FORUM HOME > TNM Circuits > Global Championship Wrestling
Oh, the possibilities...

Snabbit888Posted on 09/21/05 at 07:14:21

I've been thinking about this, and I haven't made any set decisions on this yet, but I'm thinking of changing the direction of GCW.  I may be taking GCW off the boards.  Well, directly anyway.  I think it order to move things forward with GCW and to make it fun for me, I may do basic writeups just for the website and move things forward for me.  Any huge objections?
Snabbit888Posted on 09/22/05 at 07:17:29

I've decided I will still post, but yes, I think I am going to shorten up the writeups.  I know it might not be too popular, but hey, I'm doing GCW for me, and I want it to be fun, and I'm losing that sense.  So if you don't like it, hey, tough titty said the kitty!

I'm sorry.  That's not true.

Kitties can't talk.
americamamushiPosted on 09/22/05 at 07:33:38

ha ha... Ryan said titty. :D
91Posted on 10/22/05 at 22:07:49

On 09/22/05 at 07:17:29, Snabbit888 wrote:hey, tough titty said the kitty!
Dear God, I thought I was the only person who said that.