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(TNM-Old Skool) UWF Week #25

DarkAndEvilBastardPosted on 04/26/04 at 20:03:23

- Electricity is in the air as Sting returns!  Dean Malenko is already in the ring, and the fans are on fire for Sting!

Dean Malenko vs Sting

Sting goes for a faceslam, but Dean Malenko blocks it.
Dean Malenko executes a power bomb on Sting.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Dean Malenko nails Sting with a dropkick.
Dean Malenko hits Sting with a kneedrop.
The crowd is booing Dean Malenko.
Dean Malenko runs into the ropes.
Sting nails Dean Malenko with a hiptoss.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Sting misses with a clothesline.
Sting executes a clothesline on Dean Malenko.

Dean Malenko hits a kick to the midsection on Sting.
Dean Malenko executes a kick to the thigh on Sting.
Dean Malenko takes Sting down with a waistlock suplex.
Drew Pinsky counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Sting takes Dean Malenko down with a series of punches.

Sting uses a vertical suplex on Dean Malenko.
Sting hits Dean Malenko with a snap suplex.

Sting goes for a hiptoss, but Dean Malenko counters it with a facerake.
Dean Malenko hits a kick to the midsection on Sting.
Dean Malenko locks Sting in a single-leg takedown into a leglock.
Sting inches his way towards the ropes after 6 seconds.

Sting takes Dean Malenko down with a back suplex.
Sting shoves Dean Malenko into the guardrail.
Sting executes a series of punches on Dean Malenko.
Sting throws Dean Malenko into the ringpost.
The crowd breaks into a "Stinger! Stinger!" chant.

Dean Malenko attempts to place Sting on the turnbuckle, but Sting blocks it.
Dean Malenko throws Sting into the turnbuckle, but Sting reverses it.
Sting runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Dean Malenko
moves out of the way.
Dean Malenko goes for a dropkick to the knee, but Sting side-steps and
Dean Malenko only hits air.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Sting.
Sting takes Dean Malenko down with a clothesline.
Sting goes for a kick to the midsection, but Dean Malenko counters it with
a legsweep.
Dean Malenko goes for an armbar submission, but Sting blocks it.
Sting hits Dean Malenko with a series of punches.
Sting executes an atomic drop on Dean Malenko.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Sting.
Sting executes the Scorpion Death Drop on Dean Malenko.
The crowd is giving Sting a standing ovation.
Sting goes for the pin.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is Sting. Time of match: 0:12:26

Sting pinned Dean Malenko with the Scorpion Death Drop in 0:12:26.
Rating: ** 1/4

- The week off does Sting good as he takes Malenko to task!

- Backstage, Raven - a sly grin on his face - is reminding Kane of Malenko's demanding tone from last week!

- Elsewhere, wrestling superstar CHRISTIAN enters the arena!  He shakes hands with Kidman and Hardy and asks who he's slated to wrestle in his debut match!  Kidman and Hardy look at each other and say, "Kane."  Christian turns around and leaves the arena!

Mike Awesome vs Norman Smiley

Mike Awesome uses a double-axhandle to the back on Norman Smiley.
Mike Awesome works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Mike Awesome for target practice.
Norman Smiley begs off.
Mike Awesome hits a flying back elbow on Norman Smiley.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

Mike Awesome executes a flying shoulderblock on Norman Smiley.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Mike Awesome executes the Awesome Bomb on Norman Smiley.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, three.
Norman Smiley complains about a fast count.
The crowd is vociferously booing Mike Awesome.

The winner is Mike Awesome. Time of match: 0:12:35

Mike Awesome pinned Norman Smiley with the Awesome Bomb in 0:12:35.
Rating: *** 1/2

- Smiley debuts against Awesome, but falls short!

Triple X vs Rhyno & Tajiri

They hit Low-Ki with a double fist to the midsection.
Christopher Daniels enters the ring and lays out Tajiri.
Christopher Daniels goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Rhyno
ducks out of the way.
Tajiri locks Low-Ki in the Tarantula.
Jimmy Kimmel warns Tajiri to let go.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, three, four.
The crowd erupts.

Rhyno hits Christopher Daniels with a forearm smash.
Rhyno throws Christopher Daniels back into the ring.
Rhyno gives the sign for the Gore.
Rhyno executes the Gore on Christopher Daniels.
The crowd erupts.
Rhyno goes for the pin.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, Low-Ki makes the save.
Rhyno takes Christopher Daniels down with a double-axhandle to the back.
Rhyno runs into the ropes.
Christopher Daniels goes for an inverted DDT, but Rhyno blocks it.
Rhyno takes Christopher Daniels down with a double underhook suplex.
Rhyno nails Christopher Daniels with a kick to the head.
Rhyno hits a power bomb on Christopher Daniels.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

The winners are Rhyno and Tajiri. Time of match: 0:14:31

Rhyno and Tajiri defeated Triple X (Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki) when Rhyno
pinned Daniels after a power bomb in 0:14:31.
Rating: *** 1/2

- Upset!  Triple X is beaten clean!  Rhyno and Tajiri get a great ovation!

- Kane heads to the ring, but his opponent has left the arena!  Kane gets the stick...but EL GIGANTE comes out!  Gigante heads to the ring!  We have a match!

Kane vs El Gigante

El Gigante sends Kane into the turnbuckle.
El Gigante charges into the corner, but Kane lifts his leg.
Kane executes a swinging neckbreaker on El Gigante.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Kane executes a clothesline on El Gigante.
Kane runs into the ropes.
El Gigante takes Kane down with a kick to the midsection.
El Gigante executes the Choke Slam on Kane.
El Gigante goes for the pin.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

El Gigante goes for a bearhug, but Kane counters it with a facerake.
Kane takes El Gigante down with a clothesline.
Kane takes El Gigante down with an elbowdrop.
Kane hits El Gigante with a back elbow.
Kane hits a clothesline on El Gigante.
Kane executes a gutbuster on El Gigante.
Kane gives him a flying lariat, but El Gigante doesn't even care.

El Gigante goes for a bearhug, but Kane counters it with a facerake.
Kane executes a forearm to the back on El Gigante.
Kane kicks El Gigante.

El Gigante pinned Kane with the Choke Slam in 0:08:18.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Christian no-showed.)

- Gigante crushes Kane in a giant-sized brawl!  Raven comes out of the back and tells Gigante that he made a huge mistake in dividing his energies like that!

- Tazz comes out and sets up some tables...and calls out Mike Awesome!  But DDP answers the summons!  Page tells Tazz that he thinks Tazz is a tad smug, and may need to be taught a lesson!

Tables Match
Tazz vs Diamond Dallas Page

Tazz whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes.
Tazz goes for a hiptoss, but Diamond Dallas Page counters it with a lariat.
Diamond Dallas Page hits the Liger Bomb on Tazz.
The crowd is giving Diamond Dallas Page a standing ovation.

Table Match:
Tazz defeated Diamond Dallas Page by putting him through a table in 0:26:28.
Rating: ****

- Tremendous match!  Tazz just shakes his head as he leaves Page lying in the ruins of a table!

Matt Hardy vs Rey Misterio Jr.

They lock up.
Rey Misterio Jr. nails Matt Hardy with a slap.
Rey Misterio Jr. runs into the ropes.
Rey Misterio Jr. goes for a rana, but Matt Hardy counters it with a tiger driver.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, kickout.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Matt Hardy goes for a sitout power bomb, but Rey Misterio Jr. blocks it.
Rey Misterio Jr. hits Matt Hardy with flying headscissors.
Rey Misterio Jr. throws Matt Hardy out of the ring.
Rey Misterio Jr. goes for a Springboard Somersault Plancha, but Matt Hardy
moves out of the way.
Rey Misterio Jr. is out cold.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Matt Hardy is being booed out of the building.
Matt Hardy throws Rey Misterio Jr. back into the ring.
Matt Hardy goes for the Twist Of Fate, but Rey Misterio Jr. counters it with a Northern Lights suplex.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, three.
Matt Hardy complains about a fast count.
The chants for Rey Misterio Jr. are deafening.

The winner is Rey Misterio Jr.. Time of match: 0:01:03

Rey Misterio Jr. pinned Matt Hardy after a Northern Lights suplex in 0:01:03.
Rating: **

- Hardy suffers a shocking loss!  Rey wipes him out!

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs The APA

Charlie Haas takes Bradshaw down with a clothesline.
Shelton Benjamin goes for a rolling reverse cradle, but Bradshaw
counters it with a Gorilla Press.
The crowd is going crazy.
Charlie Haas leaves the ring.
Bradshaw goes for a power bomb, but Shelton Benjamin blocks it.
Shelton Benjamin goes for a dropkick to the knee, but Bradshaw side-steps and
Shelton Benjamin only hits air.
Bradshaw works the crowd.
Bradshaw has the crowd going wild.

Ron Simmons goes for a vertical suplex, but Charlie Haas reverses it.
Numerous fans are using Charlie Haas for target practice.
Charlie Haas uses a German suplex on Ron Simmons.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, kickout.
Charlie Haas hits Ron Simmons with a powerslam.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, kickout.
Charlie Haas runs into the ropes.
** Booker T hits Charlie Haas in the back with a chair.
Jimmy Kimmel disqualifies The APA.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

The winners are The World's Greatest Tag Team. Time of match: 0:10:06

The World's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) defeated
The APA (Bradshaw and Ron Simmons) when C. Haas defeated R. Simmons by
disqualification in 0:10:06.
Rating: ** 1/4
[Booker T interfered against Charlie Haas.]

- The APA get annoyed at the result and leave, while Booker T and DDP brawl with the World's Greatest Tag Team!  Sean O'Haire and Mike Awesome run in, but Rey Misterio charges out...and then Tazz darts out again, and the heels bail!  Tazz offers a sign of solidarity with Booker and DDP...and they agree!

Billy Kidman vs John Cena

John Cena whips Billy Kidman into the ropes.
John Cena goes for a dropkick, but Billy Kidman side-steps and John Cena
only hits air.
Billy Kidman runs into the ropes.
John Cena misses with a clothesline.
Billy Kidman misses with a clothesline.
John Cena takes Billy Kidman down with a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
The crowd is giving John Cena a standing ovation.

John Cena executes a chop on Billy Kidman.
John Cena nails Billy Kidman with an inverted atomic drop.
John Cena takes Billy Kidman down with an inverted atomic drop.
John Cena goes for an atomic drop, but Billy Kidman counters it with a bulldog.
Billy Kidman hits John Cena with a flying cross body press.
Billy Kidman pulls the tights.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Billy Kidman hits the Rydeen Bomb on John Cena.
Billy Kidman further incites the crowd.
Billy Kidman hits a bulldog on John Cena.
Billy Kidman further incites the crowd.
Billy Kidman is going for the pin.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, kickout.
Billy Kidman executes the Shooting Star Press on John Cena.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Billy Kidman hits a swinging bulldog on John Cena.
Billy Kidman is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Billy Kidman hits a flying back elbow on John Cena.
Billy Kidman hits John Cena with a backbreaker.
Billy Kidman hits John Cena with a DDT.
Billy Kidman further incites the crowd.
Billy Kidman whips John Cena into the turnbuckle, but John Cena reverses it.
John Cena charges in with a splash, but Billy Kidman moves out of the way.
Billy Kidman takes John Cena down with a flying sunset flip.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Billy Kidman uses the Kid Krusher on John Cena.
Billy Kidman further incites the crowd.
Billy Kidman executes the Rydeen Bomb on John Cena.
Numerous fans are using Billy Kidman for target practice.
Billy Kidman takes John Cena down with a back suplex.
Billy Kidman uses a flying sunset flip on John Cena.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Billy Kidman hits John Cena with the Kid Krusher.
Billy Kidman gives the sign for the Shooting Star Press.
Billy Kidman executes the Shooting Star Press on John Cena.
Billy Kidman uses the ropes for leverage.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

John Cena goes for a flying forearm but Billy Kidman pulls Engineer Anderson
in the way !
Billy Kidman hits a dropkick to the knee on John Cena.

Billy Kidman runs into the ropes.
Billy Kidman executes a flying clothesline on John Cena.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Billy Kidman gives the sign for the Shooting Star Press.
Billy Kidman executes the Shooting Star Press on John Cena.
There is no referee to count.
Billy Kidman gets back up.
Billy Kidman uses a flying forearm on John Cena.
There is no referee to count.

Jimmy Kimmel comes running down to the ring.
Billy Kidman uses the ropes for leverage.
Jimmy Kimmel counts: One, two, in the ropes...

John Cena whips Billy Kidman into the ropes, but Billy Kidman reverses it.
John Cena misses with a clothesline.
Billy Kidman misses with a shoulderblock.
Billy Kidman nails John Cena with a bulldog.
John Cena takes the chain and uses it on him.
He goes for the pin.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

John Cena pinned Billy Kidman with the F-U in 0:27:51.
Rating: *****

- Five star match!  Cena and Kidman have busted out a classic!

Sean O'Haire vs Booker T

Booker T chops Sean O'Haire.
The chants for Booker T are deafening.
Booker T nails Sean O'Haire with a kick to the midsection.
Booker T executes the Ax Kick on Sean O'Haire.
The crowd is behind Booker T all the way.
Booker T goes for a sidewalk slam, but Sean O'Haire counters it with a DDT.
In turn, Booker T counters it with a Northern Lights suplex.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, shoulder up.

Sean O'Haire throws Booker T into the turnbuckle.
Sean O'Haire charges in with a clothesline, but Booker T moves out of the way.
Booker T executes the Ax Kick on Sean O'Haire.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Booker T.
Booker T is going for the cover.
Engineer Anderson counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Sean O'Haire nails Booker T with a bodyslam.
Sean O'Haire goes for a superkick, but Booker T counters it with a legsweep.
Booker T takes Sean O'Haire down with a kneelift.
Booker T whips Sean O'Haire into the ropes.
Sean O'Haire hits Booker T with a kick.
Sean O'Haire runs into the ropes.
Sean O'Haire nails Booker T with a spinning heel kick.

Booker T pinned Sean O'Haire with the Book End in 0:12:40.
Rating: ** 1/2

- Booker beats O'Haire!  Sean has to pick on someone his own size and falls short!

UWF World Title Tournament
El Gigante vs Raven(c)

El Gigante and Raven get hit with a double clothesline.
El Gigante nails Raven with a headbutt.
El Gigante goes for a clawhold, but Raven blocks it.
Raven takes El Gigante down with a kick to the midsection.
Raven goes for the Evenflow DDT, but El Gigante counters it with a backdrop.
The chants for El Gigante are deafening.

Raven goes for the Evenflow DDT, but El Gigante counters it with a backdrop.
The crowd is behind El Gigante all the way.
El Gigante executes the Choke Slam on Raven.
El Gigante goes for the pin.
Drew Pinsky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
El Gigante uses a bodyslam on Raven.
El Gigante catches Raven in a clawhold.
Raven is struggling to reach the ropes.
Raven makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 11 seconds.

El Gigante goes for a bearhug, but Raven counters it with a facerake.
Raven hits El Gigante with a kick to the midsection.
Raven executes the Evenflow DDT on El Gigante.
Raven goes for the pin.
Drew Pinsky counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Raven.

The winner is Raven. Time of match: 0:17:20

Raven pinned El Gigante with the Evenflow DDT in 0:17:20.
Rating: * 3/4
(Raven retained the UWF World Title.)

- Raven!  Retains!  Again!

rgarrardPosted on 04/27/04 at 02:19:56

What a night... Christian walks in and out without ever lacin' boots in UWF in his debut match.  

And then you have Gigante taking his place.. and Cena busts out the 5 star match!  

Raven retaining!  Can he be beaten?  

/me sends in Goldberg!  ;)
DarkAndEvilBastardPosted on 04/27/04 at 07:07:11

I thought Christian no-showing his match was just cute...=)

But nah, Raven can't be beaten...=)