I think I may have found it...

Rick GarrardPosted on 05/19/08 at 22:47:20

My very first BIG circuit (or at least the first in which I kept detailed notes!)... at least I've found a LARGE portion of the handwritten results, a comprehensive title holder list for each of its five titles as well as a title change history list I kept back in 1998!!!  

So far I've found roughly the last 2/3 of the circuit results.  I am now on a quest to find the first third, as I know I have it some where, since I found this LARGE portion of it when I was unpacking items from my recent move.  All I can say is that it will be posted as I find more info from it.  (This is circuit that spawned my own invention called the "Random Lights Out" Tournament, which I have told a few folks here about in the past and even tried to work it into a couple other circuits with way less success than it did in this "World" circuit as it was so named.  I think I may have even found the floppy that it was on as well...)

Bret Hart was the 6 Time World Heavyweight Champion in this circuit and Roddy Piper was the first wrestler to collect 100 wins if I'm not mistaken.  It will make for an entertaining look back at a TNM circuit from 10 years ago when it's posted.  

...more information as it becomes available!!!  
DJ UnrightPosted on 05/20/08 at 04:56:58

The TNM Members ChampPosted on 07/06/08 at 02:27:55

You and your spiral notebooks.  :P You've been insistent about the use of paper versus computer to book results. Is there a reason for that? Maybe it can help me with my writer's block (mostly I just don't know what direction I should go for an old school circuit).
Rick GarrardPosted on 07/06/08 at 05:24:09

Yes, I can't carry my desktop computer with me everywhere I go, whereas a spiral notebook (yes Mick Foley stole my gimmick for writing his books) can travel just about anywhere you take your backpack whilest traveling and even to work, as it looks like you are taking work with you. Granted I started doing this over ten years ago while in college, because it was damned easier to make it look like I was taking notes in class when in fact I was really booking my next set of TNM cards. :)

Not to mention, if a hard drive crashes and you don't have a backup of the info on it, you at least have a starting point for your TNM to restart it if you have it all on paper. :)

Also it allows for me to book things out well in advance (okay so I am admitting to forcing some bookings) when working on developing the numerous rules sets I've created.  Basically it's mainly about being organized.  I find the more organized my notes are, the easier it is to leave off on a circuit and revisit it later and pick right up where I left off... ala the upcoming during the NFL season revisit to the NWA Squared Circle (red vinyl cover notebook for those keeping score at home).
The TNM Members ChampPosted on 07/06/08 at 05:28:08

That's funny. I have a laptop thankfully as opposed to a desktop. So I can sit here on my couch and try to book cards. Hope you start booking some more old school NWA. I need inspiration here as I'm in a writer's block
Rick GarrardPosted on 07/06/08 at 05:55:10

A laptop is even MORE the reason to write stuff down... too easy to kill the machine.  I had a lightning strike on my old one.