booking disqualification

cotguy130Posted on 09/10/05 at 02:08:00

how do you book double disqualifications?

Also, can you book any kind of dq without somebody interfering?  
americamamushiPosted on 09/10/05 at 03:06:13

If when booking interference in detail it doesn't say it then you can't do it, so no double DQ.  You're best bet is to book double count out or double pin and change the result manually using the editor.  That way things will still show up as ending in a tie fo the sake of the records.

And no, you can't book a DQ without interference.  If I remember right Olly said something about it being too difficult to book a DQ without interference programming wise (could be remembering something else though)  I think that might have been the same problem with the Double DQ booked finish as well.
cotguy130Posted on 09/10/05 at 03:50:42

Thank you.  Changing the results post-match is the way that I'll go.  
Oliver CoppPosted on 10/01/05 at 12:53:22

It's more that there's no spot in TNM which can result in a double DQ... hence, a double DQ can't be forced if the program doesn't even have double DQs :)