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G-Shock Wrestling 2.0

Kazuma_FujitaPosted on 10/08/04 at 02:00:14

A few months ago, I posted a circuit I was working on, called "G-Shock Wrestling". I took a few months off, and after being inspired by one of the greatest fictional TNM7 feds of all time, SMWA, I put out the first TV of G-Shock Wrestling. It's at great length, with completely handwritten results, as well as angles and storylines and whatnot... Feedback would be nice, but not required.
Snabbit888Posted on 10/08/04 at 02:59:48

I only got to take a brief look before work, but this looks very impressive.  Expect some feedback from me very soon.  Looks awesome.
Snabbit888Posted on 10/08/04 at 20:29:10

I've read all the cards now, and I'm really impressed with what I see.  One of the major problems I personally have with fantasy circuits is that I'm overloaded with so many new characters that I don't know anything about that it becomes too much and I stop caring.  You've done a good job so far of not overwhelming the reader with 40 fantasy wrestlers that we can't possibly care about.  You've already developed some good strong characters that are easy to connect with.  The Reeves/Priest stuff has the makings to be an epic feud.  Marc Dixon is a good cocky character, and I'm intrigued to see what's up with Danny Jacobs.  And I love the "Just Dandy" nickname.  I love cutesy rhyming nicknames like that (One of my first created wrestlers ever was "Frequent Flyer" Edwin McKyer).

But overall, a very solid thing you have going here.  Except the Mandingo Brothers should have won. ;)
Kazuma_FujitaPosted on 10/09/04 at 12:39:04

Really, thanks for the kind words. I put a lot into everything, including the first TV. I tried my best to try and explain the characters everyone had, either by using "promos" or using their own words in interviews.

I was riding a high from that first TV, so I was able to quickly belt out #2...

Got a couple more angles started, and introduced a couple new characters.

Now I'm trying decide whether or not to just make the TV a weekly thing... I was amazed how easily I was able to write these shows (I basically followed the PBP in TNM7, only changing a few things around and added stuff to smooth the matches out a bit.), so now I have the delima of doing these shows as often as I can and risk burning myself out... So maybe making the TV a weekly thing isn't the worst idea,

Anyway, feedback welcome.  :)
HawkPosted on 10/12/04 at 19:46:22

Good fed Fujita. You know I really enjoy it but might aswell add to this!

Reeves & Priest have always been two of my favorites and the way you are writing them just adds to it. It will be very interesting to see where this feud goes and how Smash ties into it. Oh and Johnny Smash = Greatest idea ever.

IMO, I wouldn't go real time. You already run a V-fed without TNM7 so I think doing real time with this one would be overkill.

This fed proves to me that you are a superior writer then myself and one of the best out there. Keep it up man!
Atom_BombPosted on 10/15/04 at 22:36:20

Youve done a great job! I really like your style and the way youve written it up so far. Great work!

Some of your characters seem cool so far, and ill probibly like them more and more as time goes on. Have you thought about making a profile for them? Or releasing exports?