CW: WarGames - 7/15/84 - Tallahassee, FL

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/29/04 at 04:02:46

WarGames - July 15, 1984 - Tallahassee, FL

Russian Chain Match:
Billy Jack vs Krusher

Krusher Khrushchev goes for a hiptoss, but Billy Jack Haynes blocks it.
Krusher Khrushchev begs off.
Billy Jack Haynes chokes him with the chain.
Billy Jack Haynes gets a side headlock on Krusher Khrushchev.
Krusher Khrushchev grabs the ropes after holding out for 12 seconds.
Billy Jack Haynes chokes him with the chain.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes goes for an abdominal stretch, but Krusher Khrushchev counters it with a hiptoss.
Krusher Khrushchev chokes him with the chain.
Krusher Khrushchev executes a bodyslam on Billy Jack Haynes.
Krusher Khrushchev takes Billy Jack Haynes down with a hiptoss.
Krusher Khrushchev is going for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, shoulder up.
Krusher Khrushchev goes for a backbreaker, but Billy Jack Haynes blocks it.
Billy Jack Haynes hits Krusher Khrushchev with a bulldog.
Billy Jack Haynes hits a side suplex on Krusher Khrushchev.
Billy Jack Haynes hits Krusher Khrushchev with a gutwrench suplex.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes covers Krusher Khrushchev.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Billy Jack Haynes goes for a bulldog, but Krusher Khrushchev counters it with a low blow.
Krusher Khrushchev puts Billy Jack Haynes in a sleeperhold.
Billy Jack Haynes is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Krusher Khrushchev lets go after 14 seconds.
Krusher Khrushchev hits him with the chain.
Krusher Khrushchev executes the Barely Legal on Billy Jack Haynes.
Billy Jack Haynes tries to escape the hold.
Billy Jack Haynes is inching his way towards the ropes.
Billy Jack Haynes is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Billy Jack Haynes tries to fight the pain.
Billy Jack Haynes is writhing in pain.
Scrappy McGowen checks Billy Jack Haynes's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Scrappy McGowen stops the match after 30 seconds.
Krusher Khrushchev further incites the crowd.

Russian Chain Match:
Krusher Khrushchev defeated Billy Jack Haynes when Billy Jack Haynes passed out in the Barely Legal in 0:18:59.
Rating: -* 1/4

Krusher Khrushchev picks up a hard fought win here to kick off this week's action.

Tonight on the card, it's no countouts allowed as Paul Jones takes on Jimmy Valiant.  The Florida debut of the Great Kabuki is set for tonight.  It's non-title tag team action, as the champion Rock N Roll Express does battle with The Midnight Express.  Ivan Koloff and Heavyweight Champion Steve Armstrong team up to take on Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez.  And in the main event, it's WarGames, as Ric Flair's team of Terry Allen, Ole and Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard step instide the double ring cage against Dusty Rhodes's team of Rick Steamboat, Ron Garvin, Jimmy Valiant and Nikita Koloff!

Up Next:
No Countout Match:
Number One vs The Boogie Woogie Man

Jimmy Valiant goes for a nerve hold, but Paul Jones blocks it.
Paul Jones goes for a ropeburn, but Jimmy Valiant blocks it.
Jimmy Valiant throws Paul Jones over the top rope.
Scrappy McGowen warns Jimmy Valiant.
Jimmy Valiant rolls out under the bottom rope.
Jimmy Valiant goes for an eye gouge, but Paul Jones blocks it.
Paul Jones uses a kneelift on Jimmy Valiant.
Paul Jones whips Jimmy Valiant into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jimmy Valiant is starting to bleed.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jimmy Valiant goes for a facerake, but Paul Jones blocks it.
Paul Jones shoves Jimmy Valiant into the guardrail.
Paul Jones goes for a facerake, but Jimmy Valiant blocks it.
Jimmy Valiant throws Paul Jones into the ringpost.
The crowd is going crazy.
Jimmy Valiant executes the Sleeperhold on Paul Jones on the concrete floor.
The crowd is behind Jimmy Valiant all the way.
Paul Jones is out cold.
The chants for Jimmy Valiant are deafening.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul Jones begs off.
Jimmy Valiant nails Paul Jones with a swinging punch.
Paul Jones collides with Scrappy McGowen.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul Jones is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Paul Jones is writhing in pain.
Scrappy McGowen asks Paul Jones if he's still there.
Paul Jones nods.
Paul Jones tries to escape the hold.
Paul Jones tries to fight the pain.
Paul Jones submits after 41 seconds.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Jimmy Valiant made Paul Jones submit to the Sleeperhold in 0:09:03.
Rating: ** 1/2

Valiant was busted open from the fight on the floor, but this wasn't enough to stop him here tonight as he is also scheduled to participated in WarGames later tonight.

Up Next:
The Florida debut of The Great Kabuki

Valiant is still in the ring celebrating.  And Gary Hart is leading Kabuki to the ring.  Kabuki goes into a spin and green mist right in the eyes of Valiant!  OH NO!  Valiant needs medical attention as he's writhing in pain from the green mist!  And out comes Waylon Mercy to help Valiant from the ring, as Kabuki awaits his opponent.

Great Kabuki runs into the ropes.
Great Kabuki hits Stevie Ray with an elbow.
Great Kabuki goes for a vertical suplex, but Stevie Ray blocks it.
Stevie Ray uses an elbowsmash on Great Kabuki.
Stevie Ray hits Great Kabuki with a kick to the head.
Stevie Ray is going for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, three.
A small "Stevie Ray" chant is being started.

Stevie Ray pinned Great Kabuki after a kick to the head in 0:01:27.
Rating: -* 1/4

Stevie Ray from Harlem, NY, picked up the win totally by surprise in his debut here tonight.  And after the match Gary Hart was in the ring yelling at Kabuki, who seemed to not be understanding a word that HArt was screaming.

Up Next:
Non-Title Match:
Champions Rock N Roll Express vs The Midnight Express

Ricky Morton nails Bobby Eaton with an enzuigiri.
Ricky Morton is going for the cover.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton uses an enzuigiri on Dennis Condrey.
Ricky Morton nails Dennis Condrey with a flying cross body press.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
** Paul Jones trips Robert Gibson.
Tommy Young threatens The Midnight Express with disqualification.
Tommy Young warns Paul Jones.
Robert Gibson hits a dropkick on Dennis Condrey.
Robert Gibson executes a German suplex on Dennis Condrey.
There is no referee to count.
Dennis Condrey begs off.
Robert Gibson gets an abdominal stretch on Dennis Condrey.
There is no referee there to ask Dennis Condrey.
Tommy Young is back on the job.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey uses a vertical suplex on Ricky Morton.
Dennis Condrey goes for an abdominal stretch, but Ricky Morton reverses it.
Dennis Condrey is struggling to reach the ropes.
Dennis Condrey is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Dennis Condrey is struggling to reach the ropes.
Dennis Condrey tries to fight the pain.
Dennis Condrey is writhing in pain.
Dennis Condrey makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 29 seconds.
Ricky Morton uses a savate kick on Dennis Condrey.
Robert Gibson enters the ring.
Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson hit Dennis Condrey with the Double Dropkick.
Ricky Morton goes for the pin.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ricky Morton.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Rock'n'Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) defeated The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) when R. Morton pinned Condrey after the Double Dropkick in 0:08:34.
Ricky Morton injured his left knee. He will be out for approximately 3 cards.
Rating: ** 1/2

The Rock N Roll Express pick up the big win over their arch rivals here tonight.  But just what was Paul Jones doing trying to interfere against Robert Gibson?  It looks as if Ricky Morton may have landed badly leaving the ring to give chase to Jones after the match, as he is holding his left knee.

This just handed to us from the locker room... BIG news concerning tonight's main event... It would appear that Jimmy Valiant has been taken to the local medical facility until they can clear his vision from Kabuki's green mist.  And Waylon Mercy has volunteered his services to Dusty Rhodes for the match.

Up Next:
The Russian Bear and the Champ vs The Chief and The Ragin' Bull

They lock up.
Steve Armstrong uses an armdrag takedown on Manny Fernandez.
** Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard come to ringside.
Steve Armstrong uses a hiptoss on Manny Fernandez.
Steve Armstrong goes for a tiger suplex, but Manny Fernandez counters it with a backward kick.
Manny Fernandez hits Steve Armstrong with a powerslam.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Manny Fernandez hits Steve Armstrong with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Manny Fernandez uses a flying elbowdrop on Steve Armstrong.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Manny Fernandez complains about a slow count.
Manny Fernandez throws Steve Armstrong into the turnbuckle.
Manny Fernandez charges into the corner.
Manny Fernandez throws Steve Armstrong out of the ring.
Manny Fernandez goes outside.
[ portion of match removed ]
** Tully Blanchard throws Ivan Koloff a frying pan.
Ivan Koloff tries to use it, but Wahoo McDaniel blocks the blow and takes it away from him.
Wahoo McDaniel hits Ivan Koloff with it and goes for the pin.
Mike Adkins threatens Wahoo McDaniel with disqualification.
Manny Fernandez enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez hit Ivan Koloff with a double vertical suplex.
Steve Armstrong enters the ring and lays out Manny Fernandez.
Steve Armstrong hits a savate kick on Wahoo McDaniel.
Steve Armstrong further incites the crowd.
[ portion of match removed ]
Mike Adkins counts:  2.
Mike Adkins counts:  3.
Manny Fernandez throws Steve Armstrong into the ringsteps.
Manny Fernandez throws Steve Armstrong into the guardrail.
Manny Fernandez uses a gutwrench suplex on Steve Armstrong.
Manny Fernandez throws Steve Armstrong into the ringpost.
The crowd is behind Manny Fernandez all the way.
Manny Fernandez shoves Steve Armstrong into the guardrail.
[ portion of match removed ]
Wahoo McDaniel executes a spinning elbowdrop on Steve Armstrong.
Wahoo McDaniel executes a kneelift on Steve Armstrong.
** Arn Anderson throws Steve Armstrong a road sign.
Steve Armstrong hits Wahoo McDaniel with it and goes for the pin.
Mike Adkins threatens Steve Armstrong with disqualification.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff goes for a back suplex, but Wahoo McDaniel counters it with a go-behind.
Ivan Koloff re-reverses it.
Ivan Koloff goes for a cobra clutch, but Wahoo McDaniel counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Wahoo McDaniel executes the Indian Deathlock on Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff is struggling to reach the ropes.
Ivan Koloff is close to passing out from the pain.
Mike Adkins asks Ivan Koloff if he's had enough.
Ivan Koloff shakes his head.
Mike Adkins asks Ivan Koloff if he should stop the fight.
Ivan Koloff doesn't respond.
Mike Adkins stops the fight after 29 seconds.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez defeated Ivan Koloff and Steve Armstrong when Wahoo defeated I. Koloff when I. Koloff passed out in the Indian Deathlock
in 0:17:40.
Rating: **

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard interjected themselves repeatedly in this match against the former tag team champions making it a 4-on-2 situation, but this wasn't enough to stop Wahoo and Manny here tonight.

Up Next:

The cage has begun to lower as the participants make their way down to ringside for the coin toss to determine which team gets the advantage inside the cage.

Dusty Rhodes's team wins the coin toss.

**Ric Flair and Ron Garvin start off.
They lock up.
Ric Flair begs off.
Ron Garvin runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair puts Ron Garvin in an abdominal stretch.
Ron Garvin makes it to the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Ric Flair hits Ron Garvin with a chop.
[ portino of match removed ]
Ron Garvin has the crowd going wild.
Ric Flair chops Ron Garvin.
Lots of garbage is hitting the cage.
Ric Flair hits Ron Garvin.
Ron Garvin punches Ric Flair.
Ron Garvin has the crowd going wild.
Ron Garvin hits Ric Flair.
The crowd is going crazy.
Ric Flair chops Ron Garvin.
Ric Flair grinds Ron Garvin's face across the cage.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits Ron Garvin with a shoulderblock.
**Nikita Koloff enters the cage.
He goes after Ric Flair.
Nikita Koloff chops Ric Flair.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ric Flair gets a front facelock on Nikita Koloff.
Nikita Koloff tries to escape the hold.
Ron Garvin breaks it up after 14 seconds.
**Tully Blanchard enters the cage.
He goes after Nikita Koloff.
Tully Blanchard runs into the ropes.
Tully Blanchard hits Nikita Koloff with a clothesline.
Ron Garvin comes over and lays out Tully Blanchard.
Nikita Koloff and Ron Garvin whip Ric Flair into the ropes.
They hit Ric Flair with a double backdrop.
[ portion of match removed ]
The crowd is behind Ron Garvin all the way.
Ron Garvin punches Ric Flair.
Ron Garvin punches Ric Flair.
Ron Garvin executes the Hands of Stone Punch on Ric Flair.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ron Garvin runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair uses a back elbow on Ron Garvin.
**Dusty Rhodes enters the cage.
He goes after Ric Flair.
Dusty Rhodes runs into the ropes.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ric Flair down with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is going crazy.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tully Blanchard whips Nikita Koloff into the ropes, but Nikita Koloff reverses it.
Nikita Koloff hits Tully Blanchard with a backdrop.
Tully Blanchard bumps into the cage.
Tully Blanchard is out cold.
Nikita Koloff runs into the ropes.
Tully Blanchard hits Nikita Koloff with a kick.
Ron Garvin sneaks up on Tully Blanchard.
Ron Garvin uses an elbowsmash on Tully Blanchard.
Ron Garvin takes Tully Blanchard down with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is behind Ron Garvin all the way.
Ric Flair comes over, but gets cut off.
Nikita Koloff and Ron Garvin hit Tully Blanchard with a double bodyslam.
Nikita Koloff hits Tully Blanchard with a headbutt.
Tully Blanchard begs off.
Nikita Koloff and Ron Garvin hit Tully Blanchard with a double vertical suplex.
Nikita Koloff and Ron Garvin whip Tully Blanchard into the ropes.
They hit Tully Blanchard with a double clothesline.
Nikita Koloff hits Tully Blanchard with a powerslam.
The crowd erupts.
**Arn Anderson enters the cage.
He goes after Nikita Koloff.
Arn Anderson hits Nikita Koloff with a legsweep.
Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson whip Nikita Koloff into the ropes.
They hit Nikita Koloff with a double kick to the midsection.
Tully Blanchard runs into the ropes.
Nikita Koloff hits Tully Blanchard with a shoulderblock.
Tully Blanchard begs off.
Arn Anderson comes over and lays out Ron Garvin.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ric Flair comes over and lays out Nikita Koloff.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Tully Blanchard and Ric Flair whip Dusty Rhodes into the ropes.
They hit Dusty Rhodes with a double fist to the midsection.
Tully Blanchard nails Dusty Rhodes with a reverse neckbreaker.
Tully Blanchard goes for the Slingshot Suplex, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a vertical suplex.
Dusty Rhodes has the crowd going wild.
Tully Blanchard begs off.
Dusty Rhodes goes for a roundhouse right, but Tully Blanchard counters it with a punch.
**Rick Steamboat enters the cage.
He goes after Tully Blanchard.
Tully Blanchard takes Rick Steamboat down with a facebite.
Dusty Rhodes sneaks up on Tully Blanchard.
Dusty Rhodes goes for a bodyslam, but Tully Blanchard counters it with a facerake.
Tully Blanchard goes for a ropeburn, but Dusty Rhodes blocks it.
Dusty Rhodes hits Arn Anderson.
The chants for Dusty Rhodes are deafening.
[ portion of match removed ]
Nikita Koloff and Dusty Rhodes whip Ric Flair into the ropes.
They hit Ric Flair with a double kick to the midsection.
Nikita Koloff hits Ric Flair with an atomic drop.
**Terry Allen enters the cage.
He goes after Nikita Koloff.
Terry Allen runs into the ropes.
Nikita Koloff misses with a clothesline.
Nikita Koloff goes for a bearhug, but Terry Allen counters it with a facerake.
Terry Allen goes for a diving shoulderblock, but Nikita Koloff ducks out of the way.
Nikita Koloff hits a vertical suplex on Terry Allen.
Nikita Koloff and Rick Steamboat whip Terry Allen into the ropes.
They hit Terry Allen with a double clothesline.
Rick Steamboat nails Terry Allen with a dropkick.
Nikita Koloff hits Terry Allen with an inside cradle.
Nikita Koloff and Rick Steamboat hit Terry Allen with a double vertical suplex.
Nikita Koloff and Rick Steamboat whip Terry Allen into the ropes.
Nikita Koloff and Rick Steamboat hit Terry Allen with a double chop.
[ portion of match removed ]
Lots of garbage is hitting the cage.
Terry Allen and Ric Flair whip Nikita Koloff into the ropes.
Terry Allen and Ric Flair hit Nikita Koloff with a double hiptoss.
Terry Allen hits a diving shoulderblock on Nikita Koloff.
Lots of garbage is hitting the cage.
Ric Flair sends Nikita Koloff into the turnbuckle, but Nikita Koloff reverses it.
Ric Flair comes back and rocks Nikita Koloff with a clothesline.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair misses with a shoulderblock.
Nikita Koloff uses a powerslam on Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving Nikita Koloff a standing ovation.
Terry Allen comes over and lays out Rick Steamboat.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Nikita Koloff goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Ric Flair counters it with a facerake.
**Waylon Mercy enters the cage.
He goes after Ric Flair.
Ric Flair sends Waylon Mercy into the turnbuckle, but Waylon Mercy reverses it.
Waylon Mercy runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Ric Flair begs off.
Waylon Mercy and Nikita Koloff hit Ric Flair with a double elbowsmash.
Waylon Mercy hits Ric Flair with a swinging neckbreaker.
Waylon Mercy rakes Ric Flair's face across the cage.
Ric Flair has been cut open.
Waylon Mercy hits a slap on Ric Flair.
Waylon Mercy catches Ric Flair in a camel clutch.
Ric Flair is struggling to get out of the hold.
Ric Flair reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Waylon Mercy hits a ropeburn on Ric Flair.
Waylon Mercy chops Ric Flair.
Waylon Mercy has the crowd going wild.
Waylon Mercy chops Ric Flair.
Waylon Mercy executes the Psycho Sleeperhold on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Ric Flair breaks the hold after 22 seconds.
Ric Flair executes a back elbow on Waylon Mercy.
Ric Flair hits Waylon Mercy with a ropeburn.
Ric Flair uses a low blow on Waylon Mercy.
Ric Flair takes Waylon Mercy down with a chop.
**Ole Anderson enters the cage.
He goes after Waylon Mercy.
[ portion of match removed ]
Waylon Mercy punches Ole Anderson.
Ric Flair comes over, but gets cut off.
Waylon Mercy and Nikita Koloff hit Ole Anderson with a double bodyslam.
Ric Flair gets back up, but gets cut off.
Waylon Mercy and Nikita Koloff hit Ole Anderson with a double gutwrench suplex.
Ric Flair gets back up, but gets cut off.
Waylon Mercy and Nikita Koloff whip Ole Anderson into the ropes.
They hit Ole Anderson with a double clothesline.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ole Anderson rakes Waylon Mercy's face across the cage.
Ole Anderson hits a slap on Waylon Mercy.
Nikita Koloff comes over and lays out Ric Flair.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Waylon Mercy goes for a ropeburn, but Ole Anderson blocks it.
Ric Flair scrapes Dusty Rhodes' face across the cage.
Rick Steamboat comes over and lays out Ric Flair.
The chants for Rick Steamboat are deafening.
Dusty Rhodes and Rick Steamboat whip Ole Anderson into the ropes.
They hit Ole Anderson with a double kick to the midsection.
Dusty Rhodes executes a roundhouse right on Ole Anderson.
Dusty Rhodes hits an earringer on Ole Anderson.
Ron Garvin and Nikita Koloff whip Arn Anderson into the ropes.
They hit Arn Anderson with a double fist to the midsection.
Ole Anderson comes over, but gets cut off.
Ron Garvin and Nikita Koloff whip Arn Anderson into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Arn Anderson with a double kick to the midsection, but he counters it with a double clothesline.
[ portion of match removed ]
Waylon Mercy chops Ric Flair.
The crowd erupts.
Ric Flair begs off.
Waylon Mercy rakes Ric Flair's face across the cage.
Waylon Mercy executes the Psycho Sleeperhold on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair is struggling to get out of the hold.
Ric Flair tries to fight the pain.
Ric Flair submits after 13 seconds.
The crowd is giving Waylon Mercy a standing ovation.

War Games No-Countout-No-DQ-Match:
Superpowers (Nikita Koloff and Dusty Rhodes), Rick Steamboat, Ron Garvin and Waylon Mercy defeated Horsemen Blanchard & Anderson (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard), Ric Flair, Terry Allen and Ole Anderson when W. Mercy made R. Flair submit to the Psycho Sleeperhold in 0:22:31.
Rating: ** 3/4

Whoa!  Waylon Mercy with the major win over Ric Flair here in WarGames!  Rhodes and Koloff have lifted Mercy up onto their shoulders in celebration!  And while the celebration is going on, the bloodied Nature Boy is just starting to wake up from the sleeperhold, and he's going crazy in the ring!

Flair's ordering the Horsemen to "Get him! Get HIM!"  His teammates look at each other and they turn toward their opponents...

And they turn and attack Ole Anderson!  What the ?!?  Oh My!  The Horsemen have attacked one of their own!

Join us against next week in Valdosta, Georgia, as Heavyweight Champion Steve Armstrong defends the title.

Until next week, so long everybody!

Rick Garrard, 08-28-2004
Critic of the DawnPosted on 08/29/04 at 04:20:36

Whoa!  Waylon Mercy with the high profile victory over Ric Flair!  Mercy has just joined your promotion, but already he's made a hell of an impact.  I like his odds in the title match next week.

And Stevie Ray debuts against The Great Kabuki!  Very cool.  Both of these guys will add a lot to your promotion, I expect.  Well, moreso Kabuki.  As for the less talented Harlem Heat member... we'll see.

I think I recognise the export of Barry Darsow that you're using for Krusher Krushchev.  Might want to consider giving him a more Russian sounding finisher - not that he gets to use it very often!

Fun card.  Keep up the good work.  You've got a lot of catching up to do, and I'm hoping that there will be new rules available by the time I get to year 2 month 3.  At the rate of a card a week that I'm presently doing, I'm not too worried. ;)

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/30/04 at 05:32:16

Whoa!  Waylon Mercy with the high profile victory over Ric Flair!  Mercy has just joined your promotion, but already he's made a hell of an impact.  I like his odds in the title match next week.

But Steve Armstrong doesn't like Mr. Mercy's odds.  ;)

And Stevie Ray debuts against The Great Kabuki!  Very cool.  Both of these guys will add a lot to your promotion, I expect.  Well, moreso Kabuki.  As for the less talented Harlem Heat member... we'll see.

I have plans for the Great Kabuki and his manager Gary Hart.

I think I recognise the export of Barry Darsow that you're using for Krusher Krushchev.  Might want to consider giving him a more Russian sounding finisher - not that he gets to use it very often!
But it's Barry freakin' Darsow.  ;)  A Russian from Robbinsdale, Minnesota.

Fun card.  Keep up the good work.  You've got a lot of catching up to do, and I'm hoping that there will be new rules available by the time I get to year 2 month 3.  At the rate of a card a week that I'm presently doing, I'm not too worried.
I hoping for that as well.  ;)  This was a fun card to work with.  I just hope that the next couple weeks can build to something, as right now, they just seem to have that post big card "slump" looking at them on paper.  But I think I can pull something good from them.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 08/30/04 at 06:06:10

Heh.  I know how that is.  If I didn't have the big Tag Team Torunament coming up shortly after The Big One, I don't know what I'd do after so many feuds were blown off.  Luckily I can simply push the hell out of the Tag Team Division.

You, on the other hand, are going to have a harder time since you have to keep with the multi-man feud after you've already had what could be considered a blowoff match.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/30/04 at 06:13:08

Well we know Ole has been kicked out of the Horsemen.  And we should start seeing sides taking shape for the big 4 on 4 elimination here in the near future.