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MCW Closing the Casket(Week 6)

MattHarmsPosted on 08/10/04 at 21:31:24

We are going to kick things off right away tonight with a tournament qualifying match.

Christopher Daniels vs "Canada's Greatest Athlete" Petey Williams(w/Coach Scott D'Amoure) in a World Title Tournament Qualifying Match

They lock up.
Petey Williams chops Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
Christopher Daniels kicks Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams with a vertical facebuster.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams with a vertical suplex.
A small "Christopher Daniels" chant is being started.
Christopher Daniels hits the Angel's Wings on Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels is going for the pin.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Christopher Daniels executes a flying dropkick on Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels hits a leg lariat on Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels gives him a waistlock suplex, but Petey Williams
only stares at him.
Christopher Daniels attempts to place Petey Williams on the turnbuckle, but
Petey Williams blocks it.
Christopher Daniels nails Petey Williams with a bodyslam.
Christopher Daniels is going for the cover.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels sends Petey Williams into the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels charges into the corner.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams with the Angel's Wings.
Christopher Daniels covers Petey Williams.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels whips Petey Williams into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels gives him a kick to the midsection, but Petey Williams
only stares at him.
Christopher Daniels nails Petey Williams with a flying axhandle.
There are lots of chants for Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels works the crowd.
The crowd is really behind Christopher Daniels.
[ portion of match removed ]
Christopher Daniels is going for the pin.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels throws Petey Williams into the turnbuckle.
Christopher Daniels charges into the corner.
Christopher Daniels nails Petey Williams with a vertical suplex.
The crowd is giving Christopher Daniels a standing ovation.
Christopher Daniels gives him a spinebuster slam, but Petey Williams
only stares at him.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Petey Williams nails Christopher Daniels with an armdrag takedown.
Petey Williams uses a reverse Huracanrana on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams runs into the ropes.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with a kick.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with a DDT.
Petey Williams is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Petey Williams whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with an elbow.
[ portion of match removed ]
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with a Huracanrana.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, kickout.
Petey Williams uses a reverse Huracanrana on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams hits a tornado DDT on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with a punch.
Petey Williams whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams with a kick.
Christopher Daniels nails Petey Williams with an armdrag takedown.
Christopher Daniels kicks Petey Williams.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Christopher Daniels.
Christopher Daniels kicks Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels whips Petey Williams into the ropes, but Petey Williams
reverses it.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams with an Asai moonsault.
Mike Posey counts: One, kickout.
Christopher Daniels runs into the ropes.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with spinning headscissors.
[ portion of match removed ]
Christopher Daniels goes for a flying dropkick, but Petey Williams
counters it with a dropkick.
Petey Williams hits a sunset flip power bomb on Christopher Daniels.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Petey Williams whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Petey Williams misses with a clothesline.
Petey Williams nails Christopher Daniels with spinning headscissors.
A fan at ringside badmouths Petey Williams.
Petey Williams nails Christopher Daniels with an armdrag takedown.
Petey Williams uses an armdrag takedown on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams kicks Christopher Daniels.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Petey Williams kicks Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams whips Christopher Daniels into the turnbuckle, but
Christopher Daniels reverses it.
Christopher Daniels runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Petey Williams
moves out of the way.
Petey Williams goes for a tornado DDT, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels hits a leg lariat on Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels uses a spinebuster slam on Petey Williams.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels hits Petey Williams with a gutwrench suplex.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Christopher Daniels goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Petey Williams blocks it.
Petey Williams hits Christopher Daniels with a kick to the midsection.
Petey Williams uses a DDT on Christopher Daniels.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Petey Williams hits a punch on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams uses a rana on Christopher Daniels.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Petey Williams uses a sunset flip power bomb on Christopher Daniels.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Petey Williams executes a dropkick on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd is booing Petey Williams.
Petey Williams uses a stomp on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams executes a dropkick on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams uses a Russian legsweep on Christopher Daniels.
Petey Williams goes for a punch, but Christopher Daniels blocks it.
Christopher Daniels takes Petey Williams down with a bodyslam.
Christopher Daniels executes a vertical suplex on Petey Williams.
Christopher Daniels gives him a leg lariat, but Petey Williams doesn't budge.
Petey Williams whips Christopher Daniels into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels takes Petey Williams down with a leg lariat.
Christopher Daniels whips Petey Williams into the ropes.
Petey Williams misses with a clothesline.
Christopher Daniels goes for a kick to the midsection, but Petey Williams
counters it with a legsweep.
Petey Williams places Christopher Daniels on the turnbuckle.
Petey Williams goes for a top-rope Frankensteiner, but Christopher Daniels
counters it with a power bomb.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, kickout.
Christopher Daniels complains about a slow count.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Petey Williams nails Christopher Daniels with an inside cradle.
Mike Posey counts: One, two, three.
Christopher Daniels complains about a fast count.
The crowd is booing Petey Williams.

[Tournament Qualifying Match]:
Petey Williams pinned Christopher Daniels after an inside cradle in 0:13:25.
Rating: ***

Petey Williams remains undefeated and Daniels is in shock. Petey Williams runs to the back like a theif in the night.

The next match will be a wildcard six man tag team match where the winning team get spots in the World Title Tournament.

Wildcard Qualifying Match:
Colt Cabana, Frankie Kazarian, and Jose Maximo vs Joel Maximo, Michael Shane and Xavier

Joel Maximo hits a spinebuster slam on Frankie Kazarian.
The crowd is really behind Joel Maximo.
Xavier goes for a 450 splash, but Frankie Kazarian rolls out of the way.
Joel Maximo leaves the ring.
Frankie Kazarian hits Xavier with a high kick.
Frankie Kazarian nails Xavier with a slingshot into a DDT.
Frankie Kazarian goes for a vertical suplex, but Xavier counters it with
a small package.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Xavier hits Frankie Kazarian.
Frankie Kazarian punches Xavier.
Xavier punches Frankie Kazarian.
A portion of the crowd is booing Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian hits Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.
Xavier kicks Frankie Kazarian.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian chops Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian seemingly enjoys the boos.
Xavier kicks Frankie Kazarian.
A portion of the crowd is booing Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian hits Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian seemingly enjoys the boos.
Frankie Kazarian tags out to Colt Cabana.
Frankie Kazarian hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Xavier.
Colt Cabana goes for a flying legdrop, but Xavier rolls out of the way.
A portion of the crowd is booing Xavier.
Frankie Kazarian leaves the ring.
Xavier takes Colt Cabana down with a cobra clutch suplex.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Xavier.
Xavier hits a cross-arm neckbreaker on Colt Cabana.
Xavier is going for the pin.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Xavier nails Colt Cabana with a dropkick.
Xavier executes a dropkick on Colt Cabana.
Xavier nails Colt Cabana with a belly-to-back suplex.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Xavier.
Xavier tags out to Joel Maximo.
Xavier goes for a power bomb, but Colt Cabana counters it with a backdrop.
Xavier rolls out of the ring.
Colt Cabana executes a lariat on Joel Maximo.
Colt Cabana takes Joel Maximo down with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Colt Cabana talks trash about some ringside fans.
Colt Cabana is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Colt Cabana goes for the Malenko Bottle Cap, but Joel Maximo blocks it.
Joel Maximo runs into the ropes.
Colt Cabana hits Joel Maximo with an elbow.
Colt Cabana tags out to Frankie Kazarian.
Frankie Kazarian and Colt Cabana whip Joel Maximo into the ropes.
Frankie Kazarian and Colt Cabana hit Joel Maximo with a double bodyslam.
Colt Cabana leaves the ring.
Frankie Kazarian executes the Emerald Erosion on Joel Maximo.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Frankie Kazarian complains about a slow count.
Joel Maximo takes Frankie Kazarian down with an inside cradle.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Joel Maximo does the S.A.T. hand gesture.
There are lots of chants for Joel Maximo.
Joel Maximo tags out to Michael Shane.
Colt Cabana enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Michael Shane and Joel Maximo hit Frankie Kazarian with a double flying dropkick
Joel Maximo leaves the ring.
Michael Shane whips Frankie Kazarian into the ropes.
Michael Shane hits Frankie Kazarian with a clothesline.
Michael Shane whips Frankie Kazarian into the ropes.
Frankie Kazarian hits Michael Shane with a clothesline.
Michael Shane falls out of the ring.
Frankie Kazarian goes through the ropes.
Frankie Kazarian shoves Michael Shane into the guardrail.
Traci comes from behind and distracts Frankie Kazarian.
[ portion of match removed ]
Frankie Kazarian rolls out of the ring.
Michael Shane runs into the ropes.
Michael Shane and Jose Maximo get hit with a double clothesline.
Michael Shane goes for a flapjack, but Jose Maximo counters it with a DDT.
Jose Maximo is going for the cover.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, kickout.
Michael Shane begs off.
Jose Maximo hits a hiptoss on Michael Shane.
Frankie Kazarian enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Jose Maximo and Frankie Kazarian whip Michael Shane into the ropes.
They hit Michael Shane with a double clothesline.
Jose Maximo and Frankie Kazarian whip Michael Shane into the ropes.
They hit Michael Shane with a double kick to the midsection.
Frankie Kazarian uses a dropkick on Michael Shane.
Jose Maximo goes for an enzuigiri, but Michael Shane ducks out of the way.
Frankie Kazarian leaves the ring.
Michael Shane executes a swinging neckbreaker on Jose Maximo.
Michael Shane is going for the cover.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Michael Shane nails Jose Maximo with a vertical suplex.
Michael Shane whips Jose Maximo into the ropes.
Jose Maximo goes for a lariat, but Michael Shane counters it with a crucifix.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Michael Shane climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Jose Maximo nails him
in the stomach.
Michael Shane falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Jose Maximo hits the Maximoclasm on Michael Shane.
Jose Maximo covers Michael Shane.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Frankie Kazarian enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Jose Maximo and Frankie Kazarian whip Michael Shane into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Michael Shane with a double clothesline, but he counters
it with a duck-down move.
Michael Shane hits them with a double clothesline.
[ portion of match removed ]
Michael Shane tags out to Joel Maximo.
Michael Shane goes for a vertical suplex, but Jose Maximo blocks it.
Michael Shane rolls out of the ring.
Jose Maximo runs into the ropes.
Joel Maximo hits Jose Maximo with a clothesline.
Jose Maximo falls out of the ring.
Andrew Thomas counts: one, two, Jose Maximo reenters the ring.
Joel Maximo nails Jose Maximo with spinning headscissors.
Joel Maximo goes for a flying somersault splash, but Jose Maximo
rolls out of the way.
Jose Maximo tags out to Colt Cabana.
Colt Cabana and Jose Maximo whip Joel Maximo into the ropes.
They hit Joel Maximo with a double backdrop.
Jose Maximo leaves the ring.
Colt Cabana goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Joel Maximo blocks it.
Joel Maximo hits Colt Cabana with a neck snap.
Joel Maximo takes Colt Cabana down with a dropkick to the face.
[ portion of match removed ]
Colt Cabana throws Joel Maximo into the turnbuckle.
Colt Cabana charges in with a high knee, but Joel Maximo lifts his leg.
Joel Maximo nails Colt Cabana with the Liger Bomb.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Joel Maximo hits Colt Cabana with a single-leg takedown.
Joel Maximo tags out to Xavier.
Xavier hits a kick to the midsection on Colt Cabana.
Xavier hits Colt Cabana with the Running Forearm Smash.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Xavier gives the sign for the Kiss Your X Goodbye.
Xavier executes the Kiss Your X Goodbye on Colt Cabana.
Xavier is starting to get more cheers than boos.
Xavier goes for the pin.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, Jose Maximo makes the save.
Colt Cabana goes for an inverted suplex, but Xavier counters it with a facerake.
Xavier is starting to get more cheers than boos.
Xavier hits Colt Cabana with a hiptoss.
Xavier goes for a 450 splash, but Colt Cabana rolls out of the way.
Colt Cabana throws Xavier out of the ring.
Andrew Thomas counts: one, two, three, Xavier reenters the ring.
Colt Cabana uses a tornado DDT on Xavier.
Colt Cabana takes Xavier down with a tornado DDT.
Colt Cabana runs into the ropes.
Colt Cabana misses with an elbow.
Xavier executes a dropkick on Colt Cabana.
Xavier nails Colt Cabana with the Running Forearm Smash.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, Jose Maximo doesn't make it in time... three.
Xavier acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.

[Wildcard Tournament Qualifying Match]:
Joel Maximo, Michael Shane and Xavier defeated
Colt Cabana, Frankie Kazarian and Jose Maximo when Xavier pinned Cabana after
the Running Forearm Smash in 0:14:40.
Rating: *** 1/4

Shane, Joel Maximo, and Xavier have spots in the tournament.

CM Punk comes out and declares his loss last week against Elix Skipper a fluke. He wouldn't dare lose to some "street punk" like Skipper again. Skipper comes out to shut Punk up.

CM Punk vs Elix Skipper

CM Punk attacks Elix Skipper before the bell.
CM Punk takes Elix Skipper down with a kneelift.
CM Punk goes for a reverse Frankensteiner, but Elix Skipper blocks it.
Elix Skipper goes for a spinning mule kick, but CM Punk ducks out of the way.
CM Punk takes Elix Skipper down with a side suplex.
CM Punk nails Elix Skipper with the Shining Wizard.
A fan at ringside badmouths CM Punk.
CM Punk whips Elix Skipper into the ropes.
Elix Skipper hits CM Punk with a shoulderblock.
Elix Skipper uses a springboard legdrop on CM Punk.
Elix Skipper is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Elix Skipper goes for a bootscrape, but CM Punk blocks it.
CM Punk runs into the ropes.
Elix Skipper hits CM Punk with a kick.
Elix Skipper runs into the ropes.
CM Punk hits Elix Skipper with an elbow.
CM Punk executes a lariat on Elix Skipper.
[ portion of match removed ]
CM Punk whips Elix Skipper into the ropes.
CM Punk misses with a clothesline.
CM Punk hits Elix Skipper with a clothesline.
CM Punk goes for a tornado DDT, but Elix Skipper blocks it.
Elix Skipper goes for a power bomb, but CM Punk blocks it.
CM Punk executes a double underhook suplex on Elix Skipper.
CM Punk runs into the ropes.
CM Punk hits Elix Skipper with an elbow.
CM Punk runs into the ropes.
CM Punk hits Elix Skipper with an elbow.
CM Punk whips Elix Skipper into the ropes, but Elix Skipper reverses it.
Elix Skipper misses with a kick.
Elix Skipper nails CM Punk with a dropkick.
CM Punk springs to his feet.
CM Punk takes Elix Skipper down with a Russian legsweep.
CM Punk makes an X with his arms.
A fan at ringside badmouths CM Punk.
CM Punk catches Elix Skipper in the Devil Lock.
Elix Skipper grabs the ropes after holding out for 9 seconds.
CM Punk takes Elix Skipper down with a series of slaps.
CM Punk is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
CM Punk makes an X with his arms.
CM Punk is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
CM Punk hits Elix Skipper with a series of slaps.
CM Punk goes for a split legged moonsault, but Elix Skipper gets his knees up.
Elix Skipper covers CM Punk.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Elix Skipper climbs to the top turnbuckle, but CM Punk throws him to the mat.
CM Punk whips Elix Skipper into the turnbuckle, but Elix Skipper reverses it.
CM Punk comes back and rocks Elix Skipper with an elbow.
CM Punk whips Elix Skipper into the ropes.
CM Punk hits Elix Skipper with a shoulderblock.
CM Punk hits a pumphandle tombstone on Elix Skipper.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, shoulder up.
CM Punk sends Elix Skipper into the turnbuckle.
CM Punk charges in with a running bootscrape.
CM Punk takes Elix Skipper down with a side suplex.
CM Punk hits a kneelift on Elix Skipper.
CM Punk runs into the ropes.
Elix Skipper hits CM Punk with a kick to the midsection.
Elix Skipper gives the sign for the Play Of The Day.
Elix Skipper executes the Play Of The Day on CM Punk.
The crowd is really behind Elix Skipper.
Elix Skipper goes for the pin.
Rudy Charles counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Elix Skipper.

Elix Skipper pinned CM Punk with the Play Of The Day in 0:05:22.
Rating: ** 3/4

Skipper has won two weeks in a row as CM Punk cannot believe it. The Second City Saints seem to be slipping a bit as of late. They better get it together if they want to remain on the radar for top matches in MCW.

Christian York vs Trent Acid

Trent Acid runs into the ropes.
Trent Acid hits Christian York with a clothesline.
Christian York falls out of the ring.
Andrew Thomas counts: one, two, Christian York reenters the ring.
Trent Acid whips Christian York into the ropes.
Trent Acid hits Christian York with an elbow.
Trent Acid nails Christian York with a moonsault.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, kickout.
Trent Acid takes Christian York down with a backbreaker.
Trent Acid goes for a power bomb, but Christian York counters it with a backdrop
In turn, Trent Acid counters it with a sunset flip.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Trent Acid complains about a slow count.
Trent Acid runs into the ropes.
Christian York nails Trent Acid with a dropkick.
Christian York attempts to place Trent Acid on the turnbuckle, but Trent Acid
blocks it.
Christian York hits an armdrag takedown on Trent Acid.
Christian York uses a DDT on Trent Acid.
Christian York goes for a kick to the midsection, but Trent Acid blocks it.
Trent Acid kicks Christian York.
Trent Acid punches Christian York.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Christian York punches Trent Acid.
Christian York has the crowd going wild.
Christian York hits Trent Acid.
The crowd is going crazy.
Trent Acid hits Christian York.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Trent Acid hits Christian York with a power bomb.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Trent Acid takes Christian York down with a power bomb.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, kickout.
Trent Acid nails Christian York with a flying dropkick.
Trent Acid further incites the crowd.
Trent Acid runs into the ropes.
Christian York hits Trent Acid with a backdrop.
Christian York is going for the cover.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, kickout.
Christian York uses an Asai moonsault on Trent Acid.
Andrew Thomas counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Christian York.

Christian York pinned Trent Acid after an Asai moonsault in 0:05:28.
Rating: **

York scores an upset win over Trent Acid as Acid cheapshots him after the bell with the Yakuza Kick knocking him ou cold.

La Resistance's Careers vs the MCW Tag Team Titles:
La Resistance(Rob Conway and Rene Dupree) vs Sonjay Dutt and American Dragon(c)

They lock up.
Sonjay Dutt whips Rob Conway into the ropes, but Rob Conway reverses it.
Sonjay Dutt nails Rob Conway with a spinning heel kick.
Sonjay Dutt executes a release German suplex on Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt nails Rob Conway with a Yakuza kick.
Sonjay Dutt uses an enzuigiri on Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt nails Rob Conway with an enzuigiri.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a dropkick, but Rob Conway side-steps and Sonjay Dutt
only hits air.
Rob Conway uses a fisherman buster on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway tags out to Rene Dupree.
American Dragon enters the ring and throws Rob Conway out of the ring.
American Dragon leaves the ring.
Sonjay Dutt runs into the ropes.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a rana, but Rene Dupree counters it with a tiger driver.
Mark Johnson counts: One, kickout.
Rene Dupree throws Sonjay Dutt out of the ring.
Mark Johnson counts: one, Sonjay Dutt reenters the ring.
Rene Dupree hits Sonjay Dutt with a Hotshot.
Rene Dupree takes Sonjay Dutt down with a kneelift.
Rene Dupree chops Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay Dutt punches Rene Dupree.
The crowd is going crazy.
Sonjay Dutt punches Rene Dupree.
The chants for Sonjay Dutt are deafening.
Rene Dupree hits Sonjay Dutt.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rene Dupree.
Rene Dupree executes a headbutt on Sonjay Dutt.
Rene Dupree goes for a slap, but Sonjay Dutt blocks it.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a roundhouse right, but Rene Dupree counters it with
an armbreaker.
Rene Dupree goes for a Fujiwara armbar, but Sonjay Dutt blocks it.
Sonjay Dutt tags out to American Dragon.
American Dragon takes Rene Dupree down with a chop.
Rene Dupree begs off.
American Dragon hits Rene Dupree with a chop.
Rene Dupree begs off.
Sonjay Dutt enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rob Conway enters the ring and throws Sonjay Dutt out of the ring.
Rob Conway leaves the ring.
Rene Dupree nails American Dragon with a flying forearm.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Rene Dupree whips American Dragon into the ropes.
Rene Dupree hits American Dragon with an elbow.
Rene Dupree goes for a Fujiwara armbar, but American Dragon blocks it.
American Dragon hits a kick to the head on Rene Dupree.
American Dragon sends Rene Dupree into the turnbuckle.
Rene Dupree begs off.
American Dragon uses a dropkick on Rene Dupree.
American Dragon whips Rene Dupree into the ropes.
American Dragon misses with a clothesline.
American Dragon hits Rene Dupree with a kick.
American Dragon whips Rene Dupree into the ropes.
Rene Dupree nails American Dragon with a flying lariat.
Rene Dupree goes for a slap, but American Dragon blocks it.
American Dragon goes for a headbutt, but Rene Dupree blocks it.
Rob Conway enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Sonjay Dutt enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Rene Dupree and Rob Conway whip American Dragon into the ropes.
They hit American Dragon with a double elbowsmash.
Rob Conway leaves the ring.
Rene Dupree hits a clothesline on American Dragon.
Rene Dupree takes American Dragon down with a headbutt.
Rene Dupree nails American Dragon with a snap mare.
Rene Dupree hits American Dragon with a DDT.
Rene Dupree is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Rene Dupree goes for a facerake, but American Dragon blocks it.
American Dragon chops Rene Dupree.
American Dragon punches Rene Dupree.
American Dragon is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
American Dragon uses a snap mare on Rene Dupree.
American Dragon goes for a kick to the head, but Rene Dupree
ducks out of the way.
Rene Dupree uses a low blow on American Dragon.
Rene Dupree goes for a Hotshot, but American Dragon counters it with
a Thesz press.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Sonjay Dutt enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Sonjay Dutt hits Rene Dupree with a Yakuza kick.
The crowd is behind Sonjay Dutt all the way.
American Dragon goes for a German suplex, but Rene Dupree counters it with
a facerake.
Sonjay Dutt leaves the ring.
Rene Dupree runs into the ropes.
American Dragon nails Rene Dupree with a back fist.
American Dragon chops Rene Dupree.
Rene Dupree kicks American Dragon.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rene Dupree.
Rene Dupree punches American Dragon.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rene Dupree.
American Dragon kicks Rene Dupree.
American Dragon goes for a backbreaker, but Rene Dupree blocks it.
Rene Dupree tags out to Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt enters the ring and lays out Rene Dupree.
Sonjay Dutt uses a clothesline on Rob Conway.
American Dragon goes for a dragon suplex, but Rob Conway counters it with
a backward kick.
Sonjay Dutt leaves the ring.
Rob Conway locks American Dragon in an abdominal stretch.
American Dragon gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
Rob Conway executes a pumphandle slam on American Dragon.
Rob Conway hits a hiptoss on American Dragon.
Rob Conway goes for a vertical suplex, but American Dragon blocks it.
American Dragon tags out to Sonjay Dutt.
Rene Dupree enters the ring, but gets cut off.
American Dragon attempts to place Rob Conway on the turnbuckle, but Rob Conway
blocks it.
Rene Dupree gets back up, but gets cut off.
American Dragon executes a backbreaker on Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt executes a shooting star press on Rob Conway.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, kickout.
Sonjay Dutt complains about a slow count.
American Dragon leaves the ring.
Rob Conway nails Sonjay Dutt with an inside cradle.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Rob Conway goes for a full nelson, but Sonjay Dutt blocks it.
Sonjay Dutt whips Rob Conway into the turnbuckle.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a flying back elbow, but Rob Conway side-steps and
Sonjay Dutt only hits air.
Rob Conway whips Sonjay Dutt into the ropes.
Rob Conway misses with a clothesline.
Rob Conway misses with a clothesline.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a clothesline, but Rob Conway ducks out of the way.
Rob Conway hits Sonjay Dutt with a pumphandle slam.
Rob Conway is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Rob Conway whips Sonjay Dutt into the ropes.
Sonjay Dutt hits Rob Conway with a clothesline.
Rob Conway falls out of the ring.
Sonjay Dutt goes outside.
Sonjay Dutt executes a spinning heel kick on Rob Conway.
Mark Johnson counts:  1.
Sonjay Dutt knocks Rob Conway into the ringsteps.
The chants for Sonjay Dutt are deafening.
Mark Johnson counts:  2.
Sonjay Dutt knocks Rob Conway into the ringpost.
The chants for Sonjay Dutt are deafening.
Mark Johnson counts:  3.
Sonjay Dutt uses spinning headscissors on Rob Conway.
Mark Johnson counts:  4.
Sonjay Dutt climbs back into the ring.
Rob Conway rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Sonjay Dutt uses a release German suplex on Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt covers Rob Conway.
Mark Johnson counts: One, kickout.
Sonjay Dutt gets an armbar submission on Rob Conway.
Rob Conway is struggling to reach the ropes.
Rob Conway inches his way towards the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Sonjay Dutt takes Rob Conway down with a rana.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Sonjay Dutt runs into the ropes.
Rob Conway takes Sonjay Dutt down with a hiptoss.
Rob Conway uses a vertical suplex on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway goes for an abdominal stretch, but Sonjay Dutt counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Sonjay Dutt executes a roundhouse right on Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt hits a springboard rana on Rob Conway.
The crowd erupts.
Sonjay Dutt throws Rob Conway into the turnbuckle.
Sonjay Dutt charges into the corner, but Rob Conway moves out of the way.
Rob Conway places Sonjay Dutt on the turnbuckle.
Rob Conway nails Sonjay Dutt with a superplex.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rob Conway.
Rob Conway uses a dropkick on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway nails Sonjay Dutt with a reverse neckbreaker.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rob Conway.
Rob Conway whips Sonjay Dutt into the ropes.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a spinning heel kick, but Rob Conway ducks out of the way.
Rene Dupree enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rene Dupree hits Sonjay Dutt with a flying lariat.
Rob Conway puts Sonjay Dutt in a sleeperhold.
Sonjay Dutt grabs the ropes after being locked up for 14 seconds.
Rene Dupree goes for a flying lariat, but Sonjay Dutt ducks out of the way.
Rene Dupree hits Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt executes a shooting star press on Rob Conway.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Rene Dupree leaves the ring.
Sonjay Dutt runs into the ropes.
Rob Conway hits a backbreaker on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway nails Sonjay Dutt with a fisherman buster.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rob Conway.
Rob Conway hits a dropkick on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway runs into the ropes.
Rob Conway hits Sonjay Dutt with an elbow.
Rob Conway nails Sonjay Dutt with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Rob Conway goes for a headlock takedown, but Sonjay Dutt throws him off.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a hiptoss, but Rob Conway blocks it.
Rob Conway goes for an abdominal stretch, but Sonjay Dutt reverses it.
Rob Conway breaks the hold after 5 seconds.
Rob Conway throws Sonjay Dutt out of the ring.
Rob Conway goes outside.
Rob Conway executes a spinebuster slam on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway knocks Sonjay Dutt into the ringsteps.
Rob Conway whips Sonjay Dutt into the guardrail.
Rob Conway goes for a hiptoss, but Sonjay Dutt counters it with a facerake.
Sonjay Dutt whips Rob Conway into the guardrail.
Sonjay Dutt goes for a roundhouse right, but Rob Conway blocks it.
Mark Johnson counts:  1.
Mark Johnson counts:  2.
Rob Conway runs Sonjay Dutt into the ringsteps.
Mark Johnson counts:  3.
Rob Conway shoves Sonjay Dutt into the guardrail.
Rob Conway takes Sonjay Dutt down with a kneelift.
Rob Conway hits Sonjay Dutt with a vertical suplex.
Mark Johnson counts:  4.
Rob Conway gets back into the ring.
Sonjay Dutt climbs back into the ring.
Rene Dupree enters the ring.
Rob Conway and Rene Dupree hit Sonjay Dutt with the La Crepe.
Rob Conway goes for the pin.
Numerous fans are using Rob Conway for target practice.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, American Dragon makes the save.
Sonjay Dutt goes for the Swinging DDT, but Rob Conway counters it with
a low blow.
Rob Conway punches Sonjay Dutt.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Sonjay Dutt punches Rob Conway.
The crowd is giving Sonjay Dutt a standing ovation.
Rob Conway chops Sonjay Dutt.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Sonjay Dutt punches Rob Conway.
Sonjay Dutt hits Rob Conway.
The crowd erupts.
Sonjay Dutt hits Rob Conway with a roundhouse right.
Sonjay Dutt throws Rob Conway into the turnbuckle.
Sonjay Dutt runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Rob Conway
moves out of the way.
Rob Conway goes for a kneelift, but Sonjay Dutt side-steps and Rob Conway
only hits air.
Sonjay Dutt tags out to American Dragon.
Sonjay Dutt leaves the ring.
American Dragon nails Rob Conway with an armdrag takedown.
American Dragon executes a double leg takedown on Rob Conway.
American Dragon executes a kick to the head on Rob Conway.
American Dragon has the crowd going wild.
American Dragon locks Rob Conway in a half Boston.
Rob Conway grabs the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
American Dragon tags out to Sonjay Dutt.
American Dragon leaves the ring.
Sonjay Dutt goes for the Swinging DDT, but Rob Conway counters it with
a Northern Lights suplex.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Rob Conway sends Sonjay Dutt into the turnbuckle, but Sonjay Dutt reverses it.
Sonjay Dutt charges into the corner, but Rob Conway lifts his leg.
Rob Conway tags out to Rene Dupree.
Rob Conway leaves the ring.
Rene Dupree uses a bodyslam on Sonjay Dutt.
Rene Dupree works the crowd.
Rene Dupree is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Rob Conway enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Rob Conway leaves the ring.
Rene Dupree throws Sonjay Dutt out of the ring.
Rene Dupree rolls out under the bottom rope.
Rene Dupree nails Sonjay Dutt with a clothesline.
Mark Johnson counts:  1.
Rene Dupree hits a flying forearm on Sonjay Dutt.
Rene Dupree throws Sonjay Dutt into the guardrail.
Mark Johnson counts:  2.
Rene Dupree takes Sonjay Dutt down with a bodyslam.
Rene Dupree throws Sonjay Dutt back into the ring.
Rene Dupree gets a choke against the ropes on Sonjay Dutt.
Mark Johnson warns Rene Dupree to let go.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, three.
Rene Dupree takes Sonjay Dutt down with a chop.
Rene Dupree locks Sonjay Dutt in a Fujiwara armbar.
Sonjay Dutt is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Sonjay Dutt makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
Rene Dupree hits a clothesline on Sonjay Dutt.
Rene Dupree takes Sonjay Dutt down with a fist to the midsection.
Rene Dupree runs into the ropes.
Rene Dupree takes Sonjay Dutt down with a flying forearm.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Rene Dupree nails Sonjay Dutt with a falling headbutt.
Rene Dupree nails Sonjay Dutt with a facerake.
Rene Dupree uses a back suplex on Sonjay Dutt.
Rob Conway enters the ring.
Rob Conway and Rene Dupree hit Sonjay Dutt with the La Crepe.
Rene Dupree goes for the pin.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rene Dupree.
Mark Johnson counts: One, two, three.
A fan at ringside badmouths Rene Dupree.

The New La Resistance (Rob Conway and Rene Dupree) defeated
Sonjay Dutt and American Dragon when R. Dupree pinned S. Dutt after the La Crepe
in 0:18:04.
Rating: *** 1/4
(The New La Resistance won the MCW Tag Team Titles.)

The crowd is about ready to riot as La Resistance have captured the MCW Tag Team Titles. They hold the belts up to boos.

The main event will be a World Title Tournament Qualifying Match. A Casket Match.

World Title Tournament Qualifying Casket Match:
Low-Ki vs Homicide

They lock up.
Low-Ki uses a Tidal Crush on Homicide.
The crowd is really behind Low-Ki.
Low-Ki executes a legsweep on Homicide.
Low-Ki goes for a kick to the head, but Homicide blocks it.
Homicide hits a dropkick to the knee on Low-Ki.
Homicide runs into the ropes.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a shoulderblock.
Homicide swears at the crowd.
A fan at ringside badmouths Homicide.
Homicide whips Low-Ki into the ropes.
Homicide nails Low-Ki with a kick to the midsection.
Homicide throws Low-Ki into the turnbuckle.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a running lariat.
Homicide runs into the ropes.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a kick.
Homicide runs into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Homicide takes Low-Ki down with a running lariat.
Homicide swears at the crowd.
A fan at ringside badmouths Homicide.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Homicide knocks Low-Ki into the ringpost.
A fan at ringside badmouths Homicide.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Low-Ki shoves Homicide into the guardrail.
Low-Ki takes Homicide down with a Mongolian chop.
Low-Ki throws Homicide back into the ring.
Low-Ki goes for a dragon screw, but Homicide blocks it.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a punch.
Homicide nails Low-Ki with a Northern Lights suplex.
The crowd breaks into a "You Suck" chant.
Homicide goes for a punch, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki executes a roundhouse kick on Homicide.
The crowd is cheering on Low-Ki.
Low-Ki takes Homicide down with a series of kicks to the midsection.
Low-Ki is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Low-Ki goes for a kick to the head, but Homicide ducks out of the way.
Homicide executes a forearm smash on Low-Ki.
Homicide uses a snap mare on Low-Ki.
Homicide tries to put Low-Ki in the Casket.
Homicide stuffs Low-Ki in the Casket.
Homicide can't close the lid.
Low-Ki reenters the ring.
Low-Ki whips Homicide into the ropes, but Homicide reverses it.
Low-Ki goes for a Yakuza kick, but Homicide ducks out of the way.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a backdrop driver.
Homicide is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Homicide runs into the ropes.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with an elbow.
Homicide whips Low-Ki into the ropes, but Low-Ki reverses it.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with an elbow.
Homicide tries to put Low-Ki in the Casket.
Homicide stuffs Low-Ki in the Casket.
Homicide can't close the lid.
Low-Ki reenters the ring.
Low-Ki runs into the ropes.
Homicide goes for a clothesline, but Low-Ki ducks out of the way.
Low-Ki whips Homicide into the ropes.
Homicide hits a high knee on Low-Ki.
Homicide goes for a punch, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki hits Homicide.
Low-Ki kicks Homicide.
Low-Ki hits Homicide.
Homicide punches Low-Ki.
A fan at ringside badmouths Homicide.
Homicide kicks Low-Ki.
Homicide throws Low-Ki into the turnbuckle.
Homicide uses a bootscrape on Low-Ki.
Homicide executes a bootscrape on Low-Ki.
Homicide gives him a running bootscrape, but Low-Ki only stares at him.
Homicide executes a Northern Lights suplex on Low-Ki.
Homicide tries to put Low-Ki in the Casket.
Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki takes Homicide down with a rolling elbow smash.
There are lots of chants for Low-Ki.
Low-Ki nails Homicide with a Mongolian chop.
Low-Ki goes for a Tidal Crush, but Homicide counters it with
a dropkick to the knee.
In turn, Low-Ki counters it with a side step.
Low-Ki runs into the ropes.
Low-Ki hits Homicide with a shoulderblock.
Low-Ki executes series of chops on Homicide.
Low-Ki is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Low-Ki hits Homicide with a superkick.
Low-Ki goes for a Mongolian chop, but Homicide blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Low-Ki uses a legsweep on Homicide.
Low-Ki runs into the ropes.
Low-Ki misses with a clothesline.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a backdrop.
Homicide takes Low-Ki down with a snap mare.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with the Running Forearm Smash.
The crowd is booing Homicide.
Homicide runs into the ropes.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a shoulderblock.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a lariat.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a flying dropkick.
The crowd is booing Homicide.
Homicide goes for a German suplex, but Low-Ki counters it with a backward kick.
Low-Ki is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Low-Ki takes Homicide down with a rolling elbow smash.
Low-Ki executes a brain buster on Homicide.
The crowd is really behind Low-Ki.
Low-Ki hits series of chops on Homicide.
There are lots of chants for Low-Ki.
Low-Ki hits Homicide with a jumping front kick.
Homicide inadvertedly knocks down Rudy Charles.
There are lots of chants for Low-Ki.
Low-Ki runs into the ropes.
Low-Ki hits Homicide with a shoulderblock.
Low-Ki hits a back fist on Homicide.
Low-Ki whips Homicide into the ropes.
Homicide goes for a Yakuza kick, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki puts Homicide in an achilles tendon hold.
There is no referee there to ask Homicide.
Homicide tries to fight the pain.
Homicide tries to escape the hold.
Mark Johnson comes running down to the ring.
Homicide is writhing in pain.
Low-Ki lets go after 35 seconds.
Low-Ki chops Homicide.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Homicide punches Low-Ki.
Homicide hits Low-Ki.
Homicide further incites the crowd.
Homicide hits Low-Ki.
Homicide further incites the crowd.
Homicide goes for a snap mare, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki executes the Ki Crusher on Homicide.
The crowd erupts.
Low-Ki hits a bodyslam on Homicide.
Rudy Charles gets up.
Low-Ki throws Homicide out of the ring.
Low-Ki goes through the ropes.
Low-Ki throws Homicide into the ringsteps.
Low-Ki uses a Mongolian chop on Homicide.
Low-Ki goes for a Mongolian chop, but Homicide blocks it.
Homicide is handed a hockey stick.
Homicide takes a swing at Low-Ki with the hockey stick, but he
gets out of the way.
Low-Ki snatches the hockey stick from him.
Low-Ki hits him with the hockey stick.
The crowd is giving Low-Ki a standing ovation.
Low-Ki throws Homicide into the ringsteps.
Low-Ki goes for a roundhouse kick, but Homicide counters it with a legsweep.
Homicide shoves Low-Ki into the guardrail.
Homicide throws Low-Ki into the guardrail.
Homicide goes for the Cop Killa, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Homicide executes a punch on Low-Ki.
Homicide is handed a trash can.
Homicide hits him with the trash can.
Homicide further incites the crowd.
Homicide throws Low-Ki into the ringpost.
Homicide goes for a Yakuza kick, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki runs Homicide into the ringpost.
Low-Ki hits Homicide with a Yakuza kick.
Low-Ki runs Homicide into the ringpost.
Low-Ki throws Homicide into the guardrail.
Low-Ki nails Homicide with a headbutt.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Homicide goes for a Yakuza kick, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki throws Homicide back into the ring.
Low-Ki nails Homicide with a bodyslam.
Low-Ki gives the sign for the Ki Crusher.
Low-Ki executes the Ki Crusher on Homicide.
Low-Ki whips Homicide into the ropes.
Low-Ki uses a Frankensteiner on Homicide.
Low-Ki tries to put Homicide in the Casket.
Homicide blocks it.
Homicide goes for a series of forearm smashes, but Low-Ki ducks out of the way.
Low-Ki whips Homicide into the ropes, but Homicide reverses it.
Low-Ki takes Homicide down with a cartwheel kick.
Low-Ki goes for a high knee, but Homicide ducks out of the way.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a dropkick to the knee.
Homicide hits Low-Ki with a flying dropkick.
Homicide is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Homicide goes for a power bomb, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki executes series of chops on Homicide.
Low-Ki chops Homicide.
The crowd is giving Low-Ki a standing ovation.
Homicide punches Low-Ki.
Homicide punches Low-Ki.
Low-Ki punches Homicide.
Homicide chops Low-Ki.
Low-Ki kicks Homicide.
The crowd erupts.
Homicide punches Low-Ki.
Homicide further incites the crowd.
Homicide chops Low-Ki.
Homicide further incites the crowd.
Homicide goes for a punch, but Low-Ki blocks it.
Low-Ki runs into the ropes.
Low-Ki and Homicide get hit with a double clothesline.
Low-Ki chops Homicide.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Low-Ki.
Low-Ki kicks Homicide.
The crowd is giving Low-Ki a standing ovation.
Homicide hits Low-Ki.
Homicide punches Low-Ki.
Homicide is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Homicide executes the Cop Killa on Low-Ki.
Homicide further incites the crowd.
Homicide hits a running lariat on Low-Ki.
Homicide kicks Low-Ki.
Low-Ki chops Homicide.
The crowd is giving Low-Ki a standing ovation.
[ portion of match removed ]
Low-Ki takes Homicide down with a Yakuza kick.
Low-Ki hits a roundhouse kick on Homicide.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Low-Ki gets an achilles tendon hold on Homicide.
Homicide is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Homicide reaches the ropes after holding out for 12 seconds.
Low-Ki executes the Ki Crusher on Homicide.
The chants for Low-Ki are deafening.
Low-Ki tries to put Homicide in the Casket.
Low-Ki stuffs Homicide in the Casket.
Low-Ki closes the lid.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Low-Ki.

Casket Match:
Low-Ki defeated Homicide in 0:21:23.
Rating: *** 1/4

Low-Ki gets his hand raised in victory. Next week there will be a 13 man battle royal for the final spot in the tournament. See you then.
xsouporheroxPosted on 08/11/04 at 05:16:16

Amazingly good tag title match. I look forward to the Heavyweight title tournament and watching the other teams chase La Resistance.