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[GCW] An update

Snabbit888Posted on 04/19/06 at 17:51:29

Note that GCW is not dead.  Chris has been having some problems with his TNM and computer, so he has been unable to work on GLWF.  I have GCW cards done up through 6/19/05 (which is Super Cade II) that are ready to be posted.  Trying to figure out the battle plan, but for anyone who is wondering where GCW has went, worry not.  Still writing. :)
colmatteusPosted on 04/21/06 at 01:02:48

YAAAAAY!! Can't wait Ryan!
americamamushiPosted on 04/21/06 at 02:51:17

Yeah, yeah, it's all my fault.  :)  Sorry everyone.  If it makes anyone feel better it's killin' me not being able to run TNM for more than 5 or 6 seconds before the computer shuts itself off.  I'm pretty sure the problem is overheating due to a cooling fan no longer working.  This should be remedied this weekend unless there is something more sinister wrong.  Lets cross our fingers there isn't.   ;)
Snabbit888Posted on 04/21/06 at 05:20:02

Do we have a potential plan B if it is something more sinister?  I have cards through 6/20/05 ready to go. :)
americamamushiPosted on 04/23/06 at 05:22:27

Well I believe the problem to be officially out of my realm.  I'm still 99% sure it's overheating, but all the fans are working.  Whether they are working as well as they should be I don't know, but they all are indeed working.  Hopefully it'll still be fixed soon.