LIW One Year Down - 1/28/06

Critic of the DawnPosted on 03/09/05 at 04:35:55

Geeze. I didn't realize until this card just how long Alex Wright has held the New York State Heavyweight Title. He's definately done a lot to elevate the value of the belt just as it has built him up as the man to beat in LIW. I'm really liking how competitive the division is, and things are at least coming across to me like everyone has a chance to take the title even though Wright has held onto it for months now. Anyway, enjoy the show.


"Violent R" Ron Harris vs. Edward Chastain

Ron Harris executes a flying clothesline on Edward Chastain.
The crowd breaks into a "Which One's Which" chant.
Ron Harris hits an elbowsmash on Edward Chastain.
Ron Harris runs into the ropes.
Ron Harris hits Edward Chastain with a clothesline.
Edward Chastain falls out of the ring.
Ron Harris goes outside.
Martin Kester counts: 1.
Martin Kester counts: 2.
Ron Harris climbs back into the ring.
Edward Chastain rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Ron Harris goes for a facerake, but Edward Chastain blocks it.
Edward Chastain runs into the ropes.
Edward Chastain uses a short lariat on Ron Harris.
Martin Kester counts: One, two, kickout.
Edward Chastain uses a waistlock takedown on Ron Harris.
Edward Chastain executes a short lariat on Ron Harris.
Martin Kester counts: One, two, kickout.

Ron Harris hits a flying clothesline on Edward Chastain.
Ron Harris goes for a headbutt, but Edward Chastain blocks it.
Edward Chastain nails Ron Harris with a back suplex.
Edward Chastain executes a waistlock takedown on Ron Harris.
Edward Chastain whips Ron Harris into the ropes.
Edward Chastain hits Ron Harris with an elbow.
Edward Chastain takes Ron Harris down with an eye gouge.
Edward Chastain hits him with a baseball bat.
Edward Chastain throws Ron Harris out of the ring.
Edward Chastain goes outside.
Martin Kester counts: 1.
Edward Chastain is handed a road sign.
Edward Chastain hits him with the road sign.
The crowd is booing Edward Chastain.
Edward Chastain throws Ron Harris into the guardrail.
Edward Chastain reenters the ring.
Ron Harris rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Ron Harris brings the the road sign into the ring.
Ron Harris whips Edward Chastain into the ropes, but Edward Chastain
reverses it.
Ron Harris goes for a flying clothesline, but Edward Chastain
ducks out of the way.
Edward Chastain hits him with the road sign.
Martin Kester throws the road sign through the ropes.
Edward Chastain hits Ron Harris with a power bomb.
Edward Chastain uses the ropes for leverage.
Martin Kester counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Edward Chastain gives the sign for the Ground Zero Splash.
Edward Chastain runs into the ropes.
Edward Chastain executes the Ground Zero Splash on Ron Harris.
Martin Kester counts: One, two, three.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.

The winner is Edward Chastain. Time of match: 0:13:34

Edward Chastain pinned Ron Harris with the Ground Zero Splash in 0:13:34.
Rating: -3/4*

This was exactly what was expected, an ugly slugfest between two of the largest men in LIW. Despite being in a rare situation where he did not have a power advantage, Ron Harris looked like he was in control for the majority of this match... until he made the mistake of clotheslining Chastain out of the ring. Chastain is just as familiar with hardcore brawling as he is with baked goods, and after a few shots with a baseball bat and a No Babies sign apparently borrowed from WWE's Gene Snitsky, he had Harris on the ropes to the point that he could score a huge 300+ pound powerbomb! Despite Chastain using the ropes for leverage, Harris SOMEHOW kicked out, only to fall victim to the Ground Zero Splash a few seconds later. I don't care how strong you are, when there is 500 pounds sitting on your chest, you are NOT kicking out.

Johnny B. Badd vs. Wataru Sakata vs. "The British Sensation" Jonny Storm in a match where the Winner will receive a title shot later this evening

Jonny Storm uses a bodyslam on Johnny B. Badd.
Jonny Storm runs into the ropes.
Jonny Storm misses with a kick.
Johnny B. Badd hits Jonny Storm with a shoulderblock.
Johnny B. Badd hits a kneelift on Jonny Storm.
Johnny B. Badd hits Jonny Storm with a jab.
Johnny B. Badd gives the sign for the Badd Mood.
Johnny B. Badd executes the Badd Mood on Jonny Storm.
Johnny B. Badd pulls the tights.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Johnny B. Badd hits Jonny Storm.
Jonny Storm punches Johnny B. Badd.
Johnny B. Badd chops Jonny Storm.
Johnny B. Badd goes for a vertical suplex, but Jonny Storm slides down his back.
Jonny Storm goes for a dropkick, but Johnny B. Badd side-steps and Jonny Storm
only hits air.
Johnny B. Badd nails Jonny Storm with a vertical suplex.
Johnny B. Badd nails Jonny Storm with a headsmash into the turnbuckle.
Johnny B. Badd whips Jonny Storm into the ropes.
Johnny B. Badd hits Jonny Storm with a clothesline.
Jonny Storm falls out of the ring.
Phillip McAlpine counts: one, two, Jonny Storm reenters the ring.
Johnny B. Badd goes for a dropkick, but Jonny Storm side-steps and
Johnny B. Badd only hits air.
The crowd breaks into a "Europe Sucks! Europe Sucks!" chant.
Johnny B. Badd begs off.
Jonny Storm goes for a forearm to the back, but Johnny B. Badd side-steps and
Jonny Storm only hits air.
Johnny B. Badd runs into the ropes.
Johnny B. Badd hits Jonny Storm with a shoulderblock.
Johnny B. Badd executes a kneelift on Jonny Storm.
Johnny B. Badd throws Jonny Storm out of the ring.
Phillip McAlpine counts: one, two, three, Jonny Storm reenters the ring.
Johnny B. Badd goes for a back suplex, but Jonny Storm flips over.
Jonny Storm goes for a sleeperhold, but Johnny B. Badd blocks it.
Johnny B. Badd whips Jonny Storm into the ropes, but Jonny Storm reverses it.
Jonny Storm goes for the Sky High, but Johnny B. Badd counters it with
a dropkick.
Johnny B. Badd goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Jonny Storm blocks it.
Jonny Storm hits a bodyslam on Johnny B. Badd.
Johnny B. Badd begs off.
Jonny Storm runs into the ropes.
Jonny Storm hits Johnny B. Badd with a kick.
Johnny B. Badd begs off.
Jonny Storm hits Johnny B. Badd with a springboard dropkick.
Jonny Storm executes the Super Rewind Huracanrana on Johnny B. Badd.
Jonny Storm goes for the pin.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Jonny Storm whips Johnny B. Badd into the ropes.
Johnny B. Badd misses with a shoulderblock.
Johnny B. Badd hits Jonny Storm with a clothesline.
Johnny B. Badd tags out to Wataru Sakata.
Wataru Sakata runs into the ropes.
Wataru Sakata misses with a clothesline.
Jonny Storm executes a kick to the midsection on Wataru Sakata.
Jonny Storm hits Wataru Sakata with spinning headscissors.
Jonny Storm tags out to Johnny B. Badd.
Johnny B. Badd uses a Japanese armdrag takedown on Wataru Sakata.
Johnny B. Badd nails Wataru Sakata with a bodyslam.
Johnny B. Badd runs into the ropes.
Wataru Sakata misses with a clothesline.
Wataru Sakata hits Johnny B. Badd with an elbow.
Wataru Sakata executes the Single-Leg Crab Hold on Johnny B. Badd.
Johnny B. Badd is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Johnny B. Badd breaks the hold after 8 seconds.
Johnny B. Badd executes a knee to the back on Wataru Sakata.
Johnny B. Badd hits a knee to the back on Wataru Sakata.
Wataru Sakata locks Johnny B. Badd in a Fujiwara armbar.
Johnny B. Badd is inching his way towards the ropes.
Johnny B. Badd tries to fight the pain.
Johnny B. Badd submits after 20 seconds.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is Wataru Sakata. Time of match: 0:30:21

Number-One-Contenders-Triangle Match:
Wataru Sakata defeated Johnny B. Badd and Jonny Storm when Sakata made Badd
submit to a Fujiwara armbar in 0:30:21.
Rating: *** 1/2
[MsChif interfered against Johnny B. Badd.]

Johnny B. Badd, Wataru Sakata and Jonny Storm faced off next in a triangle match. The stakes: the winner would advance to face Alex Wright for the New York State Heavyweight Title later tonight. From the start this seemed to be a confrontation between Jonny Storm and Wataru Sakata, but Johnny B. Badd acquitted himself surprisingly well also, using his size advantage and frequent tags to position himself for a quick win over one of his increasingly battered opponents. He almost got it, too, scoring a Badd Mood relatively early in the matchup for a 2.9 count! In the end, though, Wataru Sakata's submission skills once again paid off as he made Badd tap out to a Fujiwara Armbar. Storm looks livid that he wasn't able to prevent Sakata from getting a win here, and you have to think that Wright is worried - after all, Sakata forced him to tap out in the main event of our last show!

(We go backstage now, where "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner sits, looking pissed

Scott Steiner: God Dammit! I've been here how long, and I'm still only a semi-
regular on the roster who couldn't get a title shot if I wanted one! I'm a
former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and I'm only booked half the time.

(Mark Jindrak starts to walk by, then stops.)

Mark Jindrak: Well Scott, think about it... you have't exactly made an impact
here yet, have you? I mean, you've won a few matches, but there are stables
out there and guys who have done far more than you.

(Steiner gets to his feet and advances on Jindrak.)

Scott Steiner: You want an impact, you overrated pretty boy? How about I make
an impact on your face with my fist?

Mark Jindrak: Any time, any place old man.

Scott Steiner: Then get your fruity metrosexual ass to the ring, !
Because Freakzilla wants you right now, right there!

(Mark Jindrak simply smirks and walks away.)

Mark Jindrak: Fair enough. I'll see you in the ring Scott. Oh... and that
sounded just a little gay, you know.


(Steiner storms off towards the ring, leaving several backstage workers staring
and shaking their heads.)

Ring Crew Member: That sounded pretty gay to me...

Sound Guy: Just a tad...

(Fade out)

"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. "The Ironman" Mark Jindrak

Scott Steiner hits Mark Jindrak with a superplex.
Scott Steiner takes Mark Jindrak down with a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Scott Steiner hits Mark Jindrak with a belly-to-belly suplex.
Scott Steiner uses a forearm to the back on Mark Jindrak.
Scott Steiner runs into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak hits a lariat on Scott Steiner.
Mark Jindrak whips Scott Steiner into the turnbuckle.
Mark Jindrak runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Mark Jindrak uses a powerslam on Scott Steiner.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Mark Jindrak goes for a Gorilla Press, but Scott Steiner blocks it.
Scott Steiner chops Mark Jindrak.
Scott Steiner kicks Mark Jindrak.
The crowd is vociferously booing Scott Steiner.
Scott Steiner hits a kneelift on Mark Jindrak.
Scott Steiner whips Mark Jindrak into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak misses with a clothesline.
Mark Jindrak hits Scott Steiner with a kick.
Mark Jindrak nails Scott Steiner with a sidewalk slam.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Mark Jindrak whips Scott Steiner into the ropes.
Mark Jindrak executes the Mark Of Excellence on Scott Steiner.
Mark Jindrak goes for the pin.
Phillip McAlpine counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving Mark Jindrak a standing ovation.

The winner is Mark Jindrak. Time of match: 0:10:06

Mark Jindrak pinned Scott Steiner with the Mark Of Excellence in 0:10:06.
Rating: * 3/4

Jindrak seemingly goaded the freakishly strong Scott Steiner into this match by confronting him backstage, and in the 10 minutes that followed, The Ironman steamrolled over his latest challenge, putting away a former World Champion cleanly with the Mark of Excellence. With each show that passes, Jindrak proves that he has what it takes to be champion even more. Clearly all that Jindrak needs is an opportunity to make a name for himself as one of the top young talents in the world today.

Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian vs. Lance Storm & Kid Kash

Alan Tso counts: 1.
Frankie Kazarian gets back into the ring.
Lance Storm climbs back into the ring.
Frankie Kazarian hits a kick to the midsection on Lance Storm.
Frankie Kazarian whips Lance Storm into the ropes.
Lance Storm hits a clothesline on Frankie Kazarian.
Lance Storm tags out to Kid Kash.
Lance Storm hits a clothesline on Frankie Kazarian.
Kid Kash hits Frankie Kazarian with a flying lariat.
Lance Storm nails Frankie Kazarian with a back suplex.
Kid Kash nails Frankie Kazarian with a spinning DDT.
The crowd breaks into a "Kash! Kash!" chant.
Lance Storm leaves the ring.
Kid Kash catches Frankie Kazarian in a clawhold.
Frankie Kazarian is struggling to reach the ropes.
Frankie Kazarian tries to escape the hold.
Frankie Kazarian is valiantly trying to break the hold.

Michael Shane kicks Lance Storm.
The crowd is really behind Michael Shane.
Michael Shane kicks Lance Storm.
The crowd is really behind Michael Shane.
Michael Shane punches Lance Storm.
Lance Storm chops Michael Shane.
Michael Shane kicks Lance Storm.
Michael Shane hits Lance Storm.
The crowd is really behind Michael Shane.
Lance Storm kicks Michael Shane.
A fan at ringside badmouths Lance Storm.
Lance Storm hits Michael Shane.
The crowd breaks into a "Impact Players!" chant.
Michael Shane chops Lance Storm.
The crowd is really behind Michael Shane.
Michael Shane uses a slap on Lance Storm.
Michael Shane hits a scissor kick on Lance Storm.

Kid Kash executes a slingshot splash on Frankie Kazarian.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, kickout.
Kid Kash complains about a slow count.
Frankie Kazarian takes Kid Kash down with an inside cradle.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Frankie Kazarian uses a springboard legdrop on Kid Kash.
The crowd is going crazy.
Frankie Kazarian covers Kid Kash.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Frankie Kazarian uses a facerake on Kid Kash.
Michael Shane enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Lance Storm enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Michael Shane nails Kid Kash with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Frankie Kazarian nails Kid Kash with a springboard legdrop.
Michael Shane leaves the ring.
Frankie Kazarian whips Kid Kash into the ropes.
Kid Kash misses with a clothesline.
Kid Kash misses with a kick.
Kid Kash executes a lariat on Frankie Kazarian.
Kid Kash is going for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Kid Kash takes Frankie Kazarian down with an enzuigiri to the face.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Kid Kash nails Frankie Kazarian with a spinning DDT.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Kid Kash takes Frankie Kazarian down with a springboard dropkick.
Kid Kash uses an eye gouge on Frankie Kazarian.
Kid Kash nails Frankie Kazarian with a kick to the head.
Kid Kash goes for a kick to the head, but Frankie Kazarian ducks out of the way.
Frankie Kazarian executes the Wave Of The Future on Kid Kash.
The chants for Frankie Kazarian are deafening.
Frankie Kazarian goes for the pin.
Alan Tso counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is behind Frankie Kazarian all the way.

The winners are Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian. Time of match: 0:16:03

Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian defeated Lance Storm and Kid Kash when
F. Kazarian pinned Kash with the Wave Of The Future in 0:16:03.
Rating: ****

What a fantastic match between two of the most overlooked tag teams in LIW today. Both of these teams are made up of two fantastic workers, and against each other here they really showed how good they are by putting on a match that stands up well against nearly any others you might compare it to. Frankie Kazarian and Kid Kash used their high flying tactics to good effect here, while Michael Shane and Lance Storm slowed things down when necessary to put the hurting on their opponents with strikes and submissions. In the end, Kazarian managed to score with the Wave of the Future, pinning Kid Kash in the center of the ring as the fans gave both teams a standing ovation for their efforts.

(The crowd is cheering loudly as Michael Shane grabs a microphone.)

Michael Shane: Thank you! We've been wrestling here for a few months mow, and
so far we haven't had a lot of success. But tonight, we took the first step in
turning that around. Tonight we ended our losing streak and started up the
ladder once again.

Frankie Kazarian: Our opponents gave us a hell of a match, and we know that
things are only going to get tougher from here on... but for the World's
Coolest Tag Team, a challenge is something we look forward to. So whether it
be Dangan or whoever takes the titles... we are coming. We will fight our
way back up the ladder, and we will prove that we're not only the Coolest Tag
Team, we're the best. Thank you!

Cactus Jack vs. Chris "HAIL!" Sabin

Cactus Jack covers Chris Sabin.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, kickout.
Cactus Jack goes for a sleeperhold, but Chris Sabin counters it with
a jawbreaker.
Chris Sabin uses a bootscrape on Cactus Jack.
Chris Sabin executes a flying dropkick on Cactus Jack.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Chris Sabin hits Cactus Jack with a rana.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Sabin uses a dropkick on Cactus Jack.
Chris Sabin covers Cactus Jack.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Sabin executes a fist to the midsection on Cactus Jack.
Chris Sabin hits a dropkick on Cactus Jack.
Chris Sabin runs into the ropes.
El Mephisto hits Chris Sabin in the back with a chair.
Russell Durand threatens Cactus Jack with disqualification.
Cactus Jack goes for the Double Arm DDT, but Chris Sabin counters it with
a headbutt to the groin.
Chris Sabin uses a dropkick on Cactus Jack.
Chris Sabin takes Cactus Jack down with a kick to the midsection.
Chris Sabin throws Cactus Jack out of the ring.
Russell Durand counts: one, two, three, Cactus Jack reenters the ring.
Chris Sabin punches Cactus Jack.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Chris Sabin chops Cactus Jack.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Cactus Jack chops Chris Sabin.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chris Sabin hits Cactus Jack.
Numerous fans are using Chris Sabin for target practice.
Chris Sabin punches Cactus Jack.
Cactus Jack chops Chris Sabin.
Chris Sabin chops Cactus Jack.

Cactus Jack is going for the cover.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Cactus Jack throws Chris Sabin out of the ring.
Cactus Jack goes through the ropes.
Cactus Jack is handed a keyboard.
Cactus Jack hits him with the keyboard.
Cactus Jack hits him with a keyboard.
Cactus Jack takes Chris Sabin down with a swinging neckbreaker.
Russell Durand counts: 1.
Cactus Jack gets back into the ring.
Chris Sabin rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Cactus Jack locks Chris Sabin in a chokehold.
Russell Durand warns Cactus Jack to let go.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, three, four.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, three.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, three.
Cactus Jack whips Chris Sabin into the ropes.
Cactus Jack executes the Double Arm DDT on Chris Sabin.
Cactus Jack goes for the pin.
Russell Durand counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

The winner is Cactus Jack. Time of match: 0:07:46

Cactus Jack pinned Chris Sabin with the Double Arm DDT in 0:07:46.
Rating: ***
[El Mephisto interfered against Chris Sabin.]

What was supposed to be a rematch between two men who put on one of the greatest matches in LIW's history ended up as something less as New Europe took the opportunity to strike against Chris Sabin, who is a member of their newly declared enemies The Usurpers. A hard chairshot by El Mephisto really took the fight out of Sabin, allowing Cactus Jack to finish him off fairly quickly with his patented Double Arm DDT. Immediately following the match, Jack launched himself out of the ring, grabbed a chair, and charged New Europe, who scattered rather than face him.

Aviv Maayan vs. Frank Shamrock

Aviv Maayan kicks Frank Shamrock.
Frank Shamrock punches Aviv Maayan.
The crowd is vociferously booing Frank Shamrock.
Frank Shamrock punches Aviv Maayan.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Aviv Maayan chops Frank Shamrock.
Aviv Maayan is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Frank Shamrock punches Aviv Maayan.
The crowd is vociferously booing Frank Shamrock.
Aviv Maayan punches Frank Shamrock.
Frank Shamrock chops Aviv Maayan.
Frank Shamrock is being booed out of the building.
Frank Shamrock goes for a kick to the thigh, but Aviv Maayan counters it with
a dragon screw.
Aviv Maayan runs into the ropes.
Frank Shamrock hits Aviv Maayan with a backdrop.
Frank Shamrock executes the Ankle Lock Submission on Aviv Maayan.
Keith Bancroft tells Aviv Maayan to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Aviv Maayan nods.
Aviv Maayan tries to escape the hold.
Aviv Maayan is barely hanging in there.
Keith Bancroft checks Aviv Maayan's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Aviv Maayan fights his way out of the hold after 28 seconds.
Aviv Maayan hits Frank Shamrock with a single-leg takedown.
Aviv Maayan hits Frank Shamrock with a snap mare.
Aviv Maayan executes a German suplex on Frank Shamrock.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, kickout.
Aviv Maayan complains about a slow count.
Aviv Maayan gets the STF on Frank Shamrock.
Frank Shamrock gets ahold of the ropes after 11 seconds.
Aviv Maayan goes for a wristlock, but Frank Shamrock reverses it.
Aviv Maayan is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Aviv Maayan is inching his way towards the ropes.
Aviv Maayan is writhing in pain.
Aviv Maayan submits after 13 seconds.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

The winner is Frank Shamrock. Time of match: 0:11:53

Frank Shamrock made Aviv Maayan submit to a wristlock in 0:11:53.
Rating: ** 3/4
[Jonny Storm interfered against Frank Shamrock.]

Frank Shamrock was pumped and ready for this match, because he knows that to prove that The Usurpers are a true force to be reckoned with, they'll need some substantial victories. To that end, Shamrock stretched the hell out of Aviv Maayan in this match, locking him in submission after submission and trying to wring a tapout out of him. New Europe again tried to interfere against Shamrock, clearly taking the threat he presented seriously. It was to no avail, however, as Shamrock locked Maayan into an Ankle Lock Submission that Maayan barely escaped before reversing a wristlock for a quick tapout. Maayan showed some real guts here by lasting as long as he did, but ultimately he was just overmatched.

Wataru Sakata vs. "The Deutschland Destroyer" Alex Wright for the New York State Heavyweight Title

Alex Wright begs off.
Wataru Sakata throws Alex Wright into the turnbuckle.
Wataru Sakata charges into the corner.
Wataru Sakata punches Alex Wright.
Wataru Sakata hits Alex Wright.
Alex Wright punches Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright kicks Wataru Sakata.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Wataru Sakata chops Alex Wright.
Wataru Sakata hits Alex Wright.
Wataru Sakata runs into the ropes.
Wataru Sakata hits Alex Wright with a high knee.
Wataru Sakata executes the Single-Leg Crab Hold on Alex Wright.
Ted Blandford asks Alex Wright if he should stop the fight.
Alex Wright shakes his head.
Ted Blandford asks Alex Wright if he should stop the fight.
Alex Wright shakes his head.
Alex Wright breaks the hold with a jawbreaker after 19 seconds.

Wataru Sakata goes for a spinning heel kick, but Alex Wright blocks it.
Alex Wright hits Wataru Sakata.
The crowd is booing Alex Wright.
Wataru Sakata kicks Alex Wright.
The chants for Wataru Sakata are deafening.
Alex Wright chops Wataru Sakata.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Alex Wright takes Wataru Sakata down with an enzuigiri to the face.
Alex Wright uses a headlock takedown on Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright takes Wataru Sakata down with a moonsault bodyblock.
Alex Wright pulls the tights.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Alex Wright executes the Bavarian Neckbreaker on Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright goes for the pin.
Alex Wright pulls the tights.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Alex Wright nails Wataru Sakata with an over-the-shoulder stomachbreaker.
Alex Wright whips Wataru Sakata into the ropes, but Wataru Sakata reverses it.
Alex Wright hits a jumping elbow thrust on Wataru Sakata.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Alex Wright runs into the ropes.
Wataru Sakata nails Alex Wright with a spinning heel kick.
Wataru Sakata executes the Single-Leg Crab Hold on Alex Wright.
Alex Wright is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Alex Wright is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Alex Wright breaks the hold after 7 seconds.
Alex Wright whips Wataru Sakata into the ropes, but Wataru Sakata reverses it.
Wataru Sakata hits Alex Wright with a shoulderblock.
Wataru Sakata whips Alex Wright into the ropes.
Wataru Sakata hits Alex Wright with a single-leg takedown.
Wataru Sakata hits Alex Wright.
Wataru Sakata chops Alex Wright.
Alex Wright chops Wataru Sakata.
A fan at ringside badmouths Alex Wright.

Wataru Sakata whips Alex Wright into the guardrail.
Ted Blandford counts: 1.
MsChif comes from behind and distracts Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright uses a jumping elbow thrust on Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright shoves Wataru Sakata into the guardrail.
Alex Wright hits a flying bodypress on Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright runs Wataru Sakata into the ringsteps.
Alex Wright hits Wataru Sakata with a standing moonsault.
Ted Blandford counts: 2.
MsChif comes from behind and distracts Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright shoves Wataru Sakata into the guardrail.
Ted Blandford counts: 3.
Ted Blandford counts: 4.
Ted Blandford counts: 5.
Alex Wright throws Wataru Sakata into the guardrail.
Alex Wright nails Wataru Sakata with a flying bodypress.
Ted Blandford counts: 6.
Ted Blandford counts: 7.
Alex Wright dances for the crowd.
A fan at ringside badmouths Alex Wright.
Alex Wright executes a dragon suplex on Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright throws Wataru Sakata back into the ring.
Alex Wright executes the Bavarian Neckbreaker on Wataru Sakata.
Alex Wright goes for the pin.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, three.
A fan at ringside badmouths Alex Wright.

The winner is Alex Wright. Time of match: 0:19:51

Alex Wright pinned Wataru Sakata with the Bavarian Neckbreaker in 0:19:51.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Alex Wright retained the New York State Heavyweight Title.)
[MsChif interfered against Wataru Sakata.]

This proved to be an extremely competitive title match, with Tag Team Champion Wataru Sakata using the submissions he has had so much success with to keep the champion grounded and to weaken him up to prevent him from hitting his high impact moves. Sakata locked in the Single Leg Crab Hold twice, but both times Wright escaped, even hitting an esoteric version of the jawbreaker to break the hold at one point. The match really turned in favor of Wright when MsChif distracted Sakata on the outside, allowing Wright to hit a series of moves on the concrete before knocking Sakata out cold with the Bavarian Neckbreaker. Once again, the challenger has failed to unseat Alex Wright as New York State Heavyweight Champion.

(Alex Wright grabs a microphone after taking a moment to catch his breath.)

Alex Wright: Das... ist... gut. Another challenger has fallen before me, and
once again I have proven why I am the New York State Heavyweight Champion. For
Two Hundred and Twenty days I have held this title, and I do not plan on losing
it any time soon. Some of the greatest wrestlers here in LIW have fallen to
the Bavarian Neckbreaker. I drove Kensuke Sasaki back to Japan. I came
through against Frank Shamrock when everyone thought I would tap out. I even
EMBARRASSED Cactus Jack by proving that I was just that much better than he
ever was. So whether I face Simon Diamond, Cactus Jack, Frank Shamrock, Mark
Jindrak, or anyone else... you can be sure that I will continue to win. This
title belongs to me, and to New Europe, and there is nothing that anyone can
do about it!

(Fade out)

Don Juan vs. Paul London in a Grudge Match

Paul London shoves Don Juan into the guardrail.
Keith Bancroft counts: 3.
Paul London hits Don Juan with a chop.
Keith Bancroft counts: 4.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Keith Bancroft counts: 5.
Don Juan hits a bodyslam on Paul London.
Don Juan hits a kick to the midsection on Paul London.
Don Juan goes for a Northern Lights suplex, but Paul London counters it with
a DDT.
The crowd breaks into a "London, London" chant.
Paul London whips Don Juan into the guardrail.
Paul London climbs back into the ring.
Don Juan rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Paul London hits Don Juan with a fallaway slam.
There are lots of chants for Paul London.
Paul London takes Don Juan down with a spinning heel kick.

Paul London runs Don Juan into the ringpost.
There are lots of chants for Paul London.
Keith Bancroft counts: 3.
Paul London uses a power bomb on Don Juan.
Paul London uses a clothesline on Don Juan.
Keith Bancroft counts: 4.
Paul London knocks Don Juan into the ringsteps.
Paul London nails Don Juan with an Asai moonsault.
Keith Bancroft counts: 5.
Keith Bancroft counts: 6.
Paul London reenters the ring.
Don Juan rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Paul London executes the London Calling on Don Juan.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, kickout.
Paul London nails Don Juan with a German suplex.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, kickout.
Paul London hits Don Juan with the Running Forearm Smash.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, kickout.

Don Juan whips Paul London into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Don Juan takes Paul London down with a chop.
Keith Bancroft counts: 5.
Keith Bancroft counts: 6.
Don Juan gets back into the ring.
Paul London climbs back into the ring.
Don Juan takes Paul London down with a lariat.
Don Juan executes spinning headscissors on Paul London.
Don Juan works the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Don Juan executes a Northern Lights suplex on Paul London.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Don Juan executes the Cradle Piledriver on Paul London.
Don Juan goes for the pin.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, kickout.
Don Juan goes for a forearm smash, but Paul London blocks it.

Paul London executes the London Calling on Don Juan.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Paul London uses a kick to the head on Don Juan.
Paul London uses spinning headscissors on Don Juan.
Paul London takes Don Juan down with a slingshot into a headscissors takedown.
Paul London goes for a swinging facebuster, but Don Juan counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Don Juan goes for an inverted DDT, but Paul London blocks it.
Paul London nails Don Juan with the Running Forearm Smash.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Paul London executes a dropkick on Don Juan.
Paul London takes Don Juan down with an ax kick.
The chants for Paul London are deafening.
Paul London executes a slingshot splash on Don Juan.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Paul London hits a series of forearm smashes on Don Juan.
The chants for Paul London are deafening.
Paul London punches Don Juan.
The crowd erupts.
Paul London chops Don Juan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Don Juan kicks Paul London.
Don Juan kicks Paul London.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Don Juan uses a jawbreaker on Paul London.
Don Juan nails Paul London with an inverted DDT.
Don Juan takes Paul London down with a chop.
Don Juan hits a fist to the midsection on Paul London.
Don Juan kicks Paul London.
The crowd erupts.
Don Juan hits Paul London.
Don Juan executes the Cradle Piledriver on Paul London.
The crowd is giving Don Juan a standing ovation.
Don Juan goes for the pin.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Don Juan runs into the ropes.
Don Juan misses with an elbow.
Paul London misses with a kick.
Don Juan misses with a clothesline.
Don Juan misses with a kick.
Paul London hits Don Juan with a kick.
Paul London nails Don Juan with a monkey flip.
Paul London executes a chop on Don Juan.
Paul London goes for a kneelift, but Don Juan side-steps and Paul London
only hits air.
Don Juan hits a hiptoss on Paul London.
Don Juan runs into the ropes.
Don Juan hits Paul London with a shoulderblock.
Don Juan works the crowd.
The crowd breaks into a "Don Juan! Don Juan!" chant.
Don Juan executes the Ace Crusher on Paul London.
The crowd erupts.

Don Juan goes for a kick to the midsection, but Paul London counters it with
a legsweep.
Paul London executes the London Calling on Don Juan.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Paul London takes Don Juan down with an ax kick.
Paul London nails Don Juan with an Asai moonsault.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Paul London hits a fallaway slam on Don Juan.
Paul London throws Don Juan out of the ring.
Keith Bancroft counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
Don Juan reenters the ring.
Paul London hits a fireman's carry on Don Juan.
Paul London nails Don Juan with an enzuigiri.
Paul London goes for a moonsault from the second turnbuckle, but Don Juan
rolls out of the way.
Don Juan executes the Cradle Piledriver on Paul London.
Don Juan goes for the pin.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, kickout.
Don Juan whips Keith Bancroft into the ropes.

Paul London follows him back in.
Don Juan kicks Paul London.
The crowd is giving Don Juan a standing ovation.
Paul London chops Don Juan.
The crowd is behind Paul London all the way.
Don Juan punches Paul London.
Don Juan hits Paul London with a lariat.
Don Juan is going for the cover.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, kickout.
Don Juan hits Paul London with spinning headscissors.
Don Juan executes an inside cradle on Paul London.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Don Juan executes a hammerlock on Paul London.
Don Juan is going for the pin.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Don Juan whips Paul London into the ropes.
Don Juan misses with a kick.
Don Juan goes for a dropkick, but Paul London side-steps and Don Juan
only hits air.
Paul London nails Don Juan with the Running Forearm Smash.
Keith Bancroft counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.

The winner is Paul London. Time of match: 0:27:35

Paul London pinned Don Juan after the Running Forearm Smash in 0:27:35.
Rating: **** 3/4

Match of the Year Candidate! Paul London and Don Juan have literally been hating each other for months now, with London feeling that Don Juan reflected poorly on Rudy Boy Gonzales' Texas Wrestling Academy. This escalated from there to a feud that left the confines of the ring including a barfight and London actually jumping the rail to attack Don Juan during an LIW show! With all that history and all that anger, neither man was willing to say die. And so these two fabulous young wrestlers beat each other senseless, kicking out of moves which could well have laid out any lesser workers. Finally, after nearly 30 minutes, both men were exhausted, and a lucky forearm caught Don Juan in just the right place and knocked him out for just long enough for London to pick up the victory.

Don Juan slowly makes his way to his feet, leaning heavily on the ropes, and stares with anger visible on his face at London. Then, he offers his hand... and London takes it! After all the hatred, after all the fights, and after all the problems this feud has caused these two men in their careers, they have finally put it all behind them. What a classy gesture!

Edge vs. Perry Saturn vs. Vampiro

Vampiro uses a flying clothesline on Edge.
Vampiro goes for a lariat, but Edge counters it with a hiptoss.
Edge goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Vampiro blocks it.
Vampiro tags out to Perry Saturn.
Perry Saturn nails Edge with the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Edge whips Perry Saturn into the ropes, but Perry Saturn reverses it.
Perry Saturn executes a facerake on Edge.
Perry Saturn hits Edge with a tiger suplex.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, kickout.
Perry Saturn slowly slides out of the ring.
He grabs brass knuckles from underneath the ring steps.
Perry Saturn hits him with the knuckles.
The crowd is starting to get behind Perry Saturn.
Perry Saturn hits him with brass knuckles.
Perry Saturn goes for a double underhook suplex, but Edge blocks it.
Edge tags out to Vampiro.

Perry Saturn hits Vampiro with a Northern Lights suplex.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Perry Saturn whips Vampiro into the ropes, but Vampiro reverses it.
Vampiro misses with a clothesline.
Vampiro takes Perry Saturn down with a roundhouse kick.
The chants for Vampiro are deafening.
Vampiro hits Perry Saturn with a flying spinning leg lariat.
Vampiro uses a roundhouse kick on Perry Saturn.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Vampiro.
Vampiro is going for the cover.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, kickout.
Vampiro goes for a side suplex, but Perry Saturn counters it with
spinning headscissors.
Perry Saturn has the crowd going wild.
In turn, Vampiro counters it with a throw-off.
Vampiro nails Perry Saturn with a power bomb.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, kickout.
Vampiro takes Perry Saturn down with a powerslam.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, Edge makes the save.
Perry Saturn attempts to place Vampiro on the turnbuckle, but Vampiro blocks it.
Perry Saturn kicks Vampiro.
The crowd is going crazy.
Perry Saturn chops Vampiro.
The crowd is going crazy.
Perry Saturn chops Vampiro.
Perry Saturn goes for a punch, but Vampiro counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
Perry Saturn is struggling to reach the ropes.
Perry Saturn gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Vampiro nails Perry Saturn with a waistlock suplex.
Jeffrey Brace counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Vampiro.

The winner is Vampiro. Time of match: 0:18:55

Triangle Match:
Vampiro defeated Edge and Perry Saturn when Vampiro pinned Saturn after
a waistlock suplex in 0:18:55.
Rating: *** 1/2

Edge, Perry Saturn and Vampiro faced off here in an exhibition match which was mostly dominated by Saturn. Edge and Vampiro are a team, however, and even though they were opponents in this match, they seemed to come to a sort of unspoken agreement to isolate Perry Saturn, which is exactly what they did. Even so, Saturn was difficult for them, as he was able to hit the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza and the Frog Splash several times for close nearfalls. In the end, however, a waistlock suplex got three for Vampiro after nearly 20 minutes of battling.

"Dangan" Masato Tanaka vs. El Mephisto

They lock up.
El Mephisto begs off.
Masato Tanaka runs into the ropes.
Masato Tanaka goes for the Running Forearm Smash but El Mephisto pulls
Jeffrey Brace in the way !
Phillip McAlpine comes running down to the ring.
El Mephisto nails Masato Tanaka with a back suplex.
El Mephisto takes Masato Tanaka down with a legdrop.
El Mephisto whips Masato Tanaka into the ropes.
Masato Tanaka hits El Mephisto with a clothesline.
Masato Tanaka hits El Mephisto with a series of forearm smashes.
Jeffrey Brace slowly regains conciousness.
Jeffrey Brace disqualifies El Mephisto.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

The winner is Masato Tanaka. Time of match: 0:00:37

Masato Tanaka defeated El Mephisto by disqualification in 0:00:37.
Rating: *

Masato Tanaka came here looking to gain a measure of revenge against New Europe since his partner failed to win the title earlier, but El Mephisto wasn't interested, pulling the referee into the way of one of Tanaka's first attacks and then heading for the hills as he was DQ'd. Tanaka struggles to chase him down, but referees hold him back as the ring area is cleared for our main event.

Your Main Event:
International Thug Syndicate (Atlantis, Booker T, Simon Diamond, Stevie Ray & Too Cold Scorpio) & Kevin Nash vs. The Oldschool Express, The Harris Twins, Mikey Whipwreck & Octagon.

They lock up.
Too Cold Scorpio enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ron Harris enters the ring and lays out Too Cold Scorpio.
Ron Harris takes Atlantis down with a waistlock suplex.
Jimmy Snuka hits Atlantis with a flying headbutt.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Ron Harris leaves the ring.
Atlantis catches Jimmy Snuka in a Swastika.
Atlantis lets go after 12 seconds.
Atlantis runs into the ropes.
Atlantis hits Jimmy Snuka with a clothesline.
Jimmy Snuka falls out of the ring.
Ted Blandford counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Jimmy Snuka reenters the ring.
Atlantis covers Jimmy Snuka.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, kickout.
Atlantis hits a vertical suplex on Jimmy Snuka.

Ron Harris executes a Hotshot on Atlantis.
Ted Blandford counts: 1.
Ted Blandford counts: 2.
Ted Blandford counts: 3.
Ron Harris throws Atlantis back into the ring.
Ron Harris whips Atlantis into the ropes.
Atlantis hits Ron Harris with a shoulderblock.
Atlantis nails Ron Harris with a slap.
Atlantis nails Ron Harris with spinning headscissors.
The crowd breaks into a "Didn't You Sink" chant.
Atlantis goes for a flying cross body press, but Ron Harris counters it with
a powerslam.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ron Harris is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Ron Harris hits Atlantis with a fistdrop.
Don Harris enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ron Harris and Don Harris hit Atlantis with a double forearm smash.

Don Harris chops Simon Diamond.
Don Harris is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Don Harris chops Simon Diamond.
Don Harris is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Don Harris chops Simon Diamond.
The crowd is really behind Don Harris.
Simon Diamond hits Don Harris.
Numerous fans are using Simon Diamond for target practice.
Simon Diamond punches Don Harris.
Simon Diamond hits a jumping DDT on Don Harris.
The crowd is vociferously booing Simon Diamond.
Simon Diamond goes for a back suplex, but Don Harris blocks it.
Don Harris whips Simon Diamond into the ropes.
Don Harris misses with a clothesline.
Don Harris goes for the Big Boot, but Simon Diamond counters it with a lariat.
Simon Diamond executes the Simonizer on Don Harris.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Simon Diamond goes for the pin.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, Arn Anderson makes the save.
Simon Diamond tags out to Booker T.
Booker T goes for a kick to the midsection, but Don Harris blocks it.
Don Harris executes a kneelift on Booker T.
Don Harris goes for a back suplex, but Booker T counters it with a bulldog.
Booker T is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Booker T hits a flying clothesline on Don Harris.
Booker T is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Booker T runs into the ropes.
Don Harris hits Booker T with a clothesline.
Don Harris whips Booker T into the ropes, but Booker T reverses it.
Booker T hits Don Harris with a shoulderblock.
Booker T takes Don Harris down with a back heel kick.
Booker T goes for a spinebuster slam, but Don Harris counters it with a kneelift.
Don Harris gets a bearhug on Booker T.

Don Harris takes Stevie Ray down with a headbutt.
Don Harris hits Stevie Ray.
Don Harris has the crowd going wild.
Don Harris hits Stevie Ray.
The crowd is really behind Don Harris.
Don Harris goes for a Canadian backbreaker, but Stevie Ray blocks it.
Stevie Ray whips Don Harris into the ropes.
Stevie Ray hits Don Harris with a kick.
Stevie Ray tags Booker T.
Stevie Ray nails Don Harris with a bodyslam.
Booker T executes the Harlem Hangover and goes for the pin.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Booker T tags out to Stevie Ray.
Booker T enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ron Harris enters the ring and throws Booker T out of the ring.
Don Harris and Ron Harris whip Stevie Ray into the ropes.
Don Harris and Ron Harris hit Stevie Ray with a double chop.

Stevie Ray runs into the ropes.
Stevie Ray hits Don Harris with a clothesline.
Don Harris falls out of the ring.
Stevie Ray rolls out under the bottom rope.
Stevie Ray shoves Don Harris into the guardrail.
Stevie Ray goes for a punch, but Don Harris counters it with a roundhouse right.

Ted Blandford counts: 1.
Don Harris whips Stevie Ray into the guardrail.
Don Harris hits an elbowsmash on Stevie Ray.
Ted Blandford counts: 2.
Don Harris whips Stevie Ray into the guardrail.
Don Harris hits Stevie Ray with a headbutt.
Ted Blandford counts: 3.
Don Harris climbs back into the ring.
Stevie Ray climbs back into the ring.
Don Harris tags out to Jimmy Snuka.
Jimmy Snuka and Don Harris hit Stevie Ray with a double vertical suplex.
Don Harris leaves the ring.
Jimmy Snuka uses a reverse neckbreaker on Stevie Ray.
Jimmy Snuka executes the Superfly Splash on Stevie Ray.
Ted Blandford counts: One, two, three.
Stevie Ray complains about a fast count.
The crowd is behind Jimmy Snuka all the way.

The winners are
The Harris Twins, The Oldschool Express, Octagon and Mikey Whipwreck.
Time of match: 0:23:56

The Harris Twins (Ron Harris and Don Harris), The Oldschool Express (Arn Anderso
n and Jimmy Snuka), Octagon and Mikey Whipwreck defeated International Thug Synd
icate (Atlantis, Booker T, Simon Diamond, Stevie Ray and Too Cold Scorpio) and K
evin Nash when J. Snuka pinned S. Ray with the Superfly Splash in 0:23:56.
Rating: * 3/4

Upon his return, Booker T immediately issued a challenge for this match. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't expecting opponents of the calibre which rose to face the International Thug Syndicate. While the Syndicate did their best, they were simply overpowered by The Harris Twins, outwrestled by The Oldschool Express, and too slow to keep up with Octagon and Mikey Whipwreck. The Syndicate has taken on the best LIW has to offer and lost, but you have to expect they won't give up this easily, especially with Simon Diamond the Top Contender.

Card rating: ** 3/4

Match of the Evening: Don Juan vs. Paul London


Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
VertigoPosted on 03/09/05 at 07:32:24

Alex Wright is a New York State Heavyweight Championship defending machine! However, Sakata did have to beat two other guys earlier in the show before getting an opportunity at the title.

I am even more anticipating Jindrak's shot at the title. He has to be so close to earning that shot and I feel that he could be the guy to dethrone Wright. Speaking of Jindrak, that was quote a funny little confrontation between him and Steiner... the staff put the icing on the cake though with their comments.

I'm not quite digging the Usurpers. Their name is weird, too. But I should give them time. They'll probably breakout in no time.
Critic of the DawnPosted on 03/10/05 at 18:06:06

LIW Newsline - 1/31/06

One Year Down in Rochester was a huge success, with fans traveling from across the state and the region to help us celebrate our first anniversery.  Coming off of this successful show, LIW will be heading to Buffalo in just a few days to present our next show, A Midwinter Night's Dream, on February 4.  Tickets went on sale at One Year Down, and most of the ringside seats sold out before the night is through.  There are still a number of third and fourth row tickets available, however, and General Admission is also a viable option.

The International Thug Syndicate is in an uproar after their defeat at the hands of three of the top tag teams in LIW and because of its ramifications.  Due to their being so decisively defeated, the booking committee has announced that Simon Diamond must defend his Top Contendership in Buffalo against three other worthy contenders!  Needless to say, Simon Diamond has been quite vocal in speaking out against Booker T since word of this reached him, claiming that laying low and then taking the title would have done MUCH more to make an impact in LIW than Booker's shortsighted mass attack tactics.

"Heavy D" Don Harris hasn't been in the ring much in the past few months because his twin brother "Violent R" Ron Harris has been trying (with limited success, unfortunately) to focus his attention on singles competition.  Don Harris was reportedly happy to get back into action at the last show, and has requested a match at the next show.  No members of the LIW roster will be available for him to face due to other plans by the committee, so they have promised to bring in a suitable opponent for him.

Word has reached us that former WWE World Heavyweight Champion "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton has heard good things about Long Island Wrestling, and that he plans to pay LIW a visit.  In a telephone interview, he stated, "Mick has told me that there is some great talent in the LIW locker room, including some guys that WWE never really gave a fair chance in the past.  I'd like to get a look for myself to see what everyone is talking about."  Orton has even secured permission from WWE to compete in a match at A Midwinter Night's Dream if he so chooses.

Finally, we have received word of a Four Corners Tag Team Match with the Top Contendership for Dangan's New York State Tag Team Titles on the line.  Dangan are still undefeated in tag team action here in LIW after 6 whole months, but the booking committee has called for four of the top tag teams to fight it out in hopes of qualifying for a shot.  Booker T and Stevie Ray, collectively known as Harlem Heat, are without a doubt one of the top tag teams of the 1990s, and they have formed the heart of the International Thug Syndicate since it appeared months ago.  The Oldschool Express came within a hair of winning the Tag Team Titles a couple months back in what was probably the best match in LIW's history, so they have been deemed potentially worthy of another shot.  Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian finally broke their losing streak at One Year Down, so they have been afforded the opportunity to ride that momentum to a title shot if they are good enough to come out on top in this match.  Finally, the booking committee has requested that Cactus Jack find himself a tag team partner to compete with in this match, but given the short notice he may have difficulty finding someone that has not already wrestled.

LIW Top Five
Champion: Alex Wright

1) Simon Diamond - Though Simon Diamond must defend his top contendership status, for the moment he still holds the position.  Even if he did not, he might be worth considering for a spot in the top five, as he has a very impressive 6-3 record in singles competition.

2) "The Ironman" Mark Jindrak - Jindrak picks up another easy victory, this time over former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Scott Steiner.  Jindrak has held this position for quite a long time, and it seems extremely likely that he will be one of the competitors who will face Diamond for the Top Contendership.

3) Edward Chastain - The Usurpers' Monster makes his debut in the top five after two straight impressive victories, first over former Top 5 mainstay Mikey Whipwreck, and the second over the always dangerous Ron Harris.  It is becoming increasingly obvious that if this big man sets his sights on you, all the cake in the world can't save you.

4) "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson - The booking committee has stated that if Anderson was not trying to win a rematch for the Tag Team Titles, he would have been booked to face Simon Diamond.  Since he isn't, it seems likely that he will continue to sit at the four spot for the time being.

5) "The British Sensation" Jonny Storm - Storm suffered an unfortunate defeat at the hands of Wataru Sakata last week in the Top Contendership match, but he was not the one who took the fall, so he maintains his number five slot due to his strong 8-6 record.  Still, with the amount of new talent moving up in the rankings, Storm is going to need to start racking up some significant wins if he wishes to hold on to this spot.


Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
americamamushiPosted on 03/10/05 at 19:34:00

Do you use the WCW to figure your top 5 or the W-L standings or do you do that yourself?

Just wondering.  If you answered it before I missed it (obviosuly) :)
Critic of the DawnPosted on 03/11/05 at 17:48:06

Alex Wright has been extremely impressive here in LIW.  He had a midcard position in my old NDW circuit, but always fell short when given a shot at the bigtime.  Here in LIW, though, he seems to be all but unstoppable in his title defenses.  Very impressive.

At this point, Jindrak is pretty much the uncrowned champion of LIW.  He seems to be practically unstoppable, and as the Newsline said, it seems likely that he'll be getting a shot at the Top Contendership at the next show.

I think the problem with the Usurpers is that both they and New Europe are heel stables, and that the Usurpers don't seem to have quite the same cohesion as New Europe and ITS yet.  That's something I'm going to have to work on in the next few cards, I suppose.

As for the Top Five, the number one spot goes to the Top Contender.  After that, the rest are done by the Weight Class Wizard (occasionally with a minor adjustment by me for storyline reasons).  This explains Arn Anderson's inclusion in the Top 5 despite the fact that he hasn't had a singles match in months - I'm considering dropping him from the list in the near future if he continues to concentrate on Tag Team Wrestling.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
TerryFunkaPosted on 03/11/05 at 18:05:33

Wonder how long before we see Diamond vs Jindrak in a number 1 contenders match
Critic of the DawnPosted on 03/12/05 at 17:40:10

LIW Newsline - 2/3/06

We are on the eve of A Midwinter Night's Dream in Buffalo, and given the short turnaround between One Year Down and the upcoming show tomorrow night, we have been extremely busy.  We do have some exciting new news for all of LIW's fans who might be looking for a reason to attend our show, however.

First of all, LIW has come to terms with former ROH and WWE superstar PAUL LONDON, who as you might recall was released by WWE due to disciplign problems stemming from his ongoing battles with Don Juan.  The two finally put aside their differences at One Year Down, and after much urging from Don Juan, LIW has granted London a 12 month contract.  London is reportedly touched by this gesture of respect from Don Juan, and has extended the hand of friendship... and of partnership.  If word is to be believed, these two men will begin teaming together at A Midwinter Night's Dream, and considering the extrordinary talent of both athletes, these two could very well be going somewhere in the tag team division.

Rumor has it that Stevie Ray took a nasty knock to the head when Jimmy Snuka hit the Superfly Splash on him to end the main event of One Year Down.  While Booker T claims that his brother is fully capable of wrestling, we must remember that the last time Stevie Ray took a knock to his head, he thought he was Mario for quite a few months.  Has this blow knocked some sense back into Stevie Ray, or has it just confused the poor bastard even more?

Aviv Maayan has challenged Perry Saturn to a rematch.  Maayan was Saturn's first opponent here in LIW, and Saturn wasted no time in flattening him with a Death Valley Driver and a Frog Splash, getting a win in under three minutes.  With Saturn suffering a pinfall defeat at the hands of Vampiro just days ago, Maayan hopes that he can get his win back.  Saturn wasted no time in accepting Maayan's challenge, promising to give him a fair shot.  If Maayan can pull out a victory against Saturn, it will be a huge feather in his cap, as Saturn is an extrordinarily dangerous wrestler and Maayan has yet to earn a win here in LIW.

The booking committee has confirmed the participants in the Top Contender's Match tomorrow night.  Simon Diamond will be defending his Top Contendership against "Violent R" Ron Harris, The Usurpers' Chris "HAIL!" Sabin, and none other than "The Ironman" MARK JINDRAK.  Fans have been clamoring for Jindrak to get a title shot for months now due to his outstanding record, and it looks like he will finally have a chance to earn one tomorrow night.  If you needed a reason to attend A Midwinter Night's Dream... you may just have found one.

The four tag teams contending to face Dangan at A Midwinter Night's Dream are all extremely different, and all reports indicate that Masato Tanaka and Wataru Sakata have been going through intensive training here in the US for the entire past week, even skipping two dates in Zero-One to ensure that they're ready, and that the long flights to and from Japan don't wear them down.  While Dangan will be fresh and their opponents will not, you cannot underestimate the factor of uncertainty.  Tanaka and Sakata cannot focus on counters to power wrestling and brawling to prepare for Harlem Heat, because they might have to contend with Hardcore tactics from Cactus Jack and his partner, chain wrestling from The Oldschool Express, or high flying from Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian.  Their opponents will have a much easier time scouting them, but because they must wrestle before the main event, things even out somewhat.  One thing is certain: whoever qualifies to face Dangan for the Tag Team Titles, this is likely to be a classic match.

Matches Confirmed for A Midwinter Night's Dream:
* Aviv Maayan vs. Perry Saturn
* Don Harris vs. TBA
* Simon Diamond vs. Ron Harris vs. Chris Sabin vs. Mark Jindrak for the Top Contendership
* WWE's RANDY ORTON will be making an appearance.
* Harlem Heat vs. The Oldschool Express vs. Michael Shane & Frankie Kazarian vs. Cactus Jack & A partner for the Top Contendership to the Tag Team Titles
* The Winners of the Top Contendership match vs. Dangan for the New York State Tag Team Titles

Also confirmed for the show are New York State Heavyweight Champion Alex Wright, "The British Sensation" Jonny Storm, Mikey Whipwreck, "The Master of the Eight Angles" Octagon, El Mephisto, the team of Paul London & Don Juan, Edge, and the team of Lance Storm & Kid Kash.


Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
rey619Posted on 03/13/05 at 05:16:29

Randy Orton!!! Maybe his Indy-hating days aren't quite over yet...

Alex Wright is a monster.. too bad he quit wrestling years ago in real life.. maybe he can return to TNA? They seem to enjoy bringing in retired wrestlers.

I'll tell you.. you pushing Mark Jindrak is the only reason I'm gonna watch Jindrak vs Reigns on Smackdown this week... (don't spoil it please  ;D).. so now I have two reasons for watching Smackdown (Rey and Jindrak.. hehe.. )
Critic of the DawnPosted on 03/13/05 at 07:26:16

I'm really looking forward to Randy Orton's appearance.  I think that it's going to turn out extremely interestingly.

Actually, according to a quick look around, Alex Wright apparently wrestles in Germany from time to time, with a particular show in June of 2003 for the NAWA promotion being the most recent specific one I can find.  Apparently that was his first match back after several years away from the ring.  Not sure if it was a onetime gig, something he does occasionally, or if he's back fulltime now.

I'm really amused by how over Jindrak is, both in the circuit itself (he's got a 9) and here on the forums.  Certainly can't complain about it, though.

Eric "Critic of the Dawn"
VertigoPosted on 03/13/05 at 16:13:34

Jindrak made such a strong first impression! Had he come in and just gelled with the rest of the promotion, he wouldn't be so over - but he stood out immediatly and his impact was huge! He's the Ironman! How can someone not get behind that?