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OSWAM Card #25...

americamamushiPosted on 06/11/04 at 16:15:05

October, Year 1, Week 4

The Arabian Savage pinned Edward Stalworth III with his special move in 0:19:01
Rating: *** 1/2

Arabian Savage got the win after hitting Stalworth with his mysterious foreign object

Mt. Everest pinned Colossus Carter with the Running Sitdown Splash in 0:16:12.
Rating: -3/4*

Olen Bertini pinned Man O' War with the Bertini Flying Fistdrop in 0:10:10.
Rating: *** 1/4

Black Bear pinned Johnny Adams with the Running Headbutt in 0:11:15.
Rating: * 1/2

Natsu Sayuki pinned El Obispo with the Brain Buster in 0:03:13.
Rating: ** 3/4

Thadius Gold pinned Mongol #2 with the Spinebuster Slam in 0:15:47.
Rating: 3/4*
["Slick" Nick Gergon interfered against Mongol #2.]

Texas Death Match:
Ken Drago pinned Giant Takashi after a flying cross body press in 0:22:54.
Rating: **

After the match The Masked Superstar enters the interview area.  He starts running down Ken Drago, saying that he's sick and tied of Drago being in the limelight when it should be him.  The fans begin to boo as he continues on and challenges Drago to a match next week.  Ken Drago responds by suggesting they make it Hair vs. Mask.  The Masked Superstar accepts the stipulation.  Drago then says why don't they just have the match right now, and with that he attack Masked Superstar.

[Hair vs. Mask Match]:
Ken Drago pinned The Masked Superstar after a flying cross body press in
Rating: * 3/4

The Masked Superstar was supposed to be unmasked after the match, but ran away before Drago could.

The Outbackers (Outback Bruce and Outback Kyle) defeated
Glen Olson Jr. and Nathan Grant when Kyle pinned Grant after a short lariat in
Rating: *** 3/4

Ivan Grabinski defeated Mr. Suplex when Mr. Suplex passed out in the
Iron Stomach Claw in 0:16:39.
Rating: **** 1/4
(Ivan Grabinski won the OSWAM Heavyweight Championship title.)

Card rating: ** 1/2

Match observations:



TITLE CAGE MATCH: The Outbackers vs. Glen Olson Jr. & Nathan Grant!!

Mt. Everest & Giant Takashi vs. Team Samurai!!

UNSANCTIONED MATCH: A Mystery Wrestler vs. A Mystery Wrestler!!

NO TIME LIMIT 8-MAN TAG TEAM ELIMINATION MATCH: Mr. Suplex, Ken Drago, Edward Stalworth III & El Obispo vs. Ivan Grabinski, Thadius Gold, The Masked Superstar, & Colossus Carter!!


Does anyone still read this?
Rick GarrardPosted on 06/13/04 at 04:31:09

I do read it.  I may not always reply, but I do read it.  :)

Ivan winning the title back.. the fans will HATE that.

And Masked Superstar fleeing like a cockroach when the lights are turned on to keep his mask is great stuff.

Next card should be a pretty big one.
americamamushiPosted on 06/13/04 at 14:49:56

just wanted to make sure that someone still reads it :D The 'viewed this post' number is usually low enough that I can never remember if I'm the one that viewed it the few times or not
Scott W. BreonPosted on 06/13/04 at 20:42:14

I only started reading your cards three days ago!!! They are wicked awesome!!