FORUM HOME > TNM > Help is down.

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/05/05 at 03:40:57

Oliver just posted to the tnm7 mailing list that the site is down and expected to be that way for the next 24-36 hours due to the hosting provider having network trouble.
CarlzillaPosted on 08/05/05 at 03:43:13

Seems to work fine for me...
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/05/05 at 03:46:04

I just tried it from here and it's most definitely not working.  I'm guessing your ISP has an old copy of the site cached.
Kevin OKeefePosted on 08/05/05 at 05:34:49

Can't you just go to  thats what worked for me
Oliver CoppPosted on 08/05/05 at 09:53:16

Yes but all the downloads are hosted on .COM, so there isn't much use going to .DE... unless maybe you want to come here ;)