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SuperstarJimiCPosted on 03/08/05 at 00:43:57

Sorry but there will be no SJPW Update today. But it appears that the Cards 22 and 23 that I had prepared for you today are either at my apartment in Hanover or my girlfriend's apartment in Harrisburg, but i'm going to look. If I find the results, i'll update them tomorrow, but they're the last two cards before I have detailed results. So I apologize, I hope you forgive me. Until tomorrow. Peace, i'm out!!!
Rick GarrardPosted on 03/08/05 at 01:09:13

Hannover, Germany to Harrisburg, PA is a helluva commute.  And if Eric CotD is the "Simon Cowell of TNM", that would make you, what????   the "Seacrest, Out of TNM"?
SuperstarJimiCPosted on 03/08/05 at 01:46:51

RICK, I was joking about that comment. I told you, Don't take that serious. If I offended you people then I apologize & I won't do that again. But I liked the joke about Hannover, Germany. But Bad News: it's not. I should've been specific on which Hanover. I meant Hanover, PA (my area) or Harrisburg, PA (my girlfriend's area). That's a 50-mile commute.