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Longest Matches

King_of_MenPosted on 04/08/03 at 03:46:35

I'm wondering what some of your longest matches were.  I'm not talking about cases where the match is called a draw due to some glitch or a case where two non-juicers get into a First Blood match...or even the Death Match, but just regular matches that ended up way longer than expected.  

I had a one-fall match between the Funks and Sabu/RVD that went nearly 3 hours! [RVD eventually submitted to a Terry Funk chokehold.]   Guess nobody wanted to do the job that night...btw, I have never tweaked the settings regarding match length so I guess they're average--most of the other matches that night were around ten or eleven minutes.  

Also wondered about people's worst match ratings, though I'm really starting to think that a minus 5 star match isn't that hard to accomplish.  The main one I remember is one between The Sheik and Abdullah, though I've also had some involving The Powers of Pain...
StoneC0ldPosted on 04/13/03 at 07:52:35

I don't remember the circumstances or the wrestlers involved, but I had a match run close to 18 hours before the game finally killed it...  Was a 2nd round match in a tournament, unbooked regular matches I believe......