Error 7 at pgm-ctr: 218279

Shaun SindelmanPosted on 08/21/05 at 00:55:15

I was just running my circuit and scheduled a card (my first since updating to Beta 4d) and when i got to a 4 way tag match involving 2 assigned tag teams, 1 random team from my circuit, and 1 mystery team (comprised of 2 guys from a list of 497 wrestlers), I got THIS error message:

Error 7 at pgm-ctr: 218279

After restarting the card, I got this screen:

                   Sorry. A run-time error has occurred.

            The current screen has been dumped to ..\ERROR.LOG.

  Please mail the file ..\ERROR.LOG with the Subject 'Core Dump' to me at:

What's going on? TNM7Diag gave me a clean bill of health.
Snabbit888Posted on 08/21/05 at 02:13:58

Error 7 is a conventional memory issue.  Go to this link.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 08/21/05 at 02:17:13

Already did. Not sure what I should be doing after i check "mem /c /p"

My Config.sys is empty but it's always been that way and my TNM used to work fine.

My Autoexec.bat only has a PATH= thing in it but once again, i've run TNM before and it's worked fine.

not sure what is different now.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 08/21/05 at 16:46:43

Best way to get rid of Error 7 problems is to clean out your database, because it's caused by having too many wrestlers, moves, managers, etc for DOS to handle.  

How many wrestlers and moves do you have, Shaun?

Freeing up more conventional memory is also an option, but it's difficult to do so.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 08/21/05 at 16:52:00

After running Database Cleaner (per Oliver's suggestion), I now am at:

479 wrestlers
735 moves
68 managers

What's a safe # to shoot for?
Snabbit888Posted on 08/21/05 at 21:11:42

You're high on moves and managers.  I think I remember Oliver saying that for some reason too many managers causes the most problems (maybe I'm making that up).  Clean out your excess and see what happens.
Shaun SindelmanPosted on 08/21/05 at 23:39:21

I've used the Cleaner on all I can and now i'm at:

479 wrestlers
735 moves
56 managers.

Hopefully this has solved my issues.
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/26/05 at 14:14:59

Hi Shaun,

what's the status? Can you now run matches again?


Shaun SindelmanPosted on 08/26/05 at 14:19:26

Seems to be but then again, I haven't run any insane matches with 16 men in them since then. =)