Throw in the Towel - May 20, 1984 - Knoxville, TN

Rick GarrardPosted on 08/11/04 at 01:33:25

Throw in the Towel - May 20, 1984 - Knoxville, TN

Towel Match:
Dusty Rhodes w/ Jimmy Valiant vs Ivan Koloff w/ Krusher Khrushchev

Ivan Koloff throws Dusty Rhodes into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ivan Koloff down with a reverse neckbreaker.
Dusty Rhodes works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff whips Dusty Rhodes into the ropes.
Dusty Rhodes hits a swinging neckbreaker on Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff hits his opponent with a chain.
Ivan Koloff is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Ivan Koloff goes for the Russian Sickle, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a duck-down move.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes whips Ivan Koloff into the ropes.
Dusty Rhodes uses a bodyslam on Ivan Koloff.
Dusty Rhodes catches Ivan Koloff in a figure-four leglock.
Ivan Koloff is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Ivan Koloff is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Ivan Koloff tries to escape the hold.
Ivan Koloff tries to fight the pain.
Ivan Koloff tries to fight the pain.
Dusty Rhodes lets go after 36 seconds.
Dusty Rhodes goes for a figure-four leglock, but Ivan Koloff counters it with a small package.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff goes for an armdrag takedown, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a lariat.
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Ivan Koloff.
Dusty Rhodes throws Ivan Koloff out of the ring.
Dusty Rhodes goes through the ropes.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Dusty Rhodes.
Dusty Rhodes shoves Ivan Koloff into the guardrail.
Dusty Rhodes gets back into the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ivan Koloff hits his opponent with a chain.
Ivan Koloff executes the Russian Sickle on Dusty Rhodes.
A fan at ringside badmouths Ivan Koloff.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dusty Rhodes hits an elbowsmash on Ivan Koloff.
Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbowdrop on Ivan Koloff.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Dusty Rhodes.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ivan Koloff down with an atomic drop.
Dusty Rhodes takes Ivan Koloff down with a roundhouse right.
Dusty Rhodes goes for a hiptoss, but he can't do it.
Ivan Koloff goes for the Russian Sickle, but Dusty Rhodes counters it with a duck-down move.
Ivan Koloff hits his opponent with a chain.
A fan at ringside badmouths Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff gives the sign for the Russian Sickle.
Ivan Koloff executes the Russian Sickle on Dusty Rhodes.
A fan at ringside badmouths Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff nails Dusty Rhodes with a backbreaker.
A fan at ringside badmouths Ivan Koloff.
Ivan Koloff hits Dusty Rhodes with a vertical suplex.
Ivan Koloff locks Dusty Rhodes in a side headlock.
Dusty Rhodes tries to escape the hold.
Dusty Rhodes is inching his way towards the ropes.
Dusty Rhodes is barely hanging in there.
Jimmy Valiant throws in the towel after 20 seconds.
Ivan Koloff further incites the crowd.

Towel Match:
Ivan Koloff (w/Krusher Khrushchev) defeated Dusty Rhodes (w/Jimmy Valiant) with a side headlock in 0:15:07.
Rating: * 3/4

Jimmy Valiant has thrown in the towel on his partner.  Apparently Dusty not being able to lift Koloff for the hip toss, was enough of a sign to the Boogie Woogie Man that Rhodes was about to his limitation of pain in this match.  Koloff was able to withstand a submission hold early on, and his corner man Krusher Khrushchev was told under no circumstances was he to throw in the towel, and he followed the Russian Bear's instructions to the letter.

Tonight on the card, Ivan's nephew, Nikita Koloff takes on Billy Jack Haynes.  Rick Steamboat sees action against Paul Jones.  Ole Anderson steps in the ring with Ron Garvin.  Robert Gibson does battle with Loverboy Dennis.   Just added, Jimmy Valiant squares off with Krusher Khrushchev.  Tully Blanchard and Ric Flair take on Magnum T.A. and Rick Steamboat in tag team action.  And in the main event, Tag Team Champions Saito and Chosyu, The Original Ishingun defend against Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez.

Up Next:
The Russian Nightmare vs Billy Jack

Nikita Koloff whips Billy Jack Haynes into the ropes, but Billy Jack Haynes reverses it.
Nikita Koloff executes the Russian Sickle on Billy Jack Haynes.
The crowd is vociferously booing Nikita Koloff.
Nikita Koloff goes for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Billy Jack Haynes hits Nikita Koloff with a reverse neckbreaker.
Billy Jack Haynes has the crowd going wild.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes uses the Doctor Bomb on Nikita Koloff.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
Billy Jack Haynes goes for a Gorilla Press, but Nikita Koloff blocks it.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes hits Nikita Koloff with a hiptoss.
Billy Jack Haynes hits Nikita Koloff with a Gorilla Press.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Billy Jack Haynes is going for the pin.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes hits Nikita Koloff with a backdrop.
Billy Jack Haynes takes Nikita Koloff down with the Doctor Bomb.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Billy Jack Haynes kicks Nikita Koloff.
Billy Jack Haynes nails Nikita Koloff with a Gorilla Press.
Billy Jack Haynes is going for the cover.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
The chants for Billy Jack Haynes are deafening.
Billy Jack Haynes executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Nikita Koloff.
Billy Jack Haynes gives the sign for the Full Nelson.
Billy Jack Haynes executes the Full Nelson on Nikita Koloff.
Nikita Koloff tries to escape the hold.
Nikita Koloff breaks the hold after 19 seconds.
Nikita Koloff punches Billy Jack Haynes.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Nikita Koloff punches Billy Jack Haynes.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
[ portion of match removed ]
Nikita Koloff hits Billy Jack Haynes with a powerslam.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Nikita Koloff whips Billy Jack Haynes into the turnbuckle, but Billy Jack Haynes reverses it.
Billy Jack Haynes charges into the corner, but Nikita Koloff moves out of the way.
Nikita Koloff uses a gutwrench suplex on Billy Jack Haynes.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, kickout.
Nikita Koloff throws Scrappy McGowen into the ringpost.
Scrappy McGowen falls out of the ring.
Scrappy McGowen is out cold.
[ portion of match removed ]
Nikita Koloff uses a gutwrench suplex on Billy Jack Haynes.
There is no referee to count.
Nikita Koloff gets back up.
Nikita Koloff runs into the ropes.
Nikita Koloff misses with a clothesline.
Nikita Koloff hits Billy Jack Haynes with a kick.
Nikita Koloff runs into the ropes.
Billy Jack Haynes executes the Full Nelson on Nikita Koloff.
There is no referee there to ask Nikita Koloff.
Nikita Koloff tries to escape the hold.
Nikita Koloff is inching his way towards the ropes.
Scrappy McGowen crawls back into the ring.
Scrappy McGowen is back on the job.
Scrappy McGowen disqualifies Nikita Koloff.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

Billy Jack Haynes defeated Nikita Koloff by disqualification in 0:16:14.
Rating: * 3/4

Billy Jack Haynes had the full nelson locked on as the referee was just recovering from being knocked cold by Nikita.  Billy Jack got the win, but got it via disqualification and not by submission as he thought he did.

Up Next:
The Dragon vs Number One

Rick Steamboat executes a bodyslam on Paul Jones.
Rick Steamboat uses a German suplex on Paul Jones.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with a German suplex.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Tommy Young counts: One, Rick Steamboat lifts a shoulder, two, shoulder up.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul Jones nails Rick Steamboat with a gutwrench suplex.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
[ portion of match removed ]
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with a shoulderblock.
Rick Steamboat goes for a splash, but Paul Jones gets his knees up.
Paul Jones throws Rick Steamboat into the turnbuckle, but Rick Steamboat reverses it.
Rick Steamboat nails Paul Jones with a chop.
Rick Steamboat hits Paul Jones with a chop.
Rick Steamboat uses a chop on Paul Jones.
Paul Jones begs off.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul Jones whips Rick Steamboat into the ropes.
Paul Jones goes for the Karate Thrust, but Rick Steamboat counters it with a duck-down move.
Rick Steamboat gets a double chickenwing submission on Paul Jones.
Paul Jones tries to escape the hold.
Paul Jones tries to fight the pain.
Paul Jones manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 21 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Paul Jones throws Rick Steamboat out of the ring.
Paul Jones goes outside.
Tommy Young counts:  1.
Tommy Young counts:  2.
Tommy Young counts:  3.
Paul Jones takes Rick Steamboat down with a vertical suplex.
Tommy Young counts:  4.
Tommy Young counts:  5.
Paul Jones whips Rick Steamboat into the guardrail.
Tommy Young counts:  6.
Paul Jones shoves Rick Steamboat into the guardrail.
Paul Jones goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Rick Steamboat counters it with
a backdrop.
Rick Steamboat shoves Paul Jones into the guardrail.
Rick Steamboat uses a Tombstone on Paul Jones.
Tommy Young counts:  7.
Rick Steamboat shoves Paul Jones into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Rick Steamboat goes for a German suplex, but Paul Jones blocks it.
Tommy Young counts:  8.
Tommy Young counts:  9.
Paul Jones goes for a kneelift, but Rick Steamboat side-steps and Paul Jones
only hits air.
Tommy Young counts: 10.
The verdict: A DOUBLE COUNTOUT !

Rick Steamboat and Paul Jones battled to a double countout in 0:19:56.
Rating: ** 3/4

Both men have been counted out with only 4 seconds left in the time limit of the match.  There is no breaking these two up on the floor. The timekeeper is ringing the bell and this brings out the entire referee crew.  They are finally able to get these two separated.  And to think that Steamboat has a tag team match later tonight.

*THUD* In through the crowd and from behind with the steel chair, it's Ole Anderson on Steamboat!  Ole is standing over the fallen Dragon holding the chair high overhead as Jones gives an approving smirk as he backs out of the arena up the aisleway.

Up Next:
Ole Anderson vs The Hands of Stone

Ron Garvin uses the Garvin Stomp on Ole Anderson.
Ron Garvin goes for the Hands of Stone Punch, but Ole Anderson counters it with a side step.
Ole Anderson is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Ole Anderson hits Ron Garvin with a low blow.
Ole Anderson whips Ron Garvin into the ropes.
Ron Garvin hits Ole Anderson with a kick.
Ron Garvin runs into the ropes.
** James J. Dillon pulls down the top rope.
Tommy Young threatens Ole Anderson with disqualification.
Ole Anderson rolls out under the bottom rope.
Ole Anderson goes for a roundhouse right, but Ron Garvin blocks it.
Tommy Young counts:  1.
Ron Garvin goes for an elbowsmash but Ole Anderson pulls Tommy Young in the way !
Ole Anderson whips Ron Garvin into the guardrail.
James J. Dillon comes from behind, but Ron Garvin nails James J. Dillon.
Ole Anderson hits a fist to the midsection on Ron Garvin.
James J. Dillon comes from behind and distracts Ron Garvin.
Ole Anderson nails Ron Garvin with a kick to the midsection.
Ole Anderson nails Ron Garvin with a low blow.
Ole Anderson climbs back into the ring.
Ron Garvin climbs back into the ring.
Ron Garvin hits Ole Anderson with an atomic drop.
Scrappy McGowen comes running down to the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Ole Anderson goes for a clothesline, but Ron Garvin counters it with a crucifix.
Scrappy McGowen counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Ron Garvin attempts to place Ole Anderson on the turnbuckle, but Ole Anderson blocks it.
Tommy Young is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
Tommy Young disqualifies Ole Anderson.
There are lots of chants for Ron Garvin.

Ron Garvin defeated Ole Anderson by disqualification in 0:08:15.
Rating: 3/4*

Garvin gets the disqualification win here in this one.  And what's this?  Ole has the same steel chair that he laid out Steamboat with.  And he's about to lay out Garvin with it.  But wait...

Into the ring it's Steamboat, and he takes the shot that was meant for Garvin!  There's no WAY he'll be able to be in that big tag team match later tonight against Tully Blanchard and Ric Flair.

Up Next:
Robert Gibson vs Loverboy Dennis

Robert Gibson hits Dennis Condrey with a flying cross body press.
Dennis Condrey bumps into Tommy Young.
There is no referee to count.
Robert Gibson locks Dennis Condrey in a sleeperhold.
There is no referee there to ask Dennis Condrey.
Dennis Condrey is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Robert Gibson lets go after 13 seconds.
Robert Gibson executes a hiptoss on Dennis Condrey.
Teddy Long comes running down to the ring.
[ portion of match removed ]
Tommy Young shakes off the pain.
[ portion of match removed ]
Dennis Condrey hits Robert Gibson with a clothesline.
Dennis Condrey hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Robert Gibson.
Dennis Condrey executes the Flap Jack on Robert Gibson.
Dennis Condrey is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Dennis Condrey goes for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

Dennis Condrey pinned Robert Gibson with the Flap Jack in 0:12:47.
Rating: *

The Loverboy takes the win for the Midnight Express here tonight.  These two teams cannot seem to put an end to this on-going feud.

Up Next:
The Boogie Woogie Man vs Krusher Khrushchev

Teddy Long counts:  3.
Jimmy Valiant hits a stomp on Krusher Khrushchev.
Teddy Long counts:  4.
Teddy Long counts:  5.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Teddy Long counts:  6.
Krusher Khrushchev goes for a hiptoss, but Jimmy Valiant blocks it.
Teddy Long counts:  7.
Jimmy Valiant goes for an eye gouge, but Krusher Khrushchev blocks it.
Teddy Long counts:  8.
Krusher Khrushchev uses a kneebreaker on Jimmy Valiant.
Krusher Khrushchev gets back into the ring.
Jimmy Valiant follows him back in.
Krusher Khrushchev hits a ropeburn on Jimmy Valiant.
Krusher Khrushchev catches Jimmy Valiant in an abdominal stretch.
Teddy Long asks Jimmy Valiant if he's had enough.
Jimmy Valiant shakes his head.
Teddy Long asks Jimmy Valiant if he should stop the fight.
Jimmy Valiant shakes his head.
Teddy Long checks Jimmy Valiant's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Jimmy Valiant fights his way out of the hold after 26 seconds.
[ portion of match removed ]
Krusher Khrushchev whips Jimmy Valiant into the ropes, but Jimmy Valiant reverses it.
Krusher Khrushchev misses with a clothesline.
Jimmy Valiant misses with a kick.
Jimmy Valiant misses with a shoulderblock.
Krusher Khrushchev hits Jimmy Valiant with a kick.
Krusher Khrushchev uses a kneedrop on Jimmy Valiant.
Krusher Khrushchev locks Jimmy Valiant in a chokehold.
Teddy Long warns Krusher Khrushchev to let go.
Teddy Long counts: One, two, three, four.
The bell rings. The time limit has expired.

Krusher Khrushchev and Jimmy Valiant battled to a draw in 0:20:00.
Rating: -*** 3/4

And this one goes the distance.  Ivan Koloff is out to make it a two-on-one against Valiant!  And it's Dusty Rhodes to even up the odds!  We have a brawl in the ringside area!  And referees are all out yet again tonight to breakup the chaos at ringside.

Up Next:
Blanchard and The Nature Boy vs Magnum T.A.

Magnum T.A. goes for an atomic drop, but Tully Blanchard blocks it.
Tully Blanchard executes the Slingshot Suplex on Magnum T.A..
Tully Blanchard goes for the pin.
Mike Adkins counts: One, two, three.
A fan at ringside badmouths Tully Blanchard.

Horsemen Flair & Blanchard (Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard) defeated Magnum T.A. when Blanchard pinned Magnum TA with the Slingshot Suplex in 0:16:28.
Rating: * 3/4

Magnum was unable to overcome the odds game here tonight.  It was four on one if you consider both Baby Doll and JJ Dillon were at ringside for Flair and Blanchard.  Back in the ring...

Tully and Flair are going to work on Magnum.  And out comes Ole with the steel chair.  But from behind for the save... it's...

Dusty Rhodes!  Rhodes has saved Magnum!

Up Next:
Main event:
Tag Team Title Match - 60 minute time limit:
Champions The Original Ishingun vs The Chief and the Ragin' Bull

They lock up.
Riki Chosyu hits a waistlock suplex on Manny Fernandez.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Riki Chosyu executes a Samoan Drop on Manny Fernandez.
The crowd is cheering on Riki Chosyu.
Riki Chosyu is going for the pin.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, kickout.
Riki Chosyu puts Manny Fernandez in a grapevine.
Manny Fernandez reaches the ropes after 6 seconds.
Riki Chosyu runs into the ropes.
Manny Fernandez nails Riki Chosyu with a dropkick.
Manny Fernandez covers Riki Chosyu.
Tommy Young counts: One, shoulder up.
Manny Fernandez complains about a slow count.
[ portion of match removed ]
Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez whip Masa Saito into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Masa Saito with a double clothesline, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
Masa Saito hits them with a double clothesline.
[ portion of match removed ]
Riki Chosyu nails Wahoo McDaniel with a lariat.
Masa Saito executes the Saito Suplex and goes for the pin.
The crowd is really behind Masa Saito.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
[ portion of match removed ]
Masa Saito tags out to Riki Chosyu.
Masa Saito executes a lariat on Wahoo McDaniel.
Riki Chosyu uses an enzuigiri on Wahoo McDaniel.
Wahoo McDaniel inadvertedly knocks down Tommy Young.
Masa Saito executes a bodyslam on Wahoo McDaniel.
Riki Chosyu takes Wahoo McDaniel down with a flying axhandle.
Manny Fernandez enters the ring and lays out Masa Saito.
Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez whip Riki Chosyu into the ropes.
They hit Riki Chosyu with a double clothesline.
[ portion of match removed ]
Masa Saito runs into the ropes.
Manny Fernandez catches Masa Saito totally by surprise.
Manny Fernandez has the crowd going wild.
Manny Fernandez executes the Flying Burrito on Masa Saito.
Tommy Young counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Manny Fernandez a standing ovation.

Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez defeated Original Ishingun (Masa Saito and Riki Chosyu) when M. Fernandez pinned M. Saito with the Flying Burrito in 0:11:14.
Rating: ***
(Wahoo McDaniel and Manny Fernandez won the Tag Team Titles.)

What a finish!  Fernandez nailed the Flying Burrito and put an end to the reign of the Ishingun here in Championship Wrestling!  Wahoo and Manny are celebrating here in the ring!

Join us again next week as The Rock N Roll Express takes on The Midnight Express, and Heavyweight Champion Arn Anderson defends against Rick Steamboat.

Until next week, so long everybody!

Card rating: *

Rick Garrard, 08-10-2004
Critic of the DawnPosted on 08/11/04 at 02:39:09

Wow!  The Russians go 1-1-1 tonight!  That makes this their best night in quite a long time.  Could it be that they are picking themselves up and climbing out of jobber status and into lower midcard status?

Hey, and Dusty LOST!  Amazing!  Guess the evil commies had too little compassion to throw in the towel when Ivan was locked in the figure four, huh? ;D

Interesting way of building to the handicap match.  Poor Steamer got pretty banged up tonight.  Hopefully he'll get some revenge next week.  I think I'm starting to see the foundation of the teams that will face off at Wargames now...

Finally, the evil Japanese lose their tag team titles!  That's huge, as they've been solidly dominant thus far.  Actually, there were a lot of paralells between them and AMW in my circuit.  Both came in at the same point, won the titles, and proceeded to dominate the tag team division for months.

Finally, you need a big man in this circuit.  How about dependable old Bundy?  Or Andre the Giant might make things interesting.  It also wouldn't be a bad thing to see a jobber named Jack Foley showing up from time to time if it isn't a bit too early for that...

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Rick GarrardPosted on 08/11/04 at 02:54:13

If CW were to ever have ANY jobbers intentionally it would have to be George South, The Italian Stallion, Alabama Junior Heavyweight Champ Mike Jackson, and Cruel Connection #2.

Just some of the favorites of taking the weekly TV taping buttkicking at the old Techwood Studios in Atlanta.  D

And Dusty isn't big enough?  ;)  And in due time there will be one.  

It should be interesting to just whom the "m" key brings in the upcoming weeks.  And it should be noted that the Ishingun have not been under contract to CW the whole time they've been appearing.

And I'm glad you're starting to see the teams, cause on my end of things.... I'm still a bit confused.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 08/11/04 at 03:35:39

I suppose Dusty is a bit of a big boy at that...

As for the teams, well, the Horsemen are practically a lock for one side of things, maybe with a Russkie or two thrown into the mix.  And Dusty, Garvin and Steamer look like the core of the other side to me.  But that's just my interpretation of things at the moment.

Oh, so the evil Japanese team is gone now?  Pity.  They had quite a run.  Still, what can you do?  Matt Sydal dropped out on me early in NDW's history after being given a fairly prominent role, but it wasn't the end of the world.  This definately won't be either.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"