Referee Latitude - What is it and how does it work

thereisnoartPosted on 05/13/09 at 18:19:48

I have searched both the in-game manual (which REALLY needs its own PDF or something) as well as these forums and I am still unclear as to how "Referee Latitude" is handled. The way I assume it works is the lower the number, the more strict the referee... or is the other way around?

Also, what is the maximum value? It just seems like I get several matches that end when Wrestler A won't break the choke after a five count and he gets DQ'd. I was hoping to adjust the ref's latitude to try and keep this from happening. Any help would be great!
Snabbit888Posted on 05/13/09 at 20:40:20

At the fear of this being something I am sure of but will type incorrectly, you are correct.  The lower the number, the stricter the referee.  The highest value is 20.

Also, if you have the TweakCirc plugin, you can edit what constitutes a DQ and what doesn't, as well as the probabilities.
thereisnoartPosted on 05/13/09 at 22:04:51

Ok, thanks! I thought I had that right. I am still using the last version of 6.2. Is there a version of that plugin for the old build of TNM?
Snabbit888Posted on 05/13/09 at 23:09:45

There is not, unfortunately.