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2 New promotions in the works!

SuperstarJimiCPosted on 06/11/04 at 01:38:41

By the way, It was a TNM crash, not computer crash. Sorry.

Now onto the new promotions. My first one that i'm creating is NWA-TNA. Sorry Job Van Dam but, I have different way of creating the promotion. There will be 20 wrestlers to start with. 14 that wrestle currently with the real NWA-TNA. But none of the champions will remain champion. Everybody has to earn the titles themselves.

My other promotion is the AWA. But only 10 former AWA wrestlers will be back, for a few weeks until the promotion gets off to a start. All titles are vacant. Like NWA-TNA, everybody has to earn the titles themselves.

Any questions, comments, suggestions, any wrestlers, managers, etc. that you would like to see join these two promotions, let me know, either on this post or my E-Mail Address:

So if anyone is reading this right now, look this page over, let me know either on the post or my E-Mail & let me know. Don't be shy, I love feedback on this post, but nobody wrote on the WWA posts. I'm hoping that I either get comments or E-Mails on this.
Thank You!
americamamushiPosted on 06/11/04 at 05:42:53

Bring in Great Muta

*starts humming Muta's theme music*

Muta.... dink, dink, dink..... muta.... dink, dink, dink, dink....

sorry... went into the zone for a minute.   :D
Job Van DamPosted on 06/12/04 at 18:11:42

Why not bring him in as Keiji Muto (he does the Shining Wizard ;)