CW: The One Minute Man - 6/3/84 - Huntsville, AL

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/16/04 at 06:20:17

The One Minute Man - June 3, 1984 - Huntsville, AL

Magnum T.A. & Mystery partner vs Tully Blanchard & Ric Flair

They lock up.
Tully Blanchard throws Dusty Rhodes into the turnbuckle.
Tully Blanchard runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Dusty Rhodes lifts his knee.
Dusty Rhodes whips Tully Blanchard into the ropes.
Dusty Rhodes hits Tully Blanchard with a bodyslam.
Tully Blanchard begs off.
Dusty Rhodes hits an elbowsmash on Tully Blanchard.
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Tully Blanchard.
The crowd is behind Dusty Rhodes all the way.
Dusty Rhodes goes for the pin.
Teddy Long counts: One, two, Ric Flair doesn't make it in time... three.
The chants for Dusty Rhodes are deafening.

Magnum T.A. and Dusty Rhodes defeated
Horsemen Flair & Blanchard (Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard) when Dusty Rhodes pinned Blanchard with the Bionic Elbowdrop in 0:00:36.
Rating: *

Dusty picked up the win in quick fashion catching Tully Blanchard by surprise.  Blanchard threw a temper tantrum after the match in the middle of the ring while Flair was dismantling anything around ringside that wasn't bolted down, livid with losing to Rhodes and Magnum.

Tonight on the card, Ivan Koloff brings his Russian Chain for a match against Jimmy Valiant.  It's non-title action as Paul Jones takes on Heavyweight Champion Rick Steamboat.  The Rock N Roll Express face off with the Midnight Express.  Krusher Khruschev does battle with Billy Jack Haynes.  Nikita Koloff has requested some interview time.  Ron Garvin steps in the ring against Arn Anderson.  And in the main event, Tag Team Champions Wahoo McDaniel & Manny Fernandez defend against The Original Ishingun.

Up Next:
Russian Chain Match:
The Russian Bear vs The Boogie Woogie Man

Ivan Koloff whips him with the chain.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff executes an armdrag takedown on Jimmy Valiant.
Ivan Koloff whips him with the chain.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff chokes him with the chain.
Ivan Koloff goes for a kneelift, but Jimmy Valiant side-steps and Ivan Koloff only hits air.
The crowd is going crazy.
Jimmy Valiant dances for the crowd.
Jimmy Valiant has the crowd going wild.
Jimmy Valiant executes a headbutt on Ivan Koloff.
Jimmy Valiant executes a roundhouse right on Ivan Koloff.
Jimmy Valiant executes a swinging neckbreaker on Ivan Koloff.
Jimmy Valiant hits Ivan Koloff with a roundhouse right.
Jimmy Valiant is going for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
Jimmy Valiant dances for the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
[ portion of match removed ]
Jimmy Valiant executes the Sleeperhold on Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Scrappy McGowen asks Ivan Koloff if he's had enough.
Ivan Koloff shakes his head.
Ivan Koloff is inching his way towards the ropes.
Ivan Koloff is barely hanging in there.
Scrappy McGowen asks Ivan Koloff if he's still there.
Ivan Koloff nods.
Scrappy McGowen checks Ivan Koloff's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Ivan Koloff fights his way out of the hold after 41 seconds.
Ivan Koloff goes for a bearhug, but Jimmy Valiant counters it with a facerake.
Jimmy Valiant hits Ivan Koloff with an eye gouge.
Jimmy Valiant hits him with the chain.
Jimmy Valiant throws Ivan Koloff out of the ring.
Scrappy McGowen counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
Ivan Koloff reenters the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Jimmy Valiant dances for the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Jimmy Valiant nails Ivan Koloff with a facerake.
Jimmy Valiant executes a swinging neckbreaker on Ivan Koloff.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Jimmy Valiant.
Jimmy Valiant uses a roundhouse right on Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff walks out for the countout.
The crowd is giving Jimmy Valiant a standing ovation.

Russian Chain Match:
Jimmy Valiant defeated Ivan Koloff by countout in 0:16:58.
Rating: *

Koloff brought the chain, and Valiant brought the fight.  And Valiant won out when Koloff unhooked the chain and walked out of the match.

Up Next:
Non-Title Match:
Number One vs The Heavyweight Champion

The crowd is behind Rick Steamboat all the way.
Rick Steamboat nails Paul Jones with a hiptoss.
Rick Steamboat goes for a double underhook suplex, but Paul Jones counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Rick Steamboat counters it with a sunset flip.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tommy Young counts:  4.
Rick Steamboat throws Paul Jones back into the ring.
Rick Steamboat goes for a piledriver, but Paul Jones counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Rick Steamboat counters it with a sunset flip.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Rick Steamboat executes a bodyslam on Paul Jones.
Paul Jones begs off.
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with an armdrag takedown.
Rick Steamboat hits a monkey flip on Paul Jones.
Rick Steamboat goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Paul Jones blocks it.
Paul Jones whips Rick Steamboat into the ropes, but Rick Steamboat reverses it.
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with a kick.
Rick Steamboat nails Paul Jones with a hiptoss.
Rick Steamboat covers Paul Jones.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Rick Steamboat complains about a slow count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul Jones is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Paul Jones goes for a vertical suplex, but Rick Steamboat counters it with
a small package.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Rick Steamboat complains about a slow count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with a shoulderblock.
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with a savate kick.
Rick Steamboat goes for a snap mare, but Paul Jones blocks it.
Paul Jones hits Rick Steamboat.
Rick Steamboat kicks Paul Jones.
Rick Steamboat takes Paul Jones down with a side suplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Rick Steamboat executes the Flying Cross Body Press on Paul Jones.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Rick Steamboat.

Rick Steamboat pinned Paul Jones with the Flying Cross Body Press in 0:10:56.
Rating: ** 3/4

Steamboat showed just why he is the champion here in this match against Paul Jones.  Steamboat was clearly dominant throughout.

Up Next:
The Rock N Roll Express vs The Midnight Express

The crowd is going crazy.
Ricky Morton kicks Bobby Eaton.
Ricky Morton has the crowd going wild.
Ricky Morton runs into the ropes.
** Jim Cornette pulls down the top rope.
Scrappy McGowen threatens Bobby Eaton with disqualification.
Bobby Eaton goes through the ropes.
Scrappy McGowen counts:  1.
Bobby Eaton runs Ricky Morton into the ringsteps.
Scrappy McGowen counts:  2.
Bobby Eaton climbs back into the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton takes Dennis Condrey down with a German suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, Ricky Morton lifts a shoulder, two, kickout.
Ricky Morton hits a back suplex on Dennis Condrey.
Ricky Morton hits Dennis Condrey with a savate kick.
Ricky Morton goes for the Rock'n'Roll Buster, but Dennis Condrey counters it with a kick to the head.
Dennis Condrey tags out to Bobby Eaton.
Robert Gibson enters the ring and throws Dennis Condrey out of the ring.
Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson hit Bobby Eaton with a double hiptoss.
Robert Gibson leaves the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes, but Bobby Eaton reverses it.
** Jim Cornette trips Ricky Morton.
Scrappy McGowen threatens The Midnight Express with disqualification.
Scrappy McGowen warns Jim Cornette.
Scrappy McGowen is back on the job.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson hit Bobby Eaton with the Double Dropkick.
Ricky Morton goes for the pin.
The chants for Ricky Morton are deafening.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, ** Jim Cornette puts Bobby Eaton's foot on the rope.
Ricky Morton tags out to Robert Gibson.
Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton whip Bobby Eaton into the ropes.
They hit Bobby Eaton with a double clothesline.
Dennis Condrey enters the ring and lays out Ricky Morton.
Dennis Condrey goes for a lariat, but Robert Gibson blocks it.
Ricky Morton goes for a back suplex, but Dennis Condrey blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey covers Ricky Morton.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey whips Ricky Morton into the ropes.
Dennis Condrey takes Ricky Morton down with a powerslam.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
Dennis Condrey complains about a slow count.
Ricky Morton hits Dennis Condrey with an inside cradle.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey throws Robert Gibson out of the ring.
Dennis Condrey goes through the ropes.
Bobby Eaton comes over to make it two-on-one.
Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton hit Robert Gibson with a double bodyslam.
Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton hit Robert Gibson with a double bodyslam.
Bobby Eaton uses a lariat on Robert Gibson.
Dennis Condrey uses a back suplex on Robert Gibson.
Bobby Eaton takes Robert Gibson down with a lariat.
Dennis Condrey hits a back suplex on Robert Gibson.
Bobby Eaton uses a dropkick on Robert Gibson.
Dennis Condrey hits Robert Gibson with a back suplex.
Dennis Condrey whips Robert Gibson into the guardrail.
Dennis Condrey hits a slap on Robert Gibson.
Dennis Condrey goes for a front-layout suplex, but Robert Gibson counters it with a small package.
Robert Gibson throws Dennis Condrey into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dennis Condrey hits a gutwrench suplex on Robert Gibson.
Scrappy McGowen counts:  1.
Dennis Condrey goes for a bodyslam, but Robert Gibson blocks it.
Robert Gibson takes Dennis Condrey down with a reverse neckbreaker.
Robert Gibson takes Dennis Condrey down with a faceslam.
Scrappy McGowen counts:  2.
Ricky Morton comes over to make it two-on-one.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton uses a savate kick on Dennis Condrey.
Ricky Morton executes the Rock'n'Roll Buster on Dennis Condrey.
The crowd is behind Ricky Morton all the way.
Ricky Morton goes for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ricky Morton hits Dennis Condrey with a hiptoss.
Ricky Morton is going for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ricky Morton complains about a slow count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton works the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ricky Morton is going for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, kickout.
Ricky Morton whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes.
Ricky Morton hits Bobby Eaton with a dropkick.
The chants for Ricky Morton are deafening.
Ricky Morton is going for the cover.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ricky Morton hits Bobby Eaton with a single-leg takedown.
Ricky Morton runs into the ropes.
** Jim Cornette trips Ricky Morton.
Scrappy McGowen threatens The Midnight Express with disqualification.
Scrappy McGowen warns Jim Cornette.
Ricky Morton runs into the ropes.
Bobby Eaton goes for a dropkick, but Ricky Morton side-steps and Bobby Eaton only hits air.
Scrappy McGowen is back on the job.
[ portion of match removed ]
The crowd is vociferously booing Bobby Eaton.
Bobby Eaton uses a bodyslam on Ricky Morton.
Bobby Eaton tags Dennis Condrey.
Dennis Condrey lifts Ricky Morton up.
Bobby Eaton nails Ricky Morton with the Veg_O_Matic and goes for the pin.
The crowd is vociferously booing Bobby Eaton.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, three.
Bobby Eaton is being booed out of the building.

The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) defeated Rock'n'Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) when Eaton pinned R. Morton after the Veg_O_Matic in 0:21:03.
Rating: *** 1/2

What a match!  The tide turned as Cornette interjected by breaking a pinfall attempt from the Rock N Rollers allowing his charges to get the upperhand.

Up Next:
Krusher Khruschev vs Billy Jack

Billy Jack Haynes executes a flying axhandle on Krusher Khrushchev.
Billy Jack Haynes is going for the cover.
Teddy Long counts: One, two, kickout.
Billy Jack Haynes throws Teddy Long over the top rope.
Teddy Long is out cold.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes has the crowd going wild.
Scrappy McGowen comes running down to the ring.
Billy Jack Haynes goes for a piledriver, but Krusher Khrushchev blocks it.
Krusher Khrushchev locks Billy Jack Haynes in an abdominal stretch.
Teddy Long crawls back into the ring.
Teddy Long shakes off the pain.
Teddy Long threatens Billy Jack Haynes with disqualification.
Billy Jack Haynes tries to escape the hold.
Billy Jack Haynes is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Billy Jack Haynes summons one last burst of energy.
Teddy Long tells Billy Jack Haynes to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Billy Jack Haynes nods.
Billy Jack Haynes breaks the hold after 31 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes hits Krusher Khrushchev with a snap mare.
Billy Jack Haynes covers Krusher Khrushchev.
Teddy Long counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes sends Krusher Khrushchev into the turnbuckle, but Krusher Khrushchev reverses it.
Krusher Khrushchev charges into the corner.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

Krusher Khrushchev and Billy Jack Haynes battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: -* 3/4

These two men battled it out to the time limit.  And they were still going at it as the timekeeper rang the bell signalling that help was needed from the back to separate them... and out comes Nikita Koloff!

Koloff has the chain in hand... and *WHAM* down goes Billy Jack Haynes!  Koloff has made the save to the boos of the fans at ringside.

Koloff now has the ring announcer's microphone.  

Koloff: "Next week, I want you... Dragon Man Steamboat!  You and Nikita will do battle next week.  And Nikita will win!"

Up Next:
The Hands of Stone vs The Enforcer

Ron Garvin throws Arn Anderson out of the ring.
Ron Garvin goes outside.
Ron Garvin goes for a bodyslam, but Arn Anderson blocks it.
Scrappy McGowen counts:  1.
James J. Dillon comes from behind and distracts Ron Garvin.
Arn Anderson executes a lariat on Ron Garvin.
Scrappy McGowen counts:  2.
Arn Anderson shoves Ron Garvin into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
[ portion of match removed ]
Arn Anderson uses a flying clothesline on Ron Garvin.
The crowd is vociferously booing Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson is going for the cover.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, kickout.
Arn Anderson complains about a slow count.
Ron Garvin takes Arn Anderson down with an inside cradle.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Arn Anderson nails Ron Garvin with a DDT.
The crowd is vociferously booing Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson covers Ron Garvin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Ron Garvin hits a side suplex on Arn Anderson.
Ron Garvin uses the Garvin Stomp on Arn Anderson.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ron Garvin.
Ron Garvin catches Arn Anderson totally by surprise.
The crowd erupts.
Ron Garvin executes the Hands of Stone Punch on Arn Anderson.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Ron Garvin goes for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, ** James J. Dillon distracts Scrappy McGowen.
Ron Garvin nails Arn Anderson with a bodyslam.
Ron Garvin places Arn Anderson on the turnbuckle.
Ron Garvin takes Arn Anderson down with a superplex.
The crowd is giving Ron Garvin a standing ovation.
Ron Garvin attempts to place Arn Anderson on the turnbuckle, but Arn Anderson blocks it.
Ron Garvin goes for a piledriver, but Arn Anderson counters it with a slingshot into the turnbuckle.
Scrappy McGowen is back on the job.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ron Garvin executes the Hands of Stone Punch on Arn Anderson.
The crowd erupts.
Ron Garvin goes for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Ron Garvin.

Ron Garvin pinned Arn Anderson with the Hands of Stone Punch in 0:14:41.
Rating: **** 1/4

Ron Garvin wins over the former Heavyweight Champion here tonight.

Up Next:
Tag Team Title Match:
Champions The Chief & The Ragin' Bull vs The Original Ishingun

Manny Fernandez goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Masa Saito blocks it.
Masa Saito throws Manny Fernandez into the turnbuckle.
Masa Saito charges into the corner, but Manny Fernandez lifts his leg.
Manny Fernandez goes for a snap mare, but Masa Saito blocks it.
Masa Saito goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Manny Fernandez counters it with a punch.
Manny Fernandez goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Masa Saito blocks it.
Masa Saito goes for a power bomb, but Manny Fernandez counters it with a backdrop.
Manny Fernandez goes for a forearm smash, but Masa Saito blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Riki Chosyu enters the ring.
Riki Chosyu nails Manny Fernandez with a lariat.
Masa Saito executes the Saito Suplex and goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, Wahoo McDaniel makes the save.
[ portion of match removed ]
Masa Saito goes for a Fujiwara armbar, but Wahoo McDaniel blocks it.
Wahoo McDaniel throws Masa Saito over the top rope.
Tommy Young threatens Wahoo McDaniel with disqualification.
Wahoo McDaniel goes outside.
Wahoo McDaniel uses a double-axhandle chop on Masa Saito.
Masa Saito is starting to bleed.
Wahoo McDaniel whips Masa Saito into the guardrail.
Wahoo McDaniel hits a double-axhandle to the back on Masa Saito.
Tommy Young counts:  1.
Wahoo McDaniel knocks Masa Saito into the ringsteps.
The crowd is behind Wahoo McDaniel all the way.
[ portion of match removed ]
Riki Chosyu is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
[ portion of match removed ]
Wahoo McDaniel throws Riki Chosyu out of the ring.
Wahoo McDaniel goes outside.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Riki Chosyu goes for a DDT, but Wahoo McDaniel counters it with a backdrop.
Riki Chosyu is starting to bleed.
Wahoo McDaniel hits a vertical suplex on Riki Chosyu.
Tommy Young counts:  1.
Wahoo McDaniel takes Riki Chosyu down with a double-axhandle chop.
Tommy Young counts:  2.
Wahoo McDaniel throws Riki Chosyu into the ringsteps.
Tommy Young counts:  3.
Wahoo McDaniel shoves Riki Chosyu into the guardrail.
Tommy Young counts:  4.
Wahoo McDaniel goes for the Indian Deathlock, but Riki Chosyu blocks it.
Wahoo McDaniel shoves Riki Chosyu into the guardrail.
Wahoo McDaniel nails Riki Chosyu with a chop.
Wahoo McDaniel gets back into the ring.
Riki Chosyu follows him back in.
Masa Saito is bleeding like hell.
Wahoo McDaniel hits Riki Chosyu with a double-axhandle chop.
Masa Saito is bleeding like a faucet.
[ portion of match removed ]
Riki Chosyu nails Wahoo McDaniel with a power bomb.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Riki Chosyu is bleeding like hell.
[ portion of match removed ]
Riki Chosyu executes a savate kick on Wahoo McDaniel.
Riki Chosyu executes the Riki Lariato on Wahoo McDaniel.
The crowd is giving Riki Chosyu a standing ovation.
Riki Chosyu goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Riki Chosyu uses an elbowdrop on Wahoo McDaniel.
Riki Chosyu nails Wahoo McDaniel with a fistdrop.
Riki Chosyu nails Wahoo McDaniel with an elbowsmash.
Riki Chosyu goes for a back suplex, but Wahoo McDaniel
turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Wahoo McDaniel reenters the ring.
Riki Chosyu follows him back in.
Wahoo McDaniel is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Masa Saito is bleeding like a faucet.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tommy Young counts:  3.
Wahoo McDaniel whips Riki Chosyu into the guardrail.
Wahoo McDaniel executes a double-axhandle to the back on Riki Chosyu.
Tommy Young counts:  4.
Wahoo McDaniel throws Riki Chosyu into the ringpost.
The chants for Wahoo McDaniel are deafening.
Wahoo McDaniel executes the Indian Deathlock on Riki Chosyu on the concrete floor.
Wahoo McDaniel nails Riki Chosyu with a Samoan Drop.
Tommy Young counts:  5.
Tommy Young counts:  6.
Wahoo McDaniel knocks Riki Chosyu into the ringsteps.
Wahoo McDaniel nails Riki Chosyu with a kneedrop.
Tommy Young counts:  7.
Wahoo McDaniel whips Riki Chosyu into the guardrail.
Tommy Young counts:  8.
Wahoo McDaniel throws Riki Chosyu into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tommy Young counts:  9.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Tommy Young counts: 10.
The verdict: A DOUBLE COUNTOUT !

Original Ishingun (Masa Saito and Riki Chosyu) and Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez battled to a double countout in 0:29:01.
Rating: ***
(Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez retained the Tag Team Titles.)

Both members of the Ishingun were busted wide open in this one and loss tremendous amounts of blood.  Wahoo McDaniel and Riki Chosyu were both counted out of the ring in what could be considered a smart move by the champions as they retain their titles on a countout win.

As the medical crew was called to ringside to check on Saito and Chosyu, two of the medics, dressed in full hospital scrubs and face masks, jumped Saito and Chosyu and then proceded to get into the ring and jump the champions!  The masked medics have the titles and are holding them high and off come the face masks... and it's...

Loverboy Dennis and Beautiful Bobby as they stand over the fallen champions in the middle of the ring!

Join us next week for the rematch from tonight's opener of Tully Blanchard and Ric Flair taking on Magnum T.A. and Dusty Rhodes and Rick Steamboat will be defending the Heavyweight Title against Nikita Koloff.

Until next week, so long everybody!

Card rating: ** 1/4

Rick Garrard, 08-15-2004
americamamushiPosted on 08/16/04 at 18:15:15

Hmmm... Maybe Dusty's elbow really is bionic ;)

Koloff couldn't even come out on top in a Russian Chain Match.  And then Krusher got a draw.  Maybe now that Nikita is facing Steamboat mtheir luck will change (by a lot if it's a title match)

The Midnight Express are going to have hell to pay next week from the tag champs.  I can't wait to see Wahoo & Manny make their asses into a hat... and you know how much an ass hat screw up their hair... ;D
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/16/04 at 19:17:41

Hmmm... Maybe Dusty's elbow really is bionic
maybe.. but I think the outcome of this one's really going to help further the storyline on the next card.  ;)

Koloff couldn't even come out on top in a Russian Chain Match.  And then Krusher got a draw.  Maybe now that Nikita is facing Steamboat mtheir luck will change (by a lot if it's a title match)

Ivan came out of it though... he walked out.  And Krusher.. well... he's the "jobber" of the group... although by the looks of it, the group is.  And yes it will be a title match on the next card.  

The Midnight Express are going to have hell to pay next week from the tag champs.  I can't wait to see Wahoo & Manny make their asses into a hat... and you know how much an ass hat screw up their hair...
Well the tag champs will get their revenge in tag action not on the next card but the one following, as the next card has The Midnights in singles action against the RockNRoll Express, while the Champs are facing the Minnesota Wrecking Crew in non-title action.  And the masked medics really did a number on the tag team division on this card.  :)

The next card, which I will post later this afternoon, could be a "turning point" in CW.  I can't wait to see the reaction this one causes.  

And it should be noted that the next "big event" is set for Tallahasee, Florida on July 15, 1984 with the rumor circulating that there is something special set to happen on that card.  Also, CW has just scheduled it's first trip to the Omni in Atlanta, GA on August 19, 1984 as well.