Strange bug

rey619Posted on 08/20/05 at 10:29:15

I am running all the old TNA PPV's as a way to test out the new build, and encountered something strange at Final Resolution. I booked a 3 man battle royal between Monty Brown, DDP and Kevin Nash, with the winner getting a title shot later in the evening. Monty won here as in real life.. but when the match against Jarrett started, something went awry..

From 0...
Weighing in at 0....
"82" 649

Her opponent...

and the rest was correct information about Jarrett.  It looks like TNA put a super-light female in Brown's spot....
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/20/05 at 10:57:00

Hmmm... looks like CIRCDB.DAT for some reason got damaged. If you want to be certain, you'd need to delete CIRCDB.DAT in your circuit's folder (you'd lose your contract info and other adjustments you made to the wrestler in the hiring screen, though).

Or if this happens again, it would be great to get your TNM so I can check out what actually causes this.


rey619Posted on 08/20/05 at 14:26:33

It happens in all my circuits, also when deleting the file you mentioned. Is the option of using a battle royale winner in a future match a new feature of Build 4? What files/folders do you need/not need when I send you Tnm?
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/20/05 at 17:18:50

I need the entire TNM7SE folder minus THEMES and MEDIA.
rey619Posted on 08/31/05 at 07:38:20

Do you need a file called GENRC? This file is rather big with me (7 megs or so), and with it my .rar file exceeds 10 megs, which is unfortunately the attachment limit of yahoo.. I can send it separately if you need it