Small Problem

TommyScreamerPosted on 05/24/05 at 20:35:47

Hey guys, I sent an e-mail to Oliver and while waiting for a response I thought I would also check with some of the guys here to get some help. I just recieved my registraion codes for TNM7 second edition and once I entered my information, It showed that I was the registered user like it should. The problem I have is now that I go to "database" and then go to TNM Control Center, The entire sim shuts down. I also noticed my last card I ran before registering is also gone. I have read a few posts on here but I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions? Thanks.
ianclarkPosted on 05/24/05 at 21:37:28

I can't offer a solution at the moment, only join the cause.

There seems to be a lot of this happening at the moment and no solution in sight.
TommyScreamerPosted on 05/24/05 at 21:40:11

Ok I just restarted my computer and tried it again and this time when the som went to shut down and disappear, I seen a quick flash of an error message but I couldn't get it fast enough. I am retarded when it comes to computers, can anyone help me out? Thanks.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 05/25/05 at 07:51:07

Please run TNM through the DOS prompt. This should prevent Windows from closing the window so you can record the error number and pgm ctr. With that info, Oliver should be able to help you.

If you need help running TNM through DOS, feel free to ask.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
TommyScreamerPosted on 05/25/05 at 18:14:12

That would be great if you could walk me through Dos because I have no clue how to. I seen in my TNM7 files that there was a icon labeled:

ms-dos batch file

I have tried to open that and it does the exact same thing as before. I have also noticed when I go to my fed saved in the sim that the wrestlers are all jumbled up and the ratings are all twisted and mixed up. I will try to stay online here at the forums and I have my aol up and running if you could walk me through it. Thanks.
TommyScreamerPosted on 05/26/05 at 03:17:22

ok, Thanks much to Eric "Critic of the Dawn"  for all his help!

Error 9 at pgm-ctr: 78729

I hope this gets me fixed up soon! Thanks again.
Rick GarrardPosted on 05/27/05 at 06:40:24

after doing a search for error 9, I found that this error seems to be caused by a corrupted "teams.idx" file

And can probably be cleared up by renaming the "teams.idx" file to "teams.old" so that TNM will regenerate a new circuit specific tag team database.

At least thats what I made out of the discussion between Shaun Sindelman and Troy Perry regarding the exact same error back in January 2005.
TommyScreamerPosted on 05/27/05 at 16:24:34

I think I will have to run the sim in dos mode again, because I noticed the cards are messed up to where the card saved is not the card ran. I then ran a second card titled "1" and it started my last saved card but shut down after the first match. If someone can walk me through dos mode one last time, I will take notes so I can do it myself and send the error codes to Oliver. Thanks.
DominusPosted on 06/15/05 at 14:41:43

Well I know on some of the older Operating Systems, that you could Right Click the TNM shortcut or TNM.bat & go to Properties & there was an option where if the program exits, it wouldn't close the MS-DOS window, that way you could see what the error is.  But on WinXP which I have now, I don't see that option anywhere???  But if you do have Windows98, ME, or something like that, try looking for it in the Properties Menu when you right click the TNM.bat file.  I Believe it said something like "Close Window on Exit"....  but not entirely certain.  I hope this helps.

If that doesn't run MS-Dos I guess,
And well if memory serves me right type


:-/  But then again I might be wrong.... lol