CW: The Strong Survive - 8/26/84 - Augusta, GA

Rick GarrardPosted on 10/08/04 at 04:19:33

The Strong Survive - August 26, 1984 - Augusta, GA

The Strong Survive Match:
The Horsemen vs Dusty's Dream Team

Arn Anderson attacks Billy Jack Haynes before the bell.
Arn Anderson nails Billy Jack Haynes with a forearm smash.
Arn Anderson kicks Billy Jack Haynes.
Arn Anderson is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Billy Jack Haynes chops Arn Anderson.
The crowd is behind Billy Jack Haynes all the way.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes goes for the Bionic Elbowdrop, but Terry Allen counters it with a roll away.
Terry Allen goes for a vertical suplex, but Dusty Rhodes blocks it.
Dusty Rhodes punches Terry Allen.
Terry Allen chops Dusty Rhodes.
Terry Allen hits Dusty Rhodes.
Terry Allen tags out to Ric Flair.
Terry Allen leaves the ring.
Ric Flair nails Dusty Rhodes with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a kick to the midsection, but Dusty Rhodes blocks it.
Dusty Rhodes uses an elbowsmash on Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the Bionic Elbowdrop, but Ric Flair counters it with a roll away.
[ portion of match removed ]
[ portion of match removed ]
Ric Flair throws Waylon Mercy out of the ring.
Tommy Young counts: one, two, Waylon Mercy reenters the ring.
Ric Flair tags out to Tully Blanchard.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
Tully Blanchard uses a gutwrench suplex on Waylon Mercy.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Tully Blanchard shoves down Tommy Young.
Tommy Young gets in Tully Blanchard's face and curses him out.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes hits a dropkick on Arn Anderson.
Billy Jack Haynes hits the Doctor Bomb on Arn Anderson.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Billy Jack Haynes nails Arn Anderson with a Samoan Drop.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Billy Jack Haynes.
Billy Jack Haynes goes for a flying axhandle, but Arn Anderson counters it with a punch.
[ portion of match removed ]
Waylon Mercy runs into the ropes.
Waylon Mercy takes Arn Anderson down with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is going crazy.
Waylon Mercy gets the Psycho look on his face.
The crowd is going crazy.
Waylon Mercy hits Arn Anderson with an elbowsmash.
Waylon Mercy is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Waylon Mercy executes an elbowsmash on Arn Anderson.
Waylon Mercy goes for a DDT, but Arn Anderson counters it with a small package.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes hits a powerslam on Arn Anderson.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Billy Jack Haynes goes for a clothesline, but Arn Anderson counters it with a crucifix.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
[ portion of match removed ]
Arn Anderson runs into the ropes.
Arn Anderson takes Billy Jack Haynes down with a lariat.
The crowd is vociferously booing Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson hits a backbreaker on Billy Jack Haynes.
Arn Anderson covers Billy Jack Haynes.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.

Billy Jack Haynes has been eliminated.
Arn Anderson is being booed out of the building.

They lock up.
Arn Anderson tags out to Ric Flair.
Ric Flair goes for a front facelock, but Dusty Rhodes blocks it.
Ric Flair begs off.
Dusty Rhodes tags out to Nikita Koloff.
Dusty Rhodes leaves the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Nikita Koloff goes for a piledriver, but Terry Allen counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Nikita Koloff counters it with a sunset flip.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Nikita Koloff goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Terry Allen counters it with a backdrop.
Terry Allen nails Nikita Koloff with a knee to the back.
Nikita Koloff collides with Tommy Young.
Scrappy McGowen comes running down to the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tommy Young is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
Terry Allen uses a bodyslam on Dusty Rhodes.
Terry Allen runs into the ropes.
Terry Allen misses with a kick.
Terry Allen misses with a kick.
Terry Allen hits Dusty Rhodes with a kick.
Terry Allen is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes goes for the Bionic Elbowdrop, but Terry Allen counters it with a roll away.
Terry Allen runs into the ropes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes tags out to Nikita Koloff.
Dusty Rhodes leaves the ring.
Nikita Koloff hits Terry Allen with a powerslam.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Nikita Koloff uses a belly-to-belly suplex on Terry Allen.
Nikita Koloff locks Terry Allen in a bearhug.
Nikita Koloff lets go after 13 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Nikita Koloff executes a gutwrench suplex on Tully Blanchard.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Nikita Koloff nails Tully Blanchard with a piledriver.
The crowd erupts.
Nikita Koloff hits Tully Blanchard with a powerslam.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Nikita Koloff hits Tully Blanchard with a headbutt.
Nikita Koloff uses a powerslam on Tully Blanchard.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Nikita Koloff goes for a piledriver, but Tully Blanchard counters it with a backdrop.
Tully Blanchard uses a reverse neckbreaker on Nikita Koloff.
Numerous fans are using Tully Blanchard for target practice.
Tully Blanchard executes the Slingshot Suplex on Nikita Koloff.
Numerous fans are using Tully Blanchard for target practice.
Tully Blanchard goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, Waylon Mercy doesn't make it in time... three.

Nikita Koloff has been eliminated.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes goes for the Bionic Elbowdrop, but Arn Anderson counters it with a roll away.
Arn Anderson nails Dusty Rhodes with a side suplex.
Arn Anderson is going for the cover.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Waylon Mercy hits Terry Allen with a clothesline.
Waylon Mercy throws Terry Allen over the top rope.
Tommy Young threatens Waylon Mercy with disqualification.
Waylon Mercy rolls out under the bottom rope.
James J. Dillon comes from behind and distracts Waylon Mercy.
[ portion of match removed ]
Waylon Mercy runs into the ropes.
Tully Blanchard hits Waylon Mercy with a kick.
Tully Blanchard covers Waylon Mercy.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Tully Blanchard complains about a slow count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Terry Allen hits Waylon Mercy with a backbreaker.
Terry Allen executes the Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Waylon Mercy.
Terry Allen goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes uses a piledriver on Terry Allen.
Dusty Rhodes goes for a bodyslam, but Terry Allen counters it with a small package.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Terry Allen hits Dusty Rhodes with a kick.
Terry Allen executes the Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Dusty Rhodes.
Terry Allen goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, Waylon Mercy makes the save.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tully Blanchard nails Waylon Mercy with a vertical suplex.
Tully Blanchard executes the Slingshot Suplex on Waylon Mercy.
Tully Blanchard goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, Dusty Rhodes makes the save.
Waylon Mercy uses a roundhouse right on Tully Blanchard.
Waylon Mercy takes Tully Blanchard down with a ropeburn.
Waylon Mercy hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Tully Blanchard.
Waylon Mercy runs into the ropes.
Tully Blanchard goes for a sleeperhold, but Waylon Mercy counters it with
a back suplex.
Waylon Mercy is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Tully Blanchard.
The crowd erupts.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.

Dusty Rhodes executes an elbowsmash on Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the Bionic Elbowdrop, but Ric Flair counters it with a roll away.
[ portion of match removed ]
Flair locked on the figure four for the submission by Waylon Mercy.

They lock up.
Ric Flair throws Dusty Rhodes out of the ring.
Ric Flair goes outside.
James J. Dillon comes from behind and distracts Dusty Rhodes.
Tommy Young counts:  1.
James J. Dillon comes from behind and distracts Dusty Rhodes.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes gets a figure-four leglock on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Ric Flair breaks the hold after 10 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ric Flair begs off.
Dusty Rhodes gives the sign for the Bionic Elbowdrop.
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ric Flair begs off.
Dusty Rhodes whips Ric Flair into the ropes, but Ric Flair reverses it.
Dusty Rhodes executes a swinging neckbreaker on Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving Dusty Rhodes a standing ovation.
Dusty Rhodes goes for a dropkick, but Ric Flair side-steps and Dusty Rhodes only hits air.
Ric Flair executes a single-leg takedown on Dusty Rhodes.
Ric Flair whips Dusty Rhodes into the ropes.
Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair get hit with a double clothesline.
Ric Flair begs off.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ric Flair down with an elbowsmash.
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving Dusty Rhodes a standing ovation.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, ** James J. Dillon distracts Tommy Young.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ric Flair down with a piledriver.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Dusty Rhodes hits an elbowsmash on Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Ric Flair.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Dusty Rhodes.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the pin.
There is no referee to count.
** James J. Dillon enters the ring and hits Dusty Rhodes with the leather shoe.
Before James J. Dillon connects, Dusty Rhodes moves out of the way.
James J. Dillon hits Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes throws James J. Dillon over the top rope.
Ric Flair is out cold.
Dusty Rhodes throws Ric Flair out of the ring.
Dusty Rhodes rolls out under the bottom rope.
Dusty Rhodes knocks Ric Flair into the ringsteps.
Ric Flair is starting to bleed.
Dusty Rhodes executes a reverse neckbreaker on Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes uses a roundhouse right on Ric Flair.
James J. Dillon comes from behind, but Dusty Rhodes nails James J. Dillon.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tommy Young is back on the job.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits Dusty Rhodes with an elbow.
Ric Flair gives the sign for the Figure-Four Leglock.
Ric Flair executes the Figure-Four Leglock on Dusty Rhodes.
Dusty Rhodes tries to escape the hold.
Dusty Rhodes reaches the ropes after 9 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ric Flair goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a backward kick.
** James J. Dillon enters the ring and hits Dusty Rhodes with the leather shoe.
Before James J. Dillon connects, Dusty Rhodes moves out of the way.
James J. Dillon hits Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes throws James J. Dillon over the top rope.
The crowd is giving Dusty Rhodes a standing ovation.
Ric Flair is out cold.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ric Flair down with an inside cradle.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Arn Anderson hits Dusty Rhodes.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Arn Anderson chops Dusty Rhodes.
Arn Anderson goes for the Gourdbuster, but he can't do it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Arn Anderson hits a short clothesline on Dusty Rhodes.
Arn Anderson locks Dusty Rhodes in a sleeperhold.
Dusty Rhodes is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Dusty Rhodes inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
Arn Anderson nails Dusty Rhodes with a short clothesline.
Arn Anderson is being booed out of the building.
Arn Anderson is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.

Dusty Rhodes has been eliminated.
Arn Anderson is being booed out of the building.

[The Strong Survive]: Elimination No-Time-Limit-Match:
Horsemen Blanchard & Anderson (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard), Ric Flair and Terry Allen beat Superpowers (Nikita Koloff and Dusty Rhodes), Waylon Mercy and Billy Jack Haynes
4 falls to 1:
        x Anderson beat Haynes via a backbreaker in 0:24:41
        x Blanchard beat Koloff via the Slingshot Suplex in 0:34:02
        x Dusty Rhodes beat Blanchard via the Bionic Elbowdrop in 0:55:27
        x R. Flair beat W. Mercy via the Figure-Four Leglock in 1:03:33
        x Anderson beat Dusty Rhodes via a short clothesline in 1:19:36
Survivors: Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Terry Allen
Rating: * 3/4

What a super human effort by Dusty Rhodes but it wasn't enough to overcome the odds as he was fighting 3-on-1 in the ring along with JJ Dillon's constant interference.  The bloodied Ric Flair is in to celebrate with Arn Anderson and in comes Terry Allen along with JJ Dillon for the party like only the Horsemen can throw.  But what's this?

Terry tries to congratulate Flair and Arn... but they give him the cold shoulder.  JJ Dillon is trying to calm Flair down, but it was Dillon's shoe that busted Flair open in the match.  Dillon gets in Flair's face.  Flair snaps and knocks Dillon out of his shoes with his patented chop!  And the fans are stunned.  Arn lands a spinebuster on Terry Allen.  Flair has climbed to the top rope.  And Anderson with Flair's help as they land the spike piledrive on Terry Allen in the middle of the ring.  Tully Blanchard is back out to try to talk some since into Anderson and Flair.  Blanchard slaps Anderson and then Flair.  Both men catch him as he tries to leave the ring.  And Arn and Flair take turns landing left hands and chops.  Arn then takes Blanchard down with the Gourdbuster and Flair locks him in the Figure Four.  

The fans still have NO idea what to think as Dusty Rhodes has finally risen to his feet on the floor outside the ring.  Anderson is motioning for Dusty to come into the ring and even holding the ropes open for him while Flair still has the figure four locked on Blanchard.  Rhodes doesn't know what to think of what he's seeing.  Rhodes accepts Anderson's pleas as he figures out that it is Blanchard in the figure four as he see the fallen Terry Allen in the middle of the ring.  Anderson goes over and holds up Terry Allen.  Dusty nails him with the flip, flop, fly punches and elbow sequence and the crowd goes crazy!

Dusty then locks in the figure four on Terry Allen as Arn Anderson stands guard in the ring making sure not to let ANYONE else in.  The timekeeper begins to ring the bell signalling for the referees to come out and break up the carnage in the ring.  Flair and Rhodes let go of their stereo figure fours as the refs make it to the ring... and in the middle of the ring... Flair and Rhodes are face to face.  It looks as if they are trash talking each other as they are now nose to nose.  They both turn around to face the fans.. and then they turn to face each other with a hand outstretched for a handshake!  The fans in the arena are going crazy!  What a moment this is to kick off this night of action!

Tonight as The Strong Survive, it's #1 contendership for the Tag Team Titles up for grabs as Paul Jones and Rick Steamboat team for the first time in Championship Wrestling to take on the Midnight Express.  Ron Garvin is here in singles action, but his originally scheduled opponent of Jimmy Valiant will not be here due to an injury he suffered last week.  Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez take on the Russians in tag team action.  And in the main event, inside the steel cage for the Tag Team Titles, The Champions J-Tex Corporation defend against the Rock N Roll Express.

Up Next:
#1 Contender Match:
Number One & The Dragon vs The Midnight Express

Paul Jones whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes.
Bobby Eaton hits a swinging neckbreaker on Paul Jones.
Bobby Eaton executes the Alabama Jam on Paul Jones.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, in the ropes...
[ portion of match removed ]
Bobby Eaton hits Rick Steamboat with a swinging neckbreaker.
Bobby Eaton is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Bobby Eaton executes the Alabama Jam on Rick Steamboat.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Rick Steamboat whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes.
Rick Steamboat hits a monkey flip on Bobby Eaton.
Rick Steamboat takes Bobby Eaton down with a tiger suplex.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, kickout.
Rick Steamboat nails Bobby Eaton with a back suplex.
Paul Jones enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Paul Jones executes a flying lariat on Bobby Eaton.
Rick Steamboat takes Bobby Eaton down with a rolling reverse cradle.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rick Steamboat hits Bobby Eaton with an elbowdrop.
Rick Steamboat executes a flying karate chop on Bobby Eaton.
Rick Steamboat goes for the Flying Cross Body Press, but Bobby Eaton counters it with a rollover.
Bobby Eaton is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey uses a lariat on Paul Jones.
Paul Jones inadvertedly knocks down Mike Adkins.
[ portion of match removed ]
The crowd is behind Paul Jones all the way.
Paul Jones chops Dennis Condrey.
Paul Jones nails Dennis Condrey with a gutwrench suplex.
Mike Adkins was playing possum.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey goes for a lariat, but Paul Jones counters it with a crucifix.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Paul Jones throws Mike Adkins out of the ring.
Mike Adkins is out cold.
Paul Jones tags out to Rick Steamboat.
Rick Steamboat and Paul Jones hit Dennis Condrey with a double back suplex.
** Paul Jones goes for a flying lariat, but Jim Cornette shoves him off the turnbuckle.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Paul Jones.
Paul Jones leaves the ring.
Dennis Condrey hits Rick Steamboat with a slap.
Dennis Condrey goes for a DDT, but Rick Steamboat counters it with a low blow.
Rick Steamboat uses a chop on Dennis Condrey.
Rick Steamboat takes Dennis Condrey down with a double underhook suplex.
Rick Steamboat is going for the cover.
There is no referee to count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Teddy Long comes running down to the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Mike Adkins crawls back into the ring.
Mike Adkins is back on the job.
Rick Steamboat executes a monkey flip on Dennis Condrey.
Rick Steamboat executes a German suplex on Dennis Condrey.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, Bobby Eaton doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd is going crazy.

Paul Jones and Rick Steamboat defeated The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) when Steamboat pinned Condrey after a German suplex in 0:17:59.
Rating: ***

Mike Adkins took some major referee abuse in this one, yet was still able to count the pinfall for the new #1 contenders Paul Jones and Rick Steamboat.  The fans seem to love this tag team combination.

Up Next:
The Chief and The Ragin' Bull...

What the... What is Ron Garvin doing out here while Jones and Steamboat are heading to the locker room?  Garvin has made his way to the ring.  And he doesn't have an opponent for tonight.

Garvin:  "Steamboat.  Come back here.  We have got some business to settle."

And with that Steamboat runs back to the ring.

Up Next:
Garvin vs Steamboat

Rick Steamboat nails Ron Garvin with a German suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Mike Adkins counts: One, Rick Steamboat lifts a shoulder, two, kickout.
Rick Steamboat takes Ron Garvin down with a Tombstone.
Rick Steamboat goes for a Tombstone, but Ron Garvin blocks it.
Ron Garvin goes for a bodyslam, but Rick Steamboat counters it with a small package.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rick Steamboat hits Ron Garvin with a backdrop.
Ron Garvin falls out of the ring.
Rick Steamboat goes for a flying cross body press, but Ron Garvin
moves out of the way.
Rick Steamboat is out cold.
The chants for Ron Garvin are deafening.
Ron Garvin executes a piledriver on Rick Steamboat.
Mike Adkins counts:  1.
Ron Garvin shoves Rick Steamboat into the guardrail.
Ron Garvin nails Rick Steamboat with an atomic drop.
Mike Adkins counts:  2.
Ron Garvin reenters the ring.
Mike Adkins counts:  3
Mike Adkins counts:  4
Mike Adkins counts:  5
Mike Adkins counts:  6
Mike Adkins counts:  7
Mike Adkins counts:  8
Mike Adkins counts:  9
Mike Adkins counts: 10
Rick Steamboat is counted out.
The crowd is behind Ron Garvin all the way.

Ron Garvin defeated Rick Steamboat by countout in 0:03:55.
Rating: * 3/4

Steamboat was knocked out cold from missing the flying body press to the floor.  Garvin seized the opportunity to take the countout win.  Paul Jones is back out to check on Steamboat, while Garvin walks off showing no concern for the fallen Steamboat at all.

Up Next:
The Chief and the Ragin' Bull vs Ivan and Krusher

Wahoo McDaniel gets a sleeperhold on Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff is struggling to reach the ropes.
Ivan Koloff tries to escape the hold.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff walks out for the countout.
The chants for Wahoo McDaniel are deafening.

Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez defeated The Russians (Krusher Khrushchev and Ivan Koloff) when Wahoo defeated I. Koloff by countout in 0:17:34.
Rating: 1/4*

Koloff had enough of being chopped by Wahoo so he took his chain and walked out leaving Krusher all alone for The Chief and the Ragin' Bull.  Krusher quickly followed Ivan knowing that the numbers game isn't a good thing when there's more fan favorites in the ring than there are of you.

Up Next:
Who's this... We have just added to the card... a match between two men that Championship Wrestling has refused to sanction here tonight.  And it's up next!

Hawk goes for a piledriver, but Maxx Payne counters it with a backdrop.
Hawk has been cut open.
Maxx Payne is handed brass knuckles.
Maxx Payne hits him with the knuckles.
Maxx Payne goes for a Hotshot, but Hawk counters it with a lariat.
Hawk throws Maxx Payne back into the ring.
Hawk brings the the knuckles into the ring.
Maxx Payne hits him with the knuckles.
Scrappy McGowen throws the knuckles over the top rope.
Maxx Payne sends Hawk into the turnbuckle.
Maxx Payne charges into the corner.
Maxx Payne takes Hawk down with a kick to the head.
Maxx Payne further incites the crowd.
Maxx Payne goes for a headbutt, but Hawk blocks it.
Hawk goes for a vertical suplex, but Maxx Payne reverses it.
Maxx Payne executes a short clothesline on Hawk.
Maxx Payne covers Hawk.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Maxx Payne slowly slides out of the ring.
He brings a keyboard into the ring.
Maxx Payne hits him with the keyboard.
Scrappy McGowen throws the keyboard over the top rope.
[ portion of match removed ]
Maxx Payne plays his air guitar.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
[ portion of match removed ]
Maxx Payne executes a powerslam on Hawk.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Maxx Payne goes for a Hotshot, but Hawk counters it with a lariat.
[ portion of match removed ]
Hawk goes for a dropkick, but Maxx Payne side-steps and Hawk only hits air.
Maxx Payne nails Hawk with a vertical suplex.
Maxx Payne executes the Payne Killer on Hawk.
Hawk tries to escape the hold.
Hawk is inching his way towards the ropes.
Hawk reaches the ropes after being locked up for 12 seconds.
Maxx Payne takes Hawk down with a short clothesline.
Maxx Payne covers Hawk.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

Maxx Payne pinned Hawk after a short clothesline in 0:11:06.
Rating: *

It appears that Championship Wrestling was smart in booking this match as a non-sanctioned one, since both men are here on a vacation from their tour dates in Japan.  And Maxx Payne did use the no rules situation to his advantage and took the win in this one.

Up Next:
Main event:
Tag Team Titles - Cage Match - Pinfalls to win:
Champions Gary Hart's J-Tex Corporation vs Rock N Roll Express

Ricky Morton uses a dropkick on Steve Armstrong.
Robert Gibson nails Steve Armstrong with a German suplex.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Great Kabuki enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Ricky Morton uses a savate kick on Steve Armstrong.
Robert Gibson goes for a German suplex, but Steve Armstrong counters it with a go-behind.
In turn, Robert Gibson counters it with an elbowsmash.
Great Kabuki gets back up and throws Ricky Morton out of the ring.
Great Kabuki executes a vertical suplex on Robert Gibson.
Great Kabuki further incites the crowd.
Steve Armstrong nails Robert Gibson with a flying axhandle.
Steve Armstrong is being booed out of the building.
Great Kabuki leaves the ring.
Steve Armstrong uses a dropkick on Robert Gibson.
Robert Gibson inadvertedly knocks down Tommy Young.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton goes for a hiptoss, but Great Kabuki counters it with a lariat.
In turn, Ricky Morton counters it with a crucifix.
There is no referee to count.
Ricky Morton gets back up.
Ricky Morton tags out to Robert Gibson.
Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton whip Great Kabuki into the ropes.
They hit Great Kabuki with a double kick to the midsection.
Steve Armstrong enters the ring and throws Ricky Morton out of the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Steve Armstrong goes for a German suplex, but Robert Gibson counters it with a go-behind.
Robert Gibson hits a crucifix on Steve Armstrong.
There is no referee to count.
Robert Gibson gets back up.
Robert Gibson executes a snap mare on Steve Armstrong.
Robert Gibson hits Steve Armstrong with a legdrop.
Robert Gibson nails Steve Armstrong with a fireman's carry.
Robert Gibson tags out to Ricky Morton.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tommy Young shakes off the pain.
[ portion of match removed ]
Steve Armstrong hits Ricky Morton with a clothesline.
Ricky Morton bumps into the cage.
The crowd is vociferously booing Steve Armstrong.
Ricky Morton is out cold.
Steve Armstrong runs into the ropes.
Ricky Morton hits Steve Armstrong with a clothesline.
Ricky Morton executes a chop on Steve Armstrong.
Ricky Morton uses a bodyslam on Steve Armstrong.
Ricky Morton puts Steve Armstrong in a sleeperhold.
Steve Armstrong breaks the hold with a jawbreaker after 11 seconds.
Steve Armstrong takes Ricky Morton down with flying headscissors.
Steve Armstrong goes for a bulldog, but Ricky Morton counters it with a back suplex.
Robert Gibson enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Robert Gibson takes Steve Armstrong down with a dropkick.
Ricky Morton goes for a German suplex, but Steve Armstrong blocks it.
Robert Gibson leaves the ring.
Steve Armstrong runs into the ropes.
Steve Armstrong hits Ricky Morton with a shoulderblock.
Steve Armstrong hits Ricky Morton with a tiger suplex.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Steve Armstrong executes a German suplex on Ricky Morton.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Steve Armstrong goes for a German suplex, but Ricky Morton counters it with an elbowsmash.
[ portion of match removed ]
Steve Armstrong begs off.
Ricky Morton gives the sign for the Rock'n'Roll Buster.
Robert Gibson enters the ring.
Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson hit Steve Armstrong with the Double Dropkick.
Ricky Morton goes for the pin.
The crowd erupts.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, Great Kabuki doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Cage Match:
Rock'n'Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) defeated Great Kabuki and Steve Armstrong when R. Morton pinned Steve Armstrong after the Double Dropkick in 0:10:13.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Rock'n'Roll Express won the Tag Team Titles.)

Kabuki was too busy listening to the voices in his head to make it for the savev on Armstrong in time.  And we have NEW Tag Team Champions!  The first ever two-time title holders in Championship Wrestling!  The Rock N Roll Express is celebrating with the fans at ringside.

Join us again next week in Columbia, South Carolina, as Waylon Mercy defends the Heavyweight Title.  And we'll have a rematch between Hawk and Maxx Payne as well.

Until next time, so long everybody!

Card rating: * 1/2

Rick Garrard, 10-07-2004
Critic of the DawnPosted on 10/08/04 at 05:34:09

Oh boy.  Contract time.  How was the damage?  Lose anyone irreplacable, or is everything okay?

The Horsemen are very impressive against Dusty and Friends, and Flair actually manages to defeat Mercy!  That's huge!  He definately deserves another shot at the title after that coup.  Of course, we'll have to see who Mercy faces next week.

The Midnight Express can't get it done against Steamer and Jones.  Oh well.  I certainly won't object to the tag team title scene having a new pair of faces.  Speaking of faces, did my eyes decieve me, or do you have a face Flair and Anderson now?

Garvin is defiantely heeling out big time.  It's just a matter of time for the promo, beatdown, or run-in that seals the deal at this point.  Interesting way to shake up the card.

And... the Russians lose!  Impossible!  Poor Russkies.  No wonder they lost the Cold War.

Hawk and Maxx Payne, eh?  Well, I have been saying you could use some more big guys, and both of these men are certainly on the large side.  If they stick around, they could be a good fit, perhaps as a heel tag team threat.

And the Rock And Roll Express wins the tag team gold.  Very cool.  Considering I just got to see all three Midnight Express guys with Cornette AND Ricky Morton of the RnR Express (who was brought in by Prince Nana as a heel to dispute the whole "greatest tag team ever" vibe ROH had for the Midnights), all of this is very cool to me.  Even today, well past their prime, the Midnight Express were amazing as they beat the hell out of Nana's crew - I believe it was Eaton that hit a top rope kneedrop which was very impressive.

Anyway, good stuff.  I hope that contract time didn't hurt too badly, because I'm eager to see where things go from here.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Rick GarrardPosted on 10/08/04 at 06:20:22

Oh boy.  Contract time.  How was the damage?  Lose anyone irreplacable, or is everything okay?

You'll see in due time.  ;)  And I am happy to report that both Arn Anderson and Ron Garvin have been locked into long term contracts much like the one Ric Flair first received.  And only 2, yes 2 wrestlers did not renew their offers.

The Horsemen are very impressive against Dusty and Friends, and Flair actually manages to defeat Mercy!  That's huge!  He definately deserves another shot at the title after that coup.  Of course, we'll have to see who Mercy faces next week.
But you left out what happened post match...

The Midnight Express can't get it done against Steamer and Jones.  Oh well.  I certainly won't object to the tag team title scene having a new pair of faces.  Speaking of faces, did my eyes decieve me, or do you have a face Flair and Anderson now?
Yes a face Anderson and Flair.  But Steamer and Jones may be a very short lived team.

Garvin is defiantely heeling out big time.  It's just a matter of time for the promo, beatdown, or run-in that seals the deal at this point.  Interesting way to shake up the card.
Heeling out, eh?  ;)  You'll see that it's really just heelishness against Steamboat, which makes Garvin a complex character.

And... the Russians lose!  Impossible!  Poor Russkies.  No wonder they lost the Cold War.
They are CW's answer to BCW's DeBeers and Tatum so far.

Hawk and Maxx Payne, eh?  Well, I have been saying you could use some more big guys, and both of these men are certainly on the large side.  If they stick around, they could be a good fit, perhaps as a heel tag team threat.
It's really too bad it was Hawk, as I was planning on a Road Warrior tag team appearance for the next card, which thanks to this week has now been discarded or I'd be mixing rules.  But hopefully these two will mesh well as a team.

And the Rock And Roll Express wins the tag team gold.  Very cool.  Considering I just got to see all three Midnight Express guys with Cornette AND Ricky Morton of the RnR Express (who was brought in by Prince Nana as a heel to dispute the whole "greatest tag team ever" vibe ROH had for the Midnights), all of this is very cool to me.  Even today, well past their prime, the Midnight Express were amazing as they beat the hell out of Nana's crew - I believe it was Eaton that hit a top rope kneedrop which was very impressive.
On SmackDown! this week, JBL pulled out a Bobby Eaton move in that prior to the match JBL went over and shook the hand of referee Nick Patrick even though JBL is a heel, which is something Eaton used to do before EVERY match.  Greatest technical tag team ever would be Malenko and Benoit... greatest butts in seats tag team ever would have to be a toss up between the Midnights and the Rock N Rolls because without one the other wouldn't have been half as great... and best smachmouth team.. the mighty Road Warriors in my opinion.

Anyway, good stuff.  I hope that contract time didn't hurt too badly, because I'm eager to see where things go from here.
If I were to give you all of week 27's matches, you'd be looking at me as if to say what the??  Let's just say that the Midnight Express is getting another shot at #1 contednership... this time against Ron Garvin and partner to be named the night of the card.  And then there is the battle of the Horsemen tag match which should be interesting.  And Mercy's defense against someone from on the roster should be interesting as well.  And it looks as though Steamboat, Rhodes and McDaniel all will be getting the next card off, which means they all have new contracts.  :)  And Valiant with his surgically repaired torn triceps also got a new deal.  

And with the turn of Arn and Ric, that gives us 13 faces under contract and 8 heels.  So there is a turn or two expected on the next card.  
Snabbit888Posted on 10/13/04 at 03:07:58

Wow... that Elimination Match angle was nuts.  So, Flair/Anderson/Rhodes = a new Horsemen-esque faction?  It's different, and I like it.

Jones/Steamboat are the #1 contenders... was rooting for the Midnight Express, but what can ya do?

Oh, and Flair beat Waylon Mercy with the Figure-Four, which means he has to be in line for a title shot here very soon.  Mercy showing some signs of being vulnerable.

And poor Hawk. :)