Re: FCA cubed editor help

americamamushiPosted on 11/29/04 at 17:40:32

I don't know exactly what to tell you that'll fix you're problem...

... just tell you to keep in mind that FCA is really buggy.  That's why we've all been begging for a new one. ;D

Also, if you make a match, sometimes it won't work and you have to delete the whole thing and try again.  Someone once said why they thought it did that, but I don't remember.
JoeDesertratPosted on 09/24/05 at 05:03:18

" Also, if you make a match, sometimes it won't work and you have to delete the whole thing and try again."
Before you delete the whole match you just created try deleting just the last action created and then try it. Keep trying until it works (or the match becomes useless). For some reason there seems to be a random endpoint during each match creation beyond which the match will crash.