhyno with a double underhook faceslam.
Christopher Daniels goes for a waistlock suplex, but Rhyno counters it with a facerake.
Rhyno nails Christopher Daniels with a double-axhandle to the back.
Rhyno works the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Rhyno.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Christopher Daniels knocks Rhyno into the ringsteps.
The crowd is behind Christopher Daniels all the way.
Christopher Daniels hits a powerslam on Rhyno.
Christopher Daniels nails Rhyno with a power bomb.
Christopher Daniels shoves Rhyno into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels throws Rhyno back into the ring.
Christopher Daniels executes the Last Rites on Rhyno.
Chad Patton counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
[Gauntlet #3]:
Christopher Daniels pinned Rhyno with the Last Rites in 0:06:38.
Rating: *** 1/4

The fans began to sense a pattern that the fresher man was walking away with the wins thus far.

Daniels moved on and would face...


Chris Benoit nails Christopher Daniels with a dragon screw.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits Chris Benoit with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit falls out of the ring.
Christopher Daniels jumps onto him with Asai moonsault.
Christopher Daniels throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Christopher Daniels executes a spinebuster on Chris Benoit.
Christopher Daniels executes a powerslam on Chris Benoit.
Christopher Daniels takes Chris Benoit down with a spinning leg lariat.
Christopher Daniels throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
Christopher Daniels has the crowd going wild.
Christopher Daniels whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels goes for a dropkick, but Chris Benoit side-steps and Christopher Daniels only hits air.
The crowd is behind Chris Benoit all the way.
Chris Benoit works the crowd.
The crowd is behind Chris Benoit all the way.
Chris Benoit knocks Christopher Daniels into the ringsteps.
** Abyss ambushes Chris Benoit from behind.
Jack Doan admonishes Abyss.
Christopher Daniels throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Christopher Daniels has the crowd going wild.
Christopher Daniels shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels goes for an inverted DDT, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
** Abyss hits Chris Benoit with the Black Hole Slam.
Christopher Daniels uses a rana on Chris Benoit.
Christopher Daniels throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
The crowd is going crazy.
Christopher Daniels executes a double underhook faceslam on Chris Benoit.
** Abyss hits Chris Benoit with a SECOND Black Hole Slam.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Christopher Daniels shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels runs Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Chris Benoit is busted wide open.
Christopher Daniels takes Chris Benoit down with a waistlock suplex.
Christopher Daniels uses a chop on Chris Benoit.
Christopher Daniels nails Chris Benoit with a gutwrench suplex.
Christopher Daniels whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Christopher Daniels goes for a reverse Russian legsweep, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit shoves Christopher Daniels into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chris Benoit hits a kick to the midsection on Christopher Daniels.
Chris Benoit nails Christopher Daniels with a forearm to the back.
Chris Benoit takes Christopher Daniels down with a kick to the midsection.
** Abyss hits Chris Benoit with a THIRD Black Hole Slam.
The crowd erupts.
Chris Benoit is out cold.
Christopher Daniels throws Chris Benoit back into the ring.
Christopher Daniels is going for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
Jack Doan is back on the job.
Jack Doan counts: One, two... Benoit SOMEHOW gets his shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels gives the sign for the Last Rites.
Christopher Daniels executes the Last Rites on Chris Benoit.
Jack Doan counts: One, two, three.
Christopher Daniels has the crowd going wild.
[Gauntlet #4]:
Christopher Daniels pinned Chris Benoit with the Last Rites in 0:09:13.
Rating: *** 1/2
[Abyss interfered against Chris Benoit.]

Christopher Daniels should thank Abyss and maybe even Raven for this win - seeing how Abyss left Benoit for dead after that THIRD Black Hole Slam.

It's a testament to Benoit that he was able to hold on after the first two Black Hole Slams by Abyss.

Since Abyss was already at ringside, Christopher Daniels was told to head towards the back and take a break from the gauntlet so we could hold our Heavy Hitters title defense. Raven & Tommy Dreamer joined Abyss at ringside followed by the arrival of the champions, The SAT and their partner for this match, BJ Whitmer.

Abyss goes for a powerslam, but Joel Maximo counters it with a high cross body.
Mike Chioda counts: One, shoulder up.
BJ Whitmer enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
BJ Whitmer uses a double leg takedown on Abyss.
Joel Maximo goes for a flying legdrop, but Abyss rolls out of the way.
BJ Whitmer leaves the ring.
Abyss hits a chop on Joel Maximo.
Abyss nails Joel Maximo with a headbutt.
Abyss executes a spear on Joel Maximo.
Abyss covers Joel Maximo.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, kickout.
Abyss whips Joel Maximo into the ropes.
Joel Maximo hits Abyss with a kick.
Joel Maximo hits a reverse neckbreaker on Abyss.
The crowd erupts.
Joel Maximo is going for the cover.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, kickout.
Joel Maximo hits Abyss with a moonsault.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Joel Maximo uses a flying dropkick on Abyss.
Joel Maximo hits Abyss with the Running Forearm Smash.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, kickout.
Joel Maximo goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Abyss counters it with a backward kick.
Abyss goes for a vertical suplex, but Joel Maximo blocks it.
Joel Maximo takes Abyss down with spinning headscissors.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Joel Maximo.
Joel Maximo executes the Maximo Explosion on Abyss.
Mike Chioda counts: One, two, Raven doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Joel Maximo.
[Heavy Hitters Tag Titles on the line]:
Joel Maximo, Jose Maximo and BJ Whitmer defeated
The Flock (Raven and Tommy Dreamer) and Abyss when Joel pinned Abyss with the Maximo Explosion in 0:12:30.
Rating: **** 1/4
[Chris Benoit interfered against Raven.]
[Chris Benoit interfered against Abyss.]

In a match that saw Chris Benoit bring himself back down to the ring to exact some revenge on Raven & Abyss for the `hit' put on him in the last Gauntlet match, we also saw The SAT keep their titles with an amazing pinfall victory on Abyss by Joel Maximo.

After the match, Raven yelled at Abyss for dropping the ball and not getting the job done. Abyss did not take likely to this and grabbed Raven by the throat. Raven was able to calm the big man down though and The Flock was able to leave together.

Coming up - Juventud Guerrera defends his Head of the Class title against Kevin Ridge.

Kevin J. Ridge uses a kick to the knee on Juventud Guerrera.
Kevin J. Ridge goes for a kick to the thigh, but Juventud Guerrera blocks it.
Kevin J. Ridge begs off.
Juventud Guerrera executes a fisherman buster on Kevin J. Ridge.
Juventud Guerrera hits a running power bomb on Kevin J. Ridge.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Juventud Guerrera whips Kevin J. Ridge into the ropes.
Juventud Guerrera misses with a kick.
Kevin J. Ridge executes a Yakuza kick on Juventud Guerrera.
Kevin J. Ridge runs into the ropes.
** Raven hits Kevin J. Ridge in the back with a chair.
Juventud Guerrera executes the Juvy Driver on Kevin J. Ridge.
Mike Sparks counts: One, two, three.
[Head of the Class title defense]:
Juventud Guerrera pinned Kevin J. Ridge with the Juvi Driver in 0:07:44.
Rating: *** 1/4
(Juventud Guerrera retained the HEAD OF THE CLASS.)
[Raven interfered against Kevin J. Ridge.]

Juvy keeps the gold, thanks to Raven.

After the match, Juvy was celebrating his successful title defense and Raven looked slightly bothered that Juvy did acknowledge his presence at ringside.

Coming up - Johnny Ace & D'Lo Brown face America's Most Wanted. If Ace and Brown win, they get a title shot.

Chris Harris whips D'Lo Brown into the ropes, but D'Lo Brown reverses it.
Chris Harris hits D'Lo Brown with a spear.
D'Lo Brown inadvertedly knocks down Nick Patrick.
Chris Harris is going for the cover.
There is no referee to count.
Chris Harris takes D'Lo Brown down with a dropkick.
Chris Harris takes D'Lo Brown down with a running powerslam.
There is no referee to count.
Chris Harris runs into the ropes.
Chris Harris executes a clothesline on D'Lo Brown.
Chris Harris whips D'Lo Brown into the turnbuckle.
Chris Harris uses a double-axhandle to the back on D'Lo Brown.
Chris Harris tags out to James Storm.
James Storm and Chris Harris whip D'Lo Brown into the ropes.
James Storm and Chris Harris hit D'Lo Brown with a double dropkick.
Chris Harris leaves the ring.
James Storm goes for a DDT, but D'Lo Brown counters it with a backdrop.
D'Lo Brown covers James Storm.
There is no referee to count.
D'Lo Brown goes for a forearm to the back, but James Storm side-steps and D'Lo Brown only hits air.
James Storm covers D'Lo Brown.
There is no referee to count.
James Storm works the crowd.
James Storm has the crowd going wild.
James Storm runs into the ropes.
D'Lo Brown hits James Storm with a shoulderblock.
D'Lo Brown whips James Storm into the ropes.
D'Lo Brown and James Storm get hit with a double clothesline.
D'Lo Brown hits James Storm with a spinning heel kick.
D'Lo Brown runs into the ropes.
James Storm takes D'Lo Brown down with a chop.
James Storm takes D'Lo Brown down with an elbowsmash.
James Storm runs into the ropes.
D'Lo Brown takes James Storm down with a punch.
D'Lo Brown chops James Storm.
The crowd is going crazy.
James Storm hits D'Lo Brown.
The crowd is going crazy.
D'Lo Brown hits James Storm.
The chants for D'Lo Brown are deafening.
D'Lo Brown nails James Storm with a powerslam.
There is no referee to count.
D'Lo Brown executes a double-axhandle to the back on James Storm.
D'Lo Brown goes for a DDT, but James Storm counters it with an inverted atomic drop.
James Storm executes an inverted Swinging DDT on D'Lo Brown.
There is no referee to count.
Nick Patrick crawls to make the count.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, kickout.
James Storm uses a legsweep on D'Lo Brown.
James Storm uses a flying forearm on D'Lo Brown.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, Johnny Ace makes the save.
D'Lo Brown kicks James Storm.
D'Lo Brown chops James Storm.
D'Lo Brown tags out to Johnny Ace.
Chris Harris enters the ring and throws D'Lo Brown out of the ring.
The crowd is behind Chris Harris all the way.
Chris Harris executes a dropkick on Johnny Ace.
The crowd is behind Chris Harris all the way.
James Storm nails Johnny Ace with an enzuigiri.
Chris Harris leaves the ring.
James Storm executes an enzuigiri on Johnny Ace.
The chants for James Storm are deafening.
James Storm executes the 8 Second Ride on Johnny Ace.
James Storm goes for the pin.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, D'Lo Brown makes the save.
Johnny Ace hits a flying dropkick on James Storm.
The crowd is giving Johnny Ace a standing ovation.
Johnny Ace executes the Implant DDT on James Storm.
Nick Patrick counts: One, two, Chris Harris doesn't make it in time... three.
Triple Threat (D'Lo Brown and Johnny Ace) defeated
America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) when Ace pinned J. Storm with the Implant DDT in 0:20:19.
Rating: ****

The Triple Threat were celebrating their win and their upcoming title shot when The Harris Brothers confronted them. Ron & Don Harris made it very clear to The Triple Threat that with their win in the 4 Corners tag match earlier, The Harris Brothers were in the title hunt as well.

Officials quickly came down and decided that next month, Brown & Ace will face Ron & Don Harris and the winner will be the new Top Contenders for the Heavy Hitters titles.

Coming up - Christopher Daniels faces one more opponent in the final match of the Gauntlet.

Daniels was in the middle of the ring awaiting his opponent who turned out to be...


Terry Funk runs into the ropes.
** Johnny Ace hits Terry Funk in the back with a chair.
Christopher Daniels gives the sign for the Last Rites.
Christopher Daniels goes for the Last Rites, but Terry Funk blocks it.
[fast forward]

Terry Funk hits a bulldog on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd erupts.
Terry Funk executes the Spinning Toe Hold on Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels reaches the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Terry Funk runs into the ropes.
Terry Funk hits Christopher Daniels with a clothesline.
Terry Funk goes for a vertical suplex, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels uses an inverted DDT on Terry Funk.
Christopher Daniels takes Terry Funk down with a chop.
Christopher Daniels catches Terry Funk in an abdominal stretch.
Terry Funk is struggling to reach the ropes.
Terry Funk is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Terry Funk reaches the ropes after being locked up for 9 seconds.
Christopher Daniels uses a slap on Terry Funk.
Christopher Daniels takes Terry Funk down with a thrust kick to the head.
Christopher Daniels hits an STO on Terry Funk.
The chants for Christopher Daniels are deafening.
Christopher Daniels executes a flying axhandle on Terry Funk.
Christopher Daniels takes Terry Funk down with a spin kick.
Christopher Daniels executes the Last Rites on Terry Funk.
Jack Doan counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.
[Winner is Top Contender for Head of the Class]: Number-One-Contenders-Match:
Christopher Daniels pinned Terry Funk with the Last Rites in 0:14:01.
Rating: *** 3/4
[Johnny Ace interfered against Terry Funk.]

Christopher Daniels will get a title shot in the near future after he ran the gauntlet and made it through in one piece.

Our main event tonight is a 2 out of 3 falls tag team showcase as Rhyno & Mohammed Yone team up to face visiting tag team from NWJ - The Thundercats (Lyger & Tiger Mask IV)

[First Fall]
Rhyno and Mohammed Yone hit Tiger Mask with a double bodyslam.
Rhyno nails Tiger Mask with a clothesline.
Rhyno whips Tiger Mask into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tiger Mask executes a slap on Rhyno.
Jyushin Lyger comes over to make it two-on-one.
Tiger Mask and Jyushin Lyger hit Rhyno with a double hiptoss.
Jyushin Lyger takes Rhyno down with a powerslam.
Tiger Mask hits a flying dropkick on Rhyno.
Jyushin Lyger hits Rhyno with a clothesline.
Tiger Mask nails Rhyno with a German suplex.
Mohammed Yone comes over and lays out Jyushin Lyger.
Mohammed Yone uses a lariat on Tiger Mask.
Rhyno nails Tiger Mask with a back suplex.
Rhyno whips Tiger Mask into the guardrail.
Rhyno throws Tiger Mask back into the ring.
Rhyno executes the Gore on Tiger Mask.
Rhyno goes for the pin.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.
[Second Fall]
Rhyno goes for a side suplex, but Jyushin Lyger counters it with spinning headscissors.
The crowd is behind Jyushin Lyger all the way.
Jyushin Lyger hits a flying cross body press on Rhyno.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, Mohammed Yone makes the save.
Jyushin Lyger takes Rhyno down with a dragon suplex.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Jyushin Lyger sends Rhyno into the turnbuckle.
Jyushin Lyger uses a flying cross body press on Rhyno.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Jyushin Lyger goes for a flying cross body press, but Rhyno counters it with a running powerslam.
Charles Robinson counts: One, shoulder up.
Rhyno hits Jyushin Lyger with a roundhouse right.
Rhyno takes Jyushin Lyger down with a kick to the head.
The crowd erupts.
Rhyno uses a kneelift on Jyushin Lyger.
Rhyno nails Jyushin Lyger with a forearm to the back.
Rhyno nails Jyushin Lyger with a kick to the midsection.
Rhyno chops Jyushin Lyger.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Rhyno.
Rhyno punches Jyushin Lyger.
The crowd is giving Rhyno a standing ovation.
Rhyno chops Jyushin Lyger.
Rhyno runs into the ropes.
Rhyno executes the Gore on Jyushin Lyger.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Rhyno goes for the pin.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
[Main Event]: Two-out-of-three-Falls Match:
Mohammed Yone and Rhyno beat Jyushin Lyger and Tiger Mask 2 falls to 0:
        x Rhyno beat T. Mask via the Gore in 0:13:14
        x Rhyno beat Lyger via the Gore in 0:38:49
Rating: *****

Yone & Rhyno agreed to a 2 of 3 falls contest against The Thundercats.

Rhyno wa able to hit The Gore on both men to win the match for his team 2 falls to none.

We ended the night with all 4 men standing in the ring shaking hands and thanking the other team for a great competitive match.

Card rating: *** 3/4

Next Month's Lineup:

Next month is our Thanksgiving celebration and the lineup thus far is as follows...

* Chris Sabin & Zach Gowen vs Spikyjim & Travis LaGrange

Over the last few months, Chris Sabin & Zach Gowen have been an interesting duo - especially with the way they are able to get under Spikyjim's skin in just the right way. Therefore, Spikyjim has requested to face Sabin & Gowen in the ring next month in a tag match, ONLY this time Spiky isn't bringing Despair with him as a partner. Instead, he has called his good buddy, Travis LaGrange in Texas and asked him to come to Queens, NY.

* Juventud Guerrera vs ???

Juventud Guerrera is exercising his contract clause that states he does not have to defend his belt two months in a row. Thus Juvy WILL be in action but in a NON TITLE encounter against an opponent of Hard Knox's choosing. A few calls have been coming in from considerable people but nothing official has been announced yet.

* Raven & Tommy Dreamer vs Mohammed Yone & ???

Raven & Dreamer are not fond that Mohammed Yone is friendly with Rhyno who is friendly with BJ Whitmer. They have challenged Yone to find a partner and face them next month. Yone has said he has found a proper partner and is in the process of getting him a one night deal with Hard Knox for next month.

* Top Contendership on the Line
Chuck Palumbo vs Christopher Daniels

Shane Douglas is claiming that The Triple Threat helped Christopher Daniels towards his win in the final Gauntlet match and they want some payment for it - namely Chuck Palumbo has challenged Christopher Daniels for the #1 Contenders spot.

* The Harris Brothers vs D'Lo Brown & Johnny Ace
Winner is the new Top Contender for The SAT's Heavy Hitters titles.

* Main Event - 30 Min Ironman Match
AJ Styles vs BJ Whitmer

In the honor of friendly competition, which our fans loved so much tonight, our Main Event will be a 30 Min Ironman match between BJ Whitmer & AJ Styles.

See ya next month!
americamamushiPosted on 03/12/05 at 05:23:44

OoOoOoOoOo... gauntlet. ;)

Palumbo wins.  Yay!  I'm big on Palumbo in your circuit.

Big elimination to start things off!  Sabin hits a tiger suplex by surprise after the Living End and eliminates the Suicide Kings!  Holy Crap!  That's not gonna sit well with the SKs.  Not at all.  Their celebration is short lived obviously.  I think for Sabin he accomplished what was most important to him.  GOWEN IS THE WEAK LINK! :)  And the power team wins.  Harris brothers seem like they are on the road to being your resident monster tag team.

Even if Palumbo hadn't won earlier I think Styles would have gone over, which in my eyes is for the better.  OoOo, big W for Rhyno.  Impressive since it was on a relatively fresh Styles.  Too bad that Styles is out, Daniels would have been great to go against him in match #3.  And Daniels' takes it.  It looks like all your fresh guys are winning.  Ah, finally.  The fresh guy doesn't win.  Nice that Abyss interfered against Benoit.  Sets things up for a good ol' feud.

Wow.  Maximos PIN Abyss?!  SWERVE!  Again, I like the Benoit appearance.  A feud is a brewin'

Surprised Raven interfered for Juvy.  He probably could have done it himself.  Good that Juvy kept it though.  I wouldn't necessarily have minded Guerrera dropping the belt so soon, but it would have to be to someone with a higher profile.  And Raven bothered?!  YES!  Who called it?  Me.  Booyah! ;D

Looks like the Triple Threat will have some problems with the Harris boys.  They want that gold... probably so they have something shinier than their heads. ;)

OoOoOo... the FUNKAH!  Daniels could have gotten the win unassisted.  Triple Threat has been having Funk problems lately, but i think a cleaner win would have had a better impact.  Still, he gets the title shot and it should be a helluva showing.

Looks like Rhyno recovers quick.  Big showing from the Manbeast.  Both falls.  

I almost want Whitmer to win the Iron Man match next month.  He'd have a legit reason to want a title shot then.  It could be interesting to see what would happen since Daniels is the #1 contender.

Good stuff as usual Shaunzie.:)
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 03/12/05 at 05:45:36

On 03/12/05 at 05:23:44, americamamushi wrote:

Palumbo wins.  Yay!  I'm big on Palumbo in your circuit.
Glad ya like him - he's doing pretty good for himself so far.

Big elimination to start things off!  Sabin hits a tiger suplex by surprise after the Living End and eliminates the Suicide Kings!  Holy Crap!  That's not gonna sit well with the SKs.  Not at all.  Their celebration is short lived obviously.  I think for Sabin he accomplished what was most important to him.  GOWEN IS THE WEAK LINK! :)  And the power team wins.  Harris brothers seem like they are on the road to being your resident monster tag team.
Sabin definitely stuck it to the SKs with that early elimination and I see what ya mean with Gowen being the weak link. Oh yes - The Harris boys are indeed running over the competition very quickly.

Even if Palumbo hadn't won earlier I think Styles would have gone over, which in my eyes is for the better.  OoOo, big W for Rhyno.  Impressive since it was on a relatively fresh Styles.  Too bad that Styles is out, Daniels would have been great to go against him in match #3.  And Daniels' takes it.  It looks like all your fresh guys are winning.  Ah, finally.  The fresh guy doesn't win.  Nice that Abyss interfered against Benoit.  Sets things up for a good ol' feud.
Yep - Benoit gets dragged into the battle against Raven's Flock. As you will see soon enough, it's shaping up to be an interesting time for Raven and his minions as they contend with all those they've gotten over on in the last few months.

Wow.  Maximos PIN Abyss?!  SWERVE!  Again, I like the Benoit appearance.  A feud is a brewin'
The only way I can explain how the Maximos got that win is that they had "inside" info on Abyss. 'Nuff said.

Surprised Raven interfered for Juvy.  He probably could have done it himself.  Good that Juvy kept it though.  I wouldn't necessarily have minded Guerrera dropping the belt so soon, but it would have to be to someone with a higher profile.  And Raven bothered?!  YES!  Who called it?  Me.  Booyah! ;D
Told ya I use others ideas to develop stories. These feedbacks aren't just for shits and giggles, my friend. =)

Looks like the Triple Threat will have some problems with the Harris boys.  They want that gold... probably so they have something shinier than their heads. ;)
good call!

OoOoOo... the FUNKAH!  Daniels could have gotten the win unassisted.  Triple Threat has been having Funk problems lately, but i think a cleaner win would have had a better impact.  Still, he gets the title shot and it should be a helluva showing.
As you will see, it was PARTLY about The Funker and more about the title shot.

Looks like Rhyno recovers quick.  Big showing from the Manbeast.  Both falls.  
I know...I was surprised he took them both with The Gore. Interesting that each fall was over on a different person.

I almost want Whitmer to win the Iron Man match next month.  He'd have a legit reason to want a title shot then.  It could be interesting to see what would happen since Daniels is the #1 contender.
Read up and find out then.

Good stuff as usual Shaunzie.:)