Circuit Editor Help

JustinPosted on 06/12/05 at 22:57:12

My Circuit Editor gave me an error message & even tho the diagnostic says there's no problem.. here's what came up & keeps coming up when I try to run it:

This circuit appears to be damaged. For security reasons, you shouldn't use the circuit editor here because you'd make things worse.

Are you sure you wish to proceed?

Detailed error description

Card count (logical): 16
Card count (scheduled): 16
Card count (results): 18
Card count (finishes): 18
Card count (comments) 18
I ran the Tweak Circuit to see if theer was anything I could do to even the numbers back out & when I went to delete card I got this:

This circuit's database seems corrupt. The card deleting option has been deactivated for security reasons.
After hitting ok the following comes up:

cardra.001: 18 records instead of 16.
cardca.001: 18 records instead of 16.
cardfa.001: 18 records instead of 16.
cardta.001: 18 records instead of 16.
Any ideas on what I can do?
Rick GarrardPosted on 06/12/05 at 23:00:18

email Oliver exactly what you posted above at his email address.  He's "on tour" but still answering email to that address according to an email I received from him earlier.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 06/12/05 at 23:09:26

Are you using Circuit Editor, or Circuit Editor SE?

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
JustinPosted on 06/13/05 at 00:46:43

Circuit Editor SE
Oliver CoppPosted on 07/09/05 at 10:04:52

I think we already fixed this one, right, Justin?
JustinPosted on 07/19/05 at 04:48:49

Almost fixed... Now I can't look back at the match highlights anymore.... It gives me the finish of a different match... i sent you the folder again but I don't know if you can do anything about it
Oliver CoppPosted on 07/19/05 at 10:32:42

I'm sorry - I didn't get it. Could you please send it one more time?

JustinPosted on 08/02/05 at 16:00:46

I sent the folder again sorry it tookso long to get back to you... like you i've been on the road