Another question  Might be dumb but i need he

doors11Posted on 08/27/05 at 08:25:24

I was going to change Garrison Cade's name to Lance.

I changed it in my circuit by editing the wrestler.

It siad do you want to change his name in the ratings also..I thought man this is easy.. Yes i do..

It worked fine with the Weight Class Wizard  for singles, But his Tag team with Trevor Murdock (TNT) went away.

I checked the Circuit History plugin in and he wasn't there at all.

Is there a way to change his name from Garrison to Lance w/o losing his Tag team history and records and have him show up in the Circuit History plugin-in?

When I changed his name back to Garrison The tag team was back and his name was in the circuit history as well.

If you can't do this this would be a cool new feature for TNM7se.. To be able to change names and keep their Records..

Thanks for any help
ZedjaPosted on 08/27/05 at 09:14:21

Once you change his name to Lance Cade the character Garrison Cade is no longer employed in your circuit which is why he doesn't show up.
americamamushiPosted on 08/27/05 at 09:27:13

His tag team records should still show up if you edit the tag team (just in that circuit) so that it's "Lance Cade" and not "Garrison Cade" in the tag team.  TNM should still recognize it as the same person and keep the records, but after editing the name you'll have to edit the tag team as well.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/27/05 at 13:43:12

Your best bet is to download the new Ratings Editor plugin I'll be releasing within the hour. Then just edit your ratings entry and you'll be fine.
doors11Posted on 08/27/05 at 17:04:36

Thanks for the quick answers both of you.

I did change His name to lance in the tag teams and it didn't show up..

So I went and ahead and bought the new editor plug-in..
I've been wanting something like this for a long time now..

Oliver CoppPosted on 08/27/05 at 20:29:09

Hi Rik,

I'll figure something out for you by the end of the coming week.

Most likely, there will be a circuit-specific filter set that works like I outlined in the other posting.

