LIW Born to be Wired - 10/21/06

Critic of the DawnPosted on 09/08/05 at 03:27:17

Another extremely solid card from top to bottom!  Considering I've been away for a couple weeks, it was quite a pleasure for everything to turn out as well as it did.  Really, I can't complain about 3 ****+ matches in one night.

Oh, for those of you wondering, after the next card I post, 3 more shows worth of rules will FINALLY be posted in my ruleset.  Sorry that updates have been fairly slow.


Vampiro & Edge vs. International Thug Syndicate (Shane Douglas & Ricky Reyes)

Shane Douglas chops Edge.
Shane Douglas is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Edge kicks Shane Douglas.
The crowd is behind Edge all the way.
Shane Douglas hits Edge.
Edge kicks Shane Douglas.
Shane Douglas hits Edge.
The crowd breaks into a "He's The Dean" chant.
Shane Douglas nails Edge with a chop.
Shane Douglas whips Edge into the ropes.
Edge takes Shane Douglas down with a spinning heel kick.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Edge hits Shane Douglas with a shoulderblock.
Edge is going for the cover.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, kickout.
Edge executes an inside cradle on Shane Douglas.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, kickout.

Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Shane Douglas executes an elbowsmash on Edge.
Shane Douglas executes a neck snap on Edge.
Ricky Reyes enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ricky Reyes goes for a kick to the head, but Edge ducks out of the way.
Ricky Reyes hits Shane Douglas.
Edge hits a power bomb on Shane Douglas.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, kickout.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Edge executes a back suplex on Shane Douglas.
Edge nails Shane Douglas with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Edge throws Shane Douglas into the turnbuckle.
Edge charges in with the Spear.
Edge uses a power bomb on Shane Douglas.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Edge executes a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Shane Douglas.
Edge tags out to Vampiro.
Edge leaves the ring.
Vampiro throws Shane Douglas out of the ring.
Vampiro goes for a ringpost plancha, but Shane Douglas moves out of the way.
Vampiro is out cold.
Shane Douglas further incites the crowd.
Shane Douglas throws Vampiro back into the ring.
Shane Douglas goes for the Franchiser, but Vampiro blocks it.
Shane Douglas tags out to Ricky Reyes.
Ricky Reyes hits Vampiro with a dropkick.
Ricky Reyes runs into the ropes.
Vampiro hits Ricky Reyes with a backdrop.
Ricky Reyes falls out of the ring.
Jeffrey Brace counts: one, two, three, four, five, Ricky Reyes
reenters the ring.
Vampiro throws Ricky Reyes out of the ring.
Vampiro jumps onto him with a ringpost plancha.
Vampiro whips Ricky Reyes into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  1.

Vampiro enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Vampiro leaves the ring.
Edge goes for a spinning heel kick, but Ricky Reyes blocks it.
Ricky Reyes executes a spinning heel kick on Edge.
Ricky Reyes goes for a flying huracanrana, but Edge side-steps and Ricky Reyes
only hits air.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Edge goes for the Spear, but Ricky Reyes counters it with a side step.
Ricky Reyes executes a spinning leg lariat on Edge.
Ricky Reyes locks Edge in a side headlock.
Edge inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
Shane Douglas enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shane Douglas leaves the ring.
Ricky Reyes hits a forearm smash on Edge.
Ricky Reyes hits a kick to the back on Edge.
Ricky Reyes runs into the ropes.
Edge executes an armdrag takedown on Ricky Reyes.
Edge kicks Ricky Reyes.
The crowd breaks into a "Edgeucate Him" chant.
Edge chops Ricky Reyes.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Ricky Reyes punches Edge.
Ricky Reyes further incites the crowd.
Ricky Reyes hits Edge with a spinning heel kick.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Ricky Reyes tags out to Shane Douglas.
Shane Douglas whips Edge into the turnbuckle.
Shane Douglas tags out to Ricky Reyes.
Shane Douglas leaves the ring.
Ricky Reyes hits a vertical suplex on Edge.
Ricky Reyes whips Edge into the ropes, but Edge reverses it.
Ricky Reyes hits Edge with a clothesline.
Ricky Reyes takes Edge down with a forearm to the back.
Ricky Reyes takes Edge down with a back elbow.
Ricky Reyes further incites the crowd.

Ricky Reyes tags out to Shane Douglas.
Ricky Reyes leaves the ring.
Shane Douglas takes Edge down with a fisherman buster.
The crowd breaks into a "He's The Dean" chant.
Shane Douglas whips Edge into the ropes.
Shane Douglas hits Edge with a clothesline.
Edge falls out of the ring.
Shane Douglas goes through the ropes.
Shane Douglas throws Edge into the ringsteps.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  1.
Shane Douglas goes for an armdrag takedown, but Edge blocks it.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  2.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  3.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  4.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  5.
Edge runs Shane Douglas into the ringpost.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Vampiro comes over to make it two-on-one.
Edge executes a kick to the midsection on Shane Douglas.
Edge nails Shane Douglas with a power bomb.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  6.
Edge whips Shane Douglas into the guardrail.
Jeffrey Brace counts:  7.
Edge gets back into the ring.
Shane Douglas follows him back in.
Edge takes Shane Douglas down with a jumping DDT.
The crowd erupts.
Edge works the crowd.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Edge.
Edge runs into the ropes.
Edge executes the Spear on Shane Douglas.
Edge goes for the pin.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winners are Vampiro and Edge. Time of match: 0:21:33

Vampiro and Edge defeated
International Thug Syndicate (Ricky Reyes and Shane Douglas) when Edge pinned
Douglas with the Spear in 0:21:33.
Rating: *** 3/4

Edge and Vampiro started off the show once again with another fantastic tag team match.  Because Justin Credible had to pull out of shows this weekend at the last minute, Shane Douglas was chosen by the International Thug Syndicate to pull double duty tonight.  Unfortunately for him, Edge proved to be more than a match for him, and as Reyes and Vampiro exchanged martial arts kicks on the outside of the ring, Edge was able to score with his Spear for the pinfall victory!

"Dangan" Masato Tanaka vs. Ernest "The Cat" Miller

Ernest Miller goes for a snap suplex, but Masato Tanaka counters it with
a vertical suplex.
Masato Tanaka sets up Ernest Miller on the turnbuckle.
Masato Tanaka takes Ernest Miller down with a superplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Masato Tanaka goes for a roundhouse right, but Ernest Miller counters it with
a Fujiwara armbar.
Masato Tanaka is inching his way towards the ropes.
Masato Tanaka inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 29 seconds.
Ernest Miller executes the Thrust Kick on Masato Tanaka.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ernest Miller.
Ernest Miller goes for the pin.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Ernest Miller punches Masato Tanaka.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Ernest Miller hits Masato Tanaka.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Masato Tanaka chops Ernest Miller.
The crowd is giving Masato Tanaka a standing ovation.
Ernest Miller punches Masato Tanaka.
Ernest Miller is being booed out of the building.
Masato Tanaka hits Ernest Miller.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Masato Tanaka.
Masato Tanaka whips Ernest Miller into the ropes.
Masato Tanaka hits Ernest Miller with a clothesline.
Ernest Miller falls out of the ring.
Masato Tanaka goes for a tope suicida, but Ernest Miller moves out of the way.
Masato Tanaka is out cold.
Ernest Miller throws Masato Tanaka back into the ring.
Ernest Miller executes the Thrust Kick on Masato Tanaka.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ernest Miller.
Ernest Miller goes for the pin.
Ernest Miller uses the ropes for leverage.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ernest Miller gives him an earringer, but Masato Tanaka doesn't even care.
Ernest Miller uses an elbowsmash on Masato Tanaka.
Ernest Miller locks Masato Tanaka in an abdominal stretch.
Masato Tanaka makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 10 seconds.
Ernest Miller hits a double underhook suplex on Masato Tanaka.
Ernest Miller puts Masato Tanaka in an armlock hammerlock submission.
Masato Tanaka tries to fight the pain.
Masato Tanaka submits after 19 seconds.
The crowd breaks into a "You Suck" chant.

The winner is Ernest Miller. Time of match: 0:11:36

Ernest Miller made Masato Tanaka submit to an armlock hammerlock submission in
Masato Tanaka injured his left knee.
Rating: **** 1/4

Excellent match, and even moreso due to the fact that Tanaka seemed to suffer a knee injury only a few minutes into the match.  Despite the pain, Tanaka fought on, showing remarkable fighting spirit by laying a serious beating on Miller every time Miller got close, even kicking out of not one but two brutal Thrust Kicks from The Cat.  In the end, however, Miller trapped Tanaka in a submission hold, and with his knee visibly damaged Tanaka couldn't possibly make it to the ropes.

Once again Ernest Miller celebrates his latest fluke victory with a long dance in the middle of the ring as the crowd jeers at him!

Perry Saturn vs. Cactus Jack

Cactus Jack hits Perry Saturn.
The crowd is behind Cactus Jack all the way.
Cactus Jack chops Perry Saturn.
Cactus Jack sends Perry Saturn into the turnbuckle.
Cactus Jack runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Perry Saturn lifts his
Perry Saturn hits Cactus Jack with a double underhook suplex.
Perry Saturn goes for a stomp, but Cactus Jack rolls out of the way.
Cactus Jack uses a stomp on Perry Saturn.
Cactus Jack runs into the ropes.
Perry Saturn hits Cactus Jack with a kick.
Perry Saturn gives the sign for the Death Valley Driver.
Perry Saturn executes the Death Valley Driver on Cactus Jack.
A fan at ringside badmouths Perry Saturn.
Perry Saturn goes for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Perry Saturn slowly slides out of the ring.
He returns with a frying pan.
Perry Saturn hits a legdrop on Cactus Jack.
Perry Saturn executes a legdrop on Cactus Jack.
Perry Saturn covers Cactus Jack.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Perry Saturn takes a swing at Cactus Jack with the frying pan, but he
gets out of the way.
Cactus Jack snatches the frying pan from him.
Cactus Jack takes a swing at Perry Saturn with the frying pan, but he
gets out of the way.
Perry Saturn snatches the frying pan from him.
Perry Saturn hits him with the frying pan.
The crowd breaks into a "You Suck" chant.
Alan Tso throws the frying pan through the ropes.
Perry Saturn hits Cactus Jack with a tiger suplex.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Perry Saturn goes for a tiger suplex, but Cactus Jack counters it with
a backward kick.

Cactus Jack runs into the ropes.
Perry Saturn hits Cactus Jack with a clothesline.
Perry Saturn executes the Frog Splash on Cactus Jack.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Perry Saturn hits Cactus Jack with a tiger suplex.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Perry Saturn runs into the ropes.
Perry Saturn misses with a clothesline.
Cactus Jack hits Perry Saturn with a clothesline.
Cactus Jack executes a kick to the midsection on Perry Saturn.
Cactus Jack gives the sign for the Stump-Pulling Piledriver.
Cactus Jack goes for a Stump-Pulling Piledriver, but Perry Saturn blocks it.
Perry Saturn nails Cactus Jack with a headbutt.
Perry Saturn hits a facerake on Cactus Jack.
Perry Saturn goes for a kick to the midsection, but Cactus Jack blocks it.
Cactus Jack uses a faceslam on Perry Saturn.
Cactus Jack nails Perry Saturn with a Cactus Clothesline.
The crowd is giving Cactus Jack a standing ovation.
Cactus Jack catches Perry Saturn in a sleeperhold.
Perry Saturn is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Perry Saturn breaks the hold with a jawbreaker after 5 seconds.
Perry Saturn chops Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack chops Perry Saturn.
Perry Saturn hits Cactus Jack.
Perry Saturn is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Perry Saturn chops Cactus Jack.
Perry Saturn is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Perry Saturn takes Cactus Jack down with a superkick.
A fan at ringside badmouths Perry Saturn.
Perry Saturn is going for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, three.
Perry Saturn is eliciting a sizable round of boos.

The winner is Perry Saturn. Time of match: 0:11:45

Perry Saturn pinned Cactus Jack after a superkick in 0:11:45.
Rating: *** 1/4

Perry Saturn made his way to the ring as it finally cleared and called out Cactus Jack, claiming that if he wanted a real challenge, he was ready for him.  This brought out Cactus Jack and touched off a hell of a brawl.  Saturn proved to be just as dominant tonight against Cactus as he was last night against Aviv Maayan, and after busting out the Frog Splash, the Death Valley Driver, and the Rings of Saturn, he finally knocked out the ever-dangerous Cactus Jack with a superkick right to the jaw.  Perry Saturn is on a major roll here in LIW, and you have to believe that Paul London is worried.

(As Perry Saturn leaves the ring in triumph, the battered Cactus Jack stirs.
Visibly bruised and sore, Cactus Jack... is smiling!?!)

Cactus Jack: That... that was exactly what I needed.  The wake up call... the
proverbial slap in the face that snapped me out of my slow stupor.  You see,
I've been fighting and beating guys who, no offense, aren't exactly in my
league for a while now to qualify for a future title shot... but all it's done
is made me soft and weak.  Six months ago, six years ago, hell, even sixteen
years ago, I would have beaten a guy like Saturn senseless.  Now... my edge is
may have hurt me, Saturn... you may have beaten me badly... and I have to thank
you for it!  You've given me back the hatred... the anger... that drives me to
do what I do best!  You've awakened a monster, Saturn, and this monster is not
going to wait in line any longer!  BANG BANG!

International Thug Syndicate (Shane Douglas & Too Cold Scorpio) vs. A Debuting Tag Team

And... That's Luther Reigns!  He has... Tony Stradlin as a partner?  This is obviously a new pairing!

Too Cold Scorpio hits them with a double clothesline.
Too Cold Scorpio is getting a pissed look amidst all the boos.
Luther Reigns leaves the ring.
Too Cold Scorpio hits Tony Stradlin with a flying cross body press.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, kickout.
Tony Stradlin begs off.
Too Cold Scorpio takes Tony Stradlin down with a somersault legdrop.
Too Cold Scorpio seemingly enjoys the boos.
Too Cold Scorpio goes for a bodyslam, but Tony Stradlin blocks it.
Tony Stradlin tags out to Luther Reigns.
Shane Douglas enters the ring and throws Tony Stradlin out of the ring.
The crowd breaks into a "Douglas Sucks" chant.
Shane Douglas executes a back suplex on Luther Reigns.
Too Cold Scorpio nails Luther Reigns with a flying cross body press.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, kickout.
Shane Douglas leaves the ring.
Too Cold Scorpio gets a Fujiwara armbar on Luther Reigns.

Luther Reigns and Shane Douglas get hit with a double clothesline.
Luther Reigns executes the Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker on Shane Douglas.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Luther Reigns tags out to Tony Stradlin.
Too Cold Scorpio enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Luther Reigns goes for a short clothesline, but Shane Douglas counters it with
a crucifix.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, kickout.
Too Cold Scorpio executes an inside cradle on Luther Reigns.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Luther Reigns leaves the ring.
Too Cold Scorpio goes for the Tumbleweed, but Luther Reigns
rolls out of the way.
Luther Reigns locks Too Cold Scorpio in a half Boston.
Too Cold Scorpio gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
Luther Reigns takes Too Cold Scorpio down with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Luther Reigns uses a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Too Cold Scorpio.

Too Cold Scorpio uses spinning headscissors on Tony Stradlin.
Too Cold Scorpio hits a back suplex on Tony Stradlin.
Too Cold Scorpio goes for a flying cross body press, but Tony Stradlin
rolls through with the move.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, kickout.
Tony Stradlin nails Too Cold Scorpio with a back suplex.
Tony Stradlin takes Too Cold Scorpio down with a Tornado Splash.
Tony Stradlin nails Too Cold Scorpio with a kick to the midsection.
Tony Stradlin chops Too Cold Scorpio.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Tony Stradlin.
Tony Stradlin chops Too Cold Scorpio.
Tony Stradlin hits a chop on Too Cold Scorpio.
Tony Stradlin nails Too Cold Scorpio with a dropkick.
Tony Stradlin gives the sign for the Crash Diet.
Tony Stradlin executes the Crash Diet on Too Cold Scorpio.
Tony Stradlin goes for the pin.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, thr... kickout.

Tony Stradlin hits Too Cold Scorpio with a German suplex.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Luther Reigns hits a spinebuster on Too Cold Scorpio.
Tony Stradlin climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Too Cold Scorpio nails him
in the stomach.
Tony Stradlin falls onto the top turnbuckle.
Luther Reigns leaves the ring.
Too Cold Scorpio takes Tony Stradlin down with a superplex.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Too Cold Scorpio.
Tony Stradlin begs off.
Too Cold Scorpio goes for a punch, but Tony Stradlin reverses it.
Tony Stradlin takes Too Cold Scorpio down with a kick to the head.
Tony Stradlin gets a half Boston on Too Cold Scorpio.
Too Cold Scorpio is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Too Cold Scorpio summons one last burst of energy.
Too Cold Scorpio submits after 15 seconds.
A portion of the crowd is cheering Tony Stradlin.

The winners are Luther Reigns and Tony Stradlin. Time of match: 0:18:41

Luther Reigns and Tony Stradlin defeated
International Thug Syndicate (Shane Douglas and Too Cold Scorpio) when Stradlin
made Scorpio submit to a half Boston in 0:18:41.
Rating: ***

And the debuting tag team is... a new pairing!  Here comes Luther Reigns... and... is that Tony Stradlin?

Despite pairing together for the first time here tonight, Reigns and Stradlin proved to be quite a formidable team, taking advantage of the fatigue of the Syndicate to pull out a decisive victory.  With both strength and technical wrestling on their side, this new pairing looks to be a very dangerous addition to the tag team roster!

Frankie "The Future" Kazarian vs. Frank Shamrock

They lock up.
Frank Shamrock goes for a roundhouse right, but Frankie Kazarian blocks it.
Frankie Kazarian hits an electric chair drop on Frank Shamrock.
Frankie Kazarian goes for a dropkick, but Frank Shamrock side-steps and
Frankie Kazarian only hits air.
Frank Shamrock hits Frankie Kazarian with a forearm smash.
Frank Shamrock goes for a kick to the head, but Frankie Kazarian
ducks out of the way.
The Usurpers come to ringside.
Frankie Kazarian nails Frank Shamrock with a springboard back elbow.
Frankie Kazarian has the crowd going wild.
Frankie Kazarian works the crowd.
The crowd is going crazy.
Frankie Kazarian nails Frank Shamrock with a swinging neckbreaker.
Frankie Kazarian uses a vertical suplex on Frank Shamrock.
Chris Sabin throws Frank Shamrock a keyboard.
Frank Shamrock hits Frankie Kazarian with it and goes for the pin.
Steven Silvers counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

The winner is Frank Shamrock. Time of match: 0:01:05

Frank Shamrock pinned Frankie Kazarian after hitting him with a keyboard in
Rating: **
[Chris Sabin interfered against Frankie Kazarian.]

This match was much shorter than it should have been, and almost felt anticlimactic.  Frankie Kazarian has a hell of a lot of potential, but faced with a man as dangerous as Frank Shamrock, especially when that man has backup from a band of allies, he went down quickly.  It wasn't a submission hold which took Kazarian out, however.  Instead, Shamrock took advantage of the referee being distracted to waffle Kazarian with a keyboard for the easy pinfall.  Shamrock stomps away at a semi-conscious Kazarian as his cronies look on smugly.

"Ready or Not
Here I Come
You Can't Hide!"

It's Scott Hall!  Scott Hall is back early from his injury to help his partner!  Hall wades into the brawl, but he's hopelessly outnumbered!  And... Here come The Future for the save!  Hall clotheslines Shamrock out of the ring and brawls with him as The Future squares off against The Usurpers for the New York State Tag Team Titles!

The Future vs. The Usurpers for the New York State Tag Team Titles

Chris Sabin takes Chance Beckett down with a springboard dropkick.
Chris Sabin takes Chance Beckett down with a kneelift.
Chris Sabin hits him with the ring bell.
Todd Booher throws the ring bell over the top rope.
Chris Sabin throws Chance Beckett out of the ring.
Chris Sabin jumps onto him with a somersault bodyblock off the apron.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Chris Sabin nails Chance Beckett with a running lariat.
Edward Chastain comes over to make it two-on-one.
Xavier comes over, but gets cut off.
Edward Chastain uses a short lariat on Chance Beckett.
Chris Sabin nails Chance Beckett with a German suplex.
Chris Sabin executes the Cradle Shock on Chance Beckett on the concrete floor.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chance Beckett is out cold.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Sabin shoves Chance Beckett into the guardrail.
Chris Sabin throws Chance Beckett back into the ring.
Chris Sabin works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Sabin executes the Cradle Shock on Chance Beckett.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.
Chance Beckett hits Chris Sabin with a clothesline.
Chance Beckett tags out to Xavier.
Xavier and Chance Beckett hit Chris Sabin with a double kneedrop.
Edward Chastain enters the ring and lays out Chance Beckett.
Edward Chastain takes Xavier down with a clothesline.
Chris Sabin goes for a flying dropkick, but Xavier ducks out of the way.
Edward Chastain enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Chance Beckett nails Chris Sabin with a kick to the head.
Xavier nails Chris Sabin with a cobra clutch suplex.
The crowd is cheering on Xavier.
Edward Chastain leaves the ring.
Xavier runs into the ropes.

Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.
Xavier takes Chris Sabin down with a bodyslam.
Xavier whips Chris Sabin into the ropes.
Chris Sabin goes for a Yakuza kick, but Xavier counters it with a legsweep.
Xavier attempts to place Chris Sabin on the turnbuckle, but Chris Sabin
blocks it.
Xavier executes a cobra clutch suplex on Chris Sabin.
Xavier whips Chris Sabin into the turnbuckle.
Xavier runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Xavier hits Chris Sabin with the Running Forearm Smash.
Todd Booher counts: One, kickout.
Xavier hits a spinning leg lariat on Chris Sabin.
Xavier goes for a high knee, but Chris Sabin side-steps and Xavier
only hits air.
The crowd breaks into a "Sabin Sucks" chant.
Chris Sabin tags out to Edward Chastain.
Edward Chastain whips Xavier into the ropes, but Xavier reverses it.

Xavier hits a flying kneedrop on Edward Chastain.
The crowd is cheering on Xavier.
Xavier executes a forearm to the back on Edward Chastain.
Xavier nails Edward Chastain with a forearm to the back.
Edward Chastain uses a brain buster on Xavier.
The crowd is booing Edward Chastain.
Edward Chastain takes Xavier down with a power bomb.
Edward Chastain uses the ropes for leverage.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, he sees it.
Todd Booher threatens Edward Chastain with disqualification.
Edward Chastain hits Xavier with a brain buster.
Edward Chastain goes for a chokehold, but Xavier blocks it.
Xavier goes for a high knee, but Edward Chastain side-steps and Xavier
only hits air.
Edward Chastain executes a kneedrop on Xavier.
Xavier begs off.
Edward Chastain runs into the ropes.
Edward Chastain executes the Ground Zero Splash on Xavier.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Edward Chastain hits Xavier with a powerslam.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Edward Chastain goes for a headbutt, but Xavier blocks it.
Xavier hits a clothesline on Edward Chastain.
Xavier hits Edward Chastain with a chop.
Xavier takes Edward Chastain down with a kneelift.
Xavier uses the Running Forearm Smash on Edward Chastain.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, kickout.
Chance Beckett enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Chris Sabin enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Chance Beckett goes for a lariat, but Edward Chastain counters it with
a Fujiwara armbar.
Chance Beckett reaches the ropes after 5 seconds.
The crowd is booing Edward Chastain.
Chance Beckett leaves the ring.
Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.

Chris Sabin sends Chance Beckett into the turnbuckle.
Chris Sabin executes a kneelift on Chance Beckett.
Chris Sabin hits Chance Beckett with a bootscrape.
Chris Sabin goes for a sitout power bomb, but Chance Beckett counters it with
a small package.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chance Beckett uses a reverse neckbreaker on Chris Sabin.
The crowd erupts.
Chance Beckett gets a chokehold on Chris Sabin.
Todd Booher warns Chance Beckett to let go.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three.
Xavier enters the ring.
Xavier nails Chris Sabin with the Running Forearm Smash.
Chance Beckett executes an inverted DDT and goes for the pin.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, kickout.
Chance Beckett catches Chris Sabin in a forearm choke.
Todd Booher warns Chance Beckett to let go.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Todd Booher warns Chance Beckett.
Chance Beckett goes for a monkey flip, but Chris Sabin blocks it.
Chris Sabin executes the Cradle Shock on Chance Beckett.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Sabin uses a kneelift on Chance Beckett.
Chris Sabin goes for a backbreaker, but Chance Beckett counters it with
a facerake.
Chance Beckett catches Chris Sabin in a chokehold.
Todd Booher warns Chance Beckett to let go.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four.
Chance Beckett gets a chokehold on Chris Sabin.
Todd Booher warns Chance Beckett to let go.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three.
Chance Beckett goes for a snap suplex, but Chris Sabin counters it with
a small package.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Sabin throws Chance Beckett into the turnbuckle, but Chance Beckett
reverses it.
Chris Sabin comes back and rocks Chance Beckett with a kick to the midsection.
Chris Sabin hits Chance Beckett with a brain buster.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Chris Sabin hits a crucifix power bomb DDT on Chance Beckett.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.
Chris Sabin hits Chance Beckett with a kick.
Chris Sabin executes a crucifix power bomb DDT on Chance Beckett.
The crowd breaks into a "Sabin Sucks" chant.
Chris Sabin works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Chris Sabin goes for a bulldog, but Chance Beckett throws him off.

Chance Beckett gets a forearm choke on Chris Sabin.
Todd Booher warns Chance Beckett to let go.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, three, four.
Chance Beckett goes for a waistlock takedown, but Chris Sabin counters it with
a go-behind.
Chris Sabin goes for an inside cradle, but Chance Beckett blocks it.
Xavier enters the ring.
Xavier nails Chris Sabin with the Running Forearm Smash.
Chance Beckett executes an inverted DDT and goes for the pin.
The crowd is giving Chance Beckett a standing ovation.
Todd Booher counts: One, shoulder up.
Lady Victoria enters the ring and hits Chance Beckett with the Chair.
Before Lady Victoria connects, Chance Beckett moves out of the way.
Lady Victoria hits Chris Sabin.
Chance Beckett throws Lady Victoria over the top rope.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chance Beckett.
Chris Sabin is out cold.
Chance Beckett takes Chris Sabin down with an inside cradle.
Todd Booher counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Chance Beckett executes a fireman's carry on Chris Sabin.
Chance Beckett goes for a flying somersault splash, but Lady Victoria shoves him
off the turnbuckle.
The crowd is giving Chance Beckett a standing ovation.
Todd Booher disqualifies The Usurpers.
The crowd erupts.

The winners are The Future. Time of match: 0:20:48

The Future (Xavier and Chance Beckett) defeated
The Usurpers (Chris Sabin and Edward Chastain) when Beckett defeated C. Sabin
by disqualification in 0:20:48.
Rating: ****
(The Usurpers retained the New York State Tag Team Titles.)
[Lady Victoria interfered against Chance Beckett.]

What a close match!  Both of these teams are clearly at the top of their games, and by the end of this match all four men had taken a hell of a beating.  In the last few minutes of the match, things got increasingly frantic as both sides tried to bend the rules as much as they could to get a victory.  Chance Beckett resorted to a dangerous and illegal forearm choke several times, while The Usurpers repeatedly tried using the ropes for leverage.  In the end, The Usurpers were the ones who went too far, as the referee called for the disqualification when Lady Victoria shoved Chance Beckett off the top turnbuckle to save Sabin.

"Because this match ended in a disqulification, The Usurpers are STILL the New
York State Tag Team Champions!"

(The crowd boos mightily as Lady Victoria steps into the ring, clapping

Lady Victoria: Once again, my clients have PROVEN that they made the right
choice when they enlisted my services.  Not only have they won the New York
State Tag Team Titles, but they have RETAINED them against two extremely
dangerous teams in a single weekend!  And now we've set our eyes on the big
prize...  the New York State Heavyweight Title.  Whether it's held by Ron
Harris or Arn Anderson doesn't matter.  Either way, I will lead The Usurpers
to victory, and WE will hold the gold!  We will dominate this company in a way
that no other group has ever been able to!  And there is NOTHING that ANY of
you can do about it!

(Fade out)

Aviv Maayan vs. "The Notorious KID" Kid Kash

Aviv Maayan follows him back in.
Kid Kash uses a Frankensteiner from the top rope on Aviv Maayan.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Kid Kash sets up Aviv Maayan on the turnbuckle.
Kid Kash hits Aviv Maayan with a top-rope Frankensteiner.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, kickout.
Kid Kash goes for a hammerlock, but Aviv Maayan reverses it.
Aviv Maayan uses a flying huracanrana on Kid Kash.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, kickout.
Aviv Maayan whips Kid Kash into the ropes.
Kid Kash hits Aviv Maayan with a kick.
Kid Kash nails Aviv Maayan with a springboard headscissors.
Kid Kash hits Aviv Maayan with a rana.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Kid Kash hits Aviv Maayan with a hammerlock.
The crowd is vociferously booing Kid Kash.
Kid Kash works the crowd.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Kid Kash takes Aviv Maayan down with a frog splash.
Kid Kash uses the ropes for leverage.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, shoulder up.
Kid Kash runs into the ropes.
Aviv Maayan goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Kid Kash ducks out of the way.
Kid Kash takes Aviv Maayan down with a Frankensteiner from the top rope.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Kid Kash takes Aviv Maayan down with a slingshot splash.
Kid Kash uses the ropes for leverage.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, three.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.

The winner is Kid Kash. Time of match: 0:06:39

Kid Kash pinned Aviv Maayan after a slingshot splash in 0:06:39.
Rating: *** 1/4

As expected, Kid Kash made relatively fast work of Aviv Maayan, who remains virtually unable to pick up a win here in LIW.  Despite the fact that Kash's victory seemed to be a foregone conclusion, Maayan wrestled very well and even managed to keep Kash on the defensive for most of the match.  A series of quick Frankensteiners out of the ropes by Kash turned the tide, however, and a slingshot splash ended the match once and for all.

"The Legend Killer" Randy Orton vs. Paul London vs. Edward Chastain vs. Erik Watts vs. Lance Storm in a Battle Royal

Vampiro executes a legdrop on Randy Orton.
Vampiro tries to throw Randy Orton over the top rope.
** Randy Orton has been eliminated.
The crowd is giving Vampiro a standing ovation.
(Vampiro and Lance Storm are going at it.)
Vampiro hits Lance Storm.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Vampiro kicks Lance Storm.
Vampiro punches Lance Storm.
The crowd erupts.
Lance Storm hits Vampiro.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Lance Storm chops Vampiro.
Lance Storm is being booed out of the building.
(Edward Chastain and Vampiro are going at it.)
Edward Chastain goes for a short lariat, but Vampiro blocks it.
Vampiro runs into the ropes.
Edward Chastain hits Vampiro with an elbow.
(Vampiro and Erik Watts are going at it.)
Vampiro whips Erik Watts into the turnbuckle, but Erik Watts reverses it.
Vampiro comes back and rocks Erik Watts with an elbow.
Vampiro goes for a lariat, but Erik Watts counters it with a hiptoss.
Erik Watts tries to throw Vampiro over the top rope.
He didn't succeed.
Erik Watts puts Vampiro in a half Boston.
Edward Chastain makes the save.
(Edward Chastain and Vampiro are going at it.)
Edward Chastain nails Vampiro with a powerslam.
Edward Chastain runs into the ropes.
Edward Chastain executes the Ground Zero Splash on Vampiro.
Edward Chastain further incites the crowd.
Edward Chastain goes for a powerslam, but Vampiro counters it with a Yakuza kick.
Vampiro uses a chop on Edward Chastain.
Vampiro hits Edward Chastain with a kick to the midsection.
(Vampiro and Lance Storm are going at it.)
Vampiro runs into the ropes.
Vampiro hits Lance Storm with a clothesline.
(Erik Watts and Vampiro are going at it.)
Erik Watts tries to throw Vampiro over the top rope.
** Vampiro has been eliminated.
Erik Watts further incites the crowd.
(Erik Watts and Edward Chastain are going at it.)
Erik Watts nails Edward Chastain with a Flatliner.
Erik Watts seemingly enjoys the boos.
Erik Watts executes a lariat on Edward Chastain.
Erik Watts whips Edward Chastain into the ropes, but Edward Chastain
reverses it.
Erik Watts misses with a clothesline.
Erik Watts misses with a clothesline.
Edward Chastain nails Erik Watts with a clothesline.

Edward Chastain takes Erik Watts down with a chop.
Edward Chastain goes for a clothesline, but Erik Watts counters it with
a crucifix.
Erik Watts gives the sign for the Uranage.
Erik Watts goes for the Uranage, but he can't do it.
Edward Chastain counters it with an elbowsmash.
Edward Chastain uses a vertical suplex on Erik Watts.
Edward Chastain tries to throw Erik Watts over the top rope.
Erik Watts hangs on to the top rope.
Erik Watts slides back in under the bottom rope.
Erik Watts runs into the ropes.
Erik Watts takes Edward Chastain down with a clothesline.
Edward Chastain whips Erik Watts into the ropes.
Edward Chastain uses a powerslam on Erik Watts.
Erik Watts hits a kneelift on Edward Chastain.
Erik Watts runs into the ropes.
Edward Chastain hits Erik Watts with a shoulderblock.

Erik Watts goes for a fireman's carry, but Lance Storm blocks it.
Lance Storm nails Erik Watts with a vertical suplex.
Lance Storm hits Erik Watts.
The crowd is wildly cheering Lance Storm with only a few scattered boos audible.
Erik Watts punches Lance Storm.
Erik Watts seemingly enjoys the boos.
Lance Storm hits Erik Watts.
The crowd breaks into a "You Suck" chant.
Lance Storm punches Erik Watts.
The cheers for Lance Storm are drowning out the boos.
Erik Watts chops Lance Storm.
Erik Watts seemingly enjoys the boos.
Erik Watts executes a fisherman suplex on Lance Storm.
Erik Watts goes for an abdominal stretch, but Lance Storm reverses it.
Erik Watts inches his way towards the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Lance Storm nails Erik Watts with a jumping side kick.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Lance Storm.

Erik Watts nails Lance Storm with a monkey flip.
Erik Watts whips Lance Storm into the ropes.
Erik Watts hits Lance Storm with a clothesline.
Erik Watts takes Lance Storm down with a vertical suplex.
Erik Watts goes for an abdominal stretch, but Lance Storm counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Lance Storm uses a rana on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm takes Erik Watts down with an enzuigiri.
(Erik Watts and Edward Chastain are going at it.)
Lance Storm and Erik Watts try to throw Edward Chastain over the top rope.
Edward Chastain hangs on to the top rope for dear life.
Erik Watts sees it and knees Edward Chastain in the back.
** Edward Chastain has been eliminated.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Erik Watts.
(Erik Watts and Lance Storm are going at it.)
Erik Watts nails Lance Storm with a monkey flip.
Erik Watts gets a half Boston on Lance Storm.

Erik Watts hangs on to the top rope.
Erik Watts slides back in under the bottom rope.
Erik Watts takes Lance Storm down with a clothesline.
Erik Watts throws Lance Storm into the turnbuckle.
Erik Watts hits Lance Storm with a vertical suplex.
Erik Watts executes a bodyslam on Lance Storm.
Erik Watts gives the sign for the Uranage.
Erik Watts catches Lance Storm in an abdominal stretch.
Lance Storm is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Lance Storm tries to escape the hold.
Lance Storm is inching his way towards the ropes.
Lance Storm makes it to the ropes after 16 seconds.
Erik Watts nails Lance Storm with a fisherman suplex.
Erik Watts executes a double underhook suplex on Lance Storm.
Erik Watts executes the Uranage on Lance Storm.
Erik Watts hits a lariat on Lance Storm.
Erik Watts goes for a half Boston, but Lance Storm blocks it.

Erik Watts tries to throw Lance Storm over the top rope.
Lance Storm hangs on to the top rope for dear life.
Lance Storm slides back in under the bottom rope.
Lance Storm hits Erik Watts with spinning headscissors.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Lance Storm works the crowd.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Lance Storm runs into the ropes.
Lance Storm nails Erik Watts with a rana.
Lance Storm takes Erik Watts down with a clothesline.
Lance Storm uses a handspring clothesline on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm executes a thumb to the eye on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm uses a handspring clothesline on Erik Watts.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Lance Storm hits a slap on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm uses a DDT on Erik Watts.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Lance Storm hits a rana on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm hits a jawbreaker on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm hits a slap on Erik Watts.
Lance Storm nails Erik Watts with a springboard clothesline.
Lance Storm doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Lance Storm goes for a hiptoss, but Erik Watts reverses it.
Erik Watts uses a fireman's carry on Lance Storm.
Erik Watts tries to throw Lance Storm over the top rope.
** Lance Storm has been eliminated.
The crowd is wildly cheering Erik Watts with only a few scattered boos audible.

The winner is Erik Watts. Time of match: 0:14:09

5-Man Battle Royal:
Erik Watts won a 5-man Battle Royal:
        x Vampiro threw out R. Orton after a legdrop in 0:02:46
        x E. Watts threw out Vampiro in 0:03:47
        x E. Watts threw out Chastain in 0:07:54
        x E. Watts threw out L. Storm after a fireman's carry in 0:14:09
Rating: *** 1/2
[Lady Victoria interfered against Erik Watts.]
(Paul London no-showed.)

What a battle royal!  Paul London was originally supposed to participate, but he had to pull out of tonight's show at the last moment to try out for a tour of Japan, so he was replaced by Vampiro.  The biggest surprise in this match was that Randy Orton was eliminated first - although it makes sense because he really is in no condition to wrestle after his ordeal inside the steel cage just last night.  After Vampiro dumped Orton, this Battle Royal was all Erik Watts, with Chastain, Vampiro and finally Lance Storm following in relatively short order.  With a victory like this under his belt, Watts looks like he has a very strong chance to be crowned Best of the Best!

(We go backstage now, where Randy Orton waits.  Orton is covered in bandages and
small lacerations from last night's steel cage match, but despite that he looks
as arrogant and smug as ever.)

Randy Orton: I'm sure a lot of you are probably sitting back and laughing now
because I was eliminated so quickly from the Battle Royal.  Well, let me tell
all of you something.  Nothing important in this business is decided in Battle
Royals, and for good reason.  They're all luck.  Champions are crowned in this
business in big matches, and last night I proved once again that I am the KING
of big matches.  Face it, every time you face down a Legend, it's a big match
by default.  And I never fail in a big match situation.  Think about it.  I've
beaten Shawn Michaels.  I've beaten Cactus Jack.  I've beaten Ric Flair.  And
I've beaten Mark Jindrak.  In a steel cage.  TWICE.  So what does that leave
me?  I think it's time that I put aside personal grudges for the time being...
and concentrated on getting some gold around my waist.  Cactus Jack has all but
said he wants the same thing.  The Usurpers are chasing the gold as well.  Even
Ron Harris is in pursuit of it.  But I'm not worried.  I know that *I* am the
new gold standard in this business, and that I WILL take the New York State
Heavyweight Title... and soon.

(Fade out)

"Violent R" Ron Harris vs. "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson for the New York State Heavyweight Title

Arn Anderson executes the Spinebuster on Ron Harris.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Arn Anderson hits Ron Harris with a short clothesline.
Arn Anderson executes a flying fistdrop on Ron Harris.
Arn Anderson gets a sleeperhold on Ron Harris.
Ron Harris is struggling to reach the ropes.
Ron Harris is inching his way towards the ropes.
Ron Harris tries to fight the pain.
Ron Harris inches his way towards the ropes after 33 seconds.
Arn Anderson hits a chop on Ron Harris.
Arn Anderson goes for a sleeperhold, but Ron Harris blocks it.
Ron Harris goes for a headbutt, but Arn Anderson blocks it.
Arn Anderson goes for a lariat, but Ron Harris counters it with
a Fujiwara armbar.
Ron Harris lets go after 13 seconds.
Ron Harris punches Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson hits Ron Harris.
The crowd erupts.
Arn Anderson chops Ron Harris.
The crowd is giving Arn Anderson a standing ovation.
Ron Harris punches Arn Anderson.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Ron Harris kicks Arn Anderson.
The crowd erupts.
Ron Harris runs into the ropes.
Arn Anderson executes the Spinebuster on Ron Harris.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Arn Anderson nails Ron Harris with a flying clothesline.
The crowd erupts.
Arn Anderson takes Ron Harris down with a single-leg takedown.
Arn Anderson chops Ron Harris.
Arn Anderson chops Ron Harris.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson goes for a faceslam, but Ron Harris blocks it.
Ron Harris nails Arn Anderson with a kick to the head.

Ron Harris hits Arn Anderson with an elbow.
Ron Harris runs into the ropes.
Ron Harris takes Arn Anderson down with a clothesline.
Ron Harris gets a bearhug on Arn Anderson.
Arn Anderson is struggling to reach the ropes.
Arn Anderson makes it to the ropes after being locked up for 11 seconds.
Ron Harris goes for a sidewalk slam, but Arn Anderson counters it with a DDT.
In turn, Ron Harris counters it with a throw-off.
Ron Harris executes a kick to the head on Arn Anderson.
Ron Harris goes for a tilt-a-whirl side slam, but Arn Anderson blocks it.
Arn Anderson hits Ron Harris with a single-leg takedown.
Arn Anderson hits Ron Harris with an inside cradle.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Arn Anderson gives the IV Horsemen sign.
The crowd erupts.
Arn Anderson executes a chop on Ron Harris.
Arn Anderson whips Ron Harris into the ropes.
Ron Harris misses with a shoulderblock.
Ron Harris misses with a clothesline.
Arn Anderson hits a flying clothesline on Ron Harris.
The crowd erupts.
Arn Anderson takes Ron Harris down with a DDT.
Arn Anderson whips Ron Harris into the ropes, but Ron Harris reverses it.
Arn Anderson hits Ron Harris with a kick.
Arn Anderson hits a single-leg takedown on Ron Harris.
Arn Anderson goes for a piledriver, but Ron Harris counters it with a backdrop.
In turn, Arn Anderson counters it with a sunset flip.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Arn Anderson a standing ovation.

The winner is Arn Anderson. Time of match: 0:12:59

Arn Anderson pinned Ron Harris after a sunset flip in 0:12:59.
Rating: ****
(Arn Anderson retained the New York State Heavyweight Title.)

Wow!  Arn Anderson was really on top of his game here tonight.  Rather than hanging back and letting Ron Harris tire him out as many predicted he would, Anderson went on the attack right away, using piledrivers and DDTs to send Harris reeling.  Harris is incredibly tough however, and even after being hit by Anderson's patented Spinebuster twice, he wouldn't stay down.  Refusing to panic, Anderson showed us why he has been New York State Heavyweight Champion for so long by reversing a backdrop attempt into a sunset flip and allowing leverage to do what brute force couldn't.  Ron Harris looks very dissappointed, but offers Anderson his hand.  

As they shake hands, The Usurpers hit the ring with chairs in hand, laying out Harris quickly.  Anderson takes down Shamrock with a huge Spinebuster, but quickly falls victim to a power bomb from Chastain...  who in turn is blindsided by Cactus Jack!  And here comes Randy Orton!  RKO to Chris Sabin!  This is chaos!  Things are coming unglued here as some of the top names in LIW try to prove that they are worthy of the New York State Heavyweight Title!  Finally, the locker room empties as wrestlers and referees alike pull the combatants apart so the show can go on.

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs. "The Ironman" Mark Jindrak vs. El Mephisto

El Mephisto tags out to Mark Jindrak.
Mark Jindrak nails Jimmy Snuka with a kick to the midsection.
Mark Jindrak tags out to El Mephisto.
El Mephisto executes spinning headscissors on Jimmy Snuka.
El Mephisto goes for a forearm smash, but Jimmy Snuka blocks it.
Jimmy Snuka nails El Mephisto with a backbreaker.
El Mephisto begs off.
Jimmy Snuka goes for the Superfly Splash, but El Mephisto counters it with
a roll away.
El Mephisto executes a flying dropkick on Jimmy Snuka.
El Mephisto goes for a series of slaps, but Jimmy Snuka counters it with a slap.
Jimmy Snuka hits El Mephisto.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
El Mephisto kicks Jimmy Snuka.
El Mephisto is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
El Mephisto kicks Jimmy Snuka.
El Mephisto further incites the crowd.

Jimmy Snuka goes for a bodyslam, but El Mephisto counters it with a facerake.
El Mephisto tags out to Mark Jindrak.
Mark Jindrak hits Jimmy Snuka with an exploder suplex.
Mark Jindrak covers Jimmy Snuka.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Jimmy Snuka tags out to El Mephisto.
El Mephisto whips Mark Jindrak into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak hits El Mephisto with a shoulderblock.
Mark Jindrak nails El Mephisto with a sidewalk slam.
Mark Jindrak goes for a vertical suplex, but El Mephisto blocks it.
El Mephisto tags out to Jimmy Snuka.
Jimmy Snuka goes for a hiptoss, but Mark Jindrak blocks it.
Mark Jindrak whips Jimmy Snuka into the ropes, but Jimmy Snuka reverses it.
Mark Jindrak gives him a lariat, but Jimmy Snuka doesn't even care.
Jimmy Snuka whips Mark Jindrak into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak executes a lariat on Jimmy Snuka.
Mark Jindrak uses an exploder suplex on Jimmy Snuka.
The crowd is giving Mark Jindrak a standing ovation.

El Mephisto tags out to Mark Jindrak.
Mark Jindrak nails Jimmy Snuka with a Gorilla Press.
Mark Jindrak hits Jimmy Snuka with a dropkick to the face.
The crowd erupts.
Mark Jindrak whips Jimmy Snuka into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak executes the Mark Of Excellence on Jimmy Snuka.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Mark Jindrak goes for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, El Mephisto makes the save.
Mark Jindrak kicks Jimmy Snuka.
The crowd erupts.
Mark Jindrak punches Jimmy Snuka.
The crowd erupts.
Jimmy Snuka kicks Mark Jindrak.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Jimmy Snuka hits Mark Jindrak.
Jimmy Snuka hits Mark Jindrak.
Mark Jindrak kicks Jimmy Snuka.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Mark Jindrak.
Mark Jindrak hits Jimmy Snuka.
Mark Jindrak catches Jimmy Snuka in a bearhug.
Jimmy Snuka gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Mark Jindrak whips Jimmy Snuka into the ropes, but Jimmy Snuka reverses it.
Jimmy Snuka takes Mark Jindrak down with a backbreaker.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Jimmy Snuka.
Jimmy Snuka runs into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak hits Jimmy Snuka with a shoulderblock.
Mark Jindrak tags out to El Mephisto.
El Mephisto nails Jimmy Snuka with a series of stomps.
Numerous fans are using El Mephisto for target practice.
El Mephisto executes the Forward Rolling Prawn Hold on Jimmy Snuka.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, Mark Jindrak doesn't make it in time... three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

The winner is El Mephisto. Time of match: 0:15:59

Triangle Match:
El Mephisto defeated Jimmy Snuka and Mark Jindrak when Mephisto pinned J. Snuka
with the Forward Rolling Prawn Hold in 0:15:59.
Rating: **

Mark Jindrak wasn't at the top of his game in this match after losing in a steel cage last night, and it showed.  While he WAS extremely dangerous to his opponents, in the end he was too slow to get the pinfall himself, and too slow to prevent El Mephisto from stealing the victory with his Forward Rolling Prawn Hold on Jimmy Snuka.

Sean Waltman vs. "Heavy D" Don Harris

Don Harris punches Sean Waltman.
Don Harris has the crowd going wild.
Don Harris chops Sean Waltman.
Don Harris has the crowd going wild.
Don Harris kicks Sean Waltman.
Don Harris has the crowd going wild.
Don Harris hits a headbutt on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris executes a fallaway slam on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris hits Sean Waltman with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Don Harris chops Sean Waltman.
The crowd breaks into a "Which One's Which" chant.
Sean Waltman chops Don Harris.
The crowd is vociferously booing Sean Waltman.
Don Harris hits Sean Waltman.
Don Harris has the crowd going wild.
Don Harris hits Sean Waltman.
Don Harris has the crowd going wild.
Don Harris hits a back suplex on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris runs into the ropes.
Don Harris hits Sean Waltman with a shoulderblock.
Don Harris is going for the cover.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Don Harris goes for a facerake, but Sean Waltman blocks it.
Sean Waltman runs into the ropes.
Sean Waltman hits Don Harris with a kick.
Sean Waltman runs into the ropes.
Sean Waltman hits a spinning heel kick on Don Harris.
Sean Waltman whips Don Harris into the ropes, but Don Harris reverses it.
Don Harris nails Sean Waltman with a bodyslam.
Don Harris whips Sean Waltman into the ropes.
Don Harris takes Sean Waltman down with a slap.
Don Harris runs into the ropes.
El Mephisto pulls down the top rope.
Alan Tso threatens Sean Waltman with disqualification.

Don Harris throws Sean Waltman into the guardrail.
Don Harris throws Sean Waltman into the guardrail.
Alan Tso counts:  1.
Don Harris gets back into the ring.
Sean Waltman rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Don Harris uses a backbreaker on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris hits a headbutt on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris takes Sean Waltman down with a ropeburn.
Don Harris goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Sean Waltman blocks it.
Sean Waltman goes for a monkey flip, but Don Harris blocks it.
El Mephisto throws Sean Waltman a keyboard, but Don Harris intercepts it.
Don Harris tries to use it, but Sean Waltman blocks the blow and
takes it away from him.
Sean Waltman hits Don Harris with it and goes for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Sean Waltman chops Don Harris.
Sean Waltman punches Don Harris.
Sean Waltman is being booed out of the building.
Sean Waltman punches Don Harris.
The crowd is vociferously booing Sean Waltman.
Sean Waltman hits Don Harris with a chop.
Sean Waltman chops Don Harris.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Sean Waltman chops Don Harris.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Sean Waltman kicks Don Harris.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Sean Waltman throws Don Harris out of the ring.
Sean Waltman jumps onto him with a baseball slide.
Sean Waltman runs Don Harris into the ringpost.
Sean Waltman uses a thrust kick to the head on Don Harris.
Alan Tso counts:  1.
Sean Waltman goes for the X-Factor, but Don Harris blocks it.

Sean Waltman executes the X-Factor on Don Harris.
Sean Waltman goes for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Sean Waltman kicks Don Harris.
Sean Waltman is being booed out of the building.
Don Harris chops Sean Waltman.
Don Harris chops Sean Waltman.
The chants for Don Harris are deafening.
Sean Waltman chops Don Harris.
Sean Waltman hits a flying cross body press on Don Harris.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Sean Waltman does a crotch chop.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Sean Waltman goes for a clothesline, but Don Harris counters it with
a Gorilla Press.
Don Harris executes a forearm smash on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris gets a boot choke on Sean Waltman.

Sean Waltman nails Don Harris with a low blow.
Sean Waltman whips Don Harris into the ropes.
El Mephisto trips Don Harris.
Alan Tso threatens Sean Waltman with disqualification.
Alan Tso warns El Mephisto.
Sean Waltman goes for a flying spinning leg lariat, but Don Harris
ducks out of the way.
Don Harris nails Sean Waltman with a back suplex.
Don Harris executes a stomp on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris hits Sean Waltman with a legdrop.
Alan Tso is back on the job.
Don Harris uses an elbowsmash on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris covers Sean Waltman.
Alan Tso counts: One, kickout.
Don Harris goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Sean Waltman
reverses it.
Sean Waltman executes the X-Factor on Don Harris.
Sean Waltman goes for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, shoulder up.

Sean Waltman goes for a standing wristlock, but Don Harris blocks it.
Don Harris nails Sean Waltman with a back suplex.
Don Harris goes for a facerake, but Sean Waltman blocks it.
Sean Waltman hits Don Harris with a kick to the head.
Numerous fans are using Sean Waltman for target practice.
Sean Waltman takes Don Harris down with a clothesline.
Sean Waltman whips Don Harris into the ropes, but Don Harris reverses it.
Sean Waltman misses with a kick.
Sean Waltman and Don Harris get hit with a double clothesline.
Sean Waltman uses a flying spinning leg lariat on Don Harris.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Sean Waltman executes a savate kick on Don Harris.
Sean Waltman puts Don Harris in a standing wristlock.
Don Harris grabs the ropes after 8 seconds.
Sean Waltman runs into the ropes.
Don Harris hits a bodyslam on Sean Waltman.
Don Harris locks Sean Waltman in a bearhug.
Sean Waltman is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Sean Waltman tries to escape the hold.
Sean Waltman is struggling to reach the ropes.
Sean Waltman gets ahold of the ropes after 22 seconds.
Don Harris goes for a vertical suplex, but Sean Waltman counters it with a jab.
Sean Waltman takes Don Harris down with a flying cross body press.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Sean Waltman takes Don Harris down with a flying cross body press.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Sean Waltman hits Don Harris with a headbutt.
Sean Waltman covers Don Harris.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

The winner is Sean Waltman. Time of match: 0:17:25

Sean Waltman pinned Don Harris after a headbutt in 0:17:25.
Rating: ** 1/4
[El Mephisto interfered against Don Harris.]

After being humiliated by Masato Tanaka last night, Sean Waltman was looking for a chance to redeem himself.  Unfortunately, he drew Don Harris as his opponent tonight.  However, with a combination of his own frustrating quickness and heavy interference from his tag team partner, he managed to pull out the victory, wearing Harris down with foreign objects and X-Factors until he finally collapsed after a headbutt, giving Waltman the victory.

Your Main Event:
"The Animal" Batista vs. "The British Sensation" Jonny Storm in a Barbed Wire Match

Batista kicks Jonny Storm.
The crowd is going crazy.
Jonny Storm punches Batista.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jonny Storm chops Batista.
Numerous fans are using Jonny Storm for target practice.
Batista punches Jonny Storm.
The crowd is going crazy.
Batista takes Jonny Storm down with a sidewalk slam.
Batista hits Jonny Storm with a hiptoss.
Batista whips Jonny Storm into the barbed wire, but Jonny Storm reverses it.
Jonny Storm goes for an armbar submission, but Batista counters it with
an eye gouge.
Batista hits a kick to the midsection on Jonny Storm.
Batista goes for the Batista Bomb, but Jonny Storm blocks it.
Batista nails Jonny Storm with a lariat.
Batista uses a stomp on Jonny Storm.

Jonny Storm nails Batista with a forearm to the back.
Jonny Storm rakes Batista's face across the barbed wire.
Jonny Storm executes the Super Rewind Huracanrana on Batista.
Jonny Storm goes for the pin.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Jonny Storm takes Batista down with a clothesline.
Jonny Storm uses a clothesline on Batista.
Jonny Storm uses a kneedrop on Batista.
Jonny Storm nails Batista with an elbowsmash.
Jonny Storm hits Batista with a spinning leg lariat.
Jonny Storm goes for a Buff blockbuster, but Batista side-steps and Jonny Storm
only hits air.
Batista whips Jonny Storm into the barbed wire.
Batista goes for a short clothesline, but Jonny Storm counters it with
a crucifix.
Jonny Storm uses the ropes for leverage.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

Batista goes for a choke against the ropes, but Jonny Storm blocks it.
Jonny Storm goes for a kick to the head, but Batista blocks it.
Batista scrapes Jonny Storm's face across the barbed wire.
Batista uses a Hotshot on Jonny Storm.
The crowd is cheering on Batista.
Batista hits Jonny Storm with a sidewalk slam.
Batista whips Jonny Storm into the barbed wire.
Batista hits Jonny Storm with an elbowsmash.
Batista throws Jonny Storm out of the ring.
Ted Blandford counts: one, two, Jonny Storm reenters the ring.
Batista whips Jonny Storm into the barbed wire.
Batista goes for a Hotshot, but Jonny Storm counters it with a Thesz press.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, kickout.
Jonny Storm works the crowd.
Jonny Storm is being booed out of the building.
Jonny Storm executes the Super Rewind Huracanrana on Batista.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Jonny Storm goes for the pin.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Jonny Storm rakes Batista's face across the barbed wire.
Jonny Storm nails Batista with a springboard moonsault.
Ted Blandford counts: One, kickout.
Jonny Storm nails Batista with a clothesline.
Jonny Storm goes for a slap, but Batista blocks it.
Batista throws Jonny Storm out of the ring.
Batista goes through the ropes.
Batista runs Jonny Storm into the ringsteps.
Batista is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Batista throws Jonny Storm into the guardrail.
Batista executes a forearm to the back on Jonny Storm.
Batista whips Jonny Storm into the guardrail.
Batista whips Jonny Storm into the guardrail.
Batista gets back into the ring.
Jonny Storm climbs back into the ring.

Batista goes for a forearm to the back, but Jonny Storm side-steps and Batista
only hits air.
Jonny Storm hits a kneedrop on Batista.
Jonny Storm works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jonny Storm goes for a superkick, but Batista ducks out of the way.
Batista uses a spinebuster slam on Jonny Storm.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, kickout.
Batista rakes Jonny Storm's face across the barbed wire.
Batista hits a somersault slam on Jonny Storm.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Batista goes for a kick to the head, but Jonny Storm ducks out of the way.
Jonny Storm hits Batista with a fist to the midsection.
Jonny Storm uses a T-Bone Suplex on Batista.
Ted Blandford count
teddy1221Posted on 09/08/05 at 22:41:58

Good opening.  Edge and Vampiro make a surprising and interesting team.   Tanaka proves to be tough as nails, but of course we all knew that.  Looking forward to Tanaka coming back from injury, and beating the holy hell out of Miller if he gets the chance.   CACTUS HAS AWAKEN!! That can't be good for anyone in LIW.  I would love to see Saturn get a nice run towards the Title.  I have always been a fan of his.   Definitely looking forward to the feud between The Future and The Usurpers now that Hall is back.  Desperation on the parts of the Usurpers to retain the titles.  I am really impressed by Arn Anderson's run with teh title, but he definitely has some competition nipping at his heels.  Definite surprise to see Storm take Batista in a Barb Wire Match. I guess that's the win Storm needed.  Always love your stuff.  Always ready, just don't always reply.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 09/13/05 at 06:55:36

LIW Newsline - 10/23/06

Rage in a Cage and Born to be Wired are in the books, and by all reports fans were blown away by one of the most solid weekends of action ever seen in the Northeast.  As eventful as these two evenings were, we believe that we have an announcement that can top even that!  Our next show, which will be held on Friday, November 10th in our home of Long Island, will be a HUGE crossover show with Japan's Pro Wrestling NOAH.  By all reports, NOAH has agreed to send six of their absolute top names over to compete with some of the best LIW has to offer... and in addition to that for no extra charge, you get the finals of the Best of the Best series and a New York State Heavyweight Title Defense!  Only one phrase can describe the excitement and anticipation we feel for this event.  The Japanese are Coming!

Unfortunately, while the Japanese may be coming, we regret to announce that two wrestlers are departing Long Island Wrestling.  Ricky Reyes and El Mephisto have both been granted longterm deals by AAA in Mexico.  Apparently officials south of the border have been very impressed with their performance here in the States, and if rumor is to be believed, the two of them may well be paired as the next top tag team in AAA.  Both El Mephisto and Ricky Reyes have a good background in Luncha Libre, so we are certain that they will be successful in AAA.  We would like to thank them both for their participation in Long Island Wrestling to this point, and wish them the best of luck.

Of course, with Ricky Reyes departing, the International Thug Syndicate is down a member.  ITS leader Too Cold Scorpio claims that this setback is only temporary, and just today announced that ITS had recruited a new member already.  That new member?  None other than Justin Credible's former tag team partner and close friend Sean Waltman!  Waltman and Credible go back together for years - they were friends in the mid 1990s WWF as part of the Kliq, and they later formed a short-lived stable together in 2001.  Both Credible and Waltman claim that they are eager to tag together once again, and have stated that they plan to recapture the New York State Tag Team Titles for the Syndicate.

Cactus Jack has been in a fury since his defeat at the hands of Perry Saturn.  Cactus suffered a hell of a beating, and afterward claimed that he was back with a vengeance.  In order to demonstrate just how serious he is about his committment to claw his way back to the top of LIW, he has demanded a Falls Count Anywhere match at The Japanese are Coming against anyone willing to face him.  ITS member and former New York State Tag Team Champion Justin Credible has accepted this challenge, and stated that he will be bringing his trusty Singapore Cane along with him.  If Justin Credible can somehow take out Cactus Jack, the Syndicate would surely benefit from the prestige.  But can Credible really out-Hardcore the Hardcore Legend?

Ernest "The Cat" Miller has been partying nonstop ever since his latest fluke victories over "Violent R" Ron Harris and "Dangan" Masato Tanaka.  Indeed, Miller claims that his "kara-tay" singlehandedly put Tanaka on the injured list and ensured that Harris did not win the New York State Heavyweight Title.  While both of these claims are patently ridiculous coming from a joke like Miller, the booking committee has decided to grant his request for another high profile match.  His opponent?  A frustrated and angry Batista, who was forced to tap out in the main event of Born to be Wired or else risk permanant injury.  Batista has some aggression to work out, and says that he looks foreward to Power Bombing Miller so hard that he never dances again.  We can only hope that Batista accomplishes his goal in this match... for the sake of civilization!

We are prepared to announce two of the upcoming NOAH vs. LIW matches that you will see at The Japanese Are Coming.  First, legendary international Cruiserweight star Jushin "Thunder" Liger will face off against none other than LIW's very own "The Ironman" Mark Jindrak.  While Jindrak is dissappointed by his defeat at the hands of Orton, he claims that a chance to face a legend of Liger's calibre is something he's dreamed of for all his life, and that it will be an honor to face him in a Long Island Wrestling ring.  Can Jindrak's athletic talent, power and conditioning carry the day, or will Liger's speed, technical prowess and experience prove to be an insurmountable advantage?

Finally, in the main event of the evening, the Global Honored Crown Tag Team Champions from NOAH will defend their gold against two members of The Usurpers.  That's correct, Misawa and Ogawa, two of the biggest stars in the history of Japanese Professional Wrestling will be putting the most important tag team titles in Japan on the line against Frank Shamrock and Chris Sabin, two thirds of the most dominant force in LIW today.  Sabin and Shamrock are good, but are they good enough to compete with one of the most dangerous pairings in the world today?  While we don't know the answer to that, we DO know that this will be a knock down, drag out, brutally stiff battle for the ages that you won't want to miss!

LIW Top Five:
Champion: "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson

1) Vacant - Arn Anderson successfully defended the New York State Heavyweight Title against Ron Harris at Born to be Wired, and a new official Top Contender has yet to be crowned.

2) Frank Shamrock - Frank Shamrock had a hell of a weekend, destroying both "Heavy D" Don Harris and Frankie "The Future" Kazarian in short order.  This, coupled with the fact that The Usurpers remain arguably the most dangerous group in the history of LIW, gives him a strong hold on the top spot that a wrestler can hold without winning the top contendership.

3) Erik Watts - Erik Watts also had an impressive weekend, first finishing off his bracket and guaranteeing him a shot at being called Best of the Best with a very solid victory over Lance Storm.  He followed that up with an equally impressive Battle Royal victory over Randy Orton as well as several other Best of the Best Competitors.  If Watts can win Best of the Best, he may well do what MsChif has promised and win back the New York State Heavyweight Title.

4) Randy Orton - Randy Orton wins perhaps the most decisive victory of his LIW tenure at the Double Shot weekend, defeating heavily favored "The Ironman" Mark Jindrak cleanly in a Steel Cage match.  However, his defeat in the Battle Royal at Born to be Wired keeps him from rising higher than 4.

5) Jonny Storm - As usual, Jonny Storm rounds out the count at #5.  While Storm won a huge victory over Batista in the main event of Born to be Wired, he also lost a relatively unhyped match to an injured Simon Diamond.  If Storm can gain just a few more victories against key opponents, however, he could fight his way further up in the rankings.


Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
Critic of the DawnPosted on 09/15/05 at 05:21:48

LIW Newsline - 11/4/06

The card for The Japanese are Coming has been finalized, and believe us when we tell you that it's a doozy!  The event is already standing room only, and it looks like the promise of seeing NOAH wrestlers such as Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Mitsuharu Misawa and Yoshinari Ogawa may well result in a record-setting draw for the Long Island market!  Be sure to order your general admission tickets now, because the local fire marshall has given us a hard maximum number of tickets we are allowed to sell for the building, and we are already getting perilously close to that number!

Before we get into announcing new matches, however, we have received an update from our doctors regarding the two unfortunate injuries which occurred at the Doubleshot weekend.  First of all is Simon Diamond.  As many guessed, he did indeed suffer a dislocated right shoulder.  Luckily, trainers were able to set it back into its socket, and with another few weeks for all the connective tissue to recover it should be almost as good as new.  Unfortunately, Masato Tanaka, who suffered a badly hurt left knee, is in considerably worse shape.  Doctors are already saying that his injury is quite similar to that of his tag team partner Wataru Sakata, and that Tanaka might not be in any condition to compete until April of 2007.  This is a tough break for Dangan, as Wataru Sakata is himself nearly ready to return.

Randy Orton is apparently frustrated that his former opponent Mark Jindrak received a high profile match at our next show, and that The Usurpers are similarly qualifying for title shots and major matches.  Because of this, he has enlisted the newly debuted tag team of Luther Reigns and Tony Stradlin to aid him in his quest for the gold.  Orton claims that with a bit of muscle on his side, Long Island Wrestling will have no choice but to concede that he is THE top force in professional wrestling today and grant him the chance to take the New York State Heavyweight Title for his own.  What do Reigns and Stradlin get out of this?  For what it's worth, Randy Orton has promised to pull any strings that he can to get Reigns and Stradlin jobs with WWE... but only AFTER his goal is acomplished.

As promised, the Best of the Best series will finally come to an end at The Japanese are Coming when Bracket A winner Paul London takes on Bracket B winner Erik Watts.  Both London and Watts have briefly held titles here in Long Island Wrestling, and both men were undefeated in their brackets leading up to this final match.  Only one man can be called the Best of the Best, however, and only one man will receive the increased position and potential title shots that go along with it.  For two men as desperate to crack the top ranks of LIW as Paul London and Erik Watts, this match is truly one of the biggest of their careers.

The booking committee has determined that "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson will be defending his New York State Heavyweight Title at The Japanese are Coming despite the fact that there is not a current top contender.  His opponent?  "The Monster" Edward Chastain!  Chastain has never been accused of being an amazing worker, but one thing he is is brutal.  The booking committee claims that they chose him because he was the one to gain the pinfall in the Tag Team Title match that Anderson and Harris teamed up in at Rage in a Cage, and because Chastain power bombed the champ almost out of his boots at Born to be Wired.  This will be Chastain's second shot at the gold.  Can Anderson hold on to his title for one more night?

The tag team of Yuji Nagata & Hiroshi Tanahashi from Pro Wrestling NOAH has been confirmed for The Japanese are Coming.  Who will they be facing?  None other than Randy Orton's new partners Luther Reigns and Tony Stradlin!  Orton has said that he intends this match to be an opportunity for his new protoges to show the world that even though they have only teamed together once before, they are a world class pairing.  Reigns and Stradlin are reportedly extremely motivated, as they know that a strong performance here against two of Japan's finest professional wrestlers will speak well for them when Orton eventually tries to get them positions in WWE.

Finally, we are ecstatic to report that Kenta Kobashi, arguably the best wrestler in Japan today, will be coming to Long Island Wrestling on November 10th!  Kobashi is extremely tough, and has faced most of the top wrestlers in Japan over his long and storied career.  Who will he face here in the states?  None other than the rapidly rising star, "Violent R" Ron Harris!  Harris promises to show Kobashi the kind of power wrestling that has been absent in Japan since the days that Bruiser Brody, Stan Hansen, and Vader all dominated puroresu.  Kobashi claims that it will be an honor to face a wrestler of Harris' calibre, and that he does not plan to hold anything back.  This should be a stiff, brutal, battle the likes of which is seldom seen in the states!

Here is the final card for The Japanese are Coming:
* Cactus Jack vs. Justin Credible in a Falls Count Anywhere Match
* Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs. "The Animal" Batista
* Erik Watts vs. Paul London in the finals of the Best of the Best Series
* "The Monster" Edward Chastain vs. "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson for the New York State Heavyweight Title
* Luther Reigns & Tony Stradlin vs. Yuji Nagata & Hiroshi Tanahashi
* Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. "The Ironman" Mark Jindrak
* Kenta Kobashi vs. "Violent R" Ron Harris
* Chris Sabin & Frank Shamrock vs. Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa for the Global Honored Crown Tag Team Titles


Eric "Critic of the Dawn"